Lets not think of it as goodbye
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Lets not think of it as goodbye: Dinner at Blaines

E - Words: 1,612 - Last Updated: Aug 05, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Aug 04, 2013 - Updated: Aug 05, 2013
162 0 0 0 0

Dave was dressed in a black and white stripe button down and some of his nicer looking jeans; Kurt was wearing his Purple button down with his black skinny jeans. Kurt was excited, he knew he probably shouldn't be that excited about seeing his ex boyfriend who he, maybe... probably... definitely still had feelings for. But he couldn't help it.

Kurt had gone out and gotten a bottle of wine just for this evening, he didn't like showing up to dinner parties without anything to give, so he made sure to get some decent wine. Just as Kurt was about to leave he received a text from Blaine

From Blaine:
is there anything you're allergic to or won't eat, apart from pizza. I know you don't like that. :)

Kurt couldn't help but smile when he saw that Blaine remembered his hatred for pizza before he realised he shouldn't keep Blaine waiting much longer and replied with a simple Nope.

Blaine lived about an hour away from Kurt's house, the neighbourhood was nice and calm, Dave had fallen asleep around half an hour ago so now all Kurt had to keep him company was the voices on the radio.

Blaine was rushing around, luckily pizza was the only thing Kurt didn't eat so Blaine decided to make lasagne, it was simple and didn't take too long to make. Sebastian would be home anytime now and Kurt and Dave were on their way. Blaine couldn't help but scowl when he thought that Dave got Kurt, he had always planned out that he and Kurt would end up moving to New York and get married there. Not to move when he was 17 to a completely different state, return about 6 years later, go out with his ex's rival and then invite his ex to his house which he and Sebastian share. It didn't make sense, but somehow it worked.

Sebastian walked through the door throwing his keys lazily on the side before walking into the kitchen to find Blaine slaving away over the stove.

"You're going to give yourself a stress headache." Sebastian snaked his arms around Blaine's waist as he spoke, Blaine jumped slightly but then relaxed when he realised it was only his boyfriend.

"I just want this evening to go smoothly." Blaine said stirring the mince so they wouldn't burn.

"I know you do, just relax ok. Otherwise you're going to be stressed out when they arrive." Sebastian rested his head on Blaine's shoulder, his arms around Blaine's waist.

Kurt knocked on the door, Dave holding the wine , Blaine answered the door with a big smile plastered on his face, Kurt smiled politely even when Sebastian wrapped his arms around Blaine possessively (as Kurt thought).

Dave handed Blaine the wine shaking his hand, Kurt was standing in the doorway still before holding out his hand for Blaine to shake, Blaine shook his hand raising an eyebrow at him, yesterday Kurt hugged Blaine and today they were just shaking hands?

Blaine ushered both Dave and Kurt inside the house, taking their jackets, and before long the couple were settled on a sofa in the livingroom.

"So, can I get you two anything?" Sebastian asked looking Kurt up and down slightly before putting on his signature smirk.

"Uh, I'll just have a diet cola." Dave answered before looking at Kurt.

"No thanks." Kurt shook his head before sitting next to Dave on the sofa.

Sebastian nodded before walking out to the kitchen to get what Dave and he himself were drinking.

"So how have you been, Blaine?" Dave asked somewhat bitterly.

"Uh, pretty good. So Kurt, how long have you been singing as a career?" Blaine asked smiling towards Kurt waiting for him to answer.

"Uh, since I left NYADA." Kurt placed his hand into Dave's waiting one.

There was tension even though it was unspoken, well to Kurt there was, Sebastian kept looking at him as if he was planning a way to kill and get away with it and just being in the same room as Blaine made his heart skip several beats even though he himself had a boyfriend and had been with him for many years now.

Everyone finally sat down for dinner, after everyone had complimented Blaine on his cooking skills conversation moved on to various different TV shows, and thank god for that because Kurt didn't think he could sit in on another awkward conversation, but that didn't last long before the tension arrived again and Kurt felt like the air had gotten so thick with tension that he could cut it with a knife.

"So when did you two get together?" Dave gestured towards Sebastian and Blaine.

"Excuse me; I have to use your bathroom." Kurt got up, walking as quickly as he could upstairs to avoid listening to Sebastian brag on about Blaine.

Kurt was still upstairs trying to compose himself, so far this dinner party was not turning out to be enjoyable.

Before long Sebastian and Dave were playing the Xbox and Blaine had just finished washing up and decided to go upstairs and talk to Kurt while the others were occupied.

"You ok?" Blaine asked, Kurt jumped and turned around, surprised he didn't give himself whip lash.

"Will you stop sneaking into rooms; you're going to give me heart failure." Kurt turned back and looked at himself in the mirror "What are you doing in here anyway?" Kurt raised an eyebrow making eye contact with Blaine in the mirror.

"I came to see if you're OK. You seem... On edge." Blaine closed the door gently behind him.

"Maybe because I'm in my ex's house after he moved to another state, never bothered to call me when he got back and now is dating my high school rival. That might be the reason." Kurt scoffed finally turning around to make direct eye contact with Blaine.

"I didn't choose to move! And I'm sorry I didn't call you! I didn't want to mess up your life after you probably fixed it, besides what was I meant to say 'Sorry I left you Kurt but do you want to drop everything and get back together?' somehow I don't think that would go down well!" Blaine said throwing his arms up in exaggeration.

"It would have been better than finding out when I read the cast list. And it would have made my life better." Kurt choked on the last to words due to tears, he didn't know whether he was crying out of anger or of that fact that he finally realised how much he wanted Blaine back.

"My life was empty without you Blaine, I spent weekend after weekend crying in my room after you left until Rachel and Mercedes told me that I have to move on. When I saw you backstage on Monday, I wasn't avoiding you. I was scared, scared of how I would feel about you again. Scared that I might hate you even though it wasn't your fault you had to move. Scared that... That you had forgotten me." Kurt took in a sharp intake of breath; he didn't know why he was admitting all of this to Blaine while crying in his bathroom in his new life which didn't involve Kurt.

"Kurt I-" Blaine tried to talk but he didn't get a chance before Kurt started rambling again.

"Do you know the saddest part Blaine? Is that even after 6 years of not talking, not communicating I still feel the same, my heart still aches when you talk to me or even just sing, that every passing second I feel like I need to be with you, but I shouldn't feel like that about you. I should feel like that about Dave. But I just don't. Not anymore. Not after seeing you again. After hearing you sing."

Kurt fell to the floor, his legs not being able to hold his weight anymore. He fell to the floor as sobs racked his body, he knew he would probably regret having some sort of emotional melt down in Blaine's bathroom in front of Blaine later, but at the moment he couldn't care who was watching as long as he told someone how he felt. How he still felt.

Blaine knelt down besides Kurt "Hey. It's ok, you're Ok." Blaine tried to take Kurt into his arms but Kurt protested.

"But I'm not though am I Blaine. Look at me; I'm a sobbing mess on your bathroom floor." Kurt's body shook again as another violent sob shook his delicate frame.

"Kurt, it's not sad that you still love me and it's not said that you cried for ages and it's not weird that you were scared to see me again. I understand." Blaine had finally managed to get Kurt in his lap and was now holding him tightly as Kurt's sobs started to calm.

"How could you possibly understand?" Kurt had given up his protests and finally let Blaine hold him close.

"You don't think I thought like that to? You don't think I cried as well? You don't think that I felt like that when I saw you or heard you?" Blaine said rocking slowly much like you do with an infant to calm them down "You don't think I still do?"

Kurt looked at Blaine in disbelief "You do?"

"Every waking moment, the first thing I think about is you, the way you sound, the way you smell, the way you look at me." Blaine couldn't stop himself as he lowered his head until his lips were centimetres away from Kurt's lips.

Kurt looked into Blaine's eyes one last time before moving the last two centimetres to meet Blaine's lips, he knew when their lips parted there would have to be a conversation that followed but while he had Blaine's lips moving against his, he was going to enjoy it.


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