The 25 Christmasses of Kurt and Blaine
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The 25 Christmasses of Kurt and Blaine: 2031

E - Words: 2,493 - Last Updated: Dec 30, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/27 - Created: Dec 01, 2011 - Updated: Dec 30, 2011
464 0 3 0 0

2031 – The one with the crappy crab


Finn collected the empty plates and stood up to carry them into the kitchen.

"Please pay attention, these are the good plates. We don�t need another shard-event!"

Finn pouted at his mother and Burt grinned into his glass.

Rachel smiled fondly and offered another plate to Kurt and Blaine.

"Shrimp salad? It�s a new recipe I�ve found last week."

Kurt shook his head and so did Blaine, laughing out loud.

"No, no shrimps for us since Ava played a crab at her Christmas play some years ago. Can you remember, sweetie?"

Ava rolled her eyes.

"Of course I remember that, Baba. It�s been only three years and it was partly humiliating. My classmates still banter me with the shiny pincers and the sequences around the eyes."

Kurt just shrugged.

"That�s simply because they have no ounce of fashion sense. You do know that when we auctioned this costume, we got more than four thousand dollars for it? That�s what a Kurt Hummel design is worth, even though it�s just a hobby. So just tell them that you were the most beautiful and unique crab in the history of Christmas plays, sweetie."

Ava hid her smile behind her hand and took a big scoop of shrimp salad.

"It feels like I�m the only one who should be allowed to eat this. Also, I killed it at that play."

Blaine chuckled.

"Yes, you did indeed. You almost killed your Dad and me with your excitement. And I thought it would be easy because you only played a small part in this play. But even that wasn�t right, we learned that soon enough.


Kurt had the feeling that something was wrong when Ava walked towards him.

"Hey sweetie, how was school? Do you have lots of work to do?"

Ava just murmured a short answer and looked at her shoes – and that was the moment Kurt was sure that something was wrong. Ava never looked down, usually she was bubbly and didn�t stop talking when he picked her up on Tuesdays and Fridays.

"What�s wrong? Ava?"

Ava sighed – it was one of the sighs only children and teenagers were able to form, deeply felt and heavy.

"Daddy, do you think there were crabs in Betlehem?"

Kurt was confused.

"Is this some biology project you need to do? Or history? Because those were never my favourite subjects, we�ll have to ask your Baba. Or the internet."

Another sigh. Oh no, this was really not good at all.

"No, nothing like that. It�s just... you know, there�s this Christmas play I auditioned for today? I really went for the role of Maria or at least one of the angels. Mrs Kaine didn�t want to let me audition at all, because she said first graders are usually not participating. And then she told me she couldn�t give me a role, because there simply aren�t any left. But I convinced her to let me create my own role and we thought about an animal, and the crab was the only one she agreed on. I really don�t get why she wouldn�t let me be a llama, Daddy! Also, I had to... to convince her."

At the expression on Ava�s face Kurt knew that there was something missing.

"How did you have to convince her?"

Ava looked up at him under her eyelashes.

"Please don�t be mad at me, Daddy, okay? It was the only thing I could think of. I... I told her you would adjust the costumes for the play, also do mine completely, because I�m obviously the first crab. Daddy, please do it, please?"

Kurt looked at his daughter and didn�t know what to say. On one side, the weeks before Christmas were always the bussiest. In addition to his usual shows he had some Christmas matinees and Christmas parties to attend, just like Blaine. But on the other side, Ava reminded him so much of himself, thinking of ways to reach her goals and just by being creative. How could he say no to this? He sighed.

"Okay, sweetie – here�s the deal: You�ll have to do a little bit more of the chores so that I have time to design your costume and repair the others. How does that sound?"

And there it was again, Ava�s big smile as she hugged him and nearly threw him off balance.

"Thanks, Daddy. This will be the best Christmas play ever!"

Two weeks later Kurt swore under his breath as he sat in front of his sewing machine. It was late, really late, and he just wanted to sit in front of the fireside with Blaine and a nice glass of wine. But no, this crab thingy wasn�t finished, so no wine and fireside and husband for some more hours.

He flinched and shrieked, as two warm hands came to rest on his shoulders.

"Warn a man, would you? Imagine I�ve sewed it wrong another time!"

Blaine pulled his hands away.

"Should I leave? I guess I should. I just wanted to make sure you�re okay."

Kurt sighed and closed his eyes.

"Sorry. No, you shouldn�t leave, stay. I need some distraction, I guess. And put your hands back there, that�s always a good thing."

Blaine immediately laid his hands back on Kurt�s shoulders and started kneading them, which caused Kurt to sigh once more.

"I swear, if it wasn�t for Ava, I wouldn�t be doing this. It�s crazy and I wish she had chosen a... a bear or something. There were bears in Bethlehem, right? Or snakes, that would be great. Even a mouse or a monkey would have been better than a crab!"

Blaine laughed softly and finished kneading Kurt�s shoulders.

"I�ll get you a glass of wine and join you here, okay? I�m sure there�s something even I can do to help you."

Kurt smiled fondly and listened as Blaine�s steps disappeared and came closer again. When Blaine handed him his glass of wine, he held onto his hand for a moment.

"Thank you. You�re here and I�m far more relaxed. You�re serious about wanting to help? Because I have a bitchy challenge for you then."

Blaine just cocked his head as if to say "Come at me!", so Kurt showed him how the sequins needed to be attached. Only minutes later Kurt could hear Blaine�s swearing and smiled inwardly.

Oh yes, it was indeed a bitchy job but he knew Blaine wouldn�t back off. Blaine loved challenges and he, Kurt Anderson-Hummel, was the best proof of that.

Only three days to go, Kurt thought. Three lousy days and he already had excused himself from a Christmas party to have more time.

He looked through the costumes and sighed. He really took good care of them, fixed every single loose lace, every single button.

But the children wearing them at rehearsals? Not so much.

Sometimes he wondered how much damage some 13 or 14 year olds could do – it was quite much, as it turned out. So he spent hours behind the stage and remembered all the rehearsals and fittings he had done since high school, with the New Directions, later at College and finally at his shows. He had designed and made many of his costumes by himself, but never appreciated the people in charge for his wardrobe enough. They�d get an extra big present this year, he decided.

Then Ava interrupted his thoughts.

"Daddy! One of the boys said my crab looks like crap. Then Mrs Kaine said I should go see you and take a break."

Kurt looked at his daughter and smiled.

"I guess I should talk to this young gentleman then, huh? But why did you need to see me?"

Now Ava�s face showed no emotions whatsoever.

"Maybe... because I did something?"

Kurt knew this face – it was Ava�s I-really-don�t-want-to-tell-you face.

"What exactly do you mean with something?"

Ava pouted and it looked too cute, but Kurt also knew she tried to be cute at the moment. She was a born star, wasn�t she?

"Well, maybe... maybe I hit him? With my foot? On his shin? But he�s not allowed to say something like that. He insulted your design, Daddy! It was... it was justice!"

Kurt tried hard not to laugh and was glad that for once he succeeded.

"Ava Helena Anderson-Hummel, come here."

Now Ava�s face was kind of stubborn, but she already knew this voice, so she trotted nearer until she stood next to Kurt.

"You know exactly that it�s not justice, it�s nothing like this. We don�t solve problems like this, Ava. We�ve talked about it and we never ever hurt anybody, not even when he�s throwing insults. It�s normal to be angry and have the urge to vent your anger, but it�s not okay to act like it, do you understand that? It�s this boy�s loss if he can�t worship your costume, but it�s your mistake to hurt him. So I want you to go back out there and apologize, and not just a sassy sorry, but a heartfelt and sincere apology. Do you understand?"

Ava looked a lot more sheepish now and bit her lip.

"Okay, I�m sorry Daddy. Do I... do I really need to say it in front of everybody?"

Kurt knew it was hard for Ava, but she had to understand it.

"Yes, sweetie, you have to. You hit him in front of everyone, so you�ll apologize in front of everyone. I�ll go with you, if you want to, but you�ll have to say it. Okay?"


Ava took his hand – something she rarely did, at least at school. Kurt could see how much courage she needed, but she managed to walk up to one of the taller boys, whose haircut and shirt were hideous, Kurt noticed. No wonder he couldn�t see the quality of his design.

Then Ava apologized and managed to look at the boy, who seemed to be simply baffled by it. After her last word she turned around and Kurt couldn�t help but admire her classy way to walk away, her head held high, just as he had done it at high school. He smiled at her proudly and together they walked back to the wardrobe.

Kurt finished one of the angel�s dresses, as Ava sat down next to him.

"I really love my crab costume, you know? I think there�s no crab more stylish than me!"

Kurt looked at her and then they simply laughed.

"Here you are. I needed to stare another father down to make him leave one of the programs for me."

Kurt handed Blaine a slightly wrinkled program and sat down next to him, just in time. The lights went out and the people stopped chatting, as music set in and the curtains disappeared.

Some children dressed up as animals entered the stage and there she was – Ava as a crab. She smiled broadly and looked around to find her parents, but as soon as the music became louder and it was time to sing, she concentrated on the lyrics and the choreography as if she had done it forever.

Kurt reached out for Blaine�s hand and they both held on to each other, excited and proud. This was their daughter up there, the smallest of all actors but surely not the least talented.

When the animals had finished their song about the long wait for the baby Jesus and left the stage, Ava turned a bit and let one of the pincers do a little wave towards her dads. Blaine chuckled quietly and Kurt smiled at him.

Kurt watched the following songs and tried to be tame at judging them. Not everybody was talented, but at least these kids were enthusiastic about something.

Soon Ava appeared on the stage again, this time bringing some sea shells as every animal had prepared a present for the baby Jesus.

In the middle of the song Kurt felt his cell phone vibrating.

He checked the message and sighed.

"B, I have to go backstage. One of the angels managed to tear off one of the wings and I need to fix this. I�ll be back soon!"

As it turned out, he wasn�t back anytime soon. He wasn�t back at all, because after he had fixed the angel�s wing, one of the shepherds tripped over a chair behind the stage and ripped his cape. Then one of the sheep lost its tail and finally Maria needed help with her veil.

Only when the final musical number began - a lovely rendition of "Joy To The World" - Kurt was finally done. So he pulled back one of the side curtains and watched Ava sing from there. She was gorgeous, her face concentrated and happy, her eyes shining and her cheeks slightly pink. He knew this feeling, standing on a stage and being happy.

Then his eyes wandered as he looked for Blaine. He sat only a few rows away from the stage, his eyes fixated on Ava and his smile proud and very happy. Kurt knew that even though they weren�t sitting next to each other, they felt the same way.

He turned to look at Ava again, just as the song came to an end and Mrs Kaine entered the stage to finish the play.

"And so all of them watched the sleeping baby, lying in the crib. The cow, the donkey, the sheep and the wolf."

When Kurt saw Ava taking a deep breath, he knew exactly what would happen now.

And he was right, as always. She straightened and opened her mouth.

"And the crab!"


Everybody laughed, just as the audience had some years ago.

"Yes, even then Ava knew how to make sure everyone notices her. And this year she had her first solo at the Christmas concert, did you know that?"

Blaine smiled at Ava, who blushed slightly.

Barbra nudged her.

"Why didn�t you tell, hey? We could have practiced together via skype!"

Rachel laughed and winked at Kurt.

"Remember the time I put everything on MySpace? The kids nowadays don�t even know what that is. But Ava, isn�t this your first year in High School? It�s a great honour to have a solo then. Did you join your Glee club?"

Ava rolled her eyes, still with pink cheeks and laughed a little.

"I had to, didn�t I? When your father is the Glee club teacher, there�s no good excuse not to. Also, he allowed me to sing this solo, even if he didn�t want me to."

Rachel�s stunned expression made Blaine feel uncomfortable, so he tried to explain.

"It�s not that easy, you know. Everybody assumes she�ll get solos because she�s my daughter. So I thought not giving her one would prove them wrong. Turned out it was the wrong decision, because she initiated a freaking petition and nearly all of the teachers and I think two hundred or so of the pupils signed it after she sang one of the Christmas songs at the beginning of a school assembly, just taking over the stage. I simply had to give her a solo then."

Rachel smiled at Ava and gave her a thumbs up.

"That�s the Hummel in you, darling. You�re doing it right!"

Ava beamed at her and shot her Baba a look as if to say "See?".

Blaine just shrugged and sighed.

"I guess there�s no way to keep her away from the spotlight. But well, I�m already dealing with one of this kind, so I guess I can do it with two as well."


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Wasn't meant to be. Stupid html code :) Fixed it, thanks for pointing it out!

Thank you all so much for a wonderful Chapter. I loved it! And thanks again for the sweet note after the last chapter. I celebrated 10 years of remission from cancer in May, my oldest daughter graduated high school, and my youngest daughter graduated middle school. We celebrated by taking a trip to Chicago in June to see Glee Live, ran into Chris Colfer and Ashley Fink in a Subway, and then my youngest daughter and I met Darren Criss before his concert at Six Flags in St Louis! So it's been a wonderful year!