The 25 Christmasses of Kurt and Blaine
Epilogue Previous Chapter Story
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The 25 Christmasses of Kurt and Blaine: Epilogue

E - Words: 2,283 - Last Updated: Dec 30, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/27 - Created: Dec 01, 2011 - Updated: Dec 30, 2011
313 0 5 0 0

Author's Notes: Soooooo... we got a little request for an epilogue, and one of our authors just couldn't resist :)So here you have Ava's first date. Set in the spring of 2036.This was completely unplanned and very late night writing, so if it's not up to standard, we're very sorry.

Kurt's phone lit up as it started buzzing on the coffee table. Both he and Ava looked up at the same time only for Ava to focus on her magazine again straight away, disappointed because the buzzing hadn't been accompanied by his ringtone. He'd had his own ringtone for a while now. Then she remembered that her phone was in her jean pocket. She always kept it there even if it meant she had to stretch out her leg entirely if she wanted to pry it out. No way she was leaving it lying around. She trusted her Daddy and Baba and the thing was password protected, but still, it just felt weird not having her phone on her.

'Hello, Kurt Hummel-Anderson.' Her dad had put his own magazine aside and got up to walk towards the hall way door. Ava was used to her Dad pacing while on the phone, but he never really took it to the hall. Most of his phone calls were about rehearsal schedules and costume fittings anyway, nothing she hadn't heard before or particularly cared about either.

'Safe now?' The person on the other end of the line asked as he heard a door falling shut.

'Hello Nick, how you doing?'

'Great, great. But my son isn't. And that's why I'm calling actually.'

'Is Collin sick? He's not cancelling his date with Ava is he?' Kurt bit his lip, feeling nervous for his daughter. She had actually let him help pick out her outfit, so this obviously meant a lot to her. And he wanted her first dating experience to be a good one. In fact, he needed it to be.

'No, he'd never do that. Too much of a gentleman, like his father.'

'Don't flatter yourself mister scientist.' They both chuckled.

'No, but seriously Kurt, go easy on my little one. He's showered twice already.'

'To be honest, he's got nothing to worry about, I think Ava's sold already. But don't tell him that, I still want him to make an effort.'

'Oh he will, he has gotten her flowers! But Amy has been telling him stories about how her dad quizzed me when I first took her out, which he did, but she's making a bigger deal out of it than it was and he's scared shitless. Cause Ava's got two dads. You don't keep any shotguns in the house do you?'

'Oh my god, Nick, we don't! And we were actually planning not to have a little chat with Collin, just tell him what time Ava needs to be home you know. We know him, we know what his parents do, by now he's been here so much he knows where we keep the soda, cause Ava makes him get it for himself, and for her too. Why would we? But I'm guessing we are going to have one now.' He said, the smirk evident in his voice.

'He has every right to be afraid, I see. You're evil Kurt Hummel, evil!'

'And skilled with a pair of scissors too!' Kurt full out laughed now.

'Just go easy on him, okay? Please Kurt?'

'Nick, please! It'll all turn out just right. Now stop worrying more than your kid is.'

'Ow, you just wait, when he's picked her up, it's your turn to worry sick.'

'I know.' Kurt sagged against the wall and sighed cause his girl was growing up and he wasn't entirely sure how he felt about that.

'Dad, how do I look?'

Ava walked into the living room all dressed up, wearing the dress she and Kurt had picked out.

'Go change, now.'

Ava and Kurt both looked at Blaine, Kurt surprised at how stern Blaine sounded and Ava in horror. When Blaine looked at Kurt he was met by a questioning look. Ava looked nice, that dress was Kurt's idea for crying out loud.

'You look far too nice.' He explained to Ava, who relaxed her shoulders a bit. 'Make him work for it a bit.'

Now Kurt was really lost, first Blaine had sounded so angry and now he was basically telling their almost 14-year-old to play hard to get. Well, at least they were both a bit lost at which side to take here.

'Ava, your Baba is kidding. You look great. But Collin's not supposed to be here for another hour. What are you going to do until he's here? Do you still have homework to do?'

'No, Dad, it's all done. I promise. I was actually planning to look at the clock every minute and nag about how it hasn't moved an inch.'

'Little dramatic, isn't it?' Blaine asked, holding back a snicker.

'I'm kidding, Baba.' She said, raising her eyebrows at him. 'I think I'm going to call Elaine, actually.' and with that she practically skipped out of the living room.

'Hello Collin.' Blaine and Kurt said in unison when they opened the door.

'Hello Misters Hummel-Anderson.'

'Well, come in. Ava will be ready in a minute.' Kurt said, knowing far too well that Ava was as ready as she could be, but they had asked her to stay in her room for a couple minutes while they talked to Collin. She had tried to change their minds, eventually even resulting to the arm crossing and pouting, and when that didn't work, the puppy eyes.

'Thanks.' Collin stepped in, glancing at the door to Ava's bedroom as he did.

'Come sit with us for a minute.' Blaine added, walking towards their living room.

Kurt and Blaine sat down next to each other on the sofa and Collin just stood there for a minute, fumbling with the rose in his hand until Kurt nodded in the direction of the arm chair, motioning for him to sit there. Collin sat down on the edge of the chair, very carefully, although he'd sat in that same chair a couple of times before. Once even with Ava on his knees because there had been no place left on the sofa during one of the Hummel-Anderson dinner parties and she had decided that he could hold 'her weight' best, which had resulted in him awkwardly telling her that she was very pretty and not heavy at all.

'Okay Collin.' Kurt started, but Blaine picked in right away. 'Ava has to be home by six. Be careful. Don't lose her. And be good to her.'

'The rose is very attentive.' Kurt gave Collin an encouraging smile. 'But just so you know, I've got your dad's phone number. And has Ava ever told you that for a performance in high school I learned how to use Sai swords, and that I still have them?'

'You know, just be careful out there okay, go somewhere very public and treat our girl with respect. And you'll be fine. Six, not a minute later.' Blaine added.

'Where are you taking her?' Kurt wanted to know, hoping it was somewhere romantic.

'Well I was thinking that maybe we could go –'

'Okay, I'm ready, let's go Collin!' Ava threw open the living room door and Kurt looked down at his watch. She had so not waited the agreed 10 minutes.

'Ava! Wait a second.' Blaine called out, Collin freezing in front of the chair. He had just gotten up but was now torn between walking over to Ava or sitting back down.

'You know, send us a text around 4 and be home by six. Not a minute later. Collin can stay for dinner if he wants to.' Collin smiled to himself at Blaine's words. 'Be careful, same rules as when you would go to school.'

'Okay Baba. Can we go now?'

'Have fun kids.' And that was the cue Collin needed to move again. He held the flower out to Ava.

'This is for you Ava. I thought, better give it to you here, so you know, you can put it in some water. Maybe. I mean, so it doesn't die, you know.' He blushed a bit, he had hoped to be a bit more eloquent. Ava's father was an English teacher after all, you impress those with pretty words and he was pretty sure you impress girls with them too.

'Uhm, that's…. that's really sweet Collin. Thanks. I'll go put it in my room.' She took Collin's hand and pulled him towards the hall.

'Collin stays in the hall!' Kurt yelled to the door falling shut.

Ava thought that was pretty stupid so she rolled her eyes overdramatically, which made Collin giggle. Collin had been in her room before. They had made homework together in there and watched cartoons they'd never admit they watched, but he did as he was told and waited for her to put the flower away.

5:57. Where was she? Kurt and Blaine had both gotten the same text at 4pm sharp. It just read 'Still alive! Having a great time.' but they had kind of hoped Collin and Ava would be back a bit early. Kurt looked down at his watch and at that exact moment they heard the front door open and close again, a sound that was followed by a much higher one, that of a teenage girl's squeal.

'Ava, living room!' Blaine called out as soon as she was done.

'Hey Daddy, Baba,' Ava had opened the door not even half way and stuck her head through, 'I'm home. On time.'

'We heard.' The both answered in unison, Blaine shutting his laptop and putting it on the coffee table. 'Come sit with us for a minute, sweetie.'

Ava picked the same chair Collin had been sitting in earlier that afternoon but let herself fall into it.

'Spill!' Kurt sat down next to his husband and looked at straight at his girl. 'Don't leave out the details.'

'Well. He took me to Central Park and we walked up to the Boathouse and he actually rented a boat, Dad!'

'Thank god you were wearing non-see-through tights!' Kurt interjected, earning an eye roll from Ava.

'And he rowed us around for an hour and asked me all kinds of stuff, like if I could only listen to one playlist, which one would it be? And if I wanted to move somewhere else than New York later? And he made me talk about me all the time and he was pretty good at rowing, he didn't tip us over or anything. And then he bought me an ice cream and he wouldn't let me pay Baba! So typical. And we sat on a bench, and I made him talk about him, you know. And I'm surprised, cause he's like my best male friend, but there's so much I don't know about him. Like he absolutely hates white chocolate. And we're different, cause he doesn't know that much about musicals, but he's learning. And he's also the only boy who doesn't bore me if he keeps talking longer than a minute.'

'Well, thank you Ava. What did you do next? That didn't take 4 hours, did it?' Kurt urged her on.

'We walked down to Times Square and pretended to be tourists, pointing at different billboards. And we took our picture on the top of the stairs. And then it started raining so we went into Starbucks, before the crowds, thank god. He ordered while I found us a table and I hadn't told him what I wanted so I was a bit scared. But he got me a strawberry frap. You know how I love those. And he got a vanilla latte, I've got to remember that. And when it stopped raining he took the subway back here, and he almost fell over in the train, he was so embarrassed. Then…. that's it.'

'That's it?' Blaine asked, curious why Ava had interrupted her ramble just like that.

'Well…. yeah.' Ava looked down, hoping that would hide her blush, but there was no fooling her dads.

'You have to promise not to tell anyone, okay? Cause it's really silly. It was like a movie. When we walked up the stairs from the subway he put his arm around my waist and kissed me on the cheek, just like that. And then he said sorry afterwards. But I don't want him to be sorry! So I smiled at him, cause you know, it was okay for him to do that, but I didn't really know how to say that. And then we walked over here, we held hands but for a really long time now, and everybody could see us. And then when we got here he said he couldn't come in, that he had to go home too, but he says thanks for the offer and he gave me something.' Ava held up her right wrist, where she was wearing the bracelet Collin had given her a while ago. There were now two charms dangling from it, a clef and a little heart.

'And he asked me if when people asked me who had given it to me if I would mind saying that I got it from my boyfriend. And then I kissed him, on the cheek.' She added quickly, it was a lie, but she wasn't going to tell her parents about that just yet. 'And I'm just really happy. Cause he's like my best friend. And I was waiting for him to make his move. But it was always almost, never really, do you get it? What if I was making it all up? I felt so stupid. '

'Oh, I get it.' Kurt said as Blaine shot him an apologetic look.

'And when I was in the hall he texted me that an old lady from two floors down was judging him in the elevator cause he was dancing. He's such a dork.'

'You look very happy Ava, so we're happy for you.' Blaine at his daughter but then added: 'When is he coming here again? Now we do really want to talk to him. See if he plans on marrying you.'

'Oh my god, Baba! Don't ask him that!'

'Ava, sweetie, he's kidding, again.'

End Notes: Dear readers, we wish you a happy, klaintastic 2012!LoveKurt, Blaine & AvaElisabeth, Jessica, Kitty & Lindsay


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It was a New Years Eve treat to find this update! Thanks so much for writing! Hope you all have a Happy New Year!

that was a wonderful little snapshot into the future :)

AWW!!! Hooray for Ava!! And solo cute that it's Nick's kid! Adorns!

This was adorable! I thought about waiting until this coming December to read it, but I couldn't resist.

I LOVE this story! So heartwarming! A Klainer needs that these days ;)