Lottery One-Shots
Brittana Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Lottery One-Shots: Brittana

E - Words: 1,584 - Last Updated: Aug 27, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Aug 10, 2014 - Updated: Aug 10, 2014
234 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

This is for Disneyprincessgleek, Klaine mama and several nonnys who wanted to know more about Brittany and Santana. Ive never really written much about this pairing so it was new for me. Hope it worked.
Thanks for your prompts and for reading. :)

Santana walked into her little apartment in Toronto and unceremoniously plopped her bag down on the ground before going straight to her kitchen and finding the ice cream she kept in the back of the refrigerator. Santana wasnt really one to sulk, she was more of a take-action kind of person, but sometimes you just needed to sit on the couch, eat some Ben & Jerrys Phish Food and feel sorry for yourself.

She had just gotten back home from dropping Casper the snarky ghost and the broccoli top hobbit off with Tony in Detroit. She leaned he head on the couch back and licked her spoon clean. They would be okay, Tony got her out, and they would be fine. And at least they were together. Santana sighed. Yeah, she was worried about Kurt and his loverboy, but seeing them together had been unexpectedly painful.

Santana would have run from her Lifemate even if it werent for her feelings for Brittany. She couldnt stay married to Mark when shed never love him, but if she was honest with herself she had expected Brittany to come with her, or at least met her in Canada once she had some time to think it over. However, here she was eating ice cream and rotting away in Toronto while Brittany was in New York City dancing her dream.

How long should she wait for Britt to make up her mind? Santana knew the answer to that, as long as there was a chance Brittany would come to her shed wait forever. Santana knew it was her own fault she was alone, when she first told Brittany about her plans to leave Britt had immediately thought shed meant the both of them. Santana had tried to be selfless she didnt want to push Brittany into anything she hadnt really thought over. In the end it was Santana who told her to take the position shed been offered with the dance troop in New York. That way shed wouldnt have any regrets and if she decided to come to Santana, she would know what she was leaving behind.

"Stupid idea Santana." She mumbled to herself as she stuffed her mouth with more marshmallow and fudge ice cream. She could have had Brittany, Brittany wanted to come and Santana made her change her mind.

Now she was scared she lost her for good to dance and New York and a life not always pretending to be someone you werent. Brittany would get her Lifemate letter one day. Would that be the final straw for Santana to finally move on? If Brittany married someone else? Santana wiped her eyes and finished off the ice cream. No, unless Brittany told her straight out that it would never happen Santana would always have hope.

Brittany was at the dance studio counting beats and spinning and moving to the music. She always felt like she thought better when she was moving, dancing. Maybe it was because the movement woke her brain up, she wondered if brains always liked to nap when they werent moving.

Most of the time when she danced she didnt think about anything in particular, but today she couldnt stop thinking about her gay shark friends. Kurt was in love with his dolphin and hopefully had gone off and found him. He had called her the day before pretending to be strong but sounding scared and panicky. He had lost his dolphin and needed her help. She immediately got Kurt in touch with Santana. Santana was amazing, if anyone could get Kurt and Blaine back together it would be her. She would get them new names and they could be happy together.

Brittany watched herself do a pirouette in the mirror and then stopped and smiled. She wondered what her new name would be if she said goodbye to Brittany S. Peirce. Maybe she could be a queen or something? Thatd be fun.

She was interrupted from wondering if shed make people curtsy when they talked to her, when her dance troop leader entered the studio.

"Brittany! Just the person I wanted to see."

"Would you curtsy if I told you too?" She asked and Ricky looked at her funny for a minute. People were always so slow to catch up with what was going on; luckily she was patient with them when they were quite bright enough to keep up with her.

"Um… I guess… If you really wanted me too."

"Oh I wouldnt expect you to curtsy to me, but you would need to curtsy to Queen Cassandra.

"Right..." Ricky said. "Of course." He shook his head. "Listen I wanted to talk to you about the dance troop. I know you only signed on, on a temporary bases, but weve all been talking and wed like you to join us full time. Be a permanent part of the troop. What do you think?"

Brittany laughed and clapped her hands. "That is a beautiful idea!"

"So youre in?"

"Well, Ill think about it."

"Oh… yeah. Of course you think it over. Could you let us know by the end of the week?"

Brittany nodded. "Mmm hmmm. Ill consult Lord Tubbington the second. She always knows how to handle these things."

Brittany got home and grabbed her heavy cat and made her sit in her lap. She petted Lord Tubingtons fur and thought about Rickys offer. She loved to dance and she loved her friends in the troop, but she loved Santana too.

She was only here in New York because Santana needed her to try dancing for a while to make sure she knew what she wanted. The thing was, Brittany always knew what she wanted. She lifted Lord Tubbington up to look at him in the face.

"People keep offering me things and telling me to do things like they think they know what is best for me." She said, "But I dont have to be a dancer or a queen, I just want to be me." She let her cat down and considered Rickys offer she really wanted to say yes.. She smiled feeling good and knowing what to do.

It had been a few days since Santana had dropped Kurt and Blaine off with Tony. Shed been keeping up with any news on Cooper Anderson assuming that if either Kurt or Blaine had been caught it would pop up n the news. So far nothing. Hopefully that meant they were safe with Tony still or even better, already starting their new lives together.

She was looking for her other heel, about to go out and run some errands when there was a knock on her door. She was crouched down looking under the sofa not remembering where shed kicked it off at.

"Just a minute!" She called, but whoever it was knocked again. "God! Give me a second!"

She stood and rolled her eyes walking unevenly to the door with just one high-heel on. She wrenched the door open, "What do you wa-"

Santana stopped mid sentence when she saw who was standing there. "Brittany?"

"Hello Maria." Brittany said with a smile and then leaned forward and spoke under her breath. "Dont worry I know it is really you Santana."

Santana looked around the hallway and then pulled Brittany into her apartment. "What are you doing here? Where you followed?"

"Oh no, those silly Lifemate Registry people were so easy to ditch. It was almost sad."

"I…" Santanas eyes were filling with tears as she looked at Brittany. "I… dont know what to say."

"Good." Brittany said wrapping her arms around Santana and kissing her lips. Santana immediately held onto Brittany, holding her like she was afraid if she let go Brittany would disappear. When they finally broke the kiss Brittany stayed close.

Santanas eyes shifted for a second to the suitcase and cat carrier Brittany had brought with her. "Are you… staying for a while?"

Brittany smiled. "How do you like the name Cassandra?"

Santana scrunched her eye brows in confusion.

"Or Christina A. Guilera?."


"I was just joking about that one."

Santana took a step back trying to clear her head. "I dont understand."

"Ricky offered me a permanent position with the dance troop and I realized I wanted it really, really bad."

"Oh." Santana said her heart dropping.

"Which was good I think, because as much at I wanted it I knew I wanted you much, much more. So Im thinking if you are Maria I could be Cassandra. Oh! Or Natasha!"

Santana stared at her for a moment her heart beating wildly but afraid she was misunderstanding. "Brittany you have to understand this is a big deal; youd be giving up so much and-"

"Santana." Brittany interrupted. "You are one of the few people in my life who has never made me feel stupid, so dont act like Im stupid now. I know what Im doing, I thought it over and I made my choice. I chose you. Now are you going to help me pick out a new name or not?"

Santana grinned widely and then wrapped her arms around Brittany again tugging her towards the bedroom. "Yes. We will find you a new name and decided where we want to go. We can be anyone and go anywhere. But first I think we have some catching up to do."

Brittany kissed her. "I guess I dont care too much about where we are or who I am if Im with you."

Santana pulled her down on the bed feeling happier than she could ever remember feeling. "Thank you for choosing me." She said between kisses.

"Thank you for waiting for me." Brittany said before they lost themselves in the touch and feel and love of each other.


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