June 24, 2014, 7 p.m.
June 24, 2014, 7 p.m.
Blaine groaned and brought a hand up to the back of his head to see if it was bleeding. He sat up slowly relieved that at least there was no blood, but his head was pounding and his body ached. He blinked and rubbed his eyes trying to remember where he was.
Wherever he was it was almost completely dark and he had a hard time seeing anything. He did see something move to his left and he looked down to the ground next to him, the carpet was hovering near him as if it was watching him to see if he was okay.
Blaine groaned again. Now he remembered. He was in the cave of wonders… or what use to be a cave of wonders, the wonders part seemed to have been destroyed. He remembered falling to his death… but he didn't die. He looked at the carpet again.
“You saved my life didn't you?”
The carpet just curled up and uncurled like it was happy. Blaine let out a little chuckle. “Now what though?” He stood carefully testing his limbs out for any other injuries and looked up to where the cave had sealed high above him.
“I'm trapped.” Blaine said and spun around looking at the barren cave. “That two faced son-of-a-jackal!” He yelled. “I knew I shouldn't have trusted him.”
Blaine looked down as he heard a scraping noise; the carpet was pushing the lamp towards him with one of his tassels. Blaine crouched down and picked it up. “All of this for this worthless piece of junk?” He stood up trying to see the lamp in better light.
Blaine rubbed his hand over the smooth surface of the lamp, “It's just an old lamp.” His palm brushed against it again. Then there was a bright burst of light and smoke and the lamp all but jumped out of Blaine's hand. He backed up in surprise and the lamp clanged to the ground as a cloud of blue smoke started to fill the air.
“Oh yeah!” A voice rang out through the cave. “Yes! Thank you!” The smoke started to clear and Blaine stood frozen in place as a huge, blue, almost transparent man floated above the lamp. He was so big he almost took up the whole cavern.
“Ten-thousand years will give ya such a crick in the neck!” The man stretched his massive arms and then flexed them. He was big enough to knock down a whole building, he didn't really need any extra strength, but his arms were large and muscled. The man lifted them over his head and they popped. Though Blaine wasn't sure what was popping considering he seemed to be made mostly of smoke.
“Who do I have to thank?” The man asked and looked around. Then his eyes landed on Blaine who wished he had somewhere to hide.”You!” The man said and suddenly he shrunk down to the size of an almost normal person and came to hover right in Blaine face.
“Did you let me out?” The man asked.
“I…I just…” Blaine stuttered.
The man… if he was a man at all, smirked at him and flexed his muscles again. “Impressive right? I always leave people speechless.”
Blaine took a moment to really get a good look at him. Even shrunk down his was taller and broader than a normal person, his skin a bright blue. He hand dark hair that was shaved on the sides of his head leaving one stripe that went down the center. He had gold rings in each of his ears and wide gold cuffs on his wrist.
“What's your name?” The man asked.
“Uh… um, B- Blaine.”
“Come on Master!” The man said. “Don't look so worried, this is about to become the best day of your life!”
Blaine blinked as his words settled over him. “Wait, did you call me Master? Im… your master”
The man laughed and the sound of it rang through the cave. “Pretty but not so bright are we?” He asked. “You rubbed the lamp man. That makes you Master.”
“And…” Blaine shook his head. “That means you are?”
“The one” The man got bigger. “The only!” He grew again. “Genie! Of! The Lamp!” He was back to his huge room filling size now.
“I must have hit my head harder than I thought.” Blaine said and gulped.
“Nah, man.” The Genie answered. “Right here direct from the lamp for your enjoyment and wish fulfillment!”
Blaine sat down on a nearby rock and rubbed his hands over his face. “You're a Genie? A Genie? So I get… wishes?”
“He can be taught!” The Genie laughed and then, thankfully, shrunk back down to size again. “Three wished to be exact and no wishing for more wishes, doesn't work.”
Blaine was finally catching up to what was going on. He didn't know why he was so surprised to find a Genie in the lamp this whole day had been full of unbelievable things, flying carpets, magic caves, a prince! A prince… Blaine couldn't help but have a mix of emotions when he thought about Kurt. What was he suppose to do when he felt this way about someone he could never be with?
“Wait a minute.” Blaine said and looked at the Genie. “Youre going to grant me any three wishes I want?”
“Ah, almost.” The Genie said. “There are a few provisos, a couple of quid pro quos.”
“Well, rule number one! I can't kill anyone, violence is not the answer, so dont ask. Rule two. I cant make anyone fall in love with anyone else.” He batted his eyelashes and made kissy noise towards Blaine. “And rule three. I cant bring people back from the dead. That'd just be messed up anyway man. Other than that, you got it!”
Blaine nodded, a plan forming in his head. The first thing he needed to do was get out of this cave, but he didn't actually want to use a wish on that.
“Provisos?” Blaine asked lifting his eyebrows. “You mean limitations? On wishes? Some all powerful Genie, cant even bring people back from the dead.” He sighed and looked at the carpet that was still hovering around. “I dont know, he probably cant even get us out of this cave. Looks like were going have to find a way out of here-“
Blaine was cut off by the Genies hands blocking his way, he had grown a little bit. “Excuse me? Are you lookin at me? Did you rub my lamp? Did you wake me up, did you bring me here? And all of a sudden, youre walkin out on me?”
Blaine could almost swear there was actual steam coming out of the Genies' ears, maybe this hadn't been a good idea.
“I don't think so!” The Genie yelled. “Youre gettin your wishes, so sit down!”
Blaine quickly climbed up on the carpet the Genie grabbed the lamp from the floor and trusted it into Blaine's hands before climbing on behind him.
“Come on rugman!” Genie called. “We're outta here!”
They whooshed into the air and started climbing towards the nonexistence exit, Blaine tried not to flinch as they got closer, but just at the right moment the Genie waved his hand and the cave opened. They were in the cool air of the desert, stars twinkling above them. They continued flying until they reached a small desert oasis and the carpet landed.
The Genie climbed off. “HA!” He said crossing his arms and looking smug. “Teach you to doubt me.”
Blaine slipped off the carpet too and smiled. “Impressive. Now about my three wishes…”
“No way Master. You are down by one!”
“I never actually wished to get out of the cave, you did that on your own.”
The Genie froze and his face seemed to turn purple, Blaine was worried he was going to get angry again and he held his breath. He didn't actually want a powerful genie angry with him. But then the Genie did the last thing Blaine expected, he started to laugh.
“Oh my god! You didn't!” He whipped his eyes. “I should be so mad at you, but that was smooth man. No more freebies though. I was only able to do that because I thought you wished it.”
“Fair enough.” Blaine said and started pacing. “Wishes… I know what I want, but… I don't know..” He turned to the Genie who was sitting on the ground with his hands behind his neck resting against a palm tree. “What would you wish for?”
The Genie dropped his hands and looked at him. “Me? I… wow. No one has ever asked me that before. He stood up and scratched his head. “I guess… well, I'd wish for freedom.”
“Freedom? But you're an all powerful Genie!”
“Yeah.” The Genie laughed. “Yeah all the power of the cosmos!! But with a master controlling me and an itty-bitty living space.” He said nodding to the lamp Blaine had tucked into his waist band.
“But oh, to be free. Not have to go ‘Poof! What do you need? Poof! What do you need? Poof! What do you need?' To be my own master, such a thing would be greater than all the magic and all the treasures in all the world!” He had puffed up in size again as he spoke but then he shrunk down looking defeated. “But what am I talking about, here? Lets get real here. Its so not gonna happen.”
“Why not?” Blaine asked actually feeling bad for the guy. He had looked so young when he was talking about being free and Blaine could easily picture him as one of his friends living on the street and just longing for a better life.
“Because the only way for me to be free is for my Master to wish me free.” He said and rolled his eyes. “You can guess how many times that has happened.”
Blaine bit his lip and nodded, thinking about what it would be like to have absolutely no control over his life, he had often felt trapped, but it was nothing compared to this. “Then I'll wish you free.” Blaine said before he even realized it.
“I'll do it. I'll use my first two wishes and then I'll set you free.”
The Genie lifted his eyebrow. “Why would you do that?”
“It seems like the right thing to do.”
They stood looking at each other for a moment before a huge grin spread across the Genie's face. “Okay, here's hoping! Let's get those wishes cracking.” He popped his knuckles, “What do you want?”
Blaine sighed. “Well… there's this guy…”
“Nope, wrong. I can't make anyone fall in love.”
“No, no. I wouldn't want you too. I couldn't bare it if he only loved me if I wished him too. The problem is…he's a prince…”
“Of course, you can't just fall for a normal guy.” The Genie teased.
“You don't understand, I've never met anyone like him, he's brave and smart and… and...”
“Handsome?” The Genie supplied.
“Gorgeous! Hes got these eyes that just...and this hair, wow...and his smile.” Blaine plopped down on the ground. “But I could only have a chance with him if…”
He stopped and looked up at the Genie who was looking at him and nodding as if he'd been waiting for Blaine to get to this thought.
“Genie? Could you make me a Prince?”
The Genie smiled. “Now we're talking!”