Love conquers all
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Story
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Love conquers all: Chapter 4

T - Words: 1,491 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Aug 05, 2012 - Updated: Aug 20, 2012
420 0 0 0 0


The two boys stayed lying down cuddled together on Blaine's bed for a while not saying anything. Blaine had relaxed again and Kurt carded his fingers through Blaine's curls. After another few minutes Kurt felt Blaine's shoulders tense up and heard him take a deep breath.

"Kurt? Can I ask you something?"

"Of course"

"When I ask you I want you to answer me honestly though if you want to say no, say no. I won't care. Well I will care but not as much as I would if you didn't answer honestly"

"Blaine, what is it? I promise I'll answer honestly"

"Okay. Come on Anderson you can do it" Blaine mumbled under his breath but Kurt wasn't sure if he was meant to hear it or not.

"Kurtwillyougooutwithme" He said it all without taking a breath and Kurt wasn't sure if he heard him right.


"I'm sorry, god I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked"

"Blaine, I just wasn't sure if I heard you right. A-are you asking me to go out with you? Like be your boyfriend?"

Blaine nodded.

"Blaine, of course I will!" Kurt jumped up and tackled Blaine into a hug on the bed. They rolled around play fighting and hugging until Kurt had Blaine pinned down. Everything was quiet except the sounds of them breathing and Blaine leaned in and captured Kurt into a deep kiss. Both boys where lost in the kiss until a door slamming brought them back to earth.

"Blaine, get down here now."

"Oh shit. Shit shit shit. If he asks you're just over to help me study please Kurt go along with it?"

"Sure whatever, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine um okay wait here."

Kurt stood at the bedroom door trying to listen as Blaine made his way down the stairs.

"Who's car is that in the driveway? You're grounded which means no going out to see friends and no friends coming to see you."

"I uhh"

"Answer me now Blaine."

Kurt emerged down the stairs and stood behind Blaine.

"Hello sir I'm Kurt Hummel" he smiled holding out his hand for Blaine's father to shake.

"Hello Kurt, it's nice to meet you." His voice showed no emotion and he barely shook Kurt's hand before looking back to Blaine for an explanation but before Blaine could open his mouth to answer Kurt cut in.

"I was just dropping over some books to Blaine, I'm his tutor in school."

"Oh okay then. Why didn't you just say that Blaine god you're not that slow are you?"

With that he walked past them and made his way into his office. Blaine let out a sigh of relief before hugging Kurt.


"Don't mention it, I should probably leave now. Will you be okay?"

"I'll be fine" he said as he reached out for Kurt's hand and walked him out the front door.

"See you tomorrow?" Blaine asked pressing his forehead up against Kurt's.

"Of course" Kurt replied before leaning in and capturing Blaine in a deep kiss.

Kurt waited until he had pulled out from Blaine's drive and pulled over to the side of the road to call Mercedes.

"Cede's he asked me out, Blaine asked me out!"

"Oh my god Kurt!" she let out a squeal before rambling on about how perfect of a couple they were going to be.

Kurt was leaning against his car Friday morning in the school parking lot when Blaine pulled up next to him and got out.

"Hey handsome" Kurt said before pulling Blaine into a hug.

Blaine smiled in reply before squeezing back. They entered the school hand in hand and despite getting a few stares and whispering nothing more was said, so far.

Kurt walked Blaine to his classroom before giving a quick glance around the hall and confident no one was looking placed a quick peck onto Blaine's lips.

"See you at lunch?"

"Yeah, have a good day" Blaine whispered while giving Kurt one last smile and turning into his classroom.

Kurt stood and watched him for a moment and noticed Blaine making his way over to the table in the centre of the classroom with the other students. He didn't say anything just gave a nervous smile and sat at the end. Kurt felt his chest swell with pride at the thought that he may have something to do with Blaine's new found confidence.

When lunch came Blaine was making his way down the hall to meet Kurt at the cafeteria. Staring at the ground and moving fast to try and avoid any unwanted attention he had nearly made it before he heard a loud slam. He looked over his shoulder to see Kurt sitting on the ground in front of his locker and three jocks standing over him laughing.

Without even thinking he walked over to where they stood and grabbed the smallest boy out of the three and pinned him to the locker.

"Excuse me homo what the hell do you think you're doing?"

Blaine said nothing but stared at him angrily while keeping hold of him.

"Blaine, leave it I'm fine they're not worth it."

Blaine looked over at his boyfriend and back to the jock before giving him one last slam back into the locker and grabbing Kurt's hand and pulling him through the hall's.

"This isn't over freak!" He heard one of the jocks call after him but kept on moving.

"Blaine stop."

"Blaine dragged Kurt into the bathroom before cupping his hands around Kurt's face and kissing him.

"You shouldn't have done that Blaine they could have hurt you"

"I'm fine I might not look it but I'm actually pretty strong." He smiled at Kurt before trying to go back in for another kiss but Kurt pulled away.

"Yes but there was three of them and one of you, I just don't want you to get hurt, especially not over me. I know how to deal with it I've been getting shoved into lockers for years now."

Blaine walked over to the sink and gripped it with his hands taking a deep breath before turning back around and grabbing Kurt's face again.

"You are a part my life now Kurt and I will do anything to protect you. I feel like it's my job. I know that sounds funny coming from a boy who doesn't even talk around anyone except you but I will do anything to make sure you're happy and safe. I never want you to go through what I did and I will never let it happen to you."

Kurt tried to hold back the tears that where building up in his eyes before grabbing Blaine into a hug. He pulled back out and looked at Blaine while what he had just said sunk in.

"What do you mean what you went through? What happened?"

"I- nothing. Just as long as you're okay it doesn't matter."

Kurt opened his mouth to argue but was interrupted by Blaine once again pulling him in to kiss.

"I can't believe you're mine and I can do this to you whenever you want." Blaine mumbled still kissing Kurt.

Kurt decided to let the argument go for now. He would bring it up another time but for now he was just going to enjoy this moment with his boyfriend.

They finally parted and Blaine held the door open for Kurt and they made their way to the cafeteria where the rest of the new directions looked up with worried expressions on their faces.

"Kurt? Are you okay dude? We heard some of the jocks where giving you trouble and then when Puck and I went to help you were gone?" Finn said it all so quickly and panicky it took a moment for Kurt to register what he was talking about it.

"Oh that. I'm fine Finn, Blaine took care of them."

The rest of the club looked at each other before looking back at Blaine and Kurt.

"Blaine? No offence dude but you're tiny.. What did you do?"

Blaine just shrugged before pulling out a seat for Kurt and then taking the seat next to him.

"Come on man tell us what happened, what did you do?" Sam asked leaning forward eagerly to Blaine.

Blaine looked around and all eyes were on him on him and his breaths started to come a bit faster and his hands began shaking a little. Kurt slid his hand under and placed it over Blaine's. Blaine knew he was trying to comfort him so he might speak but he couldn't. Not yet.

He gave Kurt an apologetic look and Kurt nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. He told the rest of the glee club the story, maybe exaggerating it a bit while Blaine laughed and blushed beside him.

"Nice one dude!" Puck shouted before slapping him on the back. Everyone at the table praised Blaine before moving on and changing the topic. Blaine liked these people and could see why Kurt did do. They were all so accepting and really seemed to care about each other. He felt like he could trust them if they wanted to be his friends.

He smiled up at Kurt who hadn't moved his hand from Blaine's the entire time. Both boys had never felt happier and safer before than they had at this moment.



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