Dec. 22, 2012, 12:09 a.m.
Dec. 22, 2012, 12:09 a.m.
Kurt looked at the time as he awoke to someone hugging him from behind, he sighed and looked over his shoulder to find his boyfriend cuddling up to him; he giggled as he tried to move out of the warm embrace but Blaine didn't seem to let go. Kurt now realised how much he had grew apart in the club that they have, he knew that some day he would find someone who would love him for him but never in his life would he have thought that it would be the school's asshole.
He turned over and watched his lover sleep, if they get caught they are fucked because they still do not want to go in public. Kurt leaned down and kissed Blaine softly on the lips since his bladder was going to burst any second from now, Blaine responded as usual and smiled once they pulled away.
"Good morning, Beautiful."
"Good morning, sweetie." Kurt mumbled into his ear. "Now let me go because my bladder is saying that it wants to cry." Blaine laughed and let Kurt run off to the bathroom, Blaine smiled as he felt very happy; this is the first time ever since the day he left his father. He looked at the time and then got out of bed, he scratched his butt while he walked out of the room and went downstairs to find all of his friends already finishing up breakfast.
"Morning, curly tops! How's your night with Hummel?" Santana asked before shoving a spoon full of cereal into Brittany's mouth, Brittany chewed and cuddled up on Santana's side; Santana smiled as she pulled her closer. "We all know that you both are probably doing the big nasty... just confess it." Blaine rolled his eyes and shook his head as he reached for the milk bottle, pouring himself a glass of milk.
"We ain't doing nothing, Santana."
"But you did kiss, yeah?" Everyone seemed to enjoy the way Blaine looked around trying not to look everyone in the eye because if he did then he would be as red as a tomato. "OK, so you and Hummel boy have been doing some shit."
"No, we are not."
"What's going on here?" an angelic voice echoed in the air, everyone turned to find Kurt standing there all dressed up in some skinny jeans and a plain t-shirt which is quite weird because he would normally wear something that is a designer product. Kurt felt uncomfortable with all the stares. "And why is everyone looking at me like that?"
"OK, we are talking about how you and Blaine did so much dirty last night... and you are dressed weirdly- what happened to the Alexander McQueen outfits?" Sebastian asked as he stuffed some bread into his mouth.
"Oh I was thinking about trying on something new." Kurt had ignored the first part and smiled at everyone as he went slowly up to them. "Can you please stop the staring?" Blaine internally groaned at the sight of Kurt, this was going off to far- he can not just pull on some shit like that and wear Blaine's newest t-shirt and walk around like nothing is wrong.
"I don't think I can take this no more." Everyone gave him a confused look thinking he had gone mad. They watched his every move, he closed up the gap between him and Kurt, smashing their lips ignoring the gasps from everyone except Santana who just went:
Kurt was very much surprsied to see that his boyfriend would kiss him in front of the rest of the members and now that they had put on a small show, Kurt thought why not make it a bit hotter than it already is. He kissed back with passion and lust, everyone in the room can sense it he heard Blaine groaned against his lips as he pulled his lover closer to him.
"I think Blaine wants Kurt to be in one tent." Puck whispered to the rest of the club.
"I think we should move out before this gets out of hand." Jeff replied but then Santana shook her head, her eyes still focus on the two heated boys in front of them. "What?!"
"I think we should just watch them... we could learn some- woah! Wanky!"
Blaine seemed to realised what he had just done causing him to pull away from his boyfriend with a confused and shocked face. "Oh my god."
"You can say that again." Kurt mumbled as he held his head feeling a bit dizzy from all the hot tension in the heated kiss, Blaine gulped as he slolwy turned around to find his friends staring at him.
"Well then know that we know you are a couple, what is the camping tent groupies...I kinda forgot." David asked as he sat down beside Wes. Kurt shakily sat down on the chair and Blaine followed suit but this time he sat with his lover, holding him in his arms.
"So it's the girls in one, you and Wes in one,Seb and Puck here in one." Blaine answered but then was interrupted by his boyfriend who sat up straight.
"I'm staying with Blaine no matter what. And Nick and Jeff can fuck all night in their tent so I think that's settled." Kurt huffed and leaned back, Blaine kissed his cheek and whispered something in his ears causing him to go a bit red.
Santana leaned down and kissed Brittany, not really caring about anybody no more, she wanted to kiss her girlfriend even if the others would not accept her- Brittany is hers and will always be hers. Blaine saw what Santana did and smiled, kissing his lovers lips ignoring everyone else.
Lauren watched the two couples make out on the chairs and sighed, she wanted that she wanted to feel loved. She looked away trying to fight her tears back, she did not want to look weak, she did not want to look like she's frightened. Puck noticed and walked over to her, she looked up just in time for Puck's lips to smash onto hers, her eyes widen as Puck kissed her passionately showing the love that he had for her; she couldn't help but kiss back and now she can tell people that she had her first kiss.
Wes sighed and rubbed his eyes, "I can't believe this is happening."
"We can do it, ya' know?" David suggested with a smile. Wes laughed and shook his head but then got an idea, he got up and pulled David with him upstairs before shouting,
"Come on Seb! You don't wanna stay down there with the lovely couples!" Sebastian groaned knowing that they were right, he sighed and got up running upstairs to join the other two members.
Nick and Jeff sat beside each other not knowing what to do until Jeff took the chance that he had: it was either to give it a go or never do it, he gave it a go. He kissed Nick and felt his heart breaking as he waited for Nick to pull away which never happened and what shocked him the most was that Nick had actually kissed him back. They walked over to the couch in the living room and continued making out...
Seems like this dat was a make out session.
I love this story so much, and the quick updates make it even better!