Love Me Sweet
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Love Me Sweet: Blaine

E - Words: 1,553 - Last Updated: Feb 10, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Jan 20, 2016 - Updated: Jan 20, 2016
305 0 0 0 0

Kurt sat on the edge of the king-size bed and twisted his fingers in his hand as his stomach flipped over with nerves. This was a bad idea, it was such a bad idea. How did he ever let Mercedes talk him into such an enormously bad idea? 

Mercedes had set everything up, found a nice hotel, booked a room and got all the information to the escort service. And now all Kurt had to do was wait for Blaine to pick up the keycard left for him and the front desk and join Kurt upstairs.

Waiting had never been so hard.

Kurt's throat felt dry and he couldn't keep his hands still and his heart was beating heavy in his chest. Should he be so aware of his heartbeat? Did it always beat so loud? He could get up and just leave… but at this point the agency was getting paid either way and he didn't want Mercedes to think she'd wasted her money.

Kurt could just tell Mercedes he'd gone through with it, he didn't actually have to… but then Kurt would be right back where he started without solving anything. He honestly didnt know what he should do. 

Kurt heard someone outside his door and his flight or flight response kicked in. He wanted to
 flee, but there was nowhere to go and it was too late anyway because now the door was opening, and someone was walking in and-

Everything stopped. Kurt had jolted up from the bed when the door opened and now he stood frozen to the floor as he caught his first glimpse of Blaine, the man Mercedes had hire for Kurt to
 lose his virginity too. Kurt could hardly breathe, Blaine was… Blaine was…

He was beautiful.

He was shorter than Kurt would have expected, Kurt had a few inches on him, but he was well built, broad shoulders and slim waist. He had dark wavy hair styled to perfection and warm tan skin, and his eyes.
 Oh lord. His eyes were a golden hue and seemed to be lit with a light from behind them and then Blaine smiled.

“Hi.” He said and took a step closer holding out his hand and Kurt had to hold back a whimper. “You must be Kurt, I'm Blaine.”

The world stopped spinning for a moment and Kurt just starred until finally he realized Blaine was standing with his hand out and Kurt wasn't doing anything.

“Kurt. I'm Kurt.” He shook Blaine's hand. “Which you know already, because you just said that.” He let out a nervous laugh and then clamped his mouth closed dropping Blaine's hand.

Blaine's dark thick eyebrows raised as he continued to smile. “Wow, Kurt I'm…” He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled. “I feel really lucky right now.”

Lucky?” Kurt asked, his voice coming out a whisper.

“Yeah, look at you. You're… you're gorgeous.”

Kurt barked out a laugh even as his face blushed red. “You have to say that. Is that how you start off with all your clients?”

Blaine took another step towards him and was now
 very close. “No. I mean… I try to make everyone I'm with feel comfortable and good. But I don't give out compliments I don't mean.” 

Kurt glanced up from where he was wringing his hands to look Blaine in the eyes, and oh he was good, because Blaine had such an honest look of sincerity in his expression that Kurt wanted to believe him.

“Oh well, thank you. You are very attractive yourself.” Kurt said and his voice sounded funny in his head. He couldn't shake these nerves.

Blaine grinned and held out his arms. “What you picked out right?” He winked and Kurt's stomach swooped.

“Actually, my friend set this up, she picked you out for me. I didn't even see your picture.”

“You must really trust your friend.”

Kurt laughed fretfully again and caught Blaine looking him over, appraisingly. “You're nervous.” He said, a statement of fact, not a question.

“I've never….” Kurt started, but his throat dried out.

“Ah.” Blaine nodded. “First time with an escort.” He turned to the bar in the room and pulled out two mini-bottles of something. “You need a drink.”

Kurt wanted to suggest ordering up wine or champagne or something, but he should have thought about that sooner, he didn't want to wait. He walked over next to Blaine at the bar and took one of the bottles, uncapped it and took a swig. Coughing and sputtering a little as it went down. “What was that?”

“Vodka.” Blaine said leaning against the bar and watching him amused. Kurt coughed again and Blaine grabbed a water bottle opening it and handing it to him. Kurt took a sip and then another gulp of Vodka. “Thank you.”

“You know you don't have to be nervous. Tonight is all about you. What you want. We go at your speed, you're the boss.”

Kurt nodded his nerves uncoiling a little. Blaine's voice was smooth and sure and calming and he stood in front of Kurt so at ease with himself that Kurt couldn't help but feel some of his residual confidence.

Blaine held out a hand and Kurt looked down at it for a moment before taking it. Blaine gently led him to the bed, where he sat on the edge and patted next to him for Kurt to join him. Kurt sat down and licked his lips trying to think of what to do or say next.

“So tell me Kurt. What are you looking for out of this evening? What do you want?”

“Um…” Kurt shook his head, he felt like an idiot, he never had trouble with words and right now his mind felt like a blank slate.

“Alright, how about you tell me who you want
 me to be tonight?” Blaine asked. 

“Yourself.” Kurt said without hesitation and for a second he thought he caught something like surprise cross Blaine's face. “I just want you to be yourself.” Kurt repeated growing in confidence.

“Oh.” Blaine smiled after a moment. “I can do that.”

“And I should tell you why I'm doing this.”

“Birthday gift from your friend?” Blaine guessed.


“Um… You just broke up with a jackass and you need to have a really good night of sex?”

Kurt laughed. “No.”

“You're in the closet and this is the only way you can be with another guy?”

Kurt's smile faded. “No. Does that… happen a lot?”

“Often enough for it not to surprise me anymore.”

“That's... really sad.”

“Sorry!” Blaine said quickly leaning in a little. “I didn't mean to bring to mood down.”

“I's okay. I want you to be yourself, and that's something you deal with so… it's okay. Um…” Kurt brushed imaginary hair off his forehead, a nervous habit he'd had since his youth. “My friend found you for me because… I've never…”

Blaine was just so close and looking at him so intently it made Kurt want to shiver.

“This isn't just my first time with and escort. This is my first time ever. I'm a 26 year old virgin!” He said quickly and then covered his face in his hands. He didn't have to tell Blaine that, in fact he'd decided before this evening
 not to bring it up. But if Blaine expected him to know what he wanted they were never going to get anywhere. Kurt didn't know anything… and okay that wasn't true, Kurt knew how this kind of thing work, but not from personal experience and he just wasnt sure how to… get it going. 

Kurt felt the warm press of fingertips on his wrist and Blaine gently pulled his hand away from his face. “Hey Kurt, look at me.”

Kurt glanced up - and really Blaine had some of the most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen.

“That is nothing to be embarrassed about you know.”

“It is.”

Blaine smiled and it made Kurt feel warm inside. “It really isn't. There is nothing wrong with being a 26 year old virgin or a 33 year old virgin or an 84 year old virgin.”

Kurt felt a smile growing on his face.

“There is nothing wrong with you.”

Kurt let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding, hearing the exact words he needed to hear. “Thank you.”

“So don't do this because you feel you have to. You seem scared and I never want to scare someone. If you decide this isn't right for you we can call this off right now. I'll even make sure you get a full refund.”

Kurt blinked and studied Blaine's face. God he was almost too perfect to be real. “I want to do this.” Kurt said in a hushed voice. “I really want to. I just need you to… take the lead.”

“I can do that.” Blaine breathed and leaned in covering the space between them and pressing his lips ever so lightly against Kurt's lips. He waited for Kurt to move and press into the kiss before he lifted his hand to Kurt's waist pulling him in and kissing him deeper. Kurt let out a little gasping moan as Blaine's soft lips worked against his own. This he'd done before, plenty of kissing, but somehow this felt different.

It felt electric.

Maybe it was because Kurt knew what this was leading to, or maybe it was just because Blaine was a really good kisser, but as Blaine pulled him in closer and smoothly swiped his tongue across Kurt's lips Kurt finally started to feel a little surer of himself. He was doing this, and he was so glad he was.

Kurt breathed in a quiet involuntary gasp.


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