The 25 Christmasses of Kurt and Blaine
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The 25 Christmasses of Kurt and Blaine: 2027

E - Words: 2,264 - Last Updated: Dec 30, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/27 - Created: Dec 01, 2011 - Updated: Dec 30, 2011
482 0 2 0 0

2027 - The one in the snow


'I think you just liked getting us in trouble.' Kurt said while he passed the potatoes to Rachel, who put some on her son's plate.

'I think that's actually one of the things I told both my sons when they got kids.' Burt told Ava. 'Kids will mess with your plans, be prepared to be flexible.' He shot an understanding smile at Finn and Kurt.

Blaine nodded, he had had to sit through the entire 'Let me tell you all I know about kids' talk from Burt with Kurt. He had taken away some good stories from Kurt's childhood for blackmailing from it.

'Yes. And that reminds me. It was the next year I guess.' Kurt set off yet another story.


Blaine took of his scarf and put it on the hanger. He flicked off some snowflakes before he put the hanger on the rack again and started to unbutton his coat. As if he could feel that suddenly he was being watched, he looked at the door that led to their living room.

'Hi sweetie' he smiled.

The little girl sticking only her head past the door smiled and slipped into the hallway.

'You've got a lot of white stuff in your hair, Baba.'

'That's snow Ava, you know what snow is, right honey?'

The little girl nodded and Blaine picked her up, putting her on his hip. She was really getting too old to be carried around, but she liked it, and so did he. So, sometimes, Blaine was a bit of a push-over dad. Ava put her hand in his curls and started shaking out the snowflakes.

'You really are your Daddy's daughter, do you know that?'

Blaine could hear Kurt chuckle from their kitchen as they walked into their living and dining room.

'Uhu, and I'm also your daughter.' Ava said, putting her finger on Blaine's chest and looking up to him. Blaine laughed, because in a couple of years, those eyes would be bringing busses full of boys, or girls, to their door.

'Right!' Kurt said, leaning in the kitchen doorframe. Blaine kissed him lightly on the cheek, careful to avoid the spatula Kurt was holding.

'Smells nice.'

'What?' Kurt teased. 'The food, or me?'

Blaine chuckled, he loved this. 16 years, two careers and a daughter later, they still flirted. Blaine was pretty sure it was one of the reasons why they would last.

'You never let me have both.' Blaine whined before he kissed his husband a bit more forcefully and on the lips this time.

Ava, watching her dads from Blaine's hip, didn't really get it all but she could sense how happy her parents were. She threw her arms around them, turning their kiss into a family hug.

'You really shouldn't carry her anymore, she'll forget how to walk!'

'Aw, you love this.'

'I do.'

Blaine let Ava slide down and she walked to the bay window. In the background she could hear her dads talk about their day. Kurt laughed at a silly mistake one of Blaine's students had made, they discussed possible songs for glee club and Kurt told Blaine about some people that would be attending the performance tonight. Ava wasn't listening to them, she was following the snowflakes falling down. She watched the snow build up on the window still and the street below. Whenever a snowflake stuck to the window she would put her finger against the glass, as if that would make the snowflake disappear. They did dissolve after a while and she smiled, believing she had made them dissapear.

Kurt pointed at Ava, making Blaine look at her too. They stood next to each other, watching their daughter laugh to herself for a moment before Blaine walked up to her and Kurt went into the kitchen to check up on the food.

'Hey honey, do you want to go outside. Really playing with the snow is even more fun.'

Ava turned towards her dad, eyes open wide. 'Can we? Baba, can we?'

'Sure, the snow likes playing. But we'll have to ask Daddy how much time we still have before dinner, cause we don't want to miss that.'

'No, cause Daddy made dessert too. And I can't have dessert if I haven't finished dinner.'

'You' Blaine put his finger on Ava's nose 'are very smart.'

Ava walked past Blaine to the kitchen and stopped in the doorframe. Daddy didn't like her running around in the kitchen while he was working at the stove.


'I'll be there in a second Ava.' Kurt said as he turned the heat down. He walked up to her and crouched down to her level, taking her hand.


'When are we going to eat?'

Kurt laughed: 'Are you hungry, sweetie?'

'I had an apple at school. A green one. I want to go to the park with Baba. The snow wants to play with us.'

'Does the snow want to play with me too?'

Kurt looked up at Blaine, who was watching his little family in amusement, and added: 'Cause I can just leave this and finish it when we get back. That way I can change before heading to the theater.'

'Whatever you want honey. You're feeding us, we're happy with whatever we can get.'

Ava pulled Kurt's sleeve, something he was surprisingly okay with. 'We can make a snow man Daddy!'

'Sure we can.' Kurt answered, while he stood up and spun around. 'I'll take a carrot, let Baba put on your coat.'

Ava went back into the living room where Blaine was already holding up her coat and boots. He knew how much she liked to do things for herself so he put the boots next to her little table and set of chairs she had in her corner of the living room, one of their many attempts to keep all of Ava's toys together instead of scattered around the apartment. A futile attempt.

Ava plopped down on her favorite chair and started putting on her boots.

'Other foot Ava. That one goes on the other foot, sweetie.' Blaine corrected because Ava was trying to put her left boot on her right foot.

Once she was all wrapped up in her coat, scarf and beanie Blaine held out her gloves for her to put her hands in. Ava crossed her arms in response and started pouting.

'I don't want those!'

'But Ava-'

'I want the pink ones with the pompoms.'

'Ava. If you want to play with the snow you have to wear these gloves. The other ones will get wet and very cold. And your fingers will fall off.'

'It's true.' Kurt said, once again crouching down next to his daughter. 'Look.' He put out his own hands. 'Daddy's not wearing his woolen gloves either, but you know, these are just as good, because-'

'Daddy only wears pretty things.' Ava finished his sentence.

'Okay, that works as well.' Kurt nodded as Ava, still a bit reluctantly, let Blaine put on her gloves.

Blaine went into the hallway to put on his own coat and scarf and Kurt couldn't help himself, he adjusted Ava's scarf just a little.

'Are we all set? Blaine asked looking from the hall way back into the living room.

'Yes!' Kurt handed the carrot to Ava who grabbed it tightly and took her free hand. 'Let's go!'

Kurt and Blaine walked into Central Park both holding one of Ava's hands, the carrot safely tucked away in her pocket. On the way over they had swung her from her arms every few meters, reducing her to giggles. Ava couldn't hold back her excitement looking at the snow covered park. She let go of her dads' hands and ran away, swinging her arms through the air. Kurt was pretty sure he could hear her sing.

Blaine and Kurt seemed to realize at exactly the same time that the park was not only covered in snow, it was also filled with people. Families, just like theirs, enjoying the snow.

They both yelled out their daughter's name.

'Come back sweetie!' Kurt added as they started running after her. Ava wasn't that fast, so both of them grabbed hold of one of her hands again quickly, bringing her to a halt.

'Ava! You can't run off like that. Look at all those people.' Kurt demonstratively looked around.

'What if you can't find us anymore?' Blaine added. 'We really don't want that to happen, now do we?'

Ava nodded sadly. She didn't want to lose her daddies, she liked them and her room and their cat. And how was she going to go to grandpa and grandma for Christmas without them?

'Hey, hey, don't be sad.' Blaine said as he saw the pout on Ava's face starting to grow.

'Nothing's going to happen as long as you stay close to us, okay?' he added, taking Ava's hand, hoping that would reassure her.

'When we're rolling balls for our snowman, you've just got to stay between the path, that row of trees and that row of trees, okay?' Kurt said, pointing to the edges of the space he had just set out for her. 'And make sure you can always see us. Now, do you want to roll the head?' Ava nodded fiercely as she took the snow ball Blaine had made her, to give her a bit of a start. 'Just roll that over the ground until it's really big. Then come get me, I'll pick it up. ' Kurt explained.

Ava started pushing the ball over the ground, amazed at how it grew. Ava would later tell her Baba that it grew so much because it ate all of the other snow. Kurt and Blaine watched their little girl push it up the hill, wanting to see her reaction when she would realize rolling it down the hill would be much faster.

'We better get started too.' Kurt said as he nudged Blaine's side 'I'll do the middle one!' .

'And leave me with the most work? Sure.'

'Oh, come on.' Kurt laughed, ' Be a man!'

Blaine smirked and Kurt recognized the little flicker in his eyes. Blaine pulled him close, and whispered into his ear.

'I'm pretty sure you're a man too.' He let his hands trail down to a certain spot, proving his point.

Kurt bit down on his teeth. 'Blaine! Not here.'

Blaine smirked again as he let go of Kurt. 'Like we haven't before.' He had expected for Kurt to shoot him a glare, but Kurt just giggled, cause, well, they had.

Kurt gently smacked him on the butt. 'Get rolling!'

'Now it only needs a nose.' Kurt said to Ava as he put the last button on their snow man. 'Do you want to put it in?'

Blaine handed her the carrot as Kurt picked her up and Ava pushed it into the snow man's head.

'Done!' she cheered 'It's the most beatifulliest snow man I have ever seen.'

'Do you want to name it?'

'It already has a name Baba! It's Bobby! He's Bobby!'

'Okay then. Maybe we should leave Bobby to play with his friends then. And go home to have some dinner. What do you say?'

Ava took her Daddy's hand and waved to the lawn that now held a couple of snow men. 'Bye!'

'I'll guess that's a yes then.' Blaine said as he grabbed Ava's other hand. They started walking down the path towards to the closest exit. When they turned onto another path they heard the tunes of a familiar Christmas song.

Kurt looked at Blaine and smiled as he started quietly singing. 'But the fire is so delightful, and since we've got no place to go , let it snow, let it snow -'

'- let it snow.' Blaine finished.

Kurt remembered a time in high school where the girls had told him Blaine looked at him in a special way. He still did, after all those years.

Ava pulled down both her daddies hands, they were spending too much attention on each other and not enough on what she was trying to tell them.

'Sing again! Together!'

'Yes miss!' Kurt let go of his little girl and walked up to the artists standing a bit further. He handed them a couple of dollars and asked them to play the song again. Blaine and Ava had followed him so that the three of them we're now standing in front of the little band as they started playing.

From the moment they started singing, Blaine and Kurt got lost in each other's eyes and memories.


'And you danced like this.' Kurt got up from his seat and demonstrated how his daughter had danced in Central Park eight years ago, twirling around his hands in the air, like he was trying to catch snowflakes.

All of the adult laughed but Ava just sighed and rolled her eyes at her cousins. 'Dad, please.'

'It's true, you did!' Blaine teased. He didn't add that it took them a couple of minutes to notice. They had finished the song before they started watching their daughter. The band was so amused by the sight of Ava that they kept playing the song over and over again.

'They must have played Let It Snow some fifteen times. People started watching, but I'm not so sure if that was because of you or because we' Blaine pointed between him and his husband 'danced along.'

'Oh no, you totally would.' Ava laughed.

'We did!' Kurt replied. 'And then I bought them all some soup. And you interviewed them until their ears fell off. You really wanted to know what all of their cats were called.'

'And that's the story of how Kurt was late for one of his performances, because his daughter danced in the snow. He had to take a cab straight from Central Park to the theater when we noticed how late it was.' Blaine concluded.

'And the best thing was, nobody got mad at me, even though we started half an hour late. Cause they all knew how cute you could be.'


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Aw! Loved this one - the dialogue with Ava is so endearing and you wrote wonderful flirting!

Love this fic! Cannot wait for tomorrow!