Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
Ava jumped up and down in her chair. "Dad! Baba!"
"Ava!" Kurt and Blaine replied in unison.
"I just got a text from Elaine. She's going skiing with her parents next month, and her brother can't join them, so she asked me if I wanted to go instead!" Ava squealed in excitement.
All of a sudden her face turned serious as she saw Kurt's expression. She pursed her lips. "You're not going to let me go, are you?"
Kurt and Blaine turned to look at each other.
Blaine looked amused.
Kurt looked terrified. "Skiing, sweetie? Really?" He said hesitantly. "Your Baba and I don't have the best experiences with skiing…"
"Now, now, honey… speak for yourself." Blaine laughed. "I love to ski! It was actually you who-"
"Alright! Alright!" Kurt interjected. "I'll tell the story!"
"I can't believe I let you talk me into this." Kurt muttered to Blaine, as he adjusted his goggles, and tried to move as graciously as possible. Which pretty much meant he was waddling like a duck.
"Oh come on! This is going to be so much fun!" Blaine said in an exhilarated voice. "I'll teach you how to ski in no time, trust me!"
Kurt looked at him with one eyebrow raised, but as his eyes were covered by the goggles, Blaine didn't quite catch his sarcastic expression.
"Blaine… it took you half an hour to properly explain to me how to attach these Goddamned contraptions", he pointed at his skis, "to my feet. So excuse me if I remain a bit skeptical."
Blaine smirked and slid towards Kurt. "Have I told you how sexy you look in your ski wear?" He said huskily.
Kurt preened at the compliment. He had to admit; the only good thing about this unfortunate ski trip so far was the fact that he'd been able to put together a fabulous ski outfit. And hell, did he rock it. "You don't look half bad either, baby."
It was true. Blaine was what Kurt deemed "unintentionally sexy". Meaning he could be wearing a potato sack and Kurt would still want to rip it off and jump his bones. Suddenly it was getting very hot out there in the snow, or was that just his dirty mind playing tricks? Ah well.
"Did you put on some sunscreen, honey? You can get a bad sunburn out here." Blaine roused him from his thoughts.
"Um, yeah, I'm coated in the stuff. SPF 100+, if I'm not mistaken." Kurt answered. He looked at Blaine expectantly. "So now what?"
"Well this is the part where we start to move forward." Blaine chuckled.
"Yes… and how do we do that?" Kurt would be tapping his foot by now if only it wasn't being weighed down by half a tree.
"Oh easy, honey, just follow my lead. Watch and learn…" Blaine said cockily.
Kurt watched Blaine slide through the snow with an effortless grace. Didn't seem too hard to do… Kurt braced himself and started copying Blaine's movements. After a few tries, he got the hang of it.
There. That wasn't hard at all.
"Hey Blaine! This is actually pretty eas- WHOAAA!"
Blaine stopped and turned around. He bit his lip and skied back towards Kurt.
"Aw honey, did you fall?" He asked with laughter in his voice.
"No, I wanted to taste the snow, okay?" Kurt snapped grumpily. He looked up at Blaine. "Are you going to let me lie here all day? Please help me! I can't get up with those damn skis! I can't even- Blaine! Stop laughing at me!"
"I'm- I'm so sorry!" Blaine hiccupped. "Here baby, let me help you." He held out his hands and hoisted Kurt back onto his feet.
"Okay, now let's try again…"
Kurt spent the rest of the afternoon trying to figure out how to work the skis. He ended up eating snow a couple of times more, but in the end he'd mastered the basics.
"Well done, Kurt!" Blaine said, as he took of his skis. "I think we'll try the slope tomorrow morning."
Kurt looked at him with fearful eyes. "You mean as in actually going downhill?"
"Um… yeah?" Blaine grinned. "Don't worry. It's only the green trail. You'll fit in nicely with all the other new kids who are learning to ski."
Kurt pulled off his glove and tried to slap Blaine with it, but the swift moment only managed to throw him off balance.
And for the final time that afternoon, he kissed the snow.
"This is such a nice cabin." Kurt smiled, as he threw another log on the fire. "It was so nice of Jill's parents to allow us to use it for the weekend."
Blaine nodded as he placed two wine glasses on the coffee table and started to uncork a bottle of red wine. "It is… Did you see the bathroom? That tub can fit like four people!"
Kurt had moved to sit Indian style in front of the fireplace, and patted on the rug in invitation. Blaine quickly lowered himself next to Kurt. "Maybe we should take a bath together…" He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Yes… maybe." Kurt answered with a sexy smirk. "But right now I want to sit in front of the fire with you…" He leaned in and brushed his lips against Blaine's.
They shared a few languid, sweet kisses, and broke apart with a smile.
"Wine?" Blaine offered.
Kurt nodded and took the glass from Blaine's hands. "Thanks." He tasted the wine and hummed in approval. "This is good."
"Yeah." Blaine raised his glass. "To our first skiing trip together!"
"Hear, hear." Kurt saluted.
"You did great today honey. Not bad for a novice."
Kurt shrugged. "I don't know. I'm sorry for holding you back though. You must be dying to fly off those slopes, and here you are, trying to teach me how to ski. It's like that scene where Thumper tries to teach Bambi how to skate."
"Bambi? That's adorable. Yeah… you're my Bambi." Blaine laughed. "But hey, all joking aside… it doesn't matter… I'm not here to ski. I'm here to spend time with you, and to have fun together." He said, making Kurt smile. "Together, got it?"
Kurt nodded.
Blaine took a sip of wine and kept staring at Kurt.
"What?" Kurt chuckled under his breath.
"Nothing." Blaine tilted his head. "You look so beautiful tonight. You're glowing."
Kurt looked down and blushed. "It's just the firelight on my skin."
Blaine shook his head. "No… it's you." He reached out and brushed his fingers against Kurt's jaw. "Although…" He looked pensively. "I'd really like to see what the firelight does to the rest of your skin…"
He took both of their wine glasses and set them aside, before lowering his hands to the hem of Kurt's sweater. Kurt's breath caught in his chest as Blaine started lifting his sweater and undershirt, revealing the pale skin of his abdomen and chest.
"Look at that…" Blaine whispered teasingly. "You are glowing all over." He flicked his thumbs over Kurt's nipples, making him gasp.
"Are you… are you positive?" Kurt gulped, looking at Blaine with hooded eyes.
"Hmmmm… good point. No, I'm not. I'll need to do a full check. I'll have to ask you to take off all of your clothes, please." Blaine grinned, pulling away and leaning back on his arms. He was obviously ready to enjoy watching Kurt strip.
In one swift movement, Kurt pounced on Blaine and toppled him over. He landed on top of Blaine and grabbed his wrists, pinning them above his head. "How about we both get undressed? I'm pretty sure your skin looks fantastic too right now." He growled against Blaine's lips, before he captured them in a fiery kiss.
It took them less than two minutes to get fully naked. Blaine pushed Kurt onto his back, and straddled him.
"Are you sure you want to do this here?" Kurt gasped, as Blaine started to lick and bite the sensitive skin below his jaw. He thrust his hips up as Blaine nipped at his earlobe.
"Yeah… why not? Don't you want to make love in front of the fire?" Blaine whispered into his ear.
"I do, but I don't want to stain the rug." Kurt said earnestly.
Blaine pulled back and looked at Kurt in disbelief. "Fuck the rug." He breathed.
Kurt's eyes widened. "No…" He shook his head. "Fuck me."
And that's exactly what Blaine did.
The next morning, Blaine taught Kurt how to ski downhill.
Or at least, he tried.
"I can't do this, Blaine! This is way too scary! I don't want to die!" He yelled, stubbornly refusing to move.
"Honey, please… a five-year-old can do this slope. So I have high hopes for you!" Blaine grinned.
"Gee, thanks…" Kurt grumbled under his breath.
Why had he even agreed to this? Why? He didn't like skiing. He didn't even like snow. It did terrible things for his skin tone. It made him look even paler than he already was.
Kurt sighed.
He'd agreed to this because he loved Blaine. He loved Blaine. So fucking much. And Blaine was so happy and excited about this. This was actually one of the reasons he loved Blaine so much. Blaine wasn't afraid to pull Kurt out of his comfort zone, and force him to try things he would never even have dreamed of.
And nine times out of ten, Kurt ended up being grateful because of it. Unfortunately, this turned out to be one of those other times…
"Come on Kurt! Just do it!" Blaine encouraged his boyfriend.
Kurt bit his lip. This would not end well… he just knew it.
"Ugh… here goes nothing…" Kurt muttered, as he pushed forward and started gliding down.
Faster and faster.
This was actually fun!
He felt free, he felt giddy, he felt…
"BLAINE! Watch out!" Kurt shrieked.
But it was too late. He lost control and crashed into Blaine, sending them both down to the ground, causing a loud, nauseating snapping sound and then a lot of pain.
"Remember how I said it didn't matter what we did, as long as we were together?" Blaine said.
"Yeah?" Kurt answered.
"Well I didn't mean THIS!" Blaine grumbled, gesturing between them.
Kurt and Blaine were lying on the couch, each sporting a big cast on their leg.
"I'm SORRY! But you were in my way!" Kurt huffed.
Blaine looked at him in disbelief. "I shouted at you to turn to the right. Exactly what part of that didn't you understand?"
"I'm a giant klutz, okay!" Kurt threw his hands in the air. "Better accept it, Blaine! Your boyfriend can't ski!"
Blaine covered his eyes with his arm. "So now what? Your dad isn't coming to pick us up till tomorrow night." He sighed. "We're going to be bored to death, aren't we? Aren't we?"
"Oh. My. GOD! Stop whining you overdramatic grouch!" Kurt threw his pillow at his boyfriend.
"Hey! I know!" Blaine piped. "We can sing!"
"I'm not in the mood for Katy Perry. I'm hurting enough as it is." Kurt muttered.
"Now who's being a grouch?" Blaine smirked. "Christmas songs it is!"
"I AM NOT SINGING LET IT SNOW! I can't even think about snow without shuddering right now!" Kurt exclaimed.
"Well duh…" Blaine chuckled. He gazed at Kurt with a loving smile on his face. "Come on… you know which song I want to hear…"
Kurt couldn't help but return Blaine's smile.
Of course he knew.
It was Blaine's favorite Christmas song, and Kurt sang it to him at least once every year. Blaine always told him that the way Kurt sang it was living proof to him that angels truly existed.
"Do you want the slow version or the up-tempo one?" Kurt asked softly, as he scrambled to sit up straight.
"Slow…" Blaine breathed.
"Okay. You're lucky I didn't break my voice." Kurt giggled. And then he took Blaine's hand and started singing.
Ding Dong Merrily On High
The Christmas bells are ringing
Ding Dong joyously reply
The angels all a'singing
Gloria, Hosana In Excelsis
Ding Dong carol all the bells
Ring out the Christmas story
Ding Dong sound the good noels
God's son has come in glory
Gloria, Hosana In Excelsis
Ding Dong Merrily On High
The Christmas bells are ringing
Ding Dong joyously reply
The angels all a'singing
Gloria, Hosana In Excelsis
By the end of the song, tears were trickling down Blaine's face. It happened every year when Kurt sang this particular song. "It's so beautiful…" he choked.
Blaine swallowed his tears. "Yeah?"
Kurt squeezed his hand. "I love you."
"I love you too, my angel."
"So you see, the most important thing is being together. No matter what you do." Blaine took Kurt's hand and pressed a kiss against it.
"Okay…" Ava said. "But that still doesn't answer my question. Can I go skiing with Elaine or do I have to stay here and listen to Dad sing 'Ding Dong' all month?"
"Don't get sassy with me young lady!" Kurt chuckled. He met Blaine's eyes and winked. "We'll think about it…"
"Yes!" Ava cheered under her breath. She knew it was a done deal when her Dad said that.