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Moments: Chapter 4

T - Words: 1,596 - Last Updated: Feb 26, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Feb 21, 2013 - Updated: Feb 26, 2013
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"So if you were in glee club with Sam then you must be from Lima as well." Blaine said.

"Born and raised. I got out there as soon as I could you don't know how much it sucks to be a gay kid in Ohio."

"Actually I do. I'm from Westerville."


"Yeah, Sam said that we competed against you guys a few times."

"We?" Kurt asked.

"Nick, Jeff and I were all in the Dalton Academy Warblers."

"Oh! I remember you! You were the hot lead soloist!"

"Well I was the lead guilty I guess?"

"Oh god! Was Puck right? Is Dalton a 'gay school'?" Kurt asked making air quotes.

"I don't know who Puck is but no there were a lot of straight guys there too."

"I tried to spy on you guys once but I got a flat tire."

"Really? I wonder what would have happened if you didn't get a flat? Maybe we would've met."

"We'll never know."

"Shall we do the typical first date getting to know you thing?"

"Sure. Can I start?"

"Go ahead."

"Ummm....tell me about your family."

"Not much to tell without going into the agreed upon second date material, I've got a mom, a dad and an older brother. You?"

"A dad, a step-mom and a step-brother who is the same age as me. My mom died when I was eight."

"That really sucks."

"It does. Tell me who your first date was with."

"This guy named Sebastian from Dalton, he intrigued me at first but when we went out he was such a pompous ass. He spent the whole time trying to get into my pants. Yours?"

"A guy named Chandler who I met at a music store....huh, that's apparently a thing for me. Anyway he was nice enough but there was no spark."

"There's gotta be a spark."

"Yes there does. First kiss?"

"Jeff, before he met Nick. We were playing spin the bottle. I hope for Nick's sake that Jeff's kissing has improved since then 'cause it was bad. You?"

"Chandler. It's what convinced me there was no spark. Umm...ok this is more awkward and personal but how many guys have you slept with?"

", ok. None."

"I'm sorry did you say nine?"

"No I said none as in zero."

"Oh...but how? You're gorgeous."

Blaine blushed. "Thanks. I've just never been in love so....yeah don't judge me please."

"I wouldn't. I've been with one guy. We weren't in love or anything though. I had just moved here and went to this party where I got drunk and slept with a random, fortunately we were sober enough to remember to use a condom but I felt so cheap afterwards that I decided not to have sex with a guy unless I was in love with him. You can judge me if you want."

"No judgements here." Blaine said raising his hands.

"Ok. Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"No, you?"


"Oh, I have a question. Have you ever kissed a girl?" Blaine asked trying to lighten the mood.

"I have actually, a friend of mine name Brittany. I was trying to be straight. You?"

"Yeah, when we were playing spin the bottle and I kissed Jeff I also kissed my friend David's girlfriend. It was awkward."

"Let's see next question....oh! Are you in school?"

"Yeah I go to Juilliard, you?"


"Oh, I hear they don't accept very many people; you must be very good."

Kurt shrugged. "I could say the same about you, Juilliard is very impressive."

"Well I guess we're both very talented."

"I guess so. Next question, who is your celebrity crush?"

"If I have to pick just one I'd have to go with Ryan Gosling."

"Good choice. I have to answer that now don't I?"

Blaine nodded.

"Ok, you might not have heard of him as he isn't super famous yet. It's the guy from those Free Credit Rating commercials."

"Cooper Anderson." Blaine gulped.

"Yes! You've heard of him? Hardly anyone has which is a shame he's so dreamy, he's..."

"My brother, he's my brother." Blaine interrupted.

"Oh. Well that's embarrassing."

"And awkward."

"And awkward. I guess I need to find a new celebrity crush."

"I'll share Ryan with you if you want." Blaine offered.

"That's very generous and kinky of you. I'm in." Kurt teased.

The boys sat talking in the coffee shop until the manager came over to tell them they either had to buy more drinks over leave, Blaine looked at his watch and realised they had been there for almost four hours.

"Do you want to grab some dinner?" Kurt asked

"I would love to, can we go to my place and I can cook? I'm not a great cook but I do pretty good spaghetti." Blaine replied.

"That works."

Blaine took Kurt's hand as they walked to Blaine's apartment. They were surprised to find Nick and Jeff in Blaine's apartment putting away groceries.

"What are you two doing?" Blaine greeted his friends.

"We brought you food, oh hey phone guy!" Jeff said turning around.

"Um...hi?" Kurt replied.

"Guys this is Kurt." Blaine introduced the boy.

"Nice to meet you properly Kurt, I'm Nick this is my boyfriend Jeff." Nick said shaking Kurt's hand.

"So why did you guys bring me food?" Blaine asked.

"Cause you needed some." Nick replied.

"I was going to go shopping on the weekend." Blaine told him.

"Yeah but groceries are expensive." Jeff said.

"Umm...I think I'm going to go downstairs and hang out with Sam for a bit." Kurt said backing out of the room.

"I know I'm not rich like you guys anymore but I can afford my own food. I don't need the charity." Blaine said rubbing his forehead.

"We should tell him." Nick said to Jeff.

"I think you're right Nicky."

"Tell me what?"

"The money we give you, the money we use to buy you groceries, it isn't ours." Nick said slowly.

"It's your parents money, I figured since neither of you has a job." Blaine said

"No, I mean it''s from Cooper. He knew you wouldn't take it from him so he sends it to us and we give it to you." Nick explained.

Blaine blinked a few times trying to let it sink in.

"We haven't spoken since my parents cut me off."

"We know, he calls us all the time to ask about you." Jeff said patting Blaine's back.

"He doesn't call me."

"He tried a few times but you didn't answer."

"I took my anger at my parents out on him, didn't I?"

"You did Blainers, but Cooper isn't like them. He's a good guy underneath all his crazy." Nick said.

"Just like the two of you." Blaine smiled.

"Was that a compliment? Did Blainers just compliment us Nicky?"

"I think he might have Jeffy."

The three boys shared a quick hug.

"You should call Cooper." Jeff told Blaine.

"I will, not today though I need to wrap my head around this."

"So, how did you find phone guy?" Nick said changing the subject.

"He came into the store." Blaine explained heading down the stairs to tell Kurt it was safe to come back up. Nick and Jeff bounded after him.

"Kurtsie you can come back up now!" Jeff called.

"Kurtsie? I like it." Nick told his boyfriend.

"I don't." Kurt said.

"Trust me they don't care." Blaine told him.

"Hey Sammy!" Jeff waved.

"Hi Niff." He replied.

"Look Blainers found phone guy!" Jeff said excitedly.

"I know, I was there plus I know Kurt." Sam said.

"You do? White Chocolate was holding out on us!" Jeff exclaimed.

"Wait, do you have other friends Sammy? Outside of the three of us?" Nick asked with a mix of surprise and hurt.

"Yes." Sam replied.

Nick and Jeff gasped and grabbed onto each other.

"He has other friends." Nick said to Jeff.

"He has other gay friends! We're not special!" Jeff explained.

"I'm devastated! Are you devastated?" Nick asked.

"I am! Are you devastated Blainers?" Jeff asked.

"No, he is allowed to have outside friends." Blaine said shrugging.

"Oh god now Blaine is going to tell us he has other friends!" Nick sobbed.

"If I had other friends why would I hang out with the two of you?" Blaine asked.

"You love us Blainers!" They said in unison each kissing one of his cheeks.

"Whatever. Kurt and I going upstairs to have some dinner." Blaine said.

"Sounds good! I'm hungry." Jeff said clapping his hands.

"Honey, I think they want to be alone." Nick said.

"Oh! But we didn't buy Blaine any condoms!" Jeff exclaimed worriedly.

"Oh shit! We should run to the store and get some!" Nick said.

"Guys! Stop! We just met!" Blaine said his eyes wide.

"Kurt, Blaine why don't you two go upstairs I'll see if I can distract Niff." Sam suggested.


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I love Nick and Jeff in this haha, great fic so far!

Thank you! Nick and Jeff's craziness is really fun to write.

"That's very generous and kinky of you. I'm in." best line ever ... love it