Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
�Wine, anyone?"
Finn took the bottle and lifted it, pointing at Kurt who shook his head and then at Blaine, who nodded.
�Can I have a glass, too?"
Ava smiled at her uncle sweetly, but Kurt just snorted.
�Sweetie, don�t even think about it. You�re 12, not 21."
Ava pouted and Kurt thought he had seen her do the puppy eyes too. Dammit, she wasn�t even Blaine�s biological child and yet had brought this to perfection.
Thank God Blaine came to Kurt�s aid.
�There�s a sense in this law, you know. Drinking is dangerous. And the strangest things happen under the influence of alcohol."
Kurt bit his lip to stop himself from laughing, but Finn didn�t make this effort.
�You mean like at this party in jun -"
�Finn, shut up!"; Rachel hissed and shot her husband an angry look.
Finn furrowed his brow and seemed to be confused, but suddenly he realized what he had almost said.
�OH! No, I mean... remember that party we were at when everybody else got drunk and fooled around and stuff? Only we weren�t, so we had to drive everyone else home and man, those were bad hangovers. I mean, everybody else had bad hangovers, but we didn�t. Because we didn�t drink. At all. That�s it."
Finn looked at Rachel somewhat relieved, but she just rolled her eyes and sighed.
Burt watched Finn suspiciously but shrugged it off then.
But Kurt knew it wasn�t over when Ava turned around to face him and then focussed on Blaine. Her smile was just like the one Kurt used when he wanted to tell someone that he really didn�t feel like being nice. Once again he asked himself if it was possible that Ava was indeed their biological daughter. Too many similarities.
Blaine tried to smile at Ava nonchalantly, but failed miserably. His face was as open as always and well, that was just one of the many reasons Kurt loved him so much. Even if it would have come in handy if it were different right now.
�So, what are those strange things that happen under the influence of alcohol?"
Blaine�s smile looked a little forced now as he answered.
�Well, you know, everything�s... blurry? Erm, it�s harder to think straight. I guess. That�s what people say."
Kurt turned his head to look at Blaine, an eyebrow risen. Then he sighed and looked at Ava.
�Sweetie, what your Baba tries to say is that alcohol makes it more difficult to choose right from wrong. It makes you lightheaded and more willing to try or risk things and that�s not always a good thing."
�Yeah, yeah – that�s exactly what I wanted to say." Blaine�s sighed in relief and he patted Kurt�s thigh.
�Thanks." Blaine�s whisper was hardly audible, but Kurt always understood what Blaine wanted to say.
�Baba? Have you made mistakes when you were drunk?"
Of course Ava wouldn�t give up and when Kurt noticed Blaine�s blush, he immediately knew what he was thinking of. But for once Blaine decided to tell Ava the truth.
�I wouldn�t call it a mistake, but when we were younger, even before we were together, I was tipsy and kissed someone. And that hurt your Daddy, it was our first fight. And after my first Christmas party with alcohol I had the biggest headache ever. Really, you don�t want that to happen."
Ava�s face turned serious at that and she continued to eat. Kurt was really glad that she didn�t notice Rachel�s blush and connected the dots.
He felt Blaine leaning in and smiled at him as Blaine whispered in his ear.
"Remember the upsides of alcohol?"
Kurt�s smirk told Blaine that yes, he knew exactly what he was talking about. It was nothing they would tell their daughter or even speak about in public, but hell, yes – this was another Christmas story worth remembering.
"Ten minutes, I only need ten more minutes. I have a bad hair day and not even you can convince me to leave like this.", Kurt said as he watched himself in the mirror and carefully put the gel in. Then he looked at Blaine�s reflection and snorted.
"You�re such a puppy. It�s like we�re in high school again and we�re going out for the first time."
Blaine giggled – seriously, he giggled! - and threw his arms around Kurt, who nearly tripped.
"It IS like going out for the first time! Finally I can drink without cheating, that�s awesome!"
Kurt patted Blaine�s hands and rolled his eyes.
"You never had problems getting some alcoholic drinks and if I remember correctly, you weren�t too fond of them. I�m grateful for that. But I can already see how this night is going to end, so we should make sure we have enough pills at home for your hangover tomorrow."
"Guh, I don�t need painkillers. It won�t be that bad."
It was loud. Loud, full and crazy.
They had been at this bar before, but only for some drinks after uni or the last Buckeye game, for which Blaine�d had to promise Kurt a long and good massage. (And it had been good. Oh yes.)
But today was different. It was the annual Christmas Booze Party, hosted by the student council. NYADA�s party had already taken place and had been very different. There had been musical numbers, sketches and carols. Of course there had also been alcohol at the party, but nothing like this.
Kurt took a deep breath as they entered the bar, but Blaine took his hand and pulled him inside, already waving at some of his friends.
"Hey, come sit with us! There�s a bottle of Tequila and we have peanuts too!"
Blaine smiled broadly and pulled Kurt next to him on the bench.
"Awesome!" Blaine downed two shots and smiled even wider. Kurt laughed at his enthusiasm and looked for a waiter to order something non-alcoholic. If Blaine continued drinking this way, it would be better if he stayed sober.
Three hours later Blaine was dancing to one of Roxy Music�s earlier songs and when he shouted "Best Party Ever!", Kurt couldn�t help but finally join him on the dancefloor.
He had had two glassed of wine and just one shot of Tequila too, because Blaine�s friends had invited them and Kurt felt loose and happy.
Soon Blaine twirled him around and they both laughed and danced until Kurt was out of breath.
"I need a break", he gasped and just laughed when Blaine pouted. "Air, B. I just need air."
Kurt turned around to walk out when suddenly Blaine�s arms were around him and pulled him close. Blaine�s warm breath hit his cheek as he whispered in Kurt�s ear.
"I love it when you call me that."
Kurt turned around and stared at Blaine.
"What, B? God, Blaine that�s just a silly petna-"
Blaine�s lips stopped Kurt and wow, Tequila did things to Blaine. Kurt could taste the alcohol on Blaine�s tongue and realized that he had had more than enough, maybe even a bit too much. He pulled away a bit and laughed breathlessly.
"Hey, you could need some air too. Join me outside?"
And okay, Blaine seemed more than willing to join him, considering his effort to shove Kurt towards the entrance.
Some wolf whistles followed them, but Kurt just threw their friends a smirk and waved and then they were outside. Suddenly he felt Blaine�s arms turning him around and then his back hit the wall and Blaine�s lips were on his neck.
Maybe he was just too drunk or simply happy and young and carefree, but he didn�t even attempt to push Blaine back. They were in New York, after all, and at the moment there were hardly any people on the street. Also, it was one of the warmest winters in New York ever, they just needed a thin jacket so there was no danger of freezing.
Kurt held onto Blaine and let out a slightly giddy sigh as his lips travelled over Kurt�s neck, his cheek and finally landed on his mouth again. Their kiss soon became heated and Blaine�s hands slid down to cup Kurt�s ass, as the signal horn of a car woke Kurt out of his fogged daze. He broke away reluctantly.
"Blaine, hey. Come on, this isn�t the right place and as much... as much as I�d love to go on, we can�t do this here. Let�s go home, okay?"
Blaine straightened, but didn�t pull away. A small grin appeared on his face.
"I have a better idea. Let�s go to Central Park, it�s only ten minutes from here!"
Kurt looked at his watch and shook his head.
"It�s already a quarter to two, Central Park is closed by now. And I�m not sure I could walk ten minutes now, well – I could. But I don�t think you would. At least not straight."
Blaine pouted and oh my, this face still did things to Kurt.
"Oh come on Kurt, the night is still young and there are stars and I want to be adventurous! I�m sure we�ll find a way to get into Central Park. Oh, and I can walk straight, look!"
He let go of Kurt and steadied himself, took a deep breath and tried to walk down the sideway.
Kurt suppressed a laugh as he watched Blaine. He wore an expression of exaggerated concentration, just as drunk people tend to do. Blaine�s first steps were slow and almost on line, but then he turned around and smiled broadly.
"Look, what did I tell you?" And with those words he almost hit the nearby lamp post and looked up at it in wonder.
"How did that appear all of sudden? Whoa, I swear we�re in the Matrix or something."
It was so endearing, that Kurt simply had to laugh and reach out for Blaine.
"Okay Blaine, we�ll go to Central Park, even if we�re going to be standing in front of closed doors. Come on."
Kurt turned to look at Blaine in confusion.
"Excuse me? What bee?"
Blaine sighed over dramatically.
"B. I really like it when you call me B. You can do that.. always. I mean, if you like that. Too. Because I do."
Kurt didn�t know if he should laugh or just stare at his drunk boyfriend. He was talking like this was one of the most important topics ever and he could clearly see that he really meant it.
Blaine�s smile was happy and wide and Kurt simply nodded.
They stood in front of the closed front entrance of Central Park. There was a guard who watched them suspiciously and Kurt pulled Blaine away.
"See, it�s closed. I told you. So, can we go home now?"
But Blaine shook his head and stage whispered: "There�s a secret entrance around the next corner. I�ll show you."
As Blaine sat on top of the wall and reached out for Kurt to pull him up next to him, Kurt just folded his arms and cocked his head.
"If I had known you meant climbing over a wall, I would have never agreed. That�s not an entrance, Blaine. An entrance is usually a door or at least something you could walk through. This is just a wall and climbing over it is dangerous. And dirty."
But as Blaine pouted – again – Kurt blamed the alcohol and took Blaine�s hand.
"Fine. But if I ruin these pants, you�ll get me a new pair for Christmas."
Blaine just grinned and hopped of the wall, waiting for Kurt to follow.
"Come on, I know where we�re going first!"
Kurt allowed Blaine to take his hand and lead them down the alley. When they stopped, Kurt looked at Blaine with a risen eyebrow.
Blaine nodded and jumped up and down excitedly.
"This is my favourite playground of all! The Antient Playground is so great but there are always so many children so I can�t do everything I like. So, can we go to the swing now?"
Kurt chuckled and agreed – because he just couldn�t resist Blaine when he was bubbly like this. So they used the swings and slides and Blaine did some really dangerous looking turns around a bar and suddenly they were playing tag until Blaine caught him and tackled him on the ground.
They both laughed until they were out of breath and Kurt felt so young and care-free. He wrapped his arms around Blaine and smiled at him.
"I love you, you know?"
Blaine�s laughter faded until only his wide and very special smile was left, the one only Kurt knew.
"Yeah, I know. I�m such a lucky guy."
Kurt nuzzled Blaine�s nose.
"So am I."
Their kiss was tender this time and after some sweet moments Kurt sighed.
"You still taste like a whole bottle of Tequila. You�re really lucky that I�m kissing you at all tonight."
Blaine chuckled quietly and pulled away.
"Come on, I want to go somewhere else too. It�s been a while since we�ve been at the Balcony Bridge."
They swung their hands between them and didn�t talk, just walked and enjoyed the almost-silence, unusual for New York. When they reached the famous bridge, they leant against the stone balustrade next to each other and looked at the pond.
"It�s beautiful, isn�t it?"
Blaine rested his head on Kurt�s shoulder.
"It is, but not as beautiful as you are."
"Cheesy tonight, aren�t we? Good that your sober-you won�t remember the drunk-you in the morning."
Blaine shook his head, but didn�t move.
"I�ve told you so many times by now, hundreds, maybe even thousands of times. Sober and drunk and it�s simply the truth. You�re the most beautiful person I know, inside and out. You�re even sparklier than the stars up there."
Kurt smiled and was somehow touched, but also amused.
"Sparklier? Is that even a word? You�re quite eloquent when you�re drunk, B."
Blaine nuzzled closer into Kurt�s neck and murmured: "I hope I�ll remember that tomorrow morning."
Suddenly Kurt noticed someone coming nearer, heavy steps and the light of a torch.
"Shh, we have to hide. Try to be quiet, okay? I really don�t want anyone to notice us."
He pulled Blaine behind the nearest trees and was glad that the guard turned the other way around.
They waited until he was out of sight and Kurt tried to pull Blaine with him, but he refused to walk. As Kurt turned around to look at Blaine, he noticed the dark look in his eyes and his own grew wider.
"Blaine? What�s -"
He was cut silent when Blaine�s lips crushed on his own. Well, it was nothing he didn�t like, so why bother? He even pulled Blaine closer and grabbed at his shirt, as their kiss turned more passionate.
Soon Blaine�s hands slid to Kurt�s ass and drew him closer until they were touching from their mouths to their toes. Heat spread through their bodies and their kisses and touches became sloppy.
Blaine tried to tug Kurt�s shirt out of his pants and although Kurt couldn�t deny that he really, really liked it, he stopped Blaine�s hands.
"You do realize we�re kind of in public, right?"
Blaine snorted and chuckled at the same time and damn, that shouldn�t be that hot, not even when drunk.
"Kind of, yes. Hidden behind a tree in an empty park at night. Please, Kurt. Just let me..."
His hand moved down to cup Kurt�s erection and he took a sharp breath. Excitement made his spine tingle and he smiled a bit when he thought back, thought of his 18-year-old self and what he would have said had he known he�d ever be in a situation like this. Kurt lifted his hand and smirked at Blaine.
"Only if I�m allowed to do the same."
Blaine�s groan told him everything he needed to know and the next moment both reached out for the other�s fly and pushed down pants and boxers until they could feel each other.
"Remember, if my pants are ruined, I�ll get new ones. And these are Marc Jacobs."
Blaine moaned and laughed and suddenly Kurt couldn�t think of anything else than these hands and this man. He was so happy about their unique relationship that allowed them silly adventures at night and giddy drunken and slightly illegal encounters like this.
And then he stopped thinking at all, because their hands sped up and their breaths became hotter and their bodies moved in unison until they had to suppress their moans and they fell into release sooner than they�d expected.
When they had calmed down, Kurt felt Blaine�s hot breath against his neck.
"Fireworks. Why didn�t you tell me that there are fireworks in Central Park tonight?"
Kurt chuckled and caressed Blaine�s curls.
"Let�s go home, silly."
"I like B better than silly. And I�m tired, I don�t want to move. Can�t we stay here and sleep on a bench or something?"
Kurt sighed and felt the tiredness too, but even then he knew it wasn�t a good idea to stay.
"It�s too cold for that and I�m sure you�ll be happy to wake up in our bed tomorrow morning. Come on, pull up your pants and let�s go. If you want to, you can keep your eyes closed and I�ll lead you."
"�lright. Think I can go. My feet will go �nd I�ll sleep. �kay?"
Kurt just put his shirt into his pants again and reached out for Blaine�s hand.
"Yes, that�s okay. Let�s go."
The sun was shining bright – far too bright for Blaine�s liking when he finally woke up.
He turned around and reached out for Kurt, who laughed quietly.
"Good morning, sleepy head. How are you?"
Blaine tried to open his eyes, but the damn sun. And Kurt�s voice – it was a lovely voice, of course, but too loud!
"Ouch. Maybe you were right about those pills, can I have one? Or better, two?"
Kurt laughed again, set aside his laptop and climbed out of bed.
"Here you are. Do you remember yesterday night? Any of it?"
Blaine swallowed and finally managed to open his eyes, if only a bit.
Kurt blushed when he noticed the smirk on Blaine�s face.
"Of course I do. I�d never not remember anything that has something to do with you. And now come back here and make me feel better."
Kurt turned to look at his husband and realized they both were somehow smirking.
Blaine leaned in.
"Central Park, huh?"
Kurt nodded slightly, his eyes fixed on Blaine�s.
"I�m still amazed that you remembered everything."
"With you? Of course."
I noticed Kurt calling Blaine B all the time, too! I love it too! I was thinking that as I read the last chapter. Because, honestly, as much as I love hearing the way they say each other's names, a nick name or pet name like that would be adorable! Yay Kurt and B!!
Awwwww they are sweet. Drunk Blaine is funny and adorable for a change, yay! Naughty times in Central Park, is awesome. Love this fic, cannot wait for the next part!
Yay smut! I mean... Um... Awesome chapter lol. :P Blaine makes me so happy.
Hahaha! Or should I say Hohoho! Santa may just drop some more smut into your Christmas stocking during one of the later chapters :D