Feb. 10, 2016, 6 p.m.
Feb. 10, 2016, 6 p.m.
AN: Hello all! I want to take a second to think my lovely friend Charleygyrl for being a pitch hitter beta reader for me on this chapter, she is a saint.
Thank you all for reading and reviewing and being generally lovely.
I love to hear from you so remember comments = Darren Criss spontaneously doing a cover of your favorite song (sigh)
And now on with the show!
Kurt sat in a soft overstuffed armchair and watched as Blaine sorted through a box of books. They were at Fairytale Press, a place that Kurt had become extremely familiar with in the past couple of weeks, seeing as he spent time here with Blaine as often as he could.
"Are you sure you dont need help with that?" Kurt asked as Blaine looked at the spine of a book and determined which pile it should go in.
"I get paid for this Kurt, youre a guest." He smiled up at him from where he was sitting crisscross on the ground. "I can handle it."
Kurt nodded and tried to focus his attention back to the book he was reading. He and Blaine spent a lot of time together, so much so that comfortably sitting here reading while Blaine worked seemed like a lovely and natural way to spend the morning. The only problem was that Blaine was being terribly distracting. Not on purpose, really Kurt was to blame, but he couldnt help it when Blaine looked so beautiful.
He was in a purple polo today with a bowtie (of course) and pale blue pants rolled up at the ankles (as always). The polo was doing all kinds of great things for his physique, framing him so that his broad shoulders were noticeable and cutting his arms just the right way to draw attention to his flexed muscles. Kurts book was drooping in his hands as he thought about the evening before. It had been another Friday at the hotel together and memories of trailing his lips across those shoulders or gripping Blaines strong biceps as they rocked together was making Kurt a little dizzy.
This friendship of theirs was a little odd by any standards, and it wasnt exactly what Kurt wanted, but he wasnt going to rock the boat. They still got together every Friday as client and escort while they spent time together almost every other day of the week as friends. During the week the unspoken no touching rule seemed to still be in effect so Kurt was left with his daydreams. Today those daydreams consisted of crawling into Blaines lap as he sat on the floor and tackling him with kisses. Which of course he did not do, despite how much he wanted too, and how good he knew Blaines lips tasted.
"Hows the book?"
"Hmm?" Kurt broke out of his thoughts to see Blaine smiling up at him.
"The book? You seem so immersed in in."
Kurt looked down to see the book closed in his lap and then glanced back to Blaine smirking at him. "Oh ha ha. I was just… thinking."
"You were somewhere else entirely. You know you dont have to be here, this is probably a little boring for you."
"Are you kidding?" Kurt asked. "I love this place. And hanging out with you is always nice. Dont you want me here?"
"Always." Blaine said with a sweet smile. "I love spending time with you, and you make my work day much more pleasant just by being here."
Kurts cheeks flushed and he opened the book again pretending to pay attention to it. "I love spending time with you too." Kurt said his eyes down and for a moment the silence between them was heavy with things neither of them were actually saying.
"I was thinking." Kurt spoke up after a moment. "I think we should go karaoke sometime soon."
"Thats a random thought."
Kurt looked back at him sitting and looking adorable surrounded by piles of books in some kind of system them made sense to Blaine. "Its just that ever since I learned you were in an acapella group in highschool Ive been dying to hear you sing."
"I want to hear you sing too so karaoke sounds like the perfect idea."
"Oh! We could sing something together!" Kurt said excitedly ignoring his book altogether. "We could sing Youre The Top from Anything Goes!"
Blaine chuckled at Kurts excitement. "I love that idea."
"As long as I get to sing Renos part."
Blaine stood from him piles of books as he heard the front door chime. He leaned over Kurts chair bracing his hands on either armrest and bringing his face close enough to Kurts for Kurts breath to hitch. Blaine glanced from his eyes to his lips before answering, "Of course youll sing Renos part." Then he pushed off the chair and walked away. Kurt heard him greet the costumer and he tried to slow his heart that was beating too fast against his chest.
God, Blaine was killing him here.
He wanted Blaine so much. It was more than just physical, the ways he wanted Blaine. It was more than longing for the feel of his skin or their warm bodies pressed against each other or the wet slid of Blaines lips. It was his laugh and sense of humor. It was his kindness and impeccable manners. It was Blaines tastes and passions and just who he was. Kurt wanted him, all of him. And he was so close to having it all and yet...
They were fast friends, Kurt considered Blaine one of his very best friends. And they had sex – weekly. It just wasnt… it wasnt a real relationship, a real friendship yes but they werent actually dating. Kurt couldnt kiss him whenever he wanted, and he couldnt tell him how he felt about him, and so much of what Kurt wanted he had to hold back on.It was messed up, Kurt knew. Still he wouldnt give up what he did have with Baine. It was too sweet to risk.
Kurt heard the door chime a few more times and knew Baine would be busy for a little while so he picked up his book and tried reading again. He looked up when he felt someone plop down and try to squish into the chair with him.
"Hey Rachel." He said with a smile and put his book down trying to scoot over, but Rachel was still practically sitting in his lap in the tight confines of the chair.
"I was nearby and I knew Id find you here." She said picking up his book. "Reading?"
"Trying to."
"Ahh, youre watching Blaine again." She deposited the book back in Kurts lap uninterested.
"Im not watching Blaine." He was. "And what do you mean again?" Oh lord, he had a problem.
"Oh you know, the way you two are always staring after each other with heart eyes"
"Blaine does not stare after me with heart eyes.
"Oh please." Rachel tossed her hair behind her shoulder. "I dont understand you two, why you havent started officially dating? You are perfect for each other."
Kurt looked down and started fidgeting with the edges of his book. "I dont know about that."
"I do. Whats stopping you? Wait - Oh god."
Kurt looked up.
"Its the other guy isnt it?"
"What other guy?" Kurt asked worriedly. Did Blaine have some other guy?
"Your Mr. One Night Stand. You arent still hung up on that guy are you?"
Kurt blinked at Rachel for a moment before he remembered the conversation hed had with her about Blaine without ever telling Rachel Blaines name. "Oh. No. No, Im not." That wasnt true he was hung up on Blaine. "I mean I am but it isn't…" He sighed not knowing how to explain.
"Kurt why would you be pining after a guy who doesnt want you when Blaine is right here and you obviously have feelings for him? Is the sex with Mr. One Night Stand that good?"
"I… just…" Kurt wasnt sure how to answer that, but was spared coming up with a reply when Blaine joined them, sitting down on the ground again with a broad smile.
"What are we talking about?"
"Oh Kurt and I were just discussing how you should join us at Duets tonight." Rachel said easily.
"Its this great piano bar Jesse and I found. Elliot and Bryce are coming. It will be fun!"
"Oh." Blaine glanced at Kurt for confirmation.
"It would be fun, you have to come Blaine."
"Id love to really." Blaine rubbed the back of his neck and looked nervous. "Its just that Im working."
"Working?" Kurt asked confused.
"Youre working now Blaine." Rachel added.
Then it hit Kurt, Blaine was working. Not at Fairytale Press but for the escort service. Blaine had a client tonight.
Kurt suddenly felt sick.
"Yes… well… extra hours are always helpful." Blaine tried to explain.
"Thats too bad." Rachel stood from the chair and feeling started to return to Kurts legs. "Maybe some other time?"
Kurt couldnt find anything to say at all.
"Youre leaving already?" Blaine looked disappointed, Kurt was both pleased and somewhat apprehensive at how quickly Rachel and Blaine had become friends.
"Oh Im out running errands this morning before rehearsal. I just thought Id stop by and say hello."
She leaned down and gave Kurt a hug. "Think about what I said." She whispered before leaving.
But Kurt couldnt think about anything other than the fact that Blaine would be with a client tonight. He knew of course that Baine had other clients. Hed always known, but in this moment it hit him like a ton of bricks.
All the images in his head earlier of him and Baine together morphed into something else. Twisted into visions of Blaine with some faceless man. Some stranger kissing across Blaines shoulders, and gripping his arm and tasting his lips and them coming together.
Kurt really thought he might throw up.
"You okay?" Blaine asked.
Kurt snapped his head down to look at Blaine where he was sitting on the floor. He spoke without thinking. "Who is he?"
"Excuse me?"
Kurt shook his head and tried to gather his thoughts. "Youre working for the agency tonight right? Whos the guy?" Kurt cleared his throat and tried to sound indifferent. "Is he a regular or someone new or…?"
"Oh. Um. Yeah. Hes a regular.” Blaine said looking down at the books and not meeting Kurt's eyes. “He only comes to the city every once in a while, but we always meet up when he does. He lives in the suburbs but keeps an apartment here."
"Oh." Kurt nodded. "Not one of those closeted guys is he?"
"No. Hes out." Blaine squirmed on the ground where he was sitting, looking a little uncomfortable. "He just enjoys my company from time to time."
"Right. Right." Kurt couldnt seem to stop nodding. "So you meet up at this guys apartment?"
"We usually go out first, XL or more likely Cure he likes clubs... You know I shouldnt be telling you this." Blaines face was flushed and he ran a hand through his hair. "Sorry."
"No, its okay I shouldnt have asked. Well change the subject." Jealousy was like a tight hot ball in Kurts stomach, but he knew that was unfair. He steered the conversation to safer waters; his job at the fashion house, the new little Thai place he found and soon things seemed easy between them again. Except it wasnt really, on the inside Kurt was freaking out, and he knew he had to do something.
That afternoon when Kurt left Fairytale Press an idea, a very foolish idea he knew, was forming in his mind.
"So instead of Duets you want us to go to a gay club with you?" Jesse asked as they sat in Jesses and Rachels living room waiting for Rachel to finish getting ready to go.
"Cure isnt exclusively a gay club, it is just very gay friendly." Kurt clarified.
"Sure, we can go." Jesse was usually agreeable, hed go if others wanted too, as long as he was able to either sing or dancehe was in. "We could help you scope out the place. You arent looking for a guy though are you?"
"Why shouldnt I be?" Kurt asked, even though he knew that wasnt even close to the reason why he wanted to try this particular club.
Jesse raised his eyebrows and looked at him quizzically. Hed met Blaine himself and undoubtedly had heard and earful about him from Rachel. "No reason."
Rachel came out with her third outfit try for the evening and after Kurt approved of it they all set out, texting Elliot and Bryce who were meeting up with them the venue change. Cure was a club in Chelsea that Kurt had never been to before but had heard of. Hed never really thought of giving it a try until he found out that Blaine might be there this evening.
Blaine and this rich suburban client he saw regularly.
He knew he shouldnt be trying to spy on Blaine like this, but he couldnt get the idea of him and another guy out of his head. He was sickly drawn in like a fly to a web, he needed to see for himself. To see that even though Blaine was probably very good at his job that there was no way he had chemistry with this other guy. He needed to see that this was just Blaines job. That what he and Blaine had was special, even though he already knew it was.
He just needed to see.
The club was full this evening with pounding music and flashing lights. Jesse, Rachel and Kurt made their way over to the bar and Kurt leaned against it eyes roaming the crowd as his friends ordered.
"Whatll you have?" A voice called from behind his shoulder and he turned to see the bartender waiting on his order.
"Oh…. A Melon Sour?"
The bartender nodded and turned to make the drink as Kurt continued to look over the crowd for any signs of Blaine. Ugh, why did Blaine have to be so short? They were all served their drinks when Rachel leaned in to shout in his ear over the music. "Should we dance?"
"Thats okay. You and Jesse go ahead Ill stay here and, um, wait for Elliot and Bryce."
Jesse pulled Rachel onto the dance floor and they were soon embarrassingly grinding against each other.
Kurt sipped on his drink and continued looking for Blaine, his stomach aching with jealousy and hurt. He wanted to see Blaine out tonight as much as he really didnt want to. He was distracted from his searching when Elliot came up and shouted "Boo!"
Kurt jumped almost spilled his drink before looking at Elliot and Bryce, hands locked together and bright expressions on their faces.
"Sorry!" Elliot laughed. "You looked so intense."
"Lost in thought." Kurt responded over the music.
"Why arent you dancing?"
"I was just waiting-" Kurt didnt get to finish his thought as Rachel came hurrying up Jesse in tow.
"We should go." She said quickly.
"But we just got here." Bryce looked confused and Rachel gave him and Elliot a passing glance.
"Yes, but I dont like it here." She grabbed Kurts arm and started tugging. "Lets find someplace else."
"What happened Rachel?" Kurt asked worriedly, looking back at Jesse for an explanation. He wasnt any more help.
"Im with Rachel,” Jesse said. “This place isnt really our speed."
"I dont under-" Kurt stopped talking as his heart crashed down to his toes. The dancing crowd had parted enough for Kurts eyes to fall on two men dancing close, noses touching and hands moving. Kurt licked his lips and swallowed even though it hurt his throat to do so. He watch the taller of the two men - a ridiculously good looking, dark haired man probably in his late-thirties - as he trailed his hands down to cup his dance partners ass. To cup Blaines ass. "Oh god." Kurts voice came out hoarse he doubted any of his friends heard him. It didnt matter though they were all looking at the same thing Kurt was.
"Its that your friend Blaine?" Bryce asked and Elliot elbowed him in the side, Kurt didnt even notice. He took a step forward and then another before he felt someone tugging on his arm.
"Im so sorry Kurt!" Rachel shouted, the music still pumping through the room. "Lets just go."
"I cant." Kurt voice was tight as he shook her off and continued forward making his way straight to Blaine. He stood and watched as Blaine and the stranger danced chest to chest, so close there was barely room between them and then the man leaned in to nibble a little at Blaines ear as Blaine smiled like he was enjoying it. A wave of jealousy and protectiveness rushed though Kurt. He couldnt watch this. He couldnt watch another mans, hands and lips all over Blaine. He couldnt.
"Stop!" Kurt shouted without even thinking about it.
The man glanced over but gave Kurt no mind before Baine turned his head and his eyes widened as they landed on Kurt who was being pushed and shoved around a little while he was standing still on a busy dance floor. "Stop." Kurt repeated but this time so quiet there was no way anyone heard it.
"Oh my god." Blaines mouth fell open before he quickly took a large step away from the man he was dancing with. "No. No, no, no."
"Everything alright babe?" The man asked Blaine.
Anger curled up inside of Kurt like a hurricane. "Get away from him!" he shouted, steping forward and pushing the man away from Blaine. It was a surreal moment, Kurt felt like something else was controlling him. He couldnt believe he was acting so irrational, but he couldnt stop himself. He pushed the stranger back another foot.
The man lifted his hands, clearly not looking for a fight. "Hey kid, cool down."
"Its okay Daniel." Blaine said, his face still a mask of shock. "I am so so sorry about this but could I have just five minutes?"
Daniel glanced at Kurt for a long time before looking back to Blaine. "Yeah of course." He brought his hand to the back of Blaines neck and pulled him in for a kiss as Kurt watched and his throat clogged with hot tears.
Blaine grabbed Kurts hand and started leading him off of the dance floor. Kurt followed him stunned until they exited the main room and found themselves in the hallway that lead to the restrooms. Kurt could still feel the bass beat of the music back here, but it was much quieter.
When they were alone, Blaine turned to face Kurt, keeping hold of his hand. "Kurt, what is going on here?"
"I… I…" Kurt closed his mouth and spent a moment taking a deep breath. He was not going to cry.
Blaine sighed and he ran his fingers though his hair messing up his perfect curls. "Are you here because I said I might be?"
Kurt slowly nodded, he felt so stupid, but at the same time it was everything he could do not to drag Blaine out of this place right then.
"Why would you do that? You cant do this. Im working."
"I just… I just had to know." Kurt said quietly.
Blaine stared at him for a long moment, he didnt seem angry, just deflated. He didnt ask what it was that Kurt had to know. "This is completely inappropriate. What if I came into your place of work and started pushing people around?"
"It isnt the same!" Kurt could feel his eyes watering. He was not going to cry.
"This is my living Kurt and youre jeopardizing that. And for what?" Blaine was raising his voice now, though his face still didnt look angry, lost maybe, but not quite angry. "Why would you follow me here? Just to break up my time with a client?"
"I…" Kurt swallowed. "I dont like it. I hate that you are here with someone else!" Kurt said balling his first. He didnt know if he was angry or not, he was too full of emotion to even understand what he was feeling.
"Kurt youve always known this is what I do. Ive never hidden that! God Kurt, we wouldnt even know each other if I didnt do what I do."
"You said I wasnt like other clients." Kurt barreled on, "But I saw you dancing with him. You go out to clubs and you dance like that and he kisses you."
"Thats what hes paying for!" Blaine threw his hands in the air clearly frustrated.
"But I thought… I thought we were different."
"We are."
"It looks the same to me!"
Blaine let out a long breath and rubbed his hands down his face before stepping closer to Kurt and looking him in the eyes. Blaine placed one of his hands to gently cup Kurts neck. "It may look the same to you, but I promise it doesnt feel the same to me."
"I dont like it." Kurt repeated, but all energy had left his words and they came out helpless and small.
"I know, but you should have never even seen this. I knew I shouldnt talk to you about my other clients, you just seemed to be handling it fine." Blaine moved forward and leaned his forehead against Kurts, his hand still on the back of his neck. "Im sorry Kurt, but this is what I do. I thought you understood. And I have to go back to Daniel now Im still on the clock… Im sorry. Can we talk about this later?"
Kurt just shrugged stubbornly, not able to find his voice.
Blaine pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek before he dropped his hand and took a step back. He sighed again and then walked towards the door that lead back to the main room. He brought his hand up to push against it and whispered one last time, "Im sorry", voice sounding broken, before leaving Kurt standing alone in the hallway.
As soon as Blaine left, the tears Kurt had been barely holding back came flowing out. He clutched at his chest and a broken sob ripped through him. He leaned against a wall and let himself have a full minute of crying before he took a deep breath, valiantly wiped off his face and marched back out into the club looking for and finding his friends still standing by the bar.
"Im going home." His voice shook and there were still tears wet on his cheeks.
"Oh Kurt." Rachel looked heartbroken herself. "Im so sorry. I had no idea Blaine was such a snake. Saying he was working and then-"
"No. Stop." Kurt pleaded. "You dont know the whole story... this isnt Blaines f-fault." His breath hitched. "But Im going home."
"Ill come with you."
"No Rachel."
"Kurt are you sure you dont want some company?" Elliot spoke up. And of course Kurt had arranged it so all of his friends had been here to witness this miserable evening. "No. I just need to not be here. Ill talk to you all later, alright?" With that, he broke away from them, ignoring their appeals and went straight outside to hail a cab.
He cried silently all the way back to his apartment and was still crying when he fell down on his couch, his chest aching. He was in love with Blaine. He was in love with Blaine and tonight Blaine would be having sex with someone else and god, he knew it was Blaines job and it shouldnt hurt like this. But it did. So much.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and hit Mercedess number. It only rang once before her cheerful voice answered on the other end.
"Kurt! What a great surprise! How are you?"
"Im in love... with B-blaine." Kurt rushed out as another sob punched though him.
"Wait. What?"
"Im in love with Blaine." Kurt repeated forcing himself to stop crying.
There was silence for a short moment before Mercedes spoke again. "Blaine? As in the escort I hired for you months ago?"
Kurts sobs were gone now but his chest still hurt. "Yes, that Blaine."
"Oh Kurt. Whats going on? Tell me everything. From the beginning."
Kurt took a deep breath and dried his eyes with his sleeve. He was so grateful that he was finally going to be able to tell someone the whole story, even if it would hurt to get it out, and even if it couldnt possibly piece his heart broken heart back together again.