Just Another Reason Why
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Story
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Just Another Reason Why : Chapter 14

E - Words: 2,459 - Last Updated: May 26, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Mar 02, 2012 - Updated: May 26, 2013
157 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: They spent Saturday hanging around the apartment with Rachel, watching movies and Kurt tried out a few of his baking new baking recipes. Blaine couldn’t help himself and reached for a cookie fresh out of the oven, forgoing Kurt’s warning and got himself burnt. Sunday morning found them sitting around the kitchen table chatting over Kurt’s delicious French toast and coffee. Blaine was flipping through the news paper stoping at the local section when something caught his eyes.

“Hey look at this.” He said folding the paper in half and placing it down on the table so the could all look at it. “There’s a street fair happening not to far from here, wanna check it out?” Kurt looked over from where he was standing at the sink and nodded.

“Looks like fun, we can head over as soon as I finish up here.” He said turning back to the dishes in the sink.

“You’re coming with us right Rach?” Blaine asked when Rachel didn’t answer the first time.

“Sadly no, I will not be joining you. Alec has a day planned for us.” Her smile had a bit of giddiness to it. Kurt looked over his shoulder at her.

“Really? Rach is this getting serious?” He asked with a smile. She blushed and ducked her head.

“It might be getting there, and I promise you’ll meet him soon.” She said knowing it was coming.

“Good.” Kurt nodded and went back to washing up.


The street was full of people. Kids running around chasing each other and laughing. There were booths with people selling things and booths with games and prizes. There were food stands making the air around them smell amazing. They two walked hand in hand down the street, looking at the different booths.

“Oh Kurt look!” Blaine exclaimed, pulling Kurt over to a booth where a man was selling bow ties. Kurt laughed and shook his head. Blaine launched into an in depth conversation with the man and Kurt just looked around. That is until he heard his name and a tug at the bottom of his shirt. He looked down to see a head of dirty blonde loose curls and bright hazel eyes.

“It is you! Hi Kurt. Do you remember me?” It was Alyssa. The little girl from the bus. Kurt knelt down in front of her.

“How could I forget such a pretty face. Of course I remember you Alyssa.” He smiled and she threw her arms around his neck, he laughed hugging her back. Maggie came jogging up shortly after.

“Alyssa what have I told you about running off like that?” She told her a bit out of breath.

“But it’s Kurt, mama!” She explained with a huge grin on her face. Maggie just shook her head and smiled.

“Kurt, it’s nice to see you again. How are you?” She asked as he stood and gave her small hug.

“Im good how are you?” Kurt and Maggie started talking and Kurt found out that Maggie worked at one of the shops along the street that the fair was on and she had to bring Alyssa along because her babysitter had broken her ankle. Kurt offered to look after Alyssa while her mom was at work and Maggie greatly accepted and Alyssa was beyond excited. They were working out the details of drop off and exchanging numbers when Blaine’s laugh met his ears causing him to turn and see that he was still talking to the owner of the booth with a huge smile on his face.

“Oh Alyssa.” He said kneeling down in front of her again. “I have a surprise for you.” Her bright hazel eyes sparkled.

“What is it?” She asked, excitement clear in her voice.

“Prince Blaine is here.” Her face lit up and the biggest smile spread across her face. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes grew wide.

“Can I see him?” She asked, her voice quite almost shy. Kurt laughed.

“Of course you can.” He stood up and turned to see Blaine shaking the man’s hand in goodbye.

“Blaine!” He called and gestured for him to come over. He looked down at Alyssa as Blaine made his way over, to see her wiping her hands off on her shirt and straightening out her skirt. Kurt’s heart melted instantly and he brought his hand up to his mouth to cover his smile. Blaine is by his side in seconds with a small bag in his hands, no doubt filled with bow ties and he is stuffing a what looks like a business card into his wallet.

“Blaine, this is Alyssa.” Kurt introduced the little girl in front of him. Blaine recognized the name instantly. Remembering to be as princely as possible Blaine gracefully dropped to one knee in front of the young girl, a wide, shining smile on his face. Alyssa’s face was beaming, eyes staring in absolute astonishment that Blaine was there in front of her.

“Hello there Alyssa.” He said taking her tiny hand in his. “it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He pressed a soft gentle kiss to the back of her hand. Her slightly chubby cheeks flushed with color.

“Prince Blaine.” She breathed so softly they almost didn't hear it, as if she couldn't believe he was real. Blaine blushed and let out a faint laugh.

“Alyssa, sweetie.” Maggie pulled her attention away from Blaine and he stood. “I need to go to work now but I want you to be a very good girl for Kurt and Blaine okay. Listen to them and please please please don't run off.”

“I’ll be good mommy. I promise.” She smiled at her mother. Maggie kissed her cheek and turned to the boys.

“Thank you so much for watching her. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.”

“It’s our pleasure honestly. Go to work and don’t worry.” Kurt said hugging her and sending her on her way.

“Thank you again. I’ll see you guys in a few hours.” She called over her shoulder as she hurried down the street. Kurt turned to face Blaine and Alyssa only to be met with the cutest thing he has ever seen. Alyssa’s small hand was gripping at Blaine’s middle and ring finger, unable to hold his entire hand and she was still gazing up at him in disbelief. Blaine had a wide grin on his face and he was slightly bouncing on his heels in excitement. Kurt laughed and shook his head.

“Where to first?”


After about an hour, Alyssa had finally snapped out of her Blaine gazing and was back to the outspoken, bold little girl Kurt had met on the bus. She was currently sitting on Blaine’s shoulders as he sang and bounced his way down the street, Alyssa giggling like a mad person.

“Blainey can we play that game?” She also had stopped calling him Prince Blaine and started using his new nickname.

“Sure. Let’s check it out.” Blaine answered and walked over to large square booth with tables set up in the middle and small bowls littered the surface of each one. When they reached the booth Kurt noticed that the small bowls held fish and you were to throw a ping pong ball in one and you win the fish.

“Those balls don’t hurt the fishys do they Kurt?” Alyssa asked. Kurt shook his head.

“Of course not sweetie, There to light to hurt them.” She smiled big at the answer she was given and clapped her hands.

“Can I play?” Kurt handed the man at the booth 2 dollars and Blaine lifted Alyssa off his shoulders and placed her on the ground. The man handed her 4 orange ping pong balls.

“Just aim at one of those bowls and try to make it in.” The man explained to her with a smile. She nodded and brought the first ball up to her eye, trying her best to aim. She tossed the ball and if fell just in front of the table.

“Throw it a little harder.” Blaine told her. She threw the next one and it sailed over the tables and hit the backdrop of the booth.

“Okay now a little softer.” Blaine said with a laugh. The next ball pinged off the rim of a bowl in the second row and Alyssa jumped up and down.

“Did you see that! I almost had it.” She yelled excitedly. Blaine smiled and knelt down behind her.

“Try throwing it a little higher.” He said.

“Will you help me Blainey?” She asked, eyes wide.

“Of course.” He replied and took her hand with the ball in his. “Okay now you want to throw it hard enough that it won’t fall short but soft enough so it wont fly over the table and if we throw it at just the right hight it should sail right in.” He explained. Kurt watched happily from his spot off to the side. The way Blaine interacted with Alyssa was great. He couldn’t help but think about how someday that will be Blaine with their child and a large grin spread across his face.

“Ready to throw it?” Blaine asked and pulled their joined hands back. Alyssa nodded excitedly.

“Ready!” She answered. Kurt quickly took a picture on his phone. Blaine moved their arms forward, throwing the ball. It flew over the first 2 rows and landed in a bowl in the center of the table.

“We did it! We did it!” Alyssa yelled jumping up and down.

“Yeah we did!” Blaine cheered and scooped her up and spun her around. Alyssa squealed with laughter her curls flying everywhere.

“Here you go little lady.” The man behind the booth handed her a plastic bag tied at the top with a fish inside. Blaine set her down and she carefully took the bag from the man. Alyssa thanked the man and held it close to her.

“Im gonna love him forever. Thank you for helping Blainey!” She smiled up at him with her toothless grin.

“Anytime sweetie.” He smiled and tussled her hair.

“Kurt look! Isn't he the best fishy?” She ran over to Kurt, holding the bag up to him. Kurt smiled and took the fish.

“He sure is. Why don’t I hold him while we keep walking?” Alyssa nodded and grabbed Blaine’s hand and tugged him down the street.


They were almost at the end of the street. There had been more games and food and laughs. Alyssa had named her fish Amsterdam. (“Because that is the name of the street I won him on!”) Kurt found a nice elderly woman selling old Broadway records and playbills. Blaine insisted on playing the “Test your strength game” resulting in him winning a bigger then normal but not huge, teddy bear for Kurt. There was only a few more booths till they reached the diner at the end of the street where they would be having lunch. Alyssa gasped from Kurt’s side when her eyes landed on a pink, white and light blue booth. She pulled on Kurt’s hand that was gripped in hers and pointed over to the booth. Kurt looked over to see a young woman with a wide smile selling Prince and Princess crowns, wands and swords.

“Kurtie, can we go look? Please.” Alyssa asked with wide eyes.

“Of course.” Kurt answered and lead her over to the booth. As they got closer the young girl working the booth smiled and knelt down to Alyssa’s level.

“Hi, Im Alyssa!” She greeted.

“Well, hi there Alyssa. My name is Emmi. It’s always a pleasure to meet a fellow Princess.” Alyssa’s eyes widened.

“You’re a Princess?” Emmi nodded and Alyssa bounced on her toes. “Can I be a Princess to? Please.” Emmi glanced up at Kurt as if to the okay and he nodded.

“Of course you can!” Alyssa cheered and Emmi rose to her feet. “Now first things first, What’s your favorite color?” Alyssa didn’t hesitate.

“Purple.” Emmi laughed and went to her back table and took a plastic tiara with jewels and purple boa feathers on it. Kurt looked down at the little girl at his feet, her bright eyes and wide smile contagious. Alyssa spun around and smiled up at Kurt, her new Princess tiara perched on her head. Blaine appeared at Kurt’s side after stopping in the music store across the street and Alyssa noticed him instantly. She grabbed his hand and pulled him over to Emmi.

“Princess Emmi! This is Prince Blaine, he’s a real life Prince.” She introduced him to the young girl.

“Is he now? Well, it is a great pleasure to meet you Prince Blaine.” She smiled a knowing smile and curtsied. Blaine played along bowing to her and taking her hand, pressing a kiss to it.

“The pleasure is all mine Princess Emmi.” The girl blushed and nodded slightly.

“Blainey you need a crown too.” Alyssa said pointing to a gold crown on the table. Emmi turned to get the crown and placed it on Blaine’s head.

“How do I look?” He asked and struck a pose.

“Very handsome.” Kurt answered with a smirk. Blaine winked at him and Alyssa nodded in agreement.

“Princess Emmi, Kurt and Blainey are gonna get married and Kurt is gonna be a Prince too so he needs a crown.” Alyssa explained. Kurt could feel his face flush and when he glanced at Blaine he had his face tilted up toward the sky trying to hide his smile.

“You are very right Princess Alyssa.” Emmi picked up two crowns from the table and showed them to her. “What do you think for the royal couple, matching or their own?” Alyssa looked at both crowns then at Kurt and Blaine.

“Matching.” She decided with a nod. Emmi handed Blaine the crown.

“Would you like to do the honors Prince Blaine?”

“Most definitely.” He smiled wickedly and took the crown from Emmi’s hand and turned to face Kurt.

“Sir Kurt, if you would please kneel.” Blaine grinned. Kurt gave him his best glare but Blaine gave him those puppy eyes and paired it with a winey please. Kurt rolled his eyes and with the fish and bear still in hand he kneeled on one knee. Blaine moved to stand in front of him and leaned in close.

“Sir Kurt of...New York.” Kurt laughed. “Will you do me the honor of being my Prince?”

He knew Blaine was just playing along and that the question didn’t really mean anything but it did nothing to stop the butterflies that fluttered around in Kurt’s stomach. He hoped that one day it would be true.

“Always.” He answered maybe a little to breathlessly. Blaine smiled at him with a knowing look and placed the crown on his head. Emmi and Alyssa cheered and clapped.

“Kiss him!” Alyssa yelled. Blaine glanced over at her then back to Kurt for the Okay. Kurt was hit again with that moment of how? How is this guy real? How did he get so lucky?

“You heard the Princess.” Kurt smirked “Kiss him.” Blaine grinned and leaned forward to capture his lips in a sweet kiss.
They spent Saturday hanging around the apartment with Rachel, watching movies and Kurt tried out a few of his baking new baking recipes. Blaine couldn’t help himself and reached for a cookie fresh out of the oven, forgoing Kurt’s warning and got himself burnt. Sunday morning found them sitting around the kitchen table chatting over Kurt’s delicious French toast and coffee. Blaine was flipping through the news paper stoping at the local section when something caught his eyes.

“Hey look at this.” He said folding the paper in half and placing it down on the table so the could all look at it. “There’s a street fair happening not to far from here, wanna check it out?” Kurt looked over from where he was standing at the sink and nodded.

“Looks like fun, we can head over as soon as I finish up here.” He said turning back to the dishes in the sink.

“You’re coming with us right Rach?” Blaine asked when Rachel didn’t answer the first time.

“Sadly no, I will not be joining you. Alec has a day planned for us.” Her smile had a bit of giddiness to it. Kurt looked over his shoulder at her.

“Really? Rach is this getting serious?” He asked with a smile. She blushed and ducked her head.

“It might be getting there, and I promise you’ll meet him soon.” She said knowing it was coming.

“Good.” Kurt nodded and went back to washing up.


The street was full of people. Kids running around chasing each other and laughing. There were booths with people selling things and booths with games and prizes. There were food stands making the air around them smell amazing. They two walked hand in hand down the street, looking at the different booths.

“Oh Kurt look!” Blaine exclaimed, pulling Kurt over to a booth where a man was selling bow ties. Kurt laughed and shook his head. Blaine launched into an in depth conversation with the man and Kurt just looked around. That is until he heard his name and a tug at the bottom of his shirt. He looked down to see a head of dirty blonde loose curls and bright hazel eyes.

“It is you! Hi Kurt. Do you remember me?” It was Alyssa. The little girl from the bus. Kurt knelt down in front of her.

“How could I forget such a pretty face. Of course I remember you Alyssa.” He smiled and she threw her arms around his neck, he laughed hugging her back. Maggie came jogging up shortly after.

“Alyssa what have I told you about running off like that?” She told her a bit out of breath.

“But it’s Kurt, mama!” She explained with a huge grin on her face. Maggie just shook her head and smiled.

“Kurt, it’s nice to see you again. How are you?” She asked as he stood and gave her small hug.

“Im good how are you?” Kurt and Maggie started talking and Kurt found out that Maggie worked at one of the shops along the street that the fair was on and she had to bring Alyssa along because her babysitter had broken her ankle. Kurt offered to look after Alyssa while her mom was at work and Maggie greatly accepted and Alyssa was beyond excited. They were working out the details of drop off and exchanging numbers when Blaine’s laugh met his ears causing him to turn and see that he was still talking to the owner of the booth with a huge smile on his face.

“Oh Alyssa.” He said kneeling down in front of her again. “I have a surprise for you.” Her bright hazel eyes sparkled.

“What is it?” She asked, excitement clear in her voice.

“Prince Blaine is here.” Her face lit up and the biggest smile spread across her face. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes grew wide.

“Can I see him?” She asked, her voice quite almost shy. Kurt laughed.

“Of course you can.” He stood up and turned to see Blaine shaking the man’s hand in goodbye.

“Blaine!” He called and gestured for him to come over. He looked down at Alyssa as Blaine made his way over, to see her wiping her hands off on her shirt and straightening out her skirt. Kurt’s heart melted instantly and he brought his hand up to his mouth to cover his smile. Blaine is by his side in seconds with a small bag in his hands, no doubt filled with bow ties and he is stuffing a what looks like a business card into his wallet.

“Blaine, this is Alyssa.” Kurt introduced the little girl in front of him. Blaine recognized the name instantly. Remembering to be as princely as possible Blaine gracefully dropped to one knee in front of the young girl, a wide, shining smile on his face. Alyssa’s face was beaming, eyes staring in absolute astonishment that Blaine was there in front of her.

“Hello there Alyssa.” He said taking her tiny hand in his. “it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He pressed a soft gentle kiss to the back of her hand. Her slightly chubby cheeks flushed with color.

“Prince Blaine.” She breathed so softly they almost didn't hear it, as if she couldn't believe he was real. Blaine blushed and let out a faint laugh.

“Alyssa, sweetie.” Maggie pulled her attention away from Blaine and he stood. “I need to go to work now but I want you to be a very good girl for Kurt and Blaine okay. Listen to them and please please please don't run off.”

“I’ll be good mommy. I promise.” She smiled at her mother. Maggie kissed her cheek and turned to the boys.

“Thank you so much for watching her. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.”

“It’s our pleasure honestly. Go to work and don’t worry.” Kurt said hugging her and sending her on her way.

“Thank you again. I’ll see you guys in a few hours.” She called over her shoulder as she hurried down the street. Kurt turned to face Blaine and Alyssa only to be met with the cutest thing he has ever seen. Alyssa’s small hand was gripping at Blaine’s middle and ring finger, unable to hold his entire hand and she was still gazing up at him in disbelief. Blaine had a wide grin on his face and he was slightly bouncing on his heels in excitement. Kurt laughed and shook his head.

“Where to first?”


After about an hour, Alyssa had finally snapped out of her Blaine gazing and was back to the outspoken, bold little girl Kurt had met on the bus. She was currently sitting on Blaine’s shoulders as he sang and bounced his way down the street, Alyssa giggling like a mad person.

“Blainey can we play that game?” She also had stopped calling him Prince Blaine and started using his new nickname.

“Sure. Let’s check it out.” Blaine answered and walked over to large square booth with tables set up in the middle and small bowls littered the surface of each one. When they reached the booth Kurt noticed that the small bowls held fish and you were to throw a ping pong ball in one and you win the fish.

“Those balls don’t hurt the fishys do they Kurt?” Alyssa asked. Kurt shook his head.

“Of course not sweetie, There to light to hurt them.” She smiled big at the answer she was given and clapped her hands.

“Can I play?” Kurt handed the man at the booth 2 dollars and Blaine lifted Alyssa off his shoulders and placed her on the ground. The man handed her 4 orange ping pong balls.

“Just aim at one of those bowls and try to make it in.” The man explained to her with a smile. She nodded and brought the first ball up to her eye, trying her best to aim. She tossed the ball and if fell just in front of the table.

“Throw it a little harder.” Blaine told her. She threw the next one and it sailed over the tables and hit the backdrop of the booth.

“Okay now a little softer.” Blaine said with a laugh. The next ball pinged off the rim of a bowl in the second row and Alyssa jumped up and down.

“Did you see that! I almost had it.” She yelled excitedly. Blaine smiled and knelt down behind her.

“Try throwing it a little higher.” He said.

“Will you help me Blainey?” She asked, eyes wide.

“Of course.” He replied and took her hand with the ball in his. “Okay now you want to throw it hard enough that it won’t fall short but soft enough so it wont fly over the table and if we throw it at just the right hight it should sail right in.” He explained. Kurt watched happily from his spot off to the side. The way Blaine interacted with Alyssa was great. He couldn’t help but think about how someday that will be Blaine with their child and a large grin spread across his face.

“Ready to throw it?” Blaine asked and pulled their joined hands back. Alyssa nodded excitedly.

“Ready!” She answered. Kurt quickly took a picture on his phone. Blaine moved their arms forward, throwing the ball. It flew over the first 2 rows and landed in a bowl in the center of the table.

“We did it! We did it!” Alyssa yelled jumping up and down.

“Yeah we did!” Blaine cheered and scooped her up and spun her around. Alyssa squealed with laughter her curls flying everywhere.

“Here you go little lady.” The man behind the booth handed her a plastic bag tied at the top with a fish inside. Blaine set her down and she carefully took the bag from the man. Alyssa thanked the man and held it close to her.

“Im gonna love him forever. Thank you for helping Blainey!” She smiled up at him with her toothless grin.

“Anytime sweetie.” He smiled and tussled her hair.

“Kurt look! Isn't he the best fishy?” She ran over to Kurt, holding the bag up to him. Kurt smiled and took the fish.

“He sure is. Why don’t I hold him while we keep walking?” Alyssa nodded and grabbed Blaine’s hand and tugged him down the street.


They were almost at the end of the street. There had been more games and food and laughs. Alyssa had named her fish Amsterdam. (“Because that is the name of the street I won him on!”) Kurt found a nice elderly woman selling old Broadway records and playbills. Blaine insisted on playing the “Test your strength game” resulting in him winning a bigger then normal but not huge, teddy bear for Kurt. There was only a few more booths till they reached the diner at the end of the street where they would be having lunch. Alyssa gasped from Kurt’s side when her eyes landed on a pink, white and light blue booth. She pulled on Kurt’s hand that was gripped in hers and pointed over to the booth. Kurt looked over to see a young woman with a wide smile selling Prince and Princess crowns, wands and swords.

“Kurtie, can we go look? Please.” Alyssa asked with wide eyes.

“Of course.” Kurt answered and lead her over to the booth. As they got closer the young girl working the booth smiled and knelt down to Alyssa’s level.

“Hi, Im Alyssa!” She greeted.

“Well, hi there Alyssa. My name is Emmi. It’s always a pleasure to meet a fellow Princess.” Alyssa’s eyes widened.

“You’re a Princess?” Emmi nodded and Alyssa bounced on her toes. “Can I be a Princess to? Please.” Emmi glanced up at Kurt as if to the okay and he nodded.

“Of course you can!” Alyssa cheered and Emmi rose to her feet. “Now first things first, What’s your favorite color?” Alyssa didn’t hesitate.

“Purple.” Emmi laughed and went to her back table and took a plastic tiara with jewels and purple boa feathers on it. Kurt looked down at the little girl at his feet, her bright eyes and wide smile contagious. Alyssa spun around and smiled up at Kurt, her new Princess tiara perched on her head. Blaine appeared at Kurt’s side after stopping in the music store across the street and Alyssa noticed him instantly. She grabbed his hand and pulled him over to Emmi.

“Princess Emmi! This is Prince Blaine, he’s a real life Prince.” She introduced him to the young girl.

“Is he now? Well, it is a great pleasure to meet you Prince Blaine.” She smiled a knowing smile and curtsied. Blaine played along bowing to her and taking her hand, pressing a kiss to it.

“The pleasure is all mine Princess Emmi.” The girl blushed and nodded slightly.

“Blainey you need a crown too.” Alyssa said pointing to a gold crown on the table. Emmi turned to get the crown and placed it on Blaine’s head.

“How do I look?” He asked and struck a pose.

“Very handsome.” Kurt answered with a smirk. Blaine winked at him and Alyssa nodded in agreement.

“Princess Emmi, Kurt and Blainey are gonna get married and Kurt is gonna be a Prince too so he needs a crown.” Alyssa explained. Kurt could feel his face flush and when he glanced at Blaine he had his face tilted up toward the sky trying to hide his smile.

“You are very right Princess Alyssa.” Emmi picked up two crowns from the table and showed them to her. “What do you think for the royal couple, matching or their own?” Alyssa looked at both crowns then at Kurt and Blaine.

“Matching.” She decided with a nod. Emmi handed Blaine the crown.

“Would you like to do the honors Prince Blaine?”

“Most definitely.” He smiled wickedly and took the crown from Emmi’s hand and turned to face Kurt.

“Sir Kurt, if you would please kneel.” Blaine grinned. Kurt gave him his best glare but Blaine gave him those puppy eyes and paired it with a winey please. Kurt rolled his eyes and with the fish and bear still in hand he kneeled on one knee. Blaine moved to stand in front of him and leaned in close.

“Sir Kurt of...New York.” Kurt laughed. “Will you do me the honor of being my Prince?”

He knew Blaine was just playing along and that the question didn’t really mean anything but it did nothing to stop the butterflies that fluttered around in Kurt’s stomach. He hoped that one day it would be true.

“Always.” He answered maybe a little to breathlessly. Blaine smiled at him with a knowing look and placed the crown on his head. Emmi and Alyssa cheered and clapped.

“Kiss him!” Alyssa yelled. Blaine glanced over at her then back to Kurt for the Okay. Kurt was hit again with that moment of how? How is this guy real? How did he get so lucky?

“You heard the Princess.” Kurt smirked “Kiss him.” Blaine grinned and leaned forward to capture his lips in a sweet kiss.


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