Aug. 10, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 10, 2014, 7 p.m.
AN: A sweet (hopefully) not to stressful chapter before the weekend. Enjoy!
Living downstairs with his brother living upstairs with Kurt wasnt ideal. Blaine didnt like it, but he ended up being so busy he didnt have time to think about it. Blaines first year at NYU had come to an end. Hed done well in his classes and was on track to be a power player next year in the drama department. He loved school; it was a chance for him to shine in a way that his last year of high school was robbed of. Kurt still had a few more weeks of school, NYADA didnt wrap up their academic school year until June.
It worked out all right, Kurt was busy with finales and Blaine had planned something special for his birthday. Blaine had focused on school and now Kurts birthday obsessively because otherwise hed drive himself crazy worrying about the Lifemate Registry. It had been a month since the interview and nothing had happened. Kurt was constantly hinting at Blaine about moving back up to their apartment, something Blaine was planning on doing to surprise him for his birthday.
Part of Blaine was thinking they got away with everything, and another part of him was tense, prepared for this to be the calm before the storm. But with everything else going on what he really wanted was to make Kurt happy and that meant moving back in with him.
Blaine smiled as he ducked into a jewelry store. He could do that; it would make him happy too. The owner of the shop noticed Blaine and stopped what he was doing to wave and smile at Blaine. The man was in his in early 60s and had owned this shop for 30 years. Blaine had chosen it because of the owners detailed work.
"Blaine!" Mr. Weber greeted. "Im so glad youre here. I have your rings ready."
Blaine bounced on his toes a little. "I cant wait to see them."
He stood at the counter as the older man went to the back to get the custom order Blaine had put in a few weeks ago, shortly after the Registry officials came for the interview. Mr. Weber came back and opened two little black velvet boxes. Blaine smiled and picked up the one holding Kurts ring. It was a delicate white gold ring with two intertwined leafy vines. Blaine took a deep breath as he lightly rubbed his thumb over the vines that represented himself and Kurt.
"Its beautiful." Blaine said, color rising on his cheeks. He hoped Kurt would like it. He put it back down and picked up his own ring. At first he was just going to get one for Kurt, but then when he pictured Kurt wearing it he got a bubbly feeling all over and thought that maybe it would be nice for Kurt to see something that represented to two of them on Blaines hand as well.
He had quickly dismissed the idea of getting matching rings, that was too obvious. Blaines ring was also white gold, but a little wider and had to branches growing together. They had a similar feel to them without looking like a matching pair. He and Kurt would know, whenever they saw them on their own hands or on each others, they would know what they meant.
Theyd have to wear them on their right hands as Kurts left hand ring finger already carried the band Cooper had bought for him right before their move to New York. That ring was for everyone else; it told the world that Cooper (who had a ring as well) and Kurt were a good Lifemate match. These rings though, the ones Blaine had designed, they werent for anyone else, they were a reminder for just the two of them that they were bound together no matter what the world said.
Blaine hoped he hadnt gone too far, that Kurt would understand the meaning behind wearing them. He looked back of to Mr. Weber and wiped at his eyes a little. "These are perfect."
Blaine made the last payment on the rings and then pocketed them. They were the other part of Kurts birthday surprise.
Rachel had planned a party for Kurt that evening. She was leaving next month for California and wanted to have a big birthday blow-out for Kurt while they still both lived in New York.
Blaine got back to his apartment, or Coopers apartment, and got ready for the evening. He put on sand colored slacks, a white shirt with a dark blue skinny tie and a suit jacket in red, yellow and blue plaid. He left his hair mostly curly without it looking too much like a head of broccoli and then made sure the rings were safe in his pocket.
He got upstairs and walked into the apartment without knocking. Cooper was sitting on the couch looking ready to go.
"Hes in the bedroom." Cooper said before Blaine even had a chance to ask. "Still getting ready."
Blaine went to the bedroom to find Kurt in front of their full length mirror looking gorgeous in dark green suit a white shirt and jacket and dark slacks with a brooch of the comedy/tragedy mask on his lapel. He looked up at Blaine in the mirror and smiled. Blaine walked up behind him and wrapped his alarms around him leaning in to kiss his neck. "You look amazing."
"Not to dressy?"
"No. Youre the guest of honor.
Kurt sighed. "Yeah, I know."
Blaine chuckled, his nose nuzzling over Kurts neck. "You are only turning 21. You cant have a crisis over your age yet. And you love parties."
"No, its not that. I just…" He turned in Blaines arms to face him. "I feel like I have seen you much lately and I hate that. Honestly Id rather just spend the evening here with just you than go out."
Blaine kissed his cheek. "Rachel is moving soon and it is your birthday. Well go party and then come back here to be alone."
Kurts lips tipped up in a smile as he nodded and then stood back to look and Blaine. "You look like a 1950s heart throb."
Blaine straightened his tie seriously. "Of course I do." He winked and grabbed Kurts hand heading back to the living room.
"Ready?" Cooper asked and the three of them headed out.
Rachel had reserved a room in a trendy brewery and had invited all kinds of people. Kurt didnt even know them all. Kurt liked big parties, but wasnt sure he was in the mood for it with everything else going on.
He had called his dad and Carol earlier that day and had a long talk with them, which did make him feel a little better. And he did have Rachel, Cooper, and Brittany at the party and Blaine by his side, so it was turning out to be a good birthday. What he hated was that even at his own birthday party he still had to act like he was with Cooper. Rachel knew the truth of course, and he was pretty sure Brittany had guessed at it, but he still had to keep up the show for everyone else.
He thought about it less and less as the night went on though. Dancing with Blaine and Cooper and all of his friends. He was the birthday boy it didnt look weird for him to dance with whomever he wanted. Despite his reservations about going out he had to admit Rachel had planned a great party.
After dancing and jumping around for several songs, and downing a few drinks he was warm and had a little buzz. He was feeling good. He went to sit at one of the booths in the corner to cool down and catch his breath. Blaine was dancing with Brittany and keeping up with her moves really well, they looked like they were having a great time. Was there nothing that man couldnt do? Kurt smiled and enjoyed the view, loving the fact that Blaine was so happy and care-free right now. The past few weeks had been hard and Blaine had been unusually quiet.
"Oh Kurt!" Rachel said crashing down in the booth next to him. "Arent you having fun?"
"I am having so much fun Rachel. Thank you for this."
Rachel smiled and planted a kiss on his cheek. "I wanted this to be the best birthday ever. It has been such a hard year…" She said shivering a little.
Kurt wrapped his arm around her. He wished Finn was here tonight. "You threw the perfect party for me Rachel."
"I leave next month."
"I know."
"You… you have to promise Kurt."
"Promise what?"
Rachel got a little teary eyed. "Promise you wont forget me."
Kurt lifted his eyebrows in surprise and then gave Rachel a tight hug. "Never, dont be ridiculous. Well always be friends."
Rachel sniffed a little and then pulled back to grab a tissue from her purse. "Drinking always either makes me want to sing or cry." She said dabbing at her eyes.
"Well you were singing earlier too."
"So where you!"
Kurt smiled. "It isnt a Rachel Berry party if there isnt singing."
Rachel stuffed the tissue back in her purse as she nodded in agreement. "Oh! I have something I wanted to show you." She said and grabbed a piece of paper from her purse. She laid in on the table and smoothed it out with her palm. "Did you see this?"
Kurt looked down at the newspaper clipping; it was a very short write up about some bill in congress that failed before it was even voted on. "No… cant say I have."
"It was buried in the politics section of the New York Times. Its a big deal though, do you know what this is?"
"I guess I dont."
"It was a bill that, among other things, would have loosened and changed the Lifemate laws. There are some congress members who actually want to limit the power of the Lifemate Registry."
Kurts eyes grew round and he looked back down at the article. There was one line about how anti-registry supporters were disappointed with the bills demise.
"How did we not know about this?"
Rachel shook her head and shrugged. "I dont know, I think people want to down play it. You know how the media likes to pretend that everyone is happy with the Lottery even though it isnt true."
Kurt sighed in disappointment. "The bill didnt even get anywhere."
"I know, but still it is something, if it came up once it could come up again, people just need to know about it, show the government there is support for that kind of thing. I dont know I just thought… maybe there is hope for people like you and Blaine." She lowered her voice for that last part even though no one wouldnt have been able to hear them over the music even if they tried.
"Thanks Rachel." Kurt said truly grateful that his friend was rooting for him and Blaine. "It means a lot to know you have my back."
"Its more than that, I really think things could change one day."
Kurt smiled. "I hope so." But he was far from convinced.
By time the party was over Kurt was tired, Blaine got them a cab and Kurt just wanted to lean against Blaine on the ride home. But the cab driver in the front glancing back though the rearview mirror stopped him. Cooper had left the party early, a surprise to Kurt who knew how much Cooper like any chance to be in a group of people. Hed probably be asleep on the couch when they got in.
Blaine unlocked their front door and then shut it behind him flipping on the light. Kurt yawned. "Youre staying over tonight, right?" He asked hopefully, not wanting Blaine to go back downstairs.
Blaine smiled. "Of course."
Kurt looked out over the living room. Wheres Cooper?"
"Downstairs." Blaine said easily and dropped his keys in the bowl by the door.
"Hes giving us the night alone?"
Blaine smiled and just tugged on Kurts lapels leading him to the bedroom. Kurt sat down on the bed and slipped his jacket off. His eyes got caught on something on the lamp stand. It was the picture of him and Blaine that had been gone since the inspection. Kurt furrowed his brows and looked around the room. He saw Blaines boxing gloves handing in the corner. He got up and looked in the closet. Blaine clothes were hanging next to his own. He turned to stare at Blaine who was slipping on his PJs that hed gotten from their dresser.
"You moved back in."
Blaine smiled. "Cooper left early to bring my things back up."
Kurt stood still for a moment, he was tired and had a few drinks that evening so his mind was a little slower than normal, but then he could feel his heart expand and he rushed to Blaine wrapping him in his arms. "Thank you! Thank you!" He brought their lips together even as Blaine started to laugh happily.
Blaine held him close his hands spread out on Kurts back and Kurt sighed and pulled out of the kiss.
"Welcome home Blaine."
"Happy Birthday Kurt." Blaine whispered.
Kurt got changed and then crawled into bed next to Blaine, their bed. He laid down on his side and Blaine did the same thing facing him. The little light on Blaines nightstand was still on.
"I have something else for you." Blaine said with a smile that almost looked bashful. He reached under his pillow and drew out a little black box and put it in Kurts hand. Kurt looked at the box and then back at Blaine. "Is this…?"
"Just open it."
Kurt felt a fluttery feeling in his chest as he sat up and opened the box. Blaine followed his lead sitting up next to him. In the box was the most gorgeous ring Kurt had ever seen, delicate and masculine, it looked like two vines twined together moving and growing around each other.
"Oh Blaine."
"It isnt the ring I wish I could give you." Blaine said his fingers brushing over the ring Kurt wore from Cooper. "But it means the same kind of thing. It is a promise." He reached down and picked up another box. "I have one too." He said taking the ring out and almost slipping it on his finger.
"No! Wait." Kurt said stopping his hands and taking the ring from him. These werent wedding rings, Kurt knew that, but still he felt like he should be the one to put in on Blaine. He held Blaines hand and slipped the ring on his ring finger on his right hand. It was the same white gold as Kurts ring, but more branch like, the two branches growing together.
Kurt gazed at the ring for a moment against Blaines tan skin and he felt so light and happy he could just float away. Blaine took Kurts ring back and then slipped in on his finger before bringing Kurts hand up to place a soft kiss on his knuckles.
"What are you promising?" Kurt asked, voice breathy.
Blaine smiled. "To always love you." He said. "No matter what the world thinks. To always be the one you can lean on. To make you smile and to make you laugh. To tell you when you have on too many accessories."
Kurts smile grew.
"To always be yours." Blaine said he honey-colored eyes looking at him intently. "No matter where the future takes us." Blaine finished.
Kurt took in a deep shuttering breath. He didnt know if he could love Blaine any more than he did right now. He kept their hands clasped together.
"I promise to always love you Blaine. Even when you were too much hair gel."
Blaine laughed.
"I promise to support you no matter what. To wipe away your tears and the hold you when you sleep. To always be yours…" Kurt had to swallow back some tears. "No matter where the future takes us."
They were quite for a moment sitting knee to knee on their bed and holding hands, the moment was full and Kurts heart was soaring and breaking at the same time. Blaine leaned forward and kissed him and Kurt reached for him pulling him in.
They ended up tangled together Blaines head resting on Kurts chest as Kurt ran his fingers through his curls. Blaine was asleep first snoring softly and making Kurt smile. Kurts mind wouldnt turn off though so he kept carding his fingers in Blaines hair and picturing a life where they were free to be together.