Love conquers all
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Love conquers all: Chapter 1

T - Words: 1,069 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Aug 05, 2012 - Updated: Aug 20, 2012
518 0 1 0 0


Mr Schue came into the choir room on Monday morning looking miserable.

"Okay guys listen up I have an important announcement to make" He raised his voice as he pulled over a chair in front of his class to get their attention.

"As you guys know some clubs are being cut and I've been fighting all last week to try and get principal Figgins to let us keep glee club running, and we have come to an agreement that I need to run past you guys first."

"If this involves us singing around school again to recruit members I'm out my skin can't take anymore slushies"

"No Kurt just listen.You guys know the special needs class right?"

"Yeah they're all a bunch of phsyco's you only have to look at one of those kids wrong and they think you're out to kill them"

"Puck besides the fact that calling them "phsyco's" is highly offensive, they're just normal kids like us but they have some issues. Granted most of their issues do seem to be anger problems but who are we of all people to judge." Kurt glared his famous bitch face over at Puck across the room.

"Thank you Kurt, as I was saying" Mr Schue continued "All we have to do is sit in the class twice a week during your free periods and help them with their class work or homework, you guys up for that?"

"Mr Schue that's like so unfair why should I have to go do extra work just so I can stay in glee club, free period is Santana time and-"

"Well I think it's a small price to pay and the least we could do for all being blessed with such amazing talent is give back" Rachel interrupted clearly thinking about how good this would look on her NYADA application.

"Okay so it's settled! Every Monday and Thursday we'll spend seventh period in helping the other kids."

Seventh period came around and the glee club gathered in the office waiting for their orders when they heard someone shouting in the classroom and looked out to see coach beast walk in with a struggling boy in her arms.

"Blaine! You can't just run out like that, do you want me to call your mother in again?!" The teacher who had greeted them shouted at him.

The boy nodded quickly and ran over to the corner and sat down and shrunk into himself.

 Mercedes turned around shaking her head "Poor kid".

The woman made her way back into the office pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Sorry about that" and then led them out to introduce them to their partners.

Kurt was last and led over to the boy, Blaine he thought he heard him being called, in the corner.

"Blaine" the woman bent down to his level where he was sitting in the chair. "Blaine look at me I'm sorry no one will call your mother this time but you have to stop just walking out of here. Now let's forget all about it, this is Kurt. He's going to help you this year with your work or whatever you think you need some extra help with, please just try."

He never looked up once the whole time she spoke and she got up and turned to Kurt.

"You should be fine with him but if you need any help I'll be in the office. Blaine suffers from depression and has anxiety. He also hasn't spoken since he started but no one knows why. So please just be patient with him and it should all go okay" With that she walked away and went into her office.

"Hey Blaine, I'm Kurt which you already know because well I was just introduced to you and I'm sorry I ramble when I'm nervous" He tried his best to imitate the gentle voice the teacher had just used with him. "So do you want to go over and join the rest of the class or stay over here and I could pull up a table?"

Blaine didn't look up or appear to want to move so Kurt just grabbed a table and extra chair and pulled it over to the corner.

"So what do you think you need my help with first?"

Blaine just shrugged keeping his gaze at the floor.

"Okay well you're a sophomore right? So you're probably doing the same course I did last year so maybe we could look over the poetry?"

Blaine seemed to perk up a bit and got his book from his bag and placed it on the table.

"So you're what, fifteen?"

Blaine shook his head.

"Sixteen?" Blaine nodded for a yes.

"Okay me to there something in common already"

Kurt wasn't sure but he's almost sure he just made Blaine smirk a little.

The class went along quickly with Kurt reading out the poems and Blaine took notes or pointed out bits he needed Kurt to go over again.

Kurt couldn't help but notice how nice Blaine's eyes where the whole lesson.

The bell went and he stood up and gathered his stuff.

"So I'll see you same time Thursday, okay?"

Blaine looked up and nodded and Kurt couldn't help but notice how big and sad the boys eyes looked that he was leaving.

He placed his hand on Blaine's shoulder and smiled before turning for the door with the rest of the glee club.

"That wasn't so bad they're just normal kids and they're really funny" Finn stated walking to the door and the rest of them nodded and smiled in agreement.

Kurt stayed quiet and took a quick glance back before leaving. He looked at the rest of the class all gathered around one big table and then over to the corner where Blaine hadn't moved and returned to his position of staring down at the ground. He looked so lost and scared.

Blaine hadn't left Kurt's thoughts for the rest of the day. His eyes, those beautiful eyes filled with sadness and fear. But why was Kurt feeling so protective over a boy he just met today for no more than an hour. God he was gorgeous though.

No I shouldn't be thinking like that. He's probably not even gay. No he was sure he wasn't gay. Kurt was the only out kid in his school, his town even. What would the chances be that someone I liked would be gay too? None. Wait liked? No of course he didn't like a boy he had only met and only knows his name.

"Uggghh." Kurt groaned and grabbed his bag to leave as the final bell went.



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I'm in love with this story. I read it last night and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Please continue to write it. :) <3