Feb. 10, 2016, 6 p.m.
Feb. 10, 2016, 6 p.m.
AN: Hello! Well today is the day I post the last official chapter to this fic (though we get an epilouge tomroow). I have no idea what Im going to do with myself now! Hopefully I can get another story going, but that is always the hard part.
Thank you so much for reading and thank you to those leaving me comment,s Ive had fun chatting back and forth with you.
I hope you all like this last part, it switches timelines a lot, but I think Ive made it clear when things are going down. So, enjoy!
Day Seven
Blaines stomach had ached for a week straight. It started with Sebastian in that coffee shop and had only gotten worse when he told Kurt they couldnt be together and he had tearfully left Blaines apartment with a sweet kiss to his cheek. Blaine knew he was doing the right thing, he knew he was, but that didnt mean it didnt hurt like crazy.
He felt like he was in a trance for days after saying goodbye to Kurt. Getting up, going to Fairytale Press, mindlessly shelving books and helping customers. He kept doing everything like normal, even taking a client in the evening now and again for extra cash like always, but it just didnt feel right.
A week after breaking up with Kurt, a week without seeing or hearing from the man he loved, Blaine got a call from his boss. Not from Ms. Anna who owned Fairytale Press but from his other boss, the one who ran the escort agency.
Diane was a fierce woman in her early forties who looked younger than her age. She had dark black hair, nails that were always painted red, wore fitted skirt suits and didnt take crap from anyone. When she called Blaine and asked him to come in and meet with her, he knew something was wrong.
Blaine walked into her big, sleek monochromatic office and sat down in front of her desk as she finished up a phone call. He fiddled with the buttons on the cuff of his shirt and wondered if he was in trouble. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened with a client recently, he honestly couldnt think of why Diane would want to talk to him. Unless she found out about Kurt, that he'd been dating a client and charging him far less than what was expected. Except that was over now, Kurt hadn't hired him through the escort agency in months.
When Diane hung up the phone she folded her hands on the desktop and didnt waste time with pleasantries. "We had a complaint about you."
Blaines brows shot up in surprise. He had never had a client complain about him, outside of one bad experience hed had with a client who was too rough and in the end it was the client who was blacklisted. And nothing like that had happened in a while.
Then the thought hit him, Sebastian. Blaine had called the agency the day he and Kurt saw Sebastian and told them he would not take a client by the name of Sebastian Smyth, but even then that was within company policy. How could Sebastian get him in trouble over that?
"A complaint?" Blaine asked as he fidgeted nervously in his chair. "I dont understand."
"I was surprised as well." Diane continued. "In the years youve worked for me you are one of the few Ive never had a real complaint about. That is why I called you in today."
"Who complained?"
"Your client from last night. A Mr. Hughes."
Blaine was even more confused now, last night had been a very normal evening for him. Dinner at a nice restaurant with his client and then back to his hotel room.
"What… what did he say?"
"That you were lack-luster. He said he wanted someone lively and young and that you were dull and uninterested."
Blaine winced at those words. "Uninterested" was one of the worst things you could say about an escort.
He wouldnt lose his job over this would he? Not over just one complaint. What would he do if he lost this job… he needed this job… he…
"Im so sorry-" Blaine began, the twist in his stomach hed been carrying ever since he last saw Kurt strangely uncurling a little. If he lost this job...
"No, no." Diane lifted a hand to stop him. "No need to apologize. Like I said, in all the time youve been with the agency this is the first complaint Ive received. I took care of Mr. Hughes and Im not worried about that. I am concerned about you."
Blaine nodded, her words hardly registering with him as his mind went a mile a minute – if he lost this job, would that really be a bad thing? Maybe he wouldn't feel too embarrassed to go home and visit his mom. Maybe he'd be able to look Ms. Anna in the eye when she asked what he was so busy with. If he lost this job… maybe he could be with Kurt.
"I wanted to make sure you were alright? Hearing you werent engaged is so unlike you I thought we should have a little chat about your job satisfaction.” Diane continued, “I want you to be happy with us, Blaine. Perhaps we havent been compensating you correctly?”
Of course there was the money to think about, Blaine thought only half listening to Diane. The money was the reason he'd kept doing this for so long as it was, the reason he'd let Kurt go. But if the option to work as an escort was taken off the table, if he no longer had this job… could he find another way to meet all the burdens in his life? Could there be a way out?
“Blaine.” Diane called and he looked up at her. “Did you hear what I just said?”
“Um…. Not really.” Blaine admitted, he hadn't been listening to Diane because suddenly he could actually imagine a life not doing this anymore and it felt-
“I said I wanted to make sure you were happy here. That maybe it was time to give you a raise.”
All of the plans gearing up in the back of Blaine's mind stopped short as he finally snapped out of his reverie. "Wait… what? A raise?"
"You are becoming one of our top employees Blaine. We want to make sure you see your career with us as fruitful."
Career. That word sat funny with him. But a raise. A raise. A raise could mean less hours at the bookstore, or maybe no hours there at all. It could possibly mean going back to school. A raise could change his life and his mother's, get him back on track. Help him pay back Cooper. Give him a chance at the dreams he'd let go of.
"I…" Blaine wet his lips. "This is unexpected."
Diane smiled for the first time since he entered the office. "Well then lets talk numbers."
Day 22
Kurt really needed to sleep well for once. His near insomnia was getting ridiculous, he needed to stop thinking about Blaine all the time. He had a good life. A job. His family. Friends. He felt ashamed of being so miserable, for lying awake at night unable to close his eyes without picturing Blaine. He was fine before hed ever met Blaine. He could be fine again.
Except that wasnt completely true. He hadnt been fine. He had been lonely. A loneliness he hadnt felt since meeting Blaine and that now felt as if it was consuming him. He was a strong person, he knew he could get by without Blaine Anderson. It was just so hard to convince his heart of that.
It had been nearly a month since Kurt had seen Blaine. Hed gone back to Fairytale Press a few times, but Ms. Anna hadnt been there. Instead the redheaded girl, who seemed to be the new manager, was usually there and she had no idea if Blaine had been by or if Ms. Anna had seen him. So Kurt didnt even know if Blaine had received his note.
The thing was though - Kurt hadnt moved. Kurt still worked at the same place. Kurt was still had the same phone number. The hurtful truth was that if Blaine wanted to find him, he easily could.
Day 9
Blaine slid the plate of biscotti he'd ordered over to share with Ms. Anna. He knew she never ordered her own, but always ended wanting some after all.
“Thank you dear.” She said picking up a piece and dipping it in her coffee.
Blaine waited tensely as she chewed wondering what was going on in her head. He'd asked her to have coffee with him today to tell her he was leaving Fairytale Press. However, somehow he'd ended up confessing everything.
“An escort agency?” She said looking as though she was mulling the idea over in her head. “That's a sophisticated name for an age old business.”
Blaine let out a nervous chuckle. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“You're worried I'm going to look down on you about this aren't you?”
Blaine looked at his hands on the table and started picking at his thumbnail just out of nerves. “Most people would.”
“Most people would probably also be scandalized by the things I did in my early twenties.” She said and Blaine looked up to see a cheeky smile on her face.
He smiled back.
“Ahh, the 80s.” She said with a wistful look in her eye. “But no dear, I not shocked or appalled and I'm so glad you've come to me.”
“I just thought you should know everything, you've been so good to me and now that I won't be able to stay at Fairytale Press for much longer, I thought you should know why.”
Ms. Anna took a sip of her coffee and then grinned at Blaine. “I have an idea you may be interested in.”
Day 28
Kurt stood outside of Fairytale Press but didn't go in. He could see through the window in was the red-haired woman working today and she never had any new information for him. He didn't know why he always took the time to walk past this store when he was in the area. Blaine wasn't here anymore, but still… he couldn't help hoping that he'd run into him.
He'd looked Blaine up online, looking for any Anderson's from Westerville, Ohio – he really didn't care how stalker-ish that was. He found some articles about the Anderson's business filing bankruptcy, but nothing to tell him how to get in touch with Blaine or his mother. Kurt was out of options, but he couldn't help but wait for Blaine to contact him, he hadn't given up hope yet.
Day 33
Blaine straightened his tie, a long skinny tie today instead of his normal bowtie and looked up at the tall mirrored skyscraper. This was it then. Its been 33 days since youve seen Kurt. A little thought interrupted him, he counted every day without Kurt and each one was worse than before. But today was a big day, the last thing he needed to accomplish before he could move forward. The time away from Kurt was going to be worth it. He hoped. Blaine took a deep breath and walked through the big glass doors. He let a genuine smile spread across his face as he greeted the receptionist and took the elevator up to the correct floor.
This was the first day of his new life.
Kurt pulled open his book bag and withdrew some sketches he was working on for an important project at the office. He spread everything he needed out on the table and then took a sip of his non-fat mocha. He looked out across the street at Fairytale Press. He couldn't shake the habit of getting coffee here. He honestly didnt expect to see Blaine across the street, it was just comforting to look across at the building that had housed so many wonderful memories of them together. He clenched his jaw, no time for melancholy he had work to do, and turned back to his sketch book. Time to focus.
Blaine felt like he was walking on air. Today had gone so much better than he could have hoped for. He hopped on a subway train and held onto the bar as the train swayed, loosening his tie and smiling to himself. He felt good. Light and breezy and more at ease with the world than he had been for years. He really had no idea how much his old job had weighed on him until hed quit. He thought back to that afternoon in Dianes office. The afternoon that had changed everything and made him a new man.
"Well then lets talk numbers." Diane had said with a smile.
Blaine had just blinked at her. With a raise he wouldnt need two jobs, he could afford an apartment away from the bookstore. He could possibly start taking classes again. It wasnt like his pay at the agency had been skimpy before, even if most of his fee lined Dianes pockets, but still this could mean everything to him.
"Im thinking a percentage raise." Diane continued. "Maybe-"
"I quit." Blaine said without thinking, without letting himself second guess what he knew he needed to do.
"Excuse me?"
"Im sorry, Diane. The agency has been good to me, but I… I quit." A smile started tugging on his lips and something was stirring deep inside of him. The thought of being fired had actually lit something in his chest and for a second he could picture a life without the agency.
And he wanted that life.
"But Blaine… You could make so much money here. You know you arent going to find anything that pays as well as this." Diane argued. "Like I said we dont want to lose you. If this is an angle to get me to up your raise-"
"It isnt." Blaine said his smile now growing into a grin. "I quit. I quit." He hardly held back a laugh.
"Really?" Dianes smile was gone and she drummed her red nails against the desk.
"This isnt the life for me, Diane. Remember when we first met? You said I didnt have the face of an escort and that that would only help me in this job? The thing is, I dont think I have the heart for it any more. I cant… I need out."
"So you quit?"
"I quit." Blaine stood from the desk and after looking him up and down, Diane stood too.
"Blaine, Id really like to talk you out of this."
"You cant." Blaine said resolutely evn though his whole body was trembling slightly.
Diane paused for a moment. "I believe you." She finally smiled again and held out a hand to shake. "We are sorry to lose you Blaine, the agency is sorry that is. I will say though, for myself, that I think you are doing the right thing, I can tell when this life is getting to someone and you look happier in this moment than I have seen you probably for a year now. It's been a pleasure working with you."
“Thank you.” Blaine shook her hand warmly and then turned to leave. The door shut behind him and he dropped off his company paid phone at the front desk and then he walked out of the building and took a deep breath of fresh air.
He needed to contact Cooper, talk about their mom. And he needed talk to Ms. Anna, he wouldn't be able to stay at Fairytale Press, he'd have to find something with a better paycheck, probably back home in Ohio. He had a lot to do but for the moment he couldn't do anything, he was stunned by all the possibilities that his future suddenly held. Finally he started happily walking away from the escort agency's offices. He didnt look back.
Blaine was jerked out of his memories by the train halting. It was his stop so he slipped out and then followed the familiar route to Fairytale Press.
Quitting the agency had been a huge step in the right direction for him, without the agency he could be who he wanted to be, without the agency he could be with Kurt. Quitting Fairytale Press had been harder. Ms. Anna had always been so kind to him.
It had been one of the things he needed to do before he could try to win Kurt back. He'd made a mental list. Talk to Cooper and find a way they could support their mom together. Tell Ms. Anna he was moving back home so she could find someone to take his place. Find something that he could do and still be with the man he loved. He knew no job he took would pay as much as his escort job. And paying Cooper back would take so much longer. And being in Ohio and trying to start a long-term relationship with Kurt wasnt ideal. But he didn't care, he had to do this. The escort world was turning him into an insecure shell of himself and he just couldn't do it anymore.
Things had gone much better than planned.
Cooper had been amazing. Angry at first when he found out the truth about what Blaine had been doing, but not angry at Blaine angry at himself. “Blaine How could you? For the sake of me and mom? You're the kid brother Squirt! I should be taking care of things!”
It had actually taking Blaine a long time to calm his brother down and make sure he promised not to tell their mother. They worked out how they were going to be a team from here on out, Cooper had no idea how much Blaine had been shouldering. Cooper vowed to find a job that would allow him to help out and still audition on the side.
Ms. Anna had been the real surprise though. Not only taking the fact that Blaine had been working as an escort in stride, but coming up with a way for him to stay in New York.
“I have an idea you may be interested in.” She explained. “You know I have all kind of contacts in the publishing world. Well, it just so happens that the lead editor for one of the biggest publishing houses in New York is looking for an assistant… I could put in a good word for you. She's a friend of mine.”
Blaine had jumped at the chance, being in New York meant being near Kurt and that was what he really wanted. Now after his first day at a new job, it seemed like maybe it was finally time to go to Kurt and beg him to give them another chance. Please don't let it be too late to win Kurt back. He thought to himself as he turned the corner towards Fairytale Press. Please don't hate me Kurt.
He walked into Fairytale Press knowing Ms. Anna would be there this evening and wanting to share his first day at the new job with her. He had her to thank for this chance after all.
"Blaine!" She called out with a smile when she saw him and then rushed forward to give him a big hug. "So how was the big job?"
Blaine was bursting to tell someone all about it, and he pushed aside the thought that as much as he appreciated Ms. Anna, what he really wanted was to tell all of this to Kurt.
"Oh I almost forgot!" Ms. Anna said before he could start, "A young man came by looking for you a week or so ago. I keep forgetting to tell you each time you've called."
Blaines heart speed up. "Really? Who?"
"I dont remember a name but…" She walked behind the front counter. "He did leave you this!" She said triumphantly pulling out a folded piece of paper with Blaine's name written on the front in what was clearly Kurts handwriting.
Blaine froze even as his heart stuttered, he licked his lips nervously before slowly reaching for the paper. A note from Kurt. Please dont be a goodbye, oh god dont say Ive missed my chance.
Blaine unfolded the paper and held on to it with slightly trembling hands as he read,
I dont know where you are or how to find you. It is like you just disappeared from my life and I hate that. Things shouldnt have gone this way – I should have never left you without fighting harder. I should have made you see what I see. Because maybe in life sometimes you do need more than love, but I think what we have is worth fighting for. I hope you get this message soon. This hurts too much and I miss you.
Please call me.
Blaine could hardly make out the last words of the note, his eyes were stinging with tears. Hed never wanted to hurt Kurt, he honestly was just trying to do what was right, but now he knew he couldnt wait any longer. He had to talk to him. To find him and explain. Make him see that hurting him was never the intention, he just had to make himself someone worthy of Kurt.
"Blaine, is everything alright?" Ms. Anna asked looking concerned.
"I… I have to go." Blaine said his throat tight with tears. "Im sorry – Ill explain later." He turned and rushed out of the shop his heart thrumming against his chest. He looked down at the note and then pulled out his new phone quickly dialing Kurts number.
He had just wanted to get his life together first, but he'd already made Kurt wait too long.
Kurt was putting some finishing touches on a sketch for work, but his heart really wasnt in it, all he could think was that it had been 33 long days since hed seen the man he loved.
He jumped a little when his phone rang. He glanced at it and didnt recognize the number. He usually didnt answer when that happened, but ever since hed tried to call Blaine and found out he no longer had his phone, hed been answering every call. He would not miss Blaine if he chose to reach out.
"Kurt?" A warmly familiar voice came through the phone.
Kurt held on tighter his heart leaping to his throat. "Blaine?"
"Oh god Kurt, Im so sorry. Ive been an idiot. I wanted everything to be perfect before I contacted you, but I should have called as soon as I set things in motion. And I… I miss you too and I am so, so sorry."
"Wait… slow down. What are you saying?" Kurt said, just the sound of Blaines voice making his heart soar.
"I got your note from Ms. Anna. I didnt mean to leave you hanging. I know that I did… but I was just trying to get my life together first."
"Get your life together?" Kurt said breathlessly, "You wanted to get your life together before what?" Kurt couldnt help the hope that was blossoming in his chest, if Blaine still didnt want to be with him it was going to rip him apart.
"Before I asked you to take me back." Blaine answered, his voice sounding shaky.
"Blaine." Kurt stood from the table but found his legs to be a little wobbly and sat back down again. Over the past month he'd had times of anger towards Blaine for the misery he was putting him through, but in this moment all of that hurt and anger dissolved under the hope of what Blaine was saying.
"I dont work at the book shop any more. Or live there."
"I know." Kurt covered his mouth as tears started to fill his eyes.
"And I dont work for the escort agency anymore either."
Kurt let out an involuntary little laugh, relief swooping through his body like a cool breeze. "That I didnt know."
"I have a job at a publishing house – Ms. Anna helped me get it. Im an assistant, but it could open the door for other things later on. And... and Im going to go back to school."
“But what about your mom?”
“My brother and I are working that out.”
"Im so happy for you, Blaine." Kurt said wiping a tear from his check even as the words came out half laughter half actual speech. He could hardly believe what he was hearing.
"And I moved a few blocks down. Closer to your place actually. I have a roommate, her name is Dani, and things… things are good."
Kurt laughed again and chewed on his lip not knowing what to say.
"I wish I could tell you all of this in person. Where are you right now?"
Kurt sniffed a little and smiled. "Im at the coffee shop across from Fairytale Press actually. I was just thinking about you, Blaine, Im always thinking about you."
There was silence from the other end for a moment and Kurt held his breath.
"Youre kidding me."
"No." Kurt shook his head. "Dont you think about me too?"
"Kurt. Always. Everything Ive done has been with you in mind. So that maybe I could deserve you."
"You never had to do anything-" Kurt started but Blaine stopped him.
"Im across the street."
Kurt stood up again and looked out the window – sure enough there was Blaine standing across the street outside of Fairytale Press. He was wearing a gray suit and a loosened tie and his hair was a little disheveled like hed been running his hands through it. He was the single best site Kurt had ever seen.
"Oh my god."
"Stay there." Blaine said. "Im coming over."
Kurt walked to the window as Blaine hurried across the street, each step he took made Kurts heart beat faster. He kept the phone to his ear and rushed outside.
"I see you!" Blaine called as he ran across the street dodging a cab.
"Careful! Dont you dare get hit by a car on your way over here!" Kurt cried his smile still taking over his face.
Blaine made it to the sidewalk and they both let down their phones. Blaine stopped a foot in front of him, eyes shining and breath uneven. "Hi." He said and swallowed deeply.
Kurt smiled back feeling like he was going to cry all over again. "Hi."
"Im sorry." Blaine began. "I should have never-"
Kurt didnt let him finish, instead he rushed forward throwing his arms around Blaine and crashing their lips together. Blaine immediately reached up to hold Kurts waist tugging him impossibly closer. Kurts fingers were in Blaines hair as their lips moved together, sloppy and needy, bumping teeth and noses. Kurt didnt care - it was perfect.
Once Kurts brain started getting cloudy and his lungs ached for breath he finally pulled back to look Blaine in the face. His was crying, hazel eyes sparkling and beautiful, lips plump and cheeks red.
"I love you." Blaine said and Kurt smiled so hard his cheeks hurt.
"I love you too."
"And what we have is completely worth fighting for. Im sorry I didnt see that sooner, I'm sorry I left you."
"You never had to earn my love, Blaine, you never had to do something to… deserve of me."
Blaine bumped his forehead against Kurts. "God Kurt, I was so afraid I was going to get my life in the place it needed to be, but that you wouldnt want me back. I was the one that broke things off and disappeared. You have no reason to still want me."
"Im always going to want you." Kurt breathed, “But don't do that to me again.” He added before tugging him in again and letting their lips meet. Slower this time, less desperate tasting Blaine and savoring him, his hands moving to cup his shoulder and neck as Blaine spread his hands across Kurts back.
"So you arent an escort anymore?" Kurt asked softly when their lips parted.
"No Im not. My heart was already yours, Kurt, but now you dont have to share any part of me."
Kurt smiled even as he felt more tears on his cheeks. This all seemed too good to be true, but it was actually happening. Blaine was here in his arms offering his heart to him. "Let me grab my things from the coffee shop and then maybe we could go somewhere a little quieter to catch up. My place?"
Blaine nodded and moved his hand from around Kurts back to tangle their fingers together, as if not touching Kurt in this moment was simply not possible for him. Kurt didnt mind, he felt the same way.
"Dont you ever disappear on me again?" Kurt whispered as they walked into the shop, the tight squeeze around his heart for the past month finally loosening. He was here with Blaine, Blaine's hand in his own and their future together in front of them.
"Not a chance, you are stuck with me now." Blaine said earnestly.
Kurt smiled and tugged Blaine closer to him, he couldnt help but smile even brighter when the thought hit him; he was getting what he always wanted after all. His first time had ended up being with the love of his life, he just hadnt know it when this started. He lifted Blaines knuckles to his lips and placed a soft kiss there, they had a lot to discuss, but one thing was sure, it seemed like neither of them were going to have to be lonely anymore.