May 26, 2013, 8:10 p.m.
May 26, 2013, 8:10 p.m.
Friday was a lot less hectic. His first class didn’t start till 10am and he only had one after that. Because he filled in last night his manager said he could have today off. So he woke up at 8, showered, dressed by 8:45 and deiced instead of his usual bowl of cereal and cup of coffee he was going to treat himself to a real breakfast at the diner down the block.
After his breakfast he walked to class. He was a few minutes early so he pulled out his phone and shot a quick text to Blaine.
'Just got to my first class. You should be in English right now. I hope you’re paying attention. Can’t wait to talk to you later. Love you!'
He got a reply almost instantly.
'I’am in English and I’m not paying attention, I’m thinking about you. I’ll talk to you later sweets. Love you xoxo'
Kurt smiled and slipped his phone back into his pocket right as his professor walked into the room. The class went smooth. His professor gave a small quiz that he no doubt passed and he didn’t assign any homework. His next class was slowly killing him. The professor was easily 85 years old and spoke at a slower pace then a snail stuck in molasses. He reached for his phone ready to play his new favorite game to occupy himself for the rest of the class only too see his battery was almost dead.
‘Damn it’ he cursed to himself, ‘Thats what i get for not plugging it in last night’
He picked but his bag from the seat next to him and searched through it for something to do. He found his wallet and decided to clean it out, making a pile of old receipts and random business cards he found in it to throw out. He finished and tossed it back into his bag. Reaching for his phone again, not caring about the battery and willing to run it down to keep him busy, he caught sight of something deep in the bottom of his bag.
‘Blaine’s deck of cards’ He thought putting his phone back and grabbing the cards. ‘A game of solitaire will do just fine.
He struggled trying to get the cards out of the pack, as if to many had been jammed inside. He managed to get them out and turned them over face up ready to start his pile but the joker on top had a pice of paper glued to it and something was written on it. He knew that handwriting anywhere.
There are 52 cards in a deck.
Each one is another reason why I love you.
xoxo Blaine
Kurt felt his cheeks grow warm and he smiled down at the deck. He moved the joker to the back of the pile to see the next card with another pice of glued paper and the same scratchy handwriting.
You laugh at my dancing.
Kurt hand to throw a hand over his mouth to hold back the laugh that almost burst out of him. He flipped to the next card.
You know when i’m having
a bad day and you know just how
to make it better.
His heart ached. He missed being able to help Blaine when he was having a rough day. Now all he could do was talk to him on the phone and hope it helped a little bit.
The way you take care of and
look out for your dad
The little notes you write
on napkins when you bring me lunch
The next card was a picture of the two of them at Burt’s shop. Over the summer Blaine came to help out. Kurt remembers the day perfectly. It was a slow day and Burt had said they could take an early lunch so they sat at Burt’s desk, Blaine in Burt’s chair, arms wrapped tight around Kurt’s waist who was settled in his lap feeding him grapes, both with huge smiles on their faces. Burt had snapped the picture while they weren't looking and sent it to both of their phones with an attached message saying ‘I’m always watching’ with a smiley face. They both cracked up laughing and finished their lunch.
The picture was a little grainy after being cropped and printed from Blaine’s way to old printer, but it was still Kurt’s favorite picture and it made his eyes fill with unshed happy tears. The next card read.
The way you’r eyes crinkle
when i make you laugh.
Kurt shuddered at the thought of wrinkles but smiled none the less.
The way you spread out
on my bed that way it smells like
you even after you leave.
The way you go along with
my crazy ideas when you know they
won’t work out from the start.
The way you slide you’r
hands under my shirt when they
get cold.
The way you think I don’t
know about you’r late night cookie
trips to the kitchen.
Kurt let out a quite gasp. ‘How did he know about that?’
The way your voice sounds
when you whisper in my ear.
Your ability to make friends
where ever we go.
He smiled remembering all the times they would be in line somewhere or at a restaurant and he would end up with a new friend. One time stuck out in his mind the most. They were in the grocery store getting things Kurt needed to make Friday night dinner. He had sent Blaine off to another aisle to get something while he waited at the fish counter. An elder woman who was also waiting had approached him and asked what he was planing on cooking, making small talk. Kurt had went on to tell her about his recipe and how healthy it was and she spoke about how she was trying to get her husband to eat better. By the time Blaine came back to him they had exchanged e-mail’s with promises to trade recipes.
He laughed quietly remembering he had to message Grace back with his review on the chicken dish she sent him last week and let her know about a new soup he found.
The way you think you look
awful when you first wake up when
it is actually then I find you the most beautiful.
The feeling of your hair brushing
against me when we make love.
Kurt felt his face flush instantly and quickly flipped to the next card.
The way you’ll watch football
with me even though i know you don’t like it.
The way you some times let
me help with dinner.
The way you kiss me when I
wear your ‘kiss the cook apron’ even when
you’re the one cooking.
You know my sick movie
and don’t mind watching it with me 100x.
You still call to tell me
you love me and goodnight when
we are in the middle of a fight.
Kurt sighed. They didn’t fight much but when they did he hated it and it never lasted more then a day or two. He could never go to bed without telling Blaine goodnight and making sure he knew he still loved him no matter what they were arguing about. He looked up and glanced at the clock on the wall above the professor’s head, he still had about 15 minutes left of class.
You typed my homework
for me when i was sick.
The next card was another picture, much more clear then the first one. Over the summer Finn decided he wanted to throw a ND pool party and Burt and Carole let him. Kurt sighed at the memory and ran is thumb over the glossy photo. Puck had pushed Kurt into the pool after he refused to go in, not wanting the chlorine to dry out his skin, and Blaine had been right there at the edge of the pool waiting with a large towel. He wrapped Kurt up in the towel and laid with him on one of the lounge chairs. The picture was of the two of them in the chair, Kurt settled in between Blaine’s legs, his back pressed against Blaine’s chest while Blaine’s arms tangled around his waist. Carole had come out to bring them some pizza, spotted the boys and ran in to get her camera.
With huge smiles on their faces Carole took the picture and went on a tangent about wanting to make a scrap book. Kurt placed a quick kiss to the picture before flipping to the next card.
The way you love my curls.
Kurt smiled at the thought of Blaine’s wild yet extremely soft curls. He missed being able to run his fingers through them.
How you kept some of my t-shit’s
to sleep in.
The way you’re so gentle when you
run your fingers across my back.
The way you call me your real
life Disney prince.
“Ok guys your free to go. Enjoy your weekend and i’ll see you all next week.” Kurt looked up at the sound of other people in the class shuffling around and leaving. He placed the cards back in the box, gathered his things and headed for the bus.
ahhh it's so fluffy and perfect!
this story is soooooo cute!