Shallow waters run deep
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Shallow waters run deep: Chapter 23

E - Words: 1,638 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 33/33 - Created: Jun 07, 2012 - Updated: Aug 04, 2013
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Kurt was half way through his first trimester, and just as Blaine had predicted, Kurt was teary eyed and emotional 24/7 as it was Christmas Kurt and Blaine were meant to be going to Burt and Carole's to spend Christmas with the whole family, but at this rate they were going nowhere.

Kurt only had his green and red button down on and his black skinny jeans on the floor, he had his arms crossed over his chest scowling at himself in the mirror, Mason was dressed and so was Blaine "Kurt, what's wrong?" Blaine decided he better see what was taking Kurt so long as he walked into their bedroom, he saw Kurt was only half dressed and not happy.

"My black skinny jeans don't go with my red and green shirt." Kurt huffed holding up the black skinny jeans as evidence.

"Well why not wear your red skinny jean's?" Blaine asked taking the black skinny jeans from Kurt and hanging them back up in their closet.

"Because there in the wash." Kurt scowled, Blaine sighed to himself, getting out his own pair of red skinny jeans.

"Want to wear mine?" Blaine said offering Kurt the jeans.

"They won't fit they'll be baggy on me because your taller than me now. Not the hobbit you used to be." Kurt said bursting into tears.

Blaine smiled and walked over to Kurt getting on his knees in front of him.

"They'll look fine on you." Blaine pushed the red skinny jeans into Kurt's lap "I'll be downstairs', come down when you're ready." Blaine kissed Kurt on the forehead before leaving the room and walking down the stairs.

Kurt got into Blaine's skinny jean's which were not as baggy as he thought, wiped his eyes before walking downstairs to meet Blaine and Mason "Hey, you." Blaine said as he saw Kurt emerge from the hallway, Kurt smiled walking into Blaine's waiting arm's "See they look fine. Ready to go?" Kurt nodded picking up Mason who Blaine had already put in his baby carrier/car seat.
It wasn't a long drive to Burt and Carole's so they made it to there's for 10:00am Blaine had put all of the present's in the car the night before. Kurt had finally dropped off after saying sorry to Blaine 3 time's for calling him a hobbit but surprisingly to Blaine, there were no tears, Blaine pulled up in front of Burt's "Kurt, we're here" Kurt stirred from his sleep, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hand making the most adorable half yawn half squeak sound Blaine had ever heard.
Kurt got out and knocked on the door with Mason, while Blaine got all of the presents out of the car, only taking him two trips.
"Kurt!" Rachel squealed when she saw Kurt appear in the door frame she ran over to him wrapping her arms around him, Kurt hugged her back using one arm seen as he still had Mason in the baby carrier in the other, Blaine had placed all of the presents under the already fully filled Christmas tree before being greeted by a hug from Carole.

"How was the drive?" Burt asked taking the baby carrier off of Kurt.

"Ok, not too much traffic." Blaine heard footsteps on the stairs and then an excited squeak.

"Uncle Kurt, Uncle Blaine!" Maria ran down the stairs and ran straight into Blaine's waiting arms.
After everyone had said their hello's and all journey question's had been asked and answered Carole and Kurt set the table for Breakfast, Carole had done the toast, egg's, and bacon while Kurt made the pancakes. "So, how is it? Being pregnant again." Carole asked, her back turned to Kurt.

"Ok, Blaine's been brilliant as always it’s just these damn hormone's." Kurt smiled.

"I know what you mean. Your skinny jeans are a little baggy for skinny jeans aren't they?" Carole asked, not knowing if they were meant to be, or not.

"Their Blaine's mine were in the wash and I was having one of my hormonal morning's"
Once all the food was ready they placed the food on the big dining room table (that Burt and Carole only used when they had company) on serving trays so everybody could just help themselves, Kurt started to make up Mason's bottle once everyone was sat at the table, he felt a pair of hands on his hip's that made him jump, luckily not spilling the water .

"I'll do that." Blaine said taking the bottle out of Kurt's hands.

"No, you eat. I'll do it." Blaine turned Kurt so he was facing towards the dining room.

"No, you do everything. I'll do it." Blaine placed the bottle on the side "Your eating for two."

Kurt crossed his arms over his chest "If you wasn't right, you'd have that milk power over your head." Kurt said turning and walking out to the dining room."
Maria was the first to finish and sat in the living room patiently to open her present's once everyone was finished. Mostly everyone was in the living room apart from Rachel and Carole who were washing up, Mason was in his baby carrier next to the 3 chair sofa, Kurt and Blaine were on the sofa next to Mason, Kurt between Blaine's leg's his head resting on Blaine's chest and Blaine's arms wrapped around Kurt, Finn sitting on the 2 chair sofa waiting for Rachel and Burt sitting in his arm chair with Maria in his lap.
Once Rachel and Carole had finished the washing up, they came into the living room "Can we open presents now?" Maria asked getting off of Burt's lap at lightning speed Carole and Burt nodded before Maria looked under the tree and handed everyone a present with their name on it "Open yours first Mommy." Rachel looked at the card attached to the present "To Rachel, Merry Christmas with all my heart. Finn. xx" Rachel smiled at the letter before opening the rectangular shaped box she opened the box and her heart stopped when in the box she saw a 14K white gold locket She carefully removed the necklace from its box opening it, seeing it was 4 parts and inside Finn had already filled it with 4 picture's 1 of Finn, 1 of Maria 1 of Rachel herself and 1 of all 3 of them.

"I love it." Rachel said kissing Finn before passing the necklace to Finn so he could put it on her.

"Now you Daddy." Maria said looking at her daddy excitedly "Merry Christmas Finn. Love always, Rachel. xx" Finn smiled realising he had Rachel's present. He opened it, his smile only getting wider when he saw that it was the Iphone 4gs in white.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." Finn said like an excited school boy "Puck is going to be so jealous when I show him." Finn kissed Rachel on the cheek.
"Now you Grandpa Burt." Maria said turning to her Grandpa "Merry Christmas, honey. Carole. xx" Burt opened his present smiling when he saw Carole had gotten him tickets to go to the next football game his team were playing.
"Thank you" Burt said appreciating his gift.
"Your turn Grandma Carole." Carole, open her present which to her surprise she saw a card envelope, when she opened it she gasped in shock when she saw 2 tickets for a plane to France, Paris.

"We're going to Paris" Carole said a little shocked. Kurt aww'd.

"That's sweet." Kurt said.
"Open your present now, Uncle Blaine" Blaine did as he was asked "To Blaine, Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Love forever, Kurt. xx" Blaine opened the small rectangular box with a curved lid to reveal a Giorgio Armani silver watch Blaine smiled removing the watch from the red velvet pillow and putting it on his wrist.

"Thank you." Blaine kissed Kurt gently on the lips.
"Uncle Kurt, your turn." Kurt read the familiar hand writing on his gift "To my one and only true love, Kurt Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Love always, Blaine. xx" Kurt carefully unwrapped the present upon seeing the box his eyes lit up "Marc Jacob's" was written across the shoe box, he opened the shoe box and saw black Marc Jacob's winter boot's, Kurt didn't have a word to say so instead just kissed Blaine to show his appreciation.

"My turn" Maria said opening her gift which was from her Mom and Dad once she had opened it she saw Marc Jacob's Daisy perfume "Thank you." Maria said practically tackle hugging her parents.
The present opening continued for about 30 minutes after that Kurt receiving various things from watches to jewellery, Maria receiving a Marc Jacob's dress from Kurt and Blaine, Mason received mostly money or vouchers aside from the 1 or 2 baby grows.
Everyone sat round the table for Christmas dinner opening Christmas cracker's and reading out the terrible jokes which were inside before it reached 10:00pm and it was time to go home. Kurt and Blaine said goodbyes to everyone, Mason had been asleep since 8:00pm so it was easy getting him in the car, Kurt and Blaine placed all of their presents in the trunk of the car waving a final goodbye to Carole and Burt before driving
off down the road.
Once they arrived home Kurt helped Blaine get the presents in, Blaine took Mason upstairs and to his crib while Kurt went straight to their room getting dressed in his night wear not turning out the light knowing that Blaine was just putting Mason down.
Blaine entered the room not long after, getting into bed next to Kurt wearing plaid pyjama bottoms and spooning Kurt "Did you have a good Christmas?" Blaine closed his eyes sleepily "Yes, that was the best Christmas ever. Did you?"

Blaine kissed Kurt's temple "Yes, Goodnight, Kurt. I love you." Kurt smiled sleepily.

"I love you too, Blaine. Goodnight.


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