Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
Oh Frosty, the snowman was alive as he could be
And the children say he could laugh and play
Just the same as you and me
Thumpetty, thump, thump, thumpety, thump, thump
Look at Frosty go, thumpetty thump thump
Thumpety thump thump, over the hills of snow
"Bravo!" Burt and Carole clapped enthusiastically at Barbra's rendition of Frosty, the Snowman.
Rachel dabbed at her eyes with her napkin. "She's just so incredibly talented. She's almost as good as me!" Her voice broke as Finn patted her shoulder awkwardly.
"Hey, how is Frosty anyway?" Eli asked.
"Yes! How is that goofy beagle?" Burt chuckled. He was fond of Kurt and Blaine's pet. Unfortunately, he only saw the dog once in a while.
"He's fine. Hairy, drooling and clingy." Kurt muttered.
Blaine smirked. "Aw come on, you love that dog! Remember when we went to the animal shelter to look for a puppy? It was love at first sight!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever…" Kurt smiled. It was true though; he was crazy about Frosty. Not that he'd admit it out loud.
Burt nodded. "You know, I'd like to have a dog myself, but I just can't seem to convince Carole here."
Carole smiled and shook her head.
"Well Burt, maybe you haven't tried hard enough? You see, Kurt was dead against getting a dog, but my powers of persuasion are unparalleled; you see, I-"
"Oh my God STOP talking right now! Stop it!" Kurt shrieked in a panicked voice. "Just skip to the part where we go to the animal shelter, okay?"
Blaine grinned sheepishly. "Um… yeah… so after Kurt agreed, we went to the shelter…."
As Blaine started telling the story, Kurt couldn't help thinking back to the way Blaine had talked him into getting a puppy. There hadn't been much talking involved, mind you…
"Honey, I'm home!" Blaine cheered through the hallway as he entered the apartment.
"I'm in the bathroom!" He heard Kurt calling back from afar.
Blaine smiled as he threw his jacket over a hanger and sauntered towards the bathroom. The door was left ajar, and he could see Kurt leaning into the mirror.
"Where's Ava?" Blaine asked, as he leaned against the doorframe.
"Play date at Elaine's. Her mom will bring her back at 5 PM." Kurt answered absentmindedly, as he kept studying his reflection.
"Hmmmm… four hours… all to ourselves." Blaine rubbed his chin in thought. "Whatever shall we do to keep ourselves busy?" He sighed in mock desperation.
Kurt didn't answer. He was still staring at himself.
"Helloooo! Earth to Kurt! I know your beauty is mesmerizing, but you're not going to be eye fucking yourself the entire afternoon, I hope?"
"Huh? What?" Kurt snapped out of it and turned to Blaine. "Oh. No, I'm sorry, it's just…" He threw his hands in the air. "Another grey hair, Blaine! Another goddamned grey hair! I can't believe it! I'm only 37!" He blurted out. And then he gasped in shock. "Oh no… what if get wrinkles as well?"
Blaine looked at him in disbelief. "Are you kidding me, Kurt?" He moved towards him, turned him around to face the mirror, and hugged him from behind. "Look at you. Just look at you. You are the most beautiful man I've ever seen. You're fucking gorgeous. I'm not the only one who sees it either. Don't you notice how both men and women check you out? Don't you read the articles about you? The critics don't write about your performing talents only, Kurt, in case you haven't noticed."
He locked eyes with his husband through the reflection of the mirror, and gave a sharp little hip thrust against Kurt's ass. "Feel that? Notice what you do to me? You're 37 years old and still you manage to get me hard without even touching me; without removing even a stitch of clothes." He nuzzled Kurt's neck. "And for your information… I'm incredibly turned on by men with grey hair."
Kurt threw his head back and sighed. "Well… good thing you work at a high school and not at a nursing home then, I'd constantly be worried…" He said under his breath.
Blaine snorted against the warm skin of Kurt's shoulder. "Damn you." He muttered. "You ruined the moment."
He pulled back and smiled at Kurt, who turned around to face him.
"Thank you, B." He said, as he put his arms around Blaine. "What did I ever do to deserve someone like you?"
"Yeah, karma's a bitch, isn't it?" Blaine winked.
"Stop it!" Kurt laughed, slapping his husband's ass playfully.
"Never…" Blaine smirked sexily, as he caught Kurt's bottom lip between his teeth and tugged on it.
Kurt groaned as Blaine let go. "You fucking tease…"
"Care to join me in the bedroom for some fun time?" Blaine nuzzled Kurt's cheek with his nose.
"Yeah…" Then Kurt remembered something, and he gently pushed his husband away. "But first I have to talk to you about something. We have a problem."
"A problem?" Blaine rose his eyebrows in surprise. As far as he knew, the only problem he currently had was situated in his pants. At crotch level.
Yep, a very hard problem.
"Follow me. I need to show you something." Kurt said gravely, as he left the bath room. Blaine mentally shrugged and followed Kurt into the living room.
"What's wrong?" Blaine asked, as he moved to Kurt, who was standing next to the dinner table.
"This." Kurt answered, as he snatched a piece of paper from the table and handed it to Blaine.
"What's that?"
Kurt crossed his arms. "It's Ava's letter to Santa. Read it."
Blaine unfolded the letter and smiled at the sight of her uneven handwriting and the various colors and glitters she had used to brighten it up. His smile turned into a grin as he read what she had written.
"Aw… that's so cute…" He cooed.
Kurt raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "Cute? There is nothing cute about a dog, Blaine! They are hairy and obnoxious and I don't want them anywhere near me!" He brought his hands to his face and sighed heavily. "Okay, we need to solve this. We need 'Santa' to send her a letter telling her he's very sorry but he can't bring her a dog, because there are no doggies on the North Pole. Something like that."
Blaine shrugged. "Why don't we just get her a puppy instead? I mean, we're allowed to have pets here. It'd be awesome!"
"What part of hairy and obnoxious didn't you understand?" Kurt said, with his hands on his hips.
"Come on, honey…" Blaine moved further towards Kurt, pinning him against the edge of the table.
"But puppy's are so adorable and sweet…" He pressed his forehead against Kurt's.
"They are soft and furry." Blaine kissed Kurt's nose.
"Over my fabulous corpse."
"Please?" Blaine pouted. He licked Kurt's earlobe.
"OH MY GOD!" Kurt laughed. "Look at you being all needy and whiny and licking and pouting and dry humping my leg… I don't need a dog, I have you!"
Blaine paused for a second and gave Kurt a feral grin, before leaning in and biting his shoulder softly.
Kurt's knees almost buckled as Blaine worked his way up his neck and growled heatedly against his skin. Reaching Kurt's ear, he whispered lustfully "I might be a puppy… but you are a kitty. Wanna play?"
"Oh God…" Kurt murmured, shivering in arousal.
Blaine pulled back and smirked. "Is that a yes?"
In a surprise move, Kurt untangled himself from Blaine's hold and darted away in the direction of the bedroom. As he reached the door to the hallway, he twirled around and smiled mischievously. "You'll have to catch me first, puppy!" He winked and bolted out of the living room.
"WOOF!" Blaine shouted, as he chased after Kurt.
The sight that met him in the bedroom had him gasping for breath.
Kurt was sitting on the bed, perched on his haunches and leaning slightly forward on his hands. He was looking at Blaine with a mock innocence.
It drove Blaine wild. "Well, well, well… what have we here…" He chuckled darkly, as he prowled towards the bed.
Kurt raised his eyebrows and pouted slightly. "Meow?"
"Why you little tease…" Blaine snarled, as he jumped on the bed.
Before Kurt knew what was happening, he was being straddled and held down by Blaine. It was hot as hell. He arched his body into Blaine's, letting out a soft mewl.
"Look at you… you're just a kitty in heat, aren't you?" Blaine groaned and settled himself between Kurt's thighs. "You're begging for it…"
Kurt hissed sharply as Blaine snapped his hips forward. They were both hard as a rock and the delicious friction was everything they needed and more. "Oh yes…" Kurt breathed.
"Tell me, kitty…" Blaine teased. "Do you want me to play with you? Do you want me to chase you around the room? Do you want to fight like cat and dog? What do you want, little kitty?" He lowered his mouth against Kurt's. "Tell me…"
Kurt's stared into Blaine's lust blown eyes. He drew a deep breath. "I want you to fuck me."
Buttons flew into every direction as Blaine violently ripped open Kurt's shirt.
"Blaine!" Kurt shrieked. "You destroyed my Ralph Lauren shirt, you son of a-"
"Bitch?" A little half-smile curved Blaine's lips. "Son of a bitch? Of course I am. I'm a dog, remember? And you're a wild cat."
That did it.
Fisting his hands into Blaine's curly hair, Kurt crashed their mouths together and pushed his tongue forcibly past Blaine's lips.
Blaine moaned loudly as he surrendered to the passionate, brutal kiss. Kurt started clawing at Blaine's clothes, because they needed to go. Right now.
"Strip." Kurt panted, as he broke the kiss, hands flying down to unbuckle his own pants.
Thirty seconds later, they were both naked. Blaine moved back to straddle Kurt.
"God, Kurt… so fucking beautiful." Blaine whispered, as he reverently ran his hands over his husband's body.
Kurt gasped and arched his back as Blaine wrapped his hand around his erection and started stroking it. He threw his head back and scrunched his eyes shut in pleasure.
Blaine smiled at the sight. "Look at you reacting to my touch. Your body just craves it. You were made for this, honey… we were made for this. We were made for each other." He bent forward and pressed slow, soft kisses against Kurt's chest.
"Blaine…" Kurt lifted his head slightly and looked at Blaine with pleading eyes. "I want you… please… I need you." He reached out and pulled Blaine flush against his body, groaning as their erections brushed against one another.
"Then have me." Blaine breathed against Kurt's cheek, before capturing his mouth in another dirty, openmouthed kiss. He reached into the bedside drawer for the lube.
They continued kissing as Blaine quickly but gently prepared Kurt.
Soon enough, Kurt moaned into Blaine's mouth. "Just do it…" He groaned, breaking the kiss and wrapping his legs around Blaine's back.
"Bossy kitty…" Blaine muttered, while pushing forward and sliding effortlessly into Kurt, making them both gasp in pleasure.
Kurt dug his nails into his husband's back as he started thrusting into him. He bit his lip, then realized there wasn't anybody home, so he could make all the noise he wanted. "Oh fuck! B! So good…" he whined loudly.
"Yeah?" Blaine asked in a quivering voice. Even after all those years, it was still amazing to see Kurt come undone, knowing he caused it. He loved fucking Kurt. He loved it almost as much as being fucked by Kurt. And even after the thousands of times they'd had sex, it still felt as exciting and intense as at the beginning of their relationship.
After all this time, they were still hot and hungry for each other.
"Please…" Kurt begged. "I want you to fuck me…"
Blaine arched his eyebrows. "I'm pretty sure that's exactly what I'm doing right now."
"No…" Kurt opened his eyes and fixed Blaine with a stare. "You're making love to me. I want you. To. Fuck. Me."
"Well then." Blaine said matter-of-factly, as he quickly pulled out of Kurt and flipped him over in one swift movement. Kurt yelped in surprise as he landed on his stomach. Sometimes he forgot just how strong Blaine was.
"Up on your hands and knees." Blaine commanded. Kurt moved onto all fours and then screamed as Blaine took his place behind him and slammed into him without mercy.
Overwhelmed by Kurt's passionate cries, Blaine gave in and started thrusting hard, fast and deep.
"Oh yes… YES!" Kurt sobbed. This was what he'd been yearning for all along. He knew he'd be incredibly sore afterwards, but he didn't give a damn. Because this… this was what he needed. To be taken by his husband. To be possessed by his lover. His very sexy lover. "B… I'm close…" He panted.
Blaine bent forward, grabbed Kurt's hair and yanked his head back. "Come for me." He breathed into Kurt's ear, before latching his mouth onto the sensitive spot below his jaw.
Those words, together with the change of angle, tipped Kurt over the edge. He dropped his head onto the bed, and howled loudly into the mattress as he fisted the sheets. The force of Kurt's orgasm caused Blaine to come as well, as he violently shuddered and bit down on Kurt's shoulder.
Gasping for breath, he collapsed next to Kurt, reaching out and brushing his fingers along Kurt's cheek.
Kurt turned his head and looked at Blaine with a sated, exhausted smile. "Wow…" He breathed. "That was really perverted and insanely hot at the same time."
Blaine gulped and nodded. "Yeah, it was… " Then he smirked mischievously. "So was that a yes to getting a puppy then?"
"No." Kurt huffed.
"Hmmmm…" Blaine looked at the alarm clock. "I see I still have some time to turn that 'no' into a 'yes' before our daughter gets home."
"What do you-" Kurt's question was cut off by Blaine's lips covering his own.
Sure enough, Kurt ended up crying out 'yes' a lot, that afternoon. And Blaine just kept going until he finally heard the 'yes' he had been waiting for.
"… and you should have been there to witness it. Kurt saw Frosty, Frosty saw Kurt, and the rest is history. He didn't even want to look at the other puppies anymore." Blaine laughed.
"Yeah…" Ava grumbled. "It was supposed to be MY puppy and all that stupid dog did was trail after Daddy and crawl into his lap all the time. I really had to teach him that I was his mommy, not Dad."
"Kurt?" Carole looked at her stepson. "Why are you blushing so hard?"
Finn nodded. "Yeah man, you look like a tomato."
"Nothing!" Kurt piped. "Um… Yeah I was just thinking about how I REALLY love Frosty. Cutest dog ever. Yep!" He nodded furiously.
Blaine leaned in and whispered into his ear. "I'm pretty sure that's NOT what you were thinking about… Woof!"
*jaw will forever reside on the floor next to the puddle of melted brain goo*
Sorry about that :)
Thank you Santa! I appreciate the hot sexy smut times. omg puppykitty role play, HOT HOT. This was funny too. ;)