May 6, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 6, 2014, 7 p.m.
Since so many of you asked for this... :)
Blaine was sitting in calculus, trying to pay attention and take notes, but instead his notebook was covered in little hearts hed drawn along side Kurts name. He couldnt really believe how cheesy hed become.
His teachers and friends would have to forgive him for being so love-struck and distracted. He had met his soulmate just days ago how could he be expected to think about anything else?
He just kept replaying meeting his soulmate over and over in his head.
Kurts smile.
His laugh.
His eyes.
That kiss.
He almost groaned just thinking about it.
What made it worst was that he hadnt even been able too see Kurt again since they first met. They talked on the phone each morning and evening and texted constantly, but with their school schedules and Glee clubs they were yet to see each other face to face again.
Kurt was still having trouble with students bullying him at school and Blaines stomach twisted just thinking about him having to go through that each day.
Blaine glanced down at his notebook and realized he had no idea what was happening in class. But it didnt seem that important right now. He doubted his dad would see it that way though, if suddenly Blaines grades started to drop.
He sighed and straightened in his chair, he slipped his phone out of his pocket and sent a quick text to Kurt before slipping it back in before someone noticed.
With a text reading "Courage" sent to his soulmate he tried again to focus his attention on the lesson.
He actually paid attention for a minute or two when suddenly his chest started to feel tight. He cleared his throat and tried to shake it off, but it wouldnt go away. He clenched his pencil in his hand and closed his eyes, breathing in and out, but his stomach felt heavy and then his heart started to pound.
Blaine gripped the edges of his desk to steady himself and then took a deep breath before raising his hand.
"Yes, Mr. Anderson?"
"Ms. Boyle, I... need... Can I." He stopped as a wave of fear and anger washed over him. "May I be excused please!" He said in a rush.
"Is something wrong?" She asked, her face showing concern.
Blaine could feel his cheeks flush with anger that wasnt his own as his hands started to shake. "I just... I think I need to see the nurse." He said, not able to really explain the emotions swirling inside of him.
"I can walk with him." Nick, one of his Warbler friends spoke up. Make sure he gets there okay."
Ms. Boyle agreed and Blaine sprang to his feet and rushed out of the room. As soon as he was in the hallway he leaned against the wall. There was an underlining thread of fear, but mostly it was just anger now.
"Whats wrong Blaine?" Nick asked standing near him and resting a hand on his shoulder. "Panic attack?"
The Warblers Blaine was closest to knew that Blaine struggled with panic attacks sometimes, ever since hed transferred here because of the Sadie Hawkins dance, but he hadnt had one in months and he knew that wasnt what was going on.
"Kurt." Blaine answered and Nick looked confused.
"My soulmate." Blaine explained and tried to steady his shaking hands as he fumbled for his phone. Just as he got it out and was about to call Kurt something happened.
The anger he had been feeling flat-lined and in its place was sharp, painful shock. Blaine gasped and dropped his cell phone before disgust and anger and fear rose like bile inside of him. He dropped to his knees immediately and grabbed for his phone.
"Blaine. Youre as white as a sheet." Nick said. "Maybe we should go to the nurse."
Blaine couldnt respond to Nick at all. His only thought was.
Kurt. Kurt. Kurt. Kurt.
He pressed the speed-dial for Kurt and held the phone up to his ear. It rang and rang, but there was no answer. Blaine let out a small involuntary whimper and stood shakily to his feet as Kurts voicemail message started. At the beep Blaine left a hurried message.
"Kurt. Whats wrong? Are you okay? Please be okay. And just... call me. Please."
Blaine was pacing the hallway now, Nick watching him with worried eyes.
"Im going to Lima." Blaine finally said and started towards an exit.
"Wait. What?" Nick called after him, but Blaine only stopped when his phone started to ring. He quickly answered, heart beating a tattoo in his chest.
"Kurt." Be said and swallowed in relief. "Are you okay? Where are you?"
Kurt didnt answer immediately, instead Blaine heard sniffling on the other end of the line and his heart broke in two.
"Kurt." He said softer this time. "Are you hurt? Where are you?" He repeated.
"The lock-locker r-room at Mckin-ley." Kurt said through tears that Blaine could tell he was trying to hold back.
"Im on my way." Blaine said and started toward the parking lot again. "Are you alone? Are you hurt?"
Kurt didnt seem willing or able to talk much, but Blaine really needed to know he was safe.
"I-Im alone. Im not hurt."
"Just stay on the phone with me." Blaine said and ducked down a hall to avoid a teacher "Im coming."
He got to the parking lot and hopped into his car, put on his seat belt and quickly backed out and speed down the road driving a fast as he safely could.
Kurt was quite on the other end, but he could hear his breathing slowing down, calming, and his own heart wasnt beating quite as painfully anymore.
"You dont have to come. Im okay." Kurt said eventually.
"Are you kidding? Im coming." Blaine said gripping the steering wheel.
"Okay." Kurt answered sounding relieved.
"Can you tell me what happened?"
"No. I mean... when you get here. For now will you just talk to me?"
"Of course." Blaine said and started talking to Kurt about the Warblers and Cooper and anything else that popped into his head. When he got to McKinley he followed Kurts directions until he reached the choir room.
He pushed open the doors and only hung up when he saw Kurt sitting in one of the chairs in the back corner. He pocketed his phone and rushed to Kurt who sat as still as a statue.
He sat in a chair next to him and reached for his hand, holding it tight. Kurt looked up at him with a weak smile.
Blaine leaned forward and brushed some hair out of his face. "Are you alright? I mean, you can tell me if you arent."
"Hes gay." Kurt said in response and Blaine just blinked, not understanding.
"Karofsky. Hes gay."
"The football player who bullies you?" Blaine asked scrunching his brow in confusion.
Kurt just nodded.
"Okay..." Blaine said slowly. "How do you know? Did he come out?" Blaine didnt understand what this had to do with all the emotions he was getting from Kurt earlier, but he waited for Kurt to explain.
"No." Kurt said and laughed a little bitterly he slipped his hand out of Blaines and held his hands in his lap, nervously looking down at them. "He... he pushed me up against my locker and it just made me so mad. I followed him into the locker room and I confronted him. Im so tired of being pushed around. I thought he was going to hit me." Kurt said, his voice tight and angry.
"Did he hit you?" Blaine asked anger boiling up in him.
"No." Kurt shook his head and then looked up at Blaine. "He kissed me."
Blaine froze, his mind went blank.
"He tried to kiss me a second time too, he would have, but I pushed him away and then he stormed off." Kurt finished. It looked like hed been crying, but not any more. He just looked angry now.
Blaines mind was a mess of emotions that he couldnt even place. Some big, scary closeted homaphobe had tormented and kissed Kurt?
Blaine stood to his feet and turned to leave, but Kurt grabbed his arm and made him stop.
"Where are you going?" Kurt asked his voice wobbling a little.
"Im going to find him."
Blaine was seething, never in his life had he been this angry. Not even at the guys who had beaten him up. "Im going to find him." Blaine repeated through clenched teeth and turned to try to leave again.
Kurt was on his feet instantly blocking his exit. "No way. No way in hell!"
"No Blaine. Karofsky is huge and... just no."
"I box." Blaine answered simply
Blaine made his way past a surprised Kurt, but again didnt make it far. Kurt ran up from behind him and stood between him and the door.
"Blaine." He said evenly. "Im asking you not too. Please."
Kurts eyes were big and bight from his earlier tears and his bottom lip trembled a little like it wouldnt take much to make him cry again and all of Blaines defenses crumbled in an instant. .
His shoulders slumped and he nodded. "Okay. Okay." He said and stepped up to Kurt and wrapped him in his arms. Kurt let out a long sigh and held him back.
"What do you want to do?" Blaine asked eventually.
Kurt tucked his head against Blaines shoulder and didnt let go.
"I dont know. I dont want to out him."
Blaine pulled back a little at that and looked Kurt in the eyes. "After what he did to you. After all hes done to you, you are concerned about outing him?"
Kurt bit his lip and just shrugged.
Blaines felt like his heart was expanding in size, and he realized as much as he already loved his soulmate he had just fallen a little bit more in love with him.
"Let me take you to lunch." Blaine said eventually, when he was able to speak again.
"What about school?"
"Skip it."
Kurt smiled. "Blaine Anderson you are going to be a bad influence on me."
Blaine laughed. "Ill try not to be too bad."
Kurt kept smiling, a real genuine smile that made Blaines heart sing. He reached for Blaines hand and swung it between them a little. Blaine could feel the cool, smooth, comforting surface of Kurts timer against his thumb.
"We have to go to Breadsticks." Kurt said. "Their Breadsticks are awful, but their cheesecake is amazing and I could really use some cheesecake right now."
"Feed Kurt cheesecake when hes had a hard day." Blaine said with a smile. "Noted."
Kurt laughed and squeezed Blaines hand.
Blaine wasnt sure what they were going to do about Karofsky, but he knew whatever it was they were in this together.