Dec. 22, 2012, 12:09 a.m.
Dec. 22, 2012, 12:09 a.m.
I Love You
Kurt woke up and ran to the bathroom to vomit out the sickness he had in his stomach, he hate this part of the pregnancy. He cried and sat back after he was done, he cried harder when he realised that his baby might not have a daddy; his daddy was an asshole to begin with.
Kurt had to stay strong, he wipped his tears and got up to change into his school clothes he had laid out, he was lucky that he has the option to do some home studying during his 7-9 month of this which meant he will have to try covering up the baby within the months that he would start showing.
Kurt thought about Blaine, Blaine did show that he cared but sometimes he didn't, does he not really like like him? Did he only fuck Kurt just for the fun of it? Blaine was something that Kurt wanted to have, Blaine did protect him but now that he isn't with him- who will?
Kurt brushed his teeth and cleaned up after himself, he took his bag and walked downstairs to find his father waiting for him; Kurt sighed knowing where this was probably going.
"Son, there is this lady I know um she can take a look at the baby-"
"I already did go to the hospital to get it check. My baby seems to be healthy enough and the doctor said to come back in three weeks so it's fine." Kurt said as he made toast and jam for him and his father. "I'll be fine."
"Bud, you don't look fine at all. Yo-you're kind of depress..." Burt replied as he sighed and sat down on the stool. Kurt sighed and looked down as he continued to spread the jam onto the toasted bread,
"Dad, I'm becoming a father... and the other dad is not with me, I think I've fallen in love with him but I don't think he loves me." Kurt placed the breakfast in front of both of them and started eating like he had never ate in his life, Burt watched his son in amazement- Kurt seems to be a bit hungry. Kurt got himself another plate and noticed his father's stare, he blushed and answered. "What? My baby's hungry."
Burt laughed and nodded as he slowly ate his breakfast. Kurt smiled and finished his before taking a mint breath and kissing his dad on the forehead, leaving with a goodbye echoing through the house. Burt sighed and continued eating his breakfast, very nervous for his little boy; his only boy.
Kurt clutched onto his school bag and walked in, daring to not look into anyone's eyes knowing that they might call him names again but then he was shoved, his back hit the locked behind him and he hissed at the sting, his eyes opened and saw it was- his heart dropped; Blaine.
Next thing he noticed was that he was escorted by someone into the bathroom, he didn't realise he was crying until he saw himself in the mirror and then he noticed who pulled him in the bathroom, Sebastian. He turned around to face him and looked away after he saw the guilt in Sebastian's eyes.
"Don't look at me like that."
"I Know you feel like you're alone..."
"He doesn't love me."
"Oh jesus, are you- what? Oh Kurt..." Sebastian was shocked as he pulled a weeping Kurt in his arms, Kurt continued to cry harder as he held onto Sebastian's shoulders. "Don't worry, Matt and I are here for you. Don't cry now,"
"I'm sorry for the shirt stain."
"Don't worry about it," Sebastian assured the porcelain boy, "Come, let's get something to eat out of school, I think it would do you good." Kurt nodded and walked away with Sebastian, their hands intertwined not really noticing Blaine staring at them from a far with his knuckles turning white from gripping his backpack to hard for his liking.
Blaine sighed, what the hell was he doing? How could he do that to the person he really cared about? He was going to apologise but then stopped when he saw Sebastian holding onto his lover, Kurt, as they both walked out of the school. What the fuck? Blaine glared at them, did Kurt really move on that fast? No, he can't.
He rubbed his face in annoyance as he looked up with a sigh, he was going to become a father, but then again, he did say that he won't help Kurt in anyway. But maybe having a baby isn't that bad, Kurt will probably get so much shit during the pregnancy from the school and now that he is not really protected by Blaine, he might get hurt- the baby could get hurt.
Maybe Blaine did want the child, maybe he wanted to keep it and help raise the child up with Kurt- they could be a family! Blaine smiled at the thought of a family... OK, so maybe having a family will not be that bad.
Blaine looked around and followed the two who were already leaving the parking lot, he glared and ran up to them jumping in front of the car; which almost hit him. Kurt's eyes widen and screamed while Sebastian yelled and swore as he tried to break.
Blaine smirked and walked around towards Kurt's window side, Sebastian rolled it down and glared, "What the fuck, Blaine? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Blaine ignored the meerkat faced boy as he continued to stare into the frightened blue eyes of the porcelain boy who held onto his belly for protection.
"What do you want, Anderson?!" Ouch. That's gotta hurt, Blaine's face fell and asked if he could talk to Kurt alone. Sebastian shook his head at Kurt, not wanting him to talk to Blaine, Kurt looked into Sebastian's eyes and sighed as he turned towards Blaine. "I'm sorry, Blaine, but we have to go."
"What? Are you seriously going to fucking listen to him?" Blaine yelled, Kurt flinched and looked away, not wanting to cry in front of Blaine. "I fucking want to talk to Kurt, Bastian. Let me fucking talk to him!"
"I'm sorry Blaine but we're kinda late, we have a wedding to catch." Sebastian said, joking at the end of his sentence which Blaine took seriously. He glared at Sebastian and opened the door. "Dude, get off of him" Blaine grabbed Kurt and pulled him into a hug, inhaling the scent of his lover before looking into his blue water eyes.
"I love you, Kurt."
"Bye." Blaine kissed him and pulled away from him, walking away not wanting to look back. Kurt's heart broke as he chased after Blaine but he was gone. Sebastian came after him, they both ran, Sebastian after Kurt to get him back while Kurt ran for Blaine.
"I need to find him..." Kurt yelled at Sebastian, he stopped running and turned around. "Go, I'll go home alone." Sebastian was having second thoughts, Kurt rolled his eyes and pushed him, Sebastian waved goodbye and left. Kurt sighed and went to the bathroom as he felt s bit sick at the moment, he ran to the toilet and threw up not noticing someone come in the bathroom.
"Kurt?" Kurt did not care, he needed to throw up more, he continued to puke into the toilet before he felt someone help him push his hair back as it was already falling down with the lack of hair-spray. Kurt was done and he grabbed a tissue out of his bag and wipped his mouth before reaslising it was Blaine who was holding him. "Hey, are you OK?" Kurt shook his head and got up, taking out a toothbrush and toothpaste which he brought because he knew that this would happen, he started brushing his teeth.
Blaine stared at Kurt's stomach with awe, he could not believe that there was a baby in there, his baby. Kurt got his attention when he called out his name, Blaine looked up to find a smiling porcelain boy. "Did you really mean it, Blaine?" Blaine was slightly confused, he tilted his head sideways and waited. "Do you love me?"
Blaine looked away and sighed, not knowing how to answer this, he could not just lie to Kurt, it would hurt his feelings. Blaine nodded and waited for Kurt to laugh or at least do something to him but what he was not expecting was for Kurt to wrap his arms around Blaine's neck and whispered, "I love you, too."
Blaine pulled away and smiled at him, "You're not lying are you?" Kurt shook his head and smiled, Blaine ginned and hugged him. "We're going to become a family!" Kurt frowned and pulled away, "Oh what's wrong?"
"My dad... you need to talk to him..he kinda hates you."
"Dad, don't hurt him!" Kurt yelled as he watched Burt glare and get up to punch Blaine who was standing in front of him. Burt raised an eyebrow at his son, "He..he changed his mind."
"He better treat you right."
"He will, dad. I love him."
"And Mr. Hummel, I love your son."
"Hmm... I'm not letting you off so easy kid, understand?" Burt threatened to Blaine who nodded.
Kurt and Blaine did end up together, everyone soon found out that Kurt was pregnant and was started being called: Lady, girl, woman, whore etc but of course Blaine was there with him throughout the pregnancy and did everything to help prevent any harm to Kurt and their baby.
During the six month they found out the gender of their child, (Blaine did not want to know during the fifth because he said he wanted to wait one more month before actually knowing because of the gender change.) Blaine smiled at the screen with tears in his eyes, their first child was a:
"You have a baby boy," the doctor said with a smile as she stared at the two boys. Blaine's tears dropped making Kurt look up with a frown.
"Do you not want a baby boy?"
"No... I'm just so happy right now." Blaine kisses his lover on the lips and sighed.
Blaine stared at his ring with a smile on his face, it's has been a long way since the first they met and he was glad that he had Kurt with him. It's been three years since everything and he had never felt so free- he had Kurt with him.
"Sweetie, can you get Adam?" he heard Kurt yell through the kitchen, Blaine got up and went to their son's room.
"Hey there buddy, how's your sleep."
"m'fine" the sleepy baby said as he was lifted into Blaine's arms, they walked downstairs to find his pregnant husband and he smiled. "Papa,"
"Hi sweetheart." Kurt said kissing his son on the head. "Come on, it's time for dinner." he continued rubbing his big stomach. "I think the little girl is hungry." Blaine grinned and kissed his husband.
"I love you."
"I love you too,"
Just saying loved this wish it was linger but its good
This was a beautiful story, I was angry at Blaine but I guess he was just shocked. And they have another baby awwww