Love Me Sweet
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Love Me Sweet: Pause

E - Words: 3,830 - Last Updated: Feb 10, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Jan 20, 2016 - Updated: Jan 20, 2016
299 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

AN: Good morning! *insert time of day you are reading this* We are almost at the end of this fic now and I wanted to thank you yet again for sticking with me and reading my little story. It meades a lot to me. 

You are all the best! xoxo

Kurt laid curled up under a blanket on his couch, his cheeks tear stained as he sniffled and stared at his laptop screen. As soon as he got home from Blaine's he Skyped Mercedes, and gratefully she was available to take his call. Hed poured his heart out telling her about last night with Blaine and this morning and how hed finally told him he loved him and that Blaine loved him back. And then he told her all about Sebastian and how everything had shattered so quickly.

Mercedes listened a little teary-eyed herself, comforting him as best she could form across the country. "Oh sweetie." She used the pet name for the hundredth time. "I know it hurts right now, but do you think he might have been right?"

"No." Kurt answered stubbornly. "He wasnt right. Isnt love supposed to trump everything else?"

"Only in musicals, Kurt." She said with a kind smile. "Not always in real life."

Kurts heart ached in his chest, it was a physical pain and even though the rational part of his mind knew Mercedes was right, he wasnt really listening to the rational part of his mind right now.

He should have never left Blaines apartment. He should have stayed, he should have fought for them. He should have made Blaine see that he was so stupidly wrong. Because no matter what, he and Blaine should be together, shouldnt they?

Except Mercedes thought that Blaine had a point, but Mercedes wasnt in love with Blaine, she didnt know how miserable Kurt felt right now.

"Kurt." Mercedes called from the screen and Kurt glanced back up at her wiping at his eyes. "Im sorry. I am so sorry you are going through this."

Kurt nodded. Shed said that already, but still it was nice to hear.

He was surprised out of his conversation with Mercedes by a knock on the door.

"And please forgive me Kurt?"

"Forgive you?"

"I had too, you shouldnt be on your on right now."

Someone knocked more insistently on the door.

"What did you do?" Kurt said sitting up on the couch.

"I may have been texting Rachel this whole time?"

"Oh god. Mercedes! She doesnt even know about Blaine, I mean what he does for a living or that weve been sleeping together!"

"Kurt, she is one of your best friends and she loves you in that intense way that only Rachel Berry can pull off, dont you think you should just talk to her?"

There was another louder knock on the door and then Kurt heard Rachels voice calling, "I know youre home Kurt Hummel! Please let me in."

Kurt sighed at the sound of her voice and suddenly he was glad she was here. Mercedes was wonderful, he loved her more than he could say, but she was 2600 miles away in California and maybe he did need someone here with him right now. "Thanks, Mercedes." He said with a sincere smile and they said their goodbyes before Kurt logged off and went to answer his door.

Rachel threw her arms around him as soon at the door was open, he didnt even get a good look at her before he had her in his arms. "Kurt, are you okay?" She backed up to look him in his tearful face.

"What did Mercedes tell you?"

"Only that you were heartbroken and needed a friend. I brought Ben & Jerrys." She said holding up a grocery bag.

Kurt smiled a little and went to grab two spoons from the kitchen. Soon he and Rachel were huddle together on the couch sharing a pint of peanut butter fudge ice cream.

Kurt started at the beginning telling Rachel how hed always let everyone think hed had sex before, when really he was a virgin. About hiring Blaine for his first time and how everything just kind of snowballed from there. About him and Blaine trying to be just friends, but neither of them could manage that. About how Sebastian had come and shattered the delicate relationship they had just began. He apologized for not telling her all of this sooner and not letting her know that Blaine was his "Mr. One Night Stand" and he told her how impossibly in love he was, but that Blaine didnt think they could be together.

He knew he was laying a lot on her at one time, but the more he told her the more came pouring out. When he was done his felt empty, getting it all out was good, but exhausting. He was so glad there weren't any secrets between him and Rachel anymore, but now that it was all said he felt even more hopeless about the situation. How was he ever going to work this out with Blaine?

Rachel surprisingly listened without saying much, just sharing the ice cream and occasionally rubbing a hand up and down his back. When he was finished he let out a great sigh, every word hurt, but at least it was out there now. He looked up from the nearly empty pint to try and read Rachels expression.

Her face was scrunched up in thought, "So Blaine… hes a pros-"

"An escort." Kurt interrupted before she could say a word he hated.

"Right. And youre in love with him?"

"What? You think I couldnt be in love with someone who does what he does?" Kurt said defensively. "Rachel, he is still Blaine. Sweet, dashing, dorky Blaine. And I love him. I dont care what he does for a living."

"No, I do get that Kurt. Anyone who knows you can see how much you love him. And Blaine is wonderful and you two are so good together… but…"

"But what?" Kurt said back stiffening, if she said anything bad about Blaine he was going to let her have it.

"I love Jesse. With all my heart, but I couldnt imagine sharing him with someone. Im not saying you shouldnt be in love with Blaine, Im just saying I think that Blaine may be right. Having to wait behind time and time again while you know he is off… having sex, with someone else. Wouldnt that just kill you?"

Kurt bit his lip and looked away blinking back the tears that wanted to start again. "Yes." He finally answered. "It hurts to even think about it, but the alternative is not being with him at all and that hurts too." He looked back at Rachel. "What should I do?"

Rachel sat the ice cream down and reached out to hold both of his hands in hers, "Kurt you arent going to want to hear this, but I think you need to back away for now. Blaine asked for some time right? He thought you shouldnt see each other for a while? Well, I think you should respect that."

Kurts jaw clenched in displeasure, people kept telling him things he didnt want to hear. "And is that what you would do, if it was Jesse?"

"No." Rachel answered immediately, "I would probably keep pursuing him until he was sick of me not listening to him when he asked for space - and then I would get all weepy dramatic and ruin any chance we had - and all the while youd be telling me to back off and give him time. Youre more sensible than I am, Kurt."

Kurt was quiet for a moment, he pulled his hands out of Rachels grip and hugged himself around his chest. "So by give him time… you think there is a chance this could still work out?"

Rachel sighed, he knew he was being hard-headed, but he was just not ready to give up on Blaine yet. "Blaine is in love with you.” Rachel answered. "I dont think he is going to stay away very long. Maybe hell come back to you? I really hope he does."

Kurt nodded, looking down at the blanket across his lap and tugging a little on the threading. "And what if he doesnt come back to me? What if I lose him?"

Rachel was quiet next to him until he looked up to meet her eyes. She was wiping a tear from her cheek. "How about this?" She said smiling a little too brightly for Kurts liking, "Ill make you a deal – wait for a predetermined amount of time and if you dont hear from Blaine then you go talk to him. That way youve given him the time he asked for, but didnt give up on him."

Kurts tight chest seemed to relax a little at that, it let him look at this as a pause in their relationship and not the end. "And then I just have to… be okay with him being an escort?"

Rachel shrugged. "He surely cant do that forever, right?"

Kurt didnt answer, there were too many unknowns in this plan for him to feel a real sense of hope.

"Okay how long do I wait?" Kurt was thinking a week at the most.

"I dont know a month or so?"

"What? No. Not that long. I could lose him Rachel." Kurts heart started to hurt again. Surely Rachel didnt really expect him to wait that long.

"If he loves you now hell still love you in a couple of months."

"No." Kurt repeated shaking his head. "Two weeks."

"One month."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Three weeks. Tops."

"Okay – fine. Wait three weeks. I bet he reaches out to you before than anyway."

Rachel seemed to think it was a great idea and that the problem was solved, she picked up the ice cream and handed Kurt his spoon. "Want to watch a movie?"

Kurt agreed, mostly because he was just exhausted and needed something mindless to do. Rachel was careful not to pick anything with a love story and they sat next to each other on the couch finishing up the ice cream and watching the movie.

Or at least Rachel was watching. Kurts mind was too occupied by the thought of curly hair, and a sweet smile, and kind voice and the feel of Blaines lips on his skin to really pay much attention anything else.

Deciding to give Blaine a few weeks to come to his senses before making him come to his senses, was a lot easier said than done. The next weeks of Kurts life dragged on forever. He still wasnt sure what to do about Blaines job as an escort, that was still going to be an issue, but it was an issue he was willing to work out and hopefully Blaine would be as well. If he could just get through the next 21 days.

While he didnt directly try to see Blaine in those weeks, he did spend a lot of time at the coffee shop across the street from Fairytale Press. "They have a really great mocha." Kurt explained to Rachel when she brought it up, "I know there are a lot of coffee shops in New York, but I just really like that one."

Rachel had seemed less than convinced, but shed still let it go.

Even though Kurt sat in the coffee shop reading, or sketching or taking care of projects from work – and stealing glances across the street frequently – he only once caught a glimpse of Blaine. It was the first week of their "separation" and he saw Blaine walking down from his apartment in the back to open the book shop.

He looked as dreamy as ever in his rolled up pants, button down shirt and bow-tie, but was it Kurts imagination or did he look very tired as well? Slower and with less life in his steps. It was everything Kurt could do not to hop up and go across the street, but he had promised himself hed wait three weeks and he was doing his best to stick to that.

The first week went by and he didnt hear from Blaine. The second week went by and he started having people call and text his phone to make sure it was still working. After eighteen days Kurt felt sick, he got up and went to work and did the things he had to do, but he wasnt sleeping well or eating much. His friends were getting worried. Even Rachel had honestly thought Blaine would contact him by now.

"Oh my god!" Elliot said one evening when they were all together. "The three weeks thing was just an arbitrary number! Kurt – go see him!"

Everyone knew the whole story now, and they all seemed to think waiting was a good idea. But now Elliot had enough.

"He can wait three more days." Rachel protested as she paused the movie they were all watching.

"No. No he cannot!" Elliot said gesturing to Kurt slumped in a chair nearby where they were all gathered in Rachel and Jesses living room. "Go find him Kurt. Make it work. Stop torturing yourself! God."

Kurt looked at him and then Bryce who smiled encouragingly at him. Jesse even nodded his head before Rachel sighed, "Yeah okay. They are right. I hate seeing you this way. Go."

"Right now?" Kurt asked sitting up straighter in his chair.

"Fairytale Press is still open." Rachel answered and he was on his feet before she finished the sentence.
After what Kurt considered the most miserable weeks in his life, he was finally going to find Blaine and talk some sense into him!

He smiled at his friends and rushed out of the apartment. He could admit to himself that he was disappointed that it wasnt Blaine whod come back to him saying how foolish hed been and of course they should be together because Kurt was all he could think about. In the end though he didn't care, because even though that hadnt happened, Kurt still loved Blaine so achingly much, if he needed to take the first step then he would. Kurt just had to convince Blaine being together was worth any hard times they might have.

Deep in the recesses of Kurts heart he was still trying to convince himself he could share Blaine the way Blaines job would demand. Blaine would have sex with other people but he loved Kurt and that was enough. That should be enough. He was ignoring the little voice that was whispering that it was going to hurt like the stab of a knife every time Blaine was with someone else.

He went home and put on his best skinny jeans, and the blue and white patterned shirt he knew Blaine liked, made sure his hair was perfect and then hurried to Fairytale Press. He went up to Blaines apartment first and knocked on the door, bouncing on his toes in excitement and anxious nerves. When there was no answer he went around front to the shop, as he walked in the little bell on the door chimed and making his heart beat faster in his chest. He related this bookstore so closely to Blaine that the dusty smell of the books, and little twinkling lights immediately made his stomach swoop.

There was a young woman behind the counter that Kurt had never seen before, she had strawberry hair pulled back in a ponytail and was leaning over the counter and reading a text book. Kurt walked up and smiled, "Hi."

The girl looked up surprised like shed been so intent in the book she hadnt even heard him come in. "Oh! Sorry! Hi there. Can I help you with something?"

Kurt took a deep breath and stuck his hands in his pockets, "I was looking for Blaine actually. Is he working today?"

"No. Ms. Anna opened and Im closing this evening."

"Oh." Kurts heart dropped a little. "Okay – do you know if he will be in tomorrow?"

The woman shrugged. "I really couldnt say, but Im sure I could help you with whatever you need."

Kurt shook his head, "Thanks, Im good." He wandered around the store a little while as if Blaine would suddenly appear on one of the bookshelves before heading back outside again, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He sent a short text to Blaine saying he was at Fairytale Press. He hadnt texted him before coming over because he wanted to talk to Blaine in person, he didnt want Blaine to tell him they shouldnt see each other over text message.

Kurt waited and when there was no return text from Blaine he just bit the bullet and called.

"We are sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service-" Kurt pulled the phone back from his ear and looked at the screen. That had to be wrong. He hung up and tried calling Blaine again.

"We are sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try-"

Kurt hung up, his throat feeling a little dry. He licked his lips and just stared at his phone as if it was a poisonous creature about to bite him. Blaine had changed his number? Blaine had changed his number and Kurt had no way of calling him now. Kurt shook his head in disbelief. Why? Why would he do that?

He took a deep breath. It was okay, it would be okay. He still knew where Blaine lived and worked. He wasnt going to be able to talk to him right this moment like he had wanted, but he wasnt giving up.

Kurt came back to Fairytale Press on Saturday, but again Blaine wasnt home or working. Kurt was disappointed but he pushed on, he came back on Sunday. He tried the book shop first because Blaine usually worked some on the weekends. His heart fell when again it wasnt Blaine behind the front counter.

It was an older woman, maybe her late fifties, gray hair cut to a bob at her chin and a long, sheer, flowy kimono jacket on with big chunky jewelry. "Welcome to Fairytale Press. Can I help you with something?" She greeted.

"Um… I was hoping Blaine was working actually. I seem to keep missing him."

The womans smile dropped. "Oh Im sorry Blaine doesnt work here anymore."

It took a second for that statement to sink in. There had to be a mistake. "What do you mean he doesnt work here? He lives in the apartment out back." Kurt said feeling a little frantic.

The woman just shook her head. "Blaine was the best store manager I could have asked for, but he was far too bright to keep doing this forever, I loved having him stay in my little apartment, but he moved out just a few days ago."

Kurt didnt speak for a long moment, and when he did find his voice the only thing he could think to say was "No."

"Excuse me?" The woman asked obviously confused.

"He cant be gone. New job, new apartment, new number. No." Kurt felt like something heavy was resting on his chest making it hard to breath. "I dont have any way of finding him!"

"Im sorry-" The woman started but Kurt was too flustered to let her finish.

"Are you the owner? Is this store yours? You're Ms. Anna?"

"Yes I am."

"Then you must know where Blaine is now. He left a few days ago? I missed him by a few days?" Kurt was feeling nauseated now, like everything was just slipping through his fingers. "But you know. You know Blaine. He talks about you. You must know how I can get in touch with him."

The woman just shook her head sadly. "Im sorry dear, but if Blaine left and didnt tell you how to contact him I dont think it would be my place to give you that information."

Kurt placed his hands flat on the counter and leaned forward, he could feel his eyes stinging but he held back his tears. "Please. You dont understand. I… I love him. And I need to talk to him. It is so so important."

Ms. Anna's eyes widened, her penciled eyebrows rising, “Oh darling.” She said and placed her hand over one of his, her expression compassionate.

Thank god, she was going to tell him.

"I'm sorry dear." She repeated. "I truly am, but I still dont think I can tell you if Blaine didn't. Blaine is such a good person, he has helped me so much these past couple of years and I cant give away information without asking him. But if youll leave your name and contact information I can tell him you came by."

Kurt wanted to argue, Blaine had his name and contact information, Kurt needed to know where he was! "Please, we're friends." he tried again but she just sadly shook her head. “Is he alright at least?” Kurt asked his heart beating to heavy.

“Oh yes dear, he is fine.”

"Do you have something I could write on?" Kurt asked feeling hopeless. "I could maybe leave him a note?"

She smiled at that and pulled out a piece of paper from under the counter and handed Kurt a pen. Kurts hand was trembling and he wasnt sure what to write. After a moments indecision he scribbled down a message and folded it over before writing Blaines name on it.

"Youll make sure he gets this?" Kurt asked as he handed it to the woman. “As soon as possible?”

"Of course dear."

Kurt nodded and slowly walked out of the book store. He really couldnt believe this was happening. Blaine had quit Fairytale Press and he wasnt living here anymore? Where could have he gone? What was he doing now? Surely he hadnt gone back to Ohio? Or maybe… maybe hed started taking more jobs with the escort agency and could afford a better place now?

Kurt leaned back against the brick wall of the bookstore and rubbed a hand over his face. This couldnt be happening. Hed lost Blaine. He really had lost him. With no way to contact him or find him. After everything they had been through, was it really over? Kurt covered his face with his hands and held back a sob. He didnt know what to do now.


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