April 25, 2012, 7:26 a.m.
April 25, 2012, 7:26 a.m.
Thanks for all the reviews and everything, you guys are awesome!
Second chapter in a day? :O I love writing seriously.
Well, erm changed the rating just to be safe because I don't know how far I'll go smut wise. I say that because I've never even thought I'd write smut but you never know.
This chapter doesn't feature Kurt and is more like a filler but still as important for reasons you'll see.
Warnings: Some heavyish making out between two guys? nothing too graphic. ;)
enjoy! and reviews are appreciated
I own nothing except an imaginative mind!
Cooper didn't like Sebastian, he didn't quite know why but ever since Blaine introduced him when Cooper went to visit his family in New York he just didn't like him. Sure he was a nice enough kid and he cared about Blaine; that much was evident but there was just something about his personality that Cooper didn't like. It might be the constant groping of his little brother or the verbal groping, (that boy just did not have any sort of filter, unless it was in front of Blaine's parents.) or maybe it was even the fact Cooper was still waiting for Blaine to get with Kurt. Cooper just knew he didn't like Sebastian.
Which didn't make things any easier for Cooper when Sebastian was sitting across from him in his families front room, with his smug little meerkat face and his arm draped over Blaine's shoulders like he was some sort of prize. Of course his charms were winning over Blaine's parents but not his brother, no, Cooper was much smarter than that.
"I'm so glad you could find time to visit Sebastian!" Blaine's mother cooed, she really did like Sebastian. He was charming and utterly gorgeous after all. "Blaine has been walking around with a sour expression since we got here," Blaine blushed at this, his mom was over exaggerating a bit, yes he missed Sebastian and he was a bit moody, but mostly it was because of reasons other than Sebastian like Kurt for instance.
"Well I'm here now Mrs Anderson, it may only be for a little while but I'm sure I'll make Blaine very happy while I'm here," Sebastian at this point had his arm removed from Blaine's shoulders and instead had his hand on Blaine's leg, which is why he wasted no opportunity to move up and squeeze Blaine's thigh without anyone noticing.
Cooper noticed however and eyed Sebastian carefully. His parents may be oblivious to the obvious beginnings of foreplay happening right in front of their faces but Cooper wasn't.
Blaine was embarrassed, usually he didn't mind Sebastian's advances because well, Sebastian was hot and he was his boyfriend and why the hell not. But ever since Kurt, Blaine was looking for something more than a quick grope in his front room, he wanted romance and all that gooey crap.
Which is why he was sitting in his bedroom having a serious conversation between kisses with Sebastian.
"Seb," Kiss "Seb can we talk?"
Sebastian murmured what sounded like 'sure' as he started kissing down Blaine's neck which caused the shorted boy to groan.
"No I mean like seriously with all the aah-" Sebastian started to slowly nibble on the spot under Blaine's ear that he knew he just loved. "Baby, come on I'm serious we can make out after."
"God damn it Blaine, you sure know how to cockblock." Sebastian sighed and sat up, straightening his shirt which was becoming ruffled from the movements. "Well?"
"I uh.. Do you ever want you know more..?" Blaine began, unsure how to work this properly.
"If you wanted to talk about that Blaine you should've just asked," Sebastian smiled and Blaine looked hopeful. "I mean you wanna have sex right?" Hope gone.
"Oh no, I don't mean sex Seb." Blaine looked Sebastian in the eyes. "I mean like… romance? Love? All that cheesy valentines stuff. You know the 'I miss you mores' and the puppies and all that?"
Sebastian looked amused, "Right.. What on earth has Ohio done to you Blaine? I get romance and everything but that's not what you've been about, it's not what we've been about like ever. What brought this on?"
"Nothing I was just curious that's all."
Sebastian looked thoughtful, he really did care about Blaine and if Blaine wanted romance and whatever he was sure as brilliant as he was he could manage that much at least, for Blaine. "I can't promise anything since I've never actually tried that soppy stuff, but I can try at least." Sebastian looked away shyly, "For you I mean."
Blaine grinned. That's all he was asking for really, for Sebastian to try. He didn't want to push him into anything.
Sebastian kissed Blaine slowly at first but then the kisses became more passionate as Sebastian pushed Blaine onto his back.
"I've missed this so much, damn you're gorgeous," Sebastian murmured into Blaine's mouth.
Blaine was trying to get into the kiss, he really was but his mind wasn't in it. Instead of thinking of the gorgeous boyfriend which he hasn't seen in ages who is currently pressing into him, he thought of Kurt and Kurt's soft lips and how they felt on his and oh-
"Looks like someone missed me," Sebastian chuckled and Blaine's face went hot as he realised he had an erection.
Blaine sat upright so quick Sebastian nearly flew of the bed.
"What the hell Blaine?" Sebastian asked with utter confusion in his voice.
"I uh.. I think I should go uh.. Cool down my parents are just upstairs and Cooper, you know Cooper could come down at any minute." and with that Blaine ran into his en-suite bathroom leaving a dishevelled Sebastian shocked and confused on his bed.
"What the actual HELL Blaine? You're making out with you BOYFRIEND and you get a boner over someone else? Really Blaine really?" Blaine whispered to himself after turning the cold tap on full blast and splashing his face.
Blaine thought he should just go confess everything to Sebastian, let him break up with him just get it over and done with. Obviously being Blaine Anderson, he chickened out and just decided to mentally beat himself up later.
Blaine left the bathroom after about 10 minutes and Sebastian was on his bed with his shirt halfway undone, of course. With Blaine's phone in his hand.
"Hey baby, whose Kurt?" Sebastian asked.
Blaine made a noise that sounded halfway between a squeak and a cry. "Kurt?" Blaine asked pretending to have a hard time placing him. "Oh just some guy from school why?"
"Oh I just saw a text come up from him asking if you wanted to get coffee today," Sebastian smirked. Blaine couldn't place why.
"Oh well I'll just text him saying I'm busy with you, my boyfriend." Blaine nervously laughed.
"Oh no need, I already text him."
"You did?" Blaine asked, nervous.
"Yeah, I told him you would. he's meeting you in a place called the Lima Bean at 2," Sebastian smiled, slyly. "You don't mind if I come along right?"
"Of course not Seb," Blaine tried his best to smile but he guessed it came out as more of a grimace.
Well wasn't this going to be interesting.