Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
"Hey Ava, how's your mom doing?" Eli asked.
"Aunt Kat? She's fine. I saw her a couple of months ago. And we talk online all the time. She's cool." Ava grinned.
"How about your brothers and sister?" Barbra said.
Ava smiled enthusiastically. "Oh they are SO awesome! The boys always play pranks on their sister, it's hilarious. When I was staying there for Christmas two years ago, they switched all of her presents, and the best part..." Ava continued the story as the adults laughed and joked among themselves.
Amidst the laughter and chatter, Kurt noticed his father silently studying all of them, with an unreadable expression on his face.
"Everything okay, dad?" He asked casually.
Burt nodded slowly. "Everything perfect. Just happy to spend time with my family, that's all."
He and Kurt shared a look of understanding.
No words were necessary to know that they were both thinking back to the events at Christmas, two years ago.
The music started playing as Kurt stepped onto the stage.
The blinding spot burned on his skin. He had learned to love the sensation.
Hundreds of people were silently watching his every move.
He couldn't see them. He couldn't hear them.
He could only feel them. It was the buzz every performing artist lived for. Even more than for the applause. That small thrill of anticipation that raced through the audience, preparing itself to be wowed.
And wowed they would be.
Because he was Kurt freaking Hummel. And he was born to perform.
He walked to the centre of the stage and raised his head to look straight at the pitch black space in front of him. Parting his lips, he took a deep breath and started to sing his final song of the evening.
The lake is frozen over
The trees are white with snow
And all around
Reminders of you
Are everywhere I go
It's late and morning's in no hurry
But sleep won't set me free
I lie awake and try to recall
How your body felt beside me
When silence gets too hard to handle
And the night too long
And this is how I see you
In the snow on Christmas morning
Love and happiness surround you
As you throw your arms up to the sky
I keep this moment by and by
Kurt couldn't help it. A slight shiver ran along his spine as he sang the next lines. The lyrics and melody had gotten under his skin ever since the first time he'd rehearsed it. He'd sung it to Blaine then, and he could still remember the emotions that had been written all over his husband's face.
Oh I miss you now, my love
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas,
Merry Christmas, my love
Sense of joy fills the air
And I daydream and I stare
Up at the tree and I see
Your star up there
Tears had rolled over both their cheeks during the song. Because it hit home so hard. This number literally described their worst fear. The fear of losing a loved one, whether it be a parent, a partner, or a child; and having to move on without them.
Yet they knew that they would have to be strong, if it ever happened. Because life would always go on. And so would they. Even if it meant they would have to crawl.
And this is how I see you
In the snow on Christmas morning
Love and happiness surround you
As you throw your arms up to the sky
I keep this moment by and by
As the music died down, Kurt lowered his gaze, and the spotlight faded away. A beat of silence, and then a thundering applause followed, along with loud cheers and whistles. Kurt smiled into the darkness and left the stage. Even after all those years, the applause still gave him goose bumps.
"You were amazing, Kurt. You always give me the chills when you sing that tune!"
Kurt grinned at the reflection of his vanity mirror as he saw a curly blonde woman standing in the doorway of his dressing room. "Thanks Allison, you weren't so bad yourself." He winked.
Allison walked to stand behind Kurt's chair, and bent forward, throwing her arms around his neck. "I can't believe it's closing night already tomorrow… I'm gonna miss you baby!" She tightened her hold around Kurt to emphasize her words.
"I'm going to miss you too, Al, but it's not like we'll never see each other again, right? It's a small world in showbizz. Besides, we're both auditioning for the new version of Cats next spring. I want you to be the Demeter to my Munkustrap…" Kurt took her hands and squeezed them lightly, meeting her eyes in the mirror.
"That would be so fantastic!" Allison answered, biting back a squeal.
Kurt nodded. "But anyway, I'm looking forward to tomorrow night. My dad and stepmom are flying in tomorrow morning to spend the holidays with us, and they are coming to watch the show. It's been years since dad has seen me perform on a stage… I'm so excited!" He chuckled giddily.
It was true. He really was excited. Because his father being proud of him meant more to Kurt than winning his Tony or getting a standing ovation. Way more.
"Great! I'm looking forward to meeting him!" Allison replied. "Listen, I'm going to my own dressing room now, I need to get this make up off of my face before I break out in a rash."
"Wouldn't happen if only you used the products I recommended!" Kurt quipped. Allison turned at the door to blow a quick kiss at his reflection, and left.
Ten minutes later, a soft knock sounded at the door.
"Coming to borrow some of my product, Al?" Kurt shouted with laughter in his voice, as he wiped his face dry with a soft towel.
Kurt snapped his head around at the sound of Blaine's voice. "B? What are you doing here?" Kurt smiled. His smile quickly vanished as he took in his husband's careworn face.
"I came to pick you up." Blaine replied, trying to smile, but failing miserably.
"Why? What's wrong?" Kurt looked behind Blaine. "Where is Ava? Oh my God, did something happen to her?" He asked in a high pitched and panicky voice.
Blaine quickly moved towards Kurt and grabbed him by the shoulders. "No! Calm down, Kurt… Ava is perfectly fine. I've taken her to Katherine's. She's volunteered to look after her for a couple of days."
"A couple of days? What are you talking about? Christmas Eve is the day after tomorrow, I want our daughter to-"
"Kurt!" Blaine said in a commanding voice. "Listen to me." He cupped Kurt's face in his hands and took a deep breath. "Your dad has had another heart attack. He's in a critical condition. There's a taxi outside, waiting to bring us to La Guardia. We need to get on a plane to Ohio…"
Kurt's jaw dropped in shock as he gasped for breath. He sank down on his chair and covered his face with his hands. "No…" He whispered, shaking his head.
Blaine sank down to his knees and grasped Kurt's hands. "Honey, I know this is a shock, but we can't waste any time. We need to leave right now. Our plane is leaving in less than two hours. I've packed a bag for both of us, it's in the trunk of the cab." He got to his feet again and gently urged Kurt to rise from his chair, while his heart shattered at the sheer devastation in his husband's eyes.
Kurt nodded shakily, holding onto Blaine as if he was his lifeline. "Okay… let's go."
"Dude, you should go home for a few hours. Carole is really worried about you." Finn said, putting his hand on Kurt's shoulder.
Kurt shook his head. "I can't leave my dad alone on Christmas Eve."
Finn took a stool and sat down next to Kurt. "But he's not even awake. And you've been here since yesterday morning. You really should-"
"I'm not leaving, Finn." Kurt said sharply. "I'm not leaving him." He added in a whisper.
"Okay, whatever, Kurt. We're just worried, that's all."
"Thanks, Finn…" Kurt looked at his brother and gave him a weak smile.
"So where's Blaine?" Finn asked.
"Downstairs in the cafeteria. He's grabbing a sandwich and a cup of coffee. I forced him to go. He didn't want to leave the room but his stomach growled so hard it almost echoed through the hospital." Kurt muttered.
"Yeah, it's tough on him as well, isn't it?" Finn nodded, studying Burt's still face. "I mean, he's always looked up at Burt as if he was- is his own father. Carole had to comfort him yesterday afternoon when he went outside to get some fresh air. He was crying so bad…"
"Oh God…" Kurt cursed himself for not realizing it sooner. Of course Blaine would be suffering as well. Blaine and Burt had always gotten along really well and they loved each other dearly. He needed some support and comfort as well.
Finn stretched his arms above his head and yawned loudly. "What did the doctor say?" He asked, as he relaxed again.
"Same thing as yesterday." Kurt answered. "We can't do anything but wait and see if he wakes up. But with every hour that passes, his chances are getting slimmer…"
"Oh." Finn said.
Kurt turned towards his brother. "Look Finn, you don't have to stay here. Go to your mom… she needs you. Especially tonight."
Finn blinked. "Are you sure? 'Cause you're my brother man. And Burt… he's like my father. I mean, he's your father, not mine, but you know…"
Kurt smiled and nodded. "Yes… I know. But hey… how about you go stay with our mom, and I'll stay with our dad." He reached out and took Finn's hand, squeezing it lightly.
Finn returned his smile, baffled by his brother's sincere words. "Okay, Kurt."
Ten minutes later, Blaine entered the room with reverence in his step. "Hey." He breathed.
Kurt saw Blaine's red rimmed eyes and gave him a loving look. "Hey you." He rose from his chair and stretched out his arms. "Come here."
Blaine's lip started trembling and in a matter of seconds he was in Kurt's arms, sobbing into his husband's shoulder.
"I'm so sorry." He sniffed. "I should be strong for you. It's your dad who's lying here, not mine."
"Shhhhhh…" Kurt whispered. "Don't say that. You've been nothing but strong for me since the moment you came to get me at the theatre. I was breaking down and you were there to catch me. I'm the one who's sorry, B." He caressed the back of Blaine's head. "Sorry for not seeing you were hurting as well."
Blaine pulled back and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. Kurt's mouth quirked at the endearing gesture.
Swallowing audibly, Blaine pressed his forehead against Kurt's. "I guess we just have to be strong together. Whatever happens, we can face it together. You and me."
"Yeah…" Kurt sighed, a tear escaping his eye.
"You boys make me so proud…" A croaky, heavy voice muttered.
Kurt and Blaine jumped away from each other and snapped their heads towards the bed.
"Dad!" They cried out in unison.
"Kurt… it's okay. Stop fussing, I'm okay." Burt chuckled breathlessly, as his son rearranged the pillow behind his back for the third time.
"Nonsense, dad. You've just suffered a severe heart attack, and you've only been out of coma for little over an hour" Kurt tutted. "Carole and Finn will be arriving any moment now. They were so happy to hear you're awake. I told them to take it easy on the road, it's really coming down out there." Kurt said, as he sat down on the edge of the bed, angling his body towards his father.
Blaine was sitting in a chair on the other side of the bed, with a contented smile on his face.
"I'm sorry for ruining your holidays, boys." Burt grinned painfully. "We've should've been together at your place right now, with Ava."
"It's okay, Burt. Having you back with us is the best Christmas present we've could've hoped for." Blaine patted his hand comfortingly. "Besides, Ava loves her aunt Kat, and her half brothers and sister. She was actually thrilled at the opportunity to spend some time with them."
"We'll be visiting with her as soon as you're feeling up to it, I promise." Kurt added.
Burt nodded, closing his eyes and heaving a little sigh. "But you know what bugs me the most?"
"What?" Kurt asked gently.
Burt opened his eyes and gazed at his son. "That I didn't see you perform last night. I was dying to hear you sing again. Wait… maybe that's not the best choice of words right now."
Kurt bit back a snort. "It's not, no…" His eyes flitted to Blaine and then back to his father. "Um… if you want to, I can sing something for you now… A song from the show, maybe? I have the music on my cell, so I can rehearse it wherever and whenever I want… Would you like that?"
"Yeah… I would love that, son."
"Okay." Kurt pulled out his phone and searched for the song. He pressed play and lowered it onto the bed, in between them.
He locked eyes with his dad, and as he started to sing, he realized that this beat every performance he'd ever given. Even the biggest triumphs in his career would always be surpassed by this, the simple moment in which he was singing to the person he loved, and touching him with his voice.
On the wind the snow is drifting
Dances round my weary feet
Faraway a bell is ringing
Echoes through the empty streets
Oh I can see you
I can still play make-believe
Oh I can feel you
Near me
I'll be sending a thousand kisses
I am far
But I am all with you
Tearing his eyes away from his husband, Blaine turned around and saw Carole and Finn quietly entering the room. They didn't say a word as they went to stand next to Blaine's chair, listening in awe.
On the night the air is bracing
Lights are gracing every street
I can hear the children singing
Midnight bringing hopes of peace
Oh I can see you
I can still play make-believe
Oh I can feel you
Near me
Kurt and his dad were looking at each other so intently, they hadn't even noticed the arrival of Carole and Finn. As long as Kurt continued singing, it was just the two of them in this room. Or maybe even in this world.
I'll be sending you a thousand kisses
I am far
But I am all with
I'll be sending a thousand wishes
Know on Christmas
I am all with you
Burt gulped away his tears. "Bravo, Kurt, and thank you." He reached out and brushed his hand against Kurt's cheek. "Your mom would've been so proud of you."
Kurt let out a choked sob and lowered himself carefully into his father's welcoming arms. "I love you , dad." He cried.
"I love you too, kiddo." He said gruffly. He let his eyes wander to Carole and gave her a loving wink. And then he turned his gaze to Blaine and Finn. "And you too, sons."
"I'm glad that the Hummels have big and strong hearts." Carole said, as she leaned in and kissed Burt on the cheek.
"Me too." Blaine copied Carole's gesture and planted one on Kurt's cheek.
"I'm just thankful that the Hummels are really talented at finding amazing spouses." Kurt smirked.
Burt raised his glass. "Hear, hear."
"Dad, that is your last glass of wine!" Kurt huffed. "Think of your heart! Honestly!"
"Oh boy…" Burt groaned.