Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
"Oh no… I spilled some of my soda on my beautiful dress." Barbra pouted. Rachel gasped and hurried towards her daughter to inspect the damage.
"Chill, Barbie… There are plenty more dresses at the store. And in your closet." Ava giggled mischievously.
"Don't call me BARBIE!" her cousin huffed. "My name is Barbra!"
Ava shrugged. "But Barbie is much more fitting, you have to admit-"
"Alright, that's enough girls." Burt interrupted his granddaughters. "No fighting on Christmas please."
"That's right." Blaine nodded. "Fighting on Christmas is the worst thing you can do." He turned his gaze to Kurt and smiled ruefully. "Remember that time we had that huge row, honey?"
"Yeah." Kurt answered. "Wasn't it… wait… the first year we were living together? Yep, it was…"
"Blaine please, for the last time. This isn't going to work." Kurt huffed, crossing his arms and tapping his foot. "You can't go to that party tonight, our plane to Ohio takes off at 2 PM tomorrow and we still have all the packing to do. And we still need to wrap the gifts!"
"Oh come on Kurt, I promised my friends I'd be there." Blaine whined from inside the bedroom. "There's only one Uni Christmas party a year! Besides, we're doing secret Santa and I already bought my gift."
Kurt entered the bedroom and gave Blaine an incredulous look. "Have you even listened to a word I just said? We. Need. To. PACK!"
"Dammit Kurt! Why do you always have to be such a buzzkill!" Blaine threw his hands in the air. "I've done nothing but study and spend time with you these last months. I just want one fun night with my friends, okay?"
"So spending time with me isn't fun?" Kurt raised his eyebrows as he placed his hands on his hips.
"That's not what I meant and you know it…" Blaine sulked as he plopped down on the bed. He grabbed his sneakers and started to put them on. "But you knew about this party, so why are you having a fit about it?"
"That's right! I knew about this party, and so did you. That's exactly why I don't understand you didn't pack this afternoon! You won't have time tomorrow morning, plus you're going to have a hangover anyway!"
"Can't you pack my stuff? That way you can make sure my outfits match yours." Blaine waved his hand dismissively.
"Stop making fun of me!" Kurt fumed. "I can't help it if you're colorblind!"
"Who's making fun of who now?" Blaine drawled sarcastically.
"AAARGH!" Kurt yelped, as he threw a pillow at Blaine's head.
Blaine ducked just in time to evade it. He stared at his boyfriend in disbelief. "What the hell is your problem Kurt? Why are you so pissed off? It's just one night away with friends!"
"My problem is YOU, Blaine!" Kurt yelled, while he threw his suitcase on the bed and yanked it open. "I'm always the one who ends up doing everything around here! You come home from class and plop down on the couch with your laptop, while I have to cook and clean and oh my God, you can't even put the cap back on the tube of toothpaste or put your dirty socks in the basket!"
"HEY!" Blaine scrambled from the bed and scowled. "I'm sorry if I'm a bit messy sometimes, but Jesus, Kurt, we're two college boys, you really should stop being such an uptight neat freak!"
Kurt's jaw dropped in shock.
But Blaine hadn't finished yet.
"And it's not true that I don't do anything around here! I take out the trash; I help you with the grocery shopping and stuff; I dry the dishes… I wonder how many boyfriends do that!" Blaine huffed.
"Listen to yourself, Blaine! Don't you get it? You're acting like I'm the woman and you're the man in this relationship! Like I should be glad you're helping me out. Well, I'm sick and tired of it!" Kurt hissed. "But hey, you know what? Just go and have a great time with your friends, leave me with all the work, I don't care. I'll be packing my suitcase tonight and tomorrow morning I'm leaving for the airport. And you-" he pointed at Blaine "can sort things out yourself."
"FINE!" Blaine cried out. "I will!" He stormed out of the bedroom and thirty seconds later Kurt heard the front door slam.
"DAMMIT!" Kurt roared, as he threw open his closet and started yanking clothes from the hangers and tossing them in the suitcase.
Blaine just wanted one fun night with his friends.
Except it wasn't fun at all. He felt miserable. He was angry at Kurt. And at himself.
"BLAAAAAAAINERS! COME ON!" Eddie yelled from the other side of the room. "Have a drink! The spike is punched … I mean the pike… the spunch… the punch is spiked! Yes, that's right!"
Blaine lifted his still half full plastic cup to show he didn't need a refill.
He didn't feel like getting drunk tonight. Apparently, he was the only one, because two hours into the party, everybody else was already in various states of intoxication, dancing to Christmas songs.
A tall, redheaded girl plopped down next to him on the couch. "Hiya Blaine!" She giggled.
"Hey Jill." Blaine said with a small smile.
"What's up Blaineybee? You're such a sourpuss tonight!" She leaned in and rested her head on his shoulder.
Blaine sighed. Jill was one of his best friends on campus. They worked together on assignments, studied together, and had a lot of fun outside of school as well. Kurt really liked Jill, and vice versa.
Kurt. Kurt. Kurt.
Fuck it.
He drained his cup in one gulp, and winced at the sting. What the crap had they spiked it with; pure alcohol?
"Whoa, easy there baby…" Jill grabbed his arm and looked at him with concern in her eyes. "What's wrong?"
Blaine shrugged, tossed his cup aside and buried his face in his hands. He was so tired.
Jill slapped Blaine's thigh playfully. "Come on, let's dance." She said. "My favorite Christmas song is playing."
"Kate Bush?" Blaine snorted. "Really?"
"It's magical." Jill smiled, as she jumped off of the couch and pulled Blaine up by the hands.
Blaine let himself fall into her arms and started swaying to the eerie music. He buried his face into her neck and took in her scent. It was comforting. He really needed his best friend to hold him tonight.
December will be magic again.
Take a husky to the ice
While Bing Crosby sings White Christmas.
He makes you feel nice.
December will be magic again.
Old Saint Nicholas up the chimney,
Just a-popping up in my memory.
Ooh, dropping down in my parachute,
The white city, she is so beautiful
Upon the black-soot icicled roofs,
Ooh, and see how I fall.
See how I fall
Like the snow.
Jill tightened her arms around him. She knew him too well.
Blaine let out a shuddering breath. What wouldn't he give to be in Kurt's arms right now.
To dance with him.
Come to cover the lovers.
Cover the lovers,
But don't you wake them up.
Come to sparkle the dark up.
Sparkle the dark up,
With just a touch of make-up.
Come to cover the muck up.
Cover the muck up,
Ooh, with a little luck.
He'd been such a jerk to Kurt. Both of them had been through a rough and stressful period lately, with classes and projects taking up the majority of their time. He should have stayed at home tonight. He should have helped Kurt. He shouldn't have come to the party. This was all his fault, not Kurt's.
December will be magic again.
Light the candle lights
To conjure Mr. Wilde
Into the Silent Night.
Ooh, it's quiet inside,
Here in Oscar's mind.
December will be magic again.
Don't miss the brightest star.
Kiss under mistletoe.
I want to hear you laugh.
Don't let the mystery go now.
Blaine sighed deeply.
Jill pulled back and looked at him with a deep frown. The song continued, but they had stopped dancing.
"Alright, you and me, outside. Now." She said, as she took his hand and dragged him towards the kitchen and the backdoor.
It was freezing outside, but Blaine's numbed mind didn't register the cold. He sat down on the bench and stared at the ground.
"Blaine, for the last time, what the hell is wrong? Talk to me." Jill begged, crouching down in front of him.
"Kurt…" He whispered.
"What about Kurt, honey?"
"We had a fight… it was really bad." Blaine's lower lip started trembling.
Jill grabbed Blaine's hands and gave him a sympathetic look. "How bad is it?"
"VERY bad… I'm pretty sure he's preparing to leave for Ohio without me." Blaine murmured.
"Shit." Jill muttered.
"Yeah…" Blaine nodded. And then he told her about the fight. He recounted every ugly word of it.
Kurt cursed as he rummaged through one of the kitchen drawers, in search of a band aid.
Wrapping gifts while being furious hadn't been the best idea. He'd already suffered three paper cuts, and he'd had to rewrap two gifts, because he'd accidentally ripped the paper.
Stupid presents for stupid Christmas.
This was all Blaine's fault.
His fault that Kurt had cut his fingers.
His fault that Kurt's precious clothes were jammed into his suitcase without any care.
His fault that this would be a crappy Christmas.
His fault that Kurt felt like his heart had been torn out.
With a heavy sigh, Kurt went to sit back down at the dinner table, taking stock of the remaining pile of presents. His gaze fell on the gift he had bought for Blaine.
It was an antique copy of "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde. Kurt had been saving up for it ever since they had stumbled upon the book in a little shop downtown. Blaine had fallen in love with it, until the shop owner informed them about the price.
Kurt smiled fondly at the memory. His boyfriend would be so pleased with this book. Blaine was a bit of a fan boy when it came to Oscar Wilde. The author had been the subject of a lengthy paper he'd been working on these last months; and Blaine hadn't been able to stop gushing about him or his works.
"Oh God…" Kurt groaned as he slumped back in his chair. Blaine had been right… he'd been working so hard these last months and all he wanted was one night out with his friends. And Kurt had been a total bitch about it.
It was all his fault, not Blaine's.
And now, Blaine was probably considering staying behind in New York for the holidays.
Kurt gasped as another unwelcome thought crept into his mind.
What if Blaine decided he wanted to break up with him?
"Oh no… no no no…" Kurt whimpered, as he felt a wave of panic coursing through him. He had to fix this.
He had to find Blaine and talk to him.
Right now.
Kurt quickly grabbed his jacket and wallet, and stormed out of the apartment.
"Relax Blaine…" Jill cooed. "It's going to be okay. I know Kurt, and I know you. You guys never stay mad at each other for more than a few hours."
Blaine shook his head. "You don't understand, Jill. It was really awful. You should have seen the fury on his face." He gasped. "Oh God!"
"What?" Jill asked.
"Oh no… no no no… what if he wants to break up with me? Jill, I can't lose him!" he screeched in a panicked voice.
"CALM DOWN!" Jill grabbed his shoulders and urged him to look at her. "He won't!"
"I have to go home." Blaine broke away from Jill's grasp and scrambled to his feet. "I need to talk to him."
Twenty minutes later, Blaine arrived home. It had been the fasted cab drive ever, thanks to the extra generous tip he had promised the driver upfront.
But… the apartment was dark and quiet and empty.
"Kurt?" Blaine shouted. "Kurt?"
No Kurt.
Where the hell was he? His suitcase was still in the bedroom, and the gifts were sprawled all over the dinner table.
Taking in the scene before his eyes, Blaine grew even more nervous. It was obvious that Kurt had left the apartment on an impulse.
Which meant that he was probably very upset.
Which meant he'd possibly do something stupid, like walk the streets alone at night.
Blaine took out his phone and pressed the speed dial.
"Please pick up Kurt… please be all right. Please… I love you so much…" Blaine muttered, as tears started to fall from his eyes.
"Hello? B.?" Kurt's voice had never sounded more welcome to Blaine than at this very moment.
"Kurt! Thank God! Where are you, honey? Are you okay?" Blaine asked in a choked voice.
"I'm fine. Where are you? You're at the party, right?" Kurt asked.
"No, I came home. But you weren't here…"
After a few seconds of silence, Kurt drawled "You're kidding me, right? You're at home?"
"Yes… why? Where are you?" Blaine frowned.
Kurt sighed, and let out a small chuckle. "I'm in a cab in front of Eddie's house. I came to find you."
"Oh…" Blaine was baffled.
"Never mind, B., stay there, I'll be home in half an hour." Kurt said, as he ordered the driver to turn around.
"You know, you can make it in twenty minutes if you tip him an extra 20 bucks…" Blaine laughed breathlessly.
"And risk my life? No thanks. See you in thirty." Kurt quipped.
Exactly thirty-two minutes later, Kurt entered through the front door of the apartment.
Exactly five seconds after that, Kurt found himself enveloped into Blaine's arms.
"Honey… I'm so glad you're home. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me. I should have stayed with you. I'm so… so sorry…" Blaine breathed against his ear.
Kurt pulled back and shook his head. His heart wrenched at the devastated look in Blaine's eyes.
"No, B… I'm the one who's sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so angry over a party. I knew how much you wanted to go. I'm sorry about all the stupid things I said… I was just so tired and irritated…" Kurt sighed in defeat.
"Me too Kurt… I never meant to make you feel like you're the girl here." Blaine smiled sadly and shrugged. "You are everything but a girl. You're a man. My man. And I love you."
Kurt pressed his forehead against Blaine's. "I know baby… I love you too."
Their lips met in a soft, tentative kiss.
Blaine ran his hands up Kurt's back and rested them against the back of his head, while deepening the kiss.
Kurt mewled into Blaine's mouth, as he grabbed the front of Blaine's shirt and tried to pull him even closer. He was slowly losing himself in Blaine's scent… his taste… his touch…
They were so caught up in their kisses, they didn't even notice they'd moved into the living room.
Suddenly Kurt felt the edge of the dinner table jabbing against his back. He broke the kiss to hop on the table, and reached out to draw Blaine back against him, between his spread legs.
The next thing they both knew, they were lying on top of each other, shirts discarded, making out heavily between a bunch of Christmas presents.
"Careful B… the presents… some of them are breakable…" Kurt panted, as he came up for air.
Blaine groaned softly. "Okay… there are probably better places to do this. He lifted himself slightly and was about to move away, when he spotted something on the table. Something that quickened his heartbeat – present company excluded.
"Kurt…" He whispered with sparkling eyes. "Is that… is that what I think it is?"
Kurt turned his head to follow Blaine's gaze and face palmed as he realized that his boyfriend had just discovered his Christmas present.
His unwrapped Christmas present.
"That book was one of the most amazing Christmas gifts ever." Blaine said, as he smiled fondly at his husband. "But the best gift that Christmas was having my boyfriend back in my arms…"
Kurt smiled back and gave Blaine a quick peck on the cheek.
"Awwwww… that's so sweet…" Ava chanted. "Now can I be excused for a minute? I need to go barf some rainbows."
"Ava!" Kurt threw her a mocking glare. "Behave!"
His daughter rolled her eyes and smirked. "Whatever dad…"
This is lovely. I am enjoying it so much!
Oh Ava, I know how you feel honey. I feel that need, too. BUT I LOVE IT.