June 9, 2015, 7 p.m.
June 9, 2015, 7 p.m.
Just a little diddy for Oleanna and Amysong who both asked for something with B(laine) re-meeting Rachel and Elliot after waking up from his coma.
Kurt walked into B's room at Cooper's apartment just in time to see him pull off his bowtie in frustration and toss it on his dresser before picking another one out from a pile sitting on the dresser's surface. He started tying the new selection, but seemed to be having trouble with it.
Kurt worried his lip and then walked up behind him with a soft smile. “Here let me help.”
B turned and faced him with wide eyes. “Do you think this is the right one?” He glanced down at his pile of bowties. “I could do the blue.”
“I love this one.” Kurt said as he started to knot the purple and yellow bowtie around B's neck for him. “We picked this one out together, remember?”
B's cheeks turned a little rosy. “I do remember, I really do Kurt. I remember everything I did with you when I was using the droid.” He said earnestly.
Kurt met his eyes. “I know you remember, I… I wasn't actually questioning that.” Kurt smiled and tried to reassure him. “It was more of a rhetorical question. There you go.” He finished with the tie and placed a hand on B's chest as he took him in. B looked adorable in a pale purple shirt and dark slacks, his bowtie finishing off the look by giving him the air of an excited school boy.
Except he didn't look excited.
Kurt had been by B's side throughout his recovery, but they were yet to get back into the rhythm they had before, and Kurt was having trouble reading B's frustration right now. “You know we don't have to do this tonight if you aren't up for it.” Kurt said sliding his hand up to cup the back of B's neck.
B had just recently started walking on his own and he was leaving for Ohio soon to see his parents again, but first they had planned a night out. A way to celebrate B's recovery, and since both Elliot and Rachel had been begging to see him the four of them were going to have dinner together. B had readily agreed when Kurt brought up the idea, but he seemed less sure now.
Kurt pushed down the worry in his stomach wondering if Blaine's newfound reluctance had anything to do with the conversation they had, and then aborted, about B coming back to live with Kurt again.
“No I want to go.” B assured him “I'm just…” B glanced down to the ground and Kurt followed his gaze until he noticed B's hands clasped in front of him, they were trembling slightly. “I'm nervous.” B confessed and Kurt immediately reached for his hands his breath hitching a little.
Blaine's hands were warm and smooth; fitting so perfectly in Kurt's own hands that Kurt couldn't help but smile. “What are you nervous about?”
“To meet Rachel and Elliot.” B answered still looking at the ground.
“But you've already met them.” Kurt lifted a brow in confusion trying to meet B's eyes.
B sighed and looked up at him. “I know… but I was a droid then. I'm afraid I'm going to weird them out.”
Kurt shook his head and let out a little laugh, relief that B's worries weren't to do with them. “Rachel spent her formative high school years posting YouTube videos every day of her singing that no one even watched. And Elliot gets on stage in his band, calls himself Starchild and basically humps his microphone stand. They don't get to judge what is weird.”
That made the corners of B's lips tip up in a smile and god did Kurt love that smile. If possible, it was even sunnier now that it was on Blaine's real lips and not on the droid version of him. Kurt was a little addicted to that smile… and those lips.
“True.” B conceded. “And they were always very kind to me even when I was just a droid with a hopeless crush on his owner.”
“Don't be silly.” Kurt said. “Not only did I never really own you, your crush on me? Far from hopeless. I had started imagining what it would be like to kiss you that first day I saw you in my dad's shop.”
“You didn't.” B said his smile growing.
Kurt nodded enjoying the way B's eyes were sparkling. “I mean I tried to convince myself otherwise, but I was swooning over you from the start and scared my dad would catch me flirting, leaning on counters in the workshop and batting my eyes at you.” Kurt batted his eyes in example.
B let out a loud happy laugh at that and Kurt's heart beat a little faster. He leaned in and kissed B's cheek. “If you don't want to do this dinner you would just say, right?”
“I want to.” B answered firmly, already seeming much more confident. “I really like Rachel and Elliot.”
B kissed Kurt's forehead before pulling away to put on his purple suit jacket. Only B could pull of so much of the same color and look devastatingly handsome doing it. Kurt shook his head and sighed happily when B took his hand again, ready to leave.
Rachel had picked the restaurant, as was evident by the snooty waiters and the expensive prices. She was doing really well on Broadway and liked to show-off a bit. She was also very generous though, and was footing the bill for the evening's celebrations.
When Kurt and Blaine arrived Rachel was already there and greeted them with a smile and warm hugs for each of them. She then held B out by his shoulders and looked him up and down. “That's incredible.” Rachel said.
Blaine looked at her a little shyly. “What is?”
“You are!” She exclaimed. “You look just like him, just like B.”
Kurt watched as the muscles of Blaine's face tightened but he didn't say anything.
“Rachel, this is B.” Kurt said giving her a pointed look.
“Oh I know! I'm just saying his droid was amazing.” She took both of B's hands a squeezed them in her own. “Blaine Anderson, it is very good to meet you again.”
B smiled at that and they all sat, but B seemed a little fidgety. Elliot joined them a couple of minutes later and Kurt just hopped he wouldn't say anything to put B on edge.
“Blaine!” Elliot greeted him taking his hand as B stood up and hugging him at the same time. “You are looking good. Kurt says your recovery has been going well.”
Kurt smiled and let out a breath of relief. Elliot was a god send, treating B like nothing strange was going on.
Rachel ordered champagne for all of them as they looked over the menus and there food arrived and then ordered a second bottle when the first was gone.
B was getting more and more relaxed as the evening went on and Kurt enjoyed seeing him talking and laughing and having a good time. Rachel mentioned the droid again in reference to B's eyes, but it didn't seem to bother B at all this time.
“Really Blaine, your real eye color is just gorgeous, so much better than before.”
B thanked her and seemed to relax a little but more. Kurt had known this would all work out fine, but at the same time he was very grateful Rachel and Elliot were being so great. I mean, of course they liked Blaine, he was so completely likeable, but if Kurt was honest with himself he'd be ready to defend B if needed. But things seemed to be going well. B's cheeks were rosy and he was smiling nonstop and Kurt couldn't keep his eyes off of him.
“Kurt tells me you're applying to NYU?” Elliot asked and B nodded.
“I was a student there before the… attack.” He said and tapped his head like suffering a major head trauma wasn't a big deal, Kurt's stomach squirmed. “I'd like to start where I left off studying Music composition and Music Theater.”
Of course that was the exact right thing to say to Elliot and Rachel and they both launched into asking him a million questions about his studies and what he wanted to do after he graduated. It was the same answer B had given Kurt when Kurt has asked him what he wanted to be all those months ago. He just wanted to make music and help people. Kurt couldn't stop smiling at him.
Towards the end of the meal Rachel started talking about her role as Fanny and B scooted his chair a little closer to Kurt's tapping his foot against his and then rubbing along the side of Kurt's foot with his shoe. There wasn't anything sexual about it, B was just very tactile and Kurt though he probably just like to have him close.
Kurt bit his lip and reached for B's hand under the table, feeling down to his core how lucky he was.
“You know Kurt as cute as you were together with B as a droid.” Rachel said pulling his attention back to the conversation. “Now you have someone you can grow old with.”
Kurt's eyes grew wide and his cheeks blushed crimson. “Rachel.”
Elliot just chuckled under his breath.
“What? You said once, when we were all worried about B waking up, you said something about wanting to grow old with him!”
“I…” Kurt's mouth fell open; Rachel lost what little filter she had when she'd been drinking. He glanced nervously at B who just looked back with raised eyebrows.
“I think what I said was that B… That…” Kurt cleared his throat. “You had said something to that effect once.” Kurt said to B wishing he had a way to get out of the hole Rachel had dug for him. B wasn't even ready to commit to living together again they didn't need to bring up growing old together. “And I was just really worried about you.” Kurt added hoping to explain himself.
B smiled as his eyes sparkled. “I did worry as a droid about the fact that I couldn't grow old with you, because you deserve to be with someone who can really be there for you.”
There was silence around the table and Kurt squeezed B's hand wanting so much to say, you are that person B. But instead he just smiled at him and then looked back at the table changing the subject. “So when B gets all the leads in his school plays this fall you two have to come see him.”
B chuckled and the dinner moved on.
B started giggling more and more as the evening starting winding down. Kurt loved the sound, he's heard B laugh before of course, but this was different he seemed almost giddy.
After they all said their goodbyes outside of the restaurant B tugged on Kurt's hand. “Let's walk home!” He said loudly and Kurt chuckled.
“It's a little bit of a walk B and I don't want to tire you out.”
B just beamed at him and then dove in for a kiss before pulling back laughing again , he stumbled a little and Kurt quickly reached for his arm to steady him.
“Are you okay?” Kurt asked growing concerned; B had just gotten strong at walking again and besides he was acting a little strange.
“I'm fine Kurt.” He let out a long sigh and then stretched his arms out wide tilting his head up to the sky. “It's a beautiful night and I feel great!”
Kurt smiled watching him. B was what was beautiful. Still Kurt was concerned because something was off with him. B looked back at Kurt and then moved forward placing his hands on Kurt's hips. “You are so gorgeous Kurt.” He said and starting kissing his jaw and then down his neck. It made Kurt's breath hitch and his eyes flutter closed.
“B.” He breathed out. “Baby, not here… we are standing in the middle of the sidewalk.”
B pulled back his eyes wide and bright. “So?” He smirked and then winked at Kurt.
“What's going on with you?” Kurt asked looking him over, his face was flushed and the curls around his brow were breaking free of their gel and his seemed a little wobbly on his feet. “Oh my god!” Kurt laughed when it finally dawned on him. “You're drunk.”
“I am not.” B said so seriously it just made Kurt laugh again. “I barely had anything to drink Kurt. Just some… some…”
“Champagne?” Kurt supplied for him.
“That's the stuff!” He said taking both of Kurt's hands and spinning them around.
Kurt laughed and then wrapped his arms around B as his almost fell over.
“B, you're a lightweight.” Kurt said pressing a kiss to his cheek. “That's something I didn't know about you.”
“Mmmm.” Blaine hummed nuzzling his face into Kurt's neck and it felt so good to have Blaine so warm and solid in his arms that Kurt didn't even care that they had made a little bit of a scene. “I didn't much like alcohol as a droid, but now you know what?”
Kurt walked B backwards a little bit and out of the way so they stood close to the wall of the restaurant. “What's that?” Kurt whispered as B lifted his face from Kurt's neck to look him in the eyes and he was so close that Kurt's heart skipped a beat.
“I really like champagne.” He said quietly like it was a secret.
Kurt just grinned at him, their eyes met and B leaned in for a kiss. Kurt sighed into it letting his eyes close as B's strong hands held onto his back and he parted his lips to deepen the kiss. Kissing B was perfect, his lips soft and steady, the little sighs he made making Kurt shiver down to his toes. After a few minutes Kurt had to break the kiss to catch his breath and because B's hands were traveling lower and lower and this was about to become somehitn more than just kissing. It wasn't that Kurt didn't want to go past kissing, he missed B in that way, but their first time after B's coma wasn't going to be like this. And Kurt wouldn't do anything more than kiss when B was feeling so tipsy anyway.
“We should get you back to Cooper's.” Kurt said softly and B nodded.
Kurt took his hand and led him to the curb where he hailed a cab; it really was too far of a walk. Kurt glanced at B who was looking sleepy suddenly, a soft smile on his lips and his sparkling eyes never looking away from Kurt. Kurt's heart did somersaults in his chest as the realization hit him that he still had so much to learn about B as a human, as Blaine Anderson.
“Love you.” B yawned sleepily as a cab pulled up.
“You have no idea.” Kurt said and followed him into the cab, knowing that with every little new thing Kurt learned about B he was just going to fall that much more in love with him.