Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
'The holidays, they're fun, but they can also be very stressful, you know.' Kurt said and all of the adults nodded.
Ava leaned over to her cousins. 'You should see how Dad gets when he can't find the perfect gift.' Kurt was about to interject when Blaine raised his eyebrow and they silently agreed to let her get away with this one. She was quite right after all.
'You know, three years ago when we celebrated Christmas at our house, Mom yelled at Dad, like a lot. She chased him out of the kitchen, with a rolling pin!' Barbra laughed at the memory.
'So, still quite the drama queen, aren't you Rachel?' Kurt joked, remembering countless times in high school when his sister-in-law had pulled some stunts.
'Oh, but Kurt, do you remember the time you almost chased me out of the kitchen. The first time we had everybody over in New York for Christmas?' Blaine smirked.
Finn and Burt both leaned back in their chairs while Rachel and Carole leaned forward, ready for another story.
'Get out!'
Kurt looked up at Blaine and if looks could kill, the latter would now be dead and buried. He started searching for something, but when he couldn't find it his breathing got a little faster and his movements a little more frantic. Where was that damn whisk?
'KURT!' Blaine hardly ever yelled at his husband. When they had their occasional disagreements, like every couple had, they tried very hard not to just scream insults at each other. There had been enough of that in their pasts. When they did shout, they'd always regret it, all of it. But they also knew that somehow they would always end up in each other's arms. It was the only place they both fit perfectly.
So when Blaine shouted, Kurt was slightly shocked and stopped moving, only to look at Blaine, surprised.
'I'm sorry, but it was the first thing I could think of to make you stop. You we're panicking again.' Blaine said as he made his way around the kitchen island, so he could get closer to Kurt. 'Come on, breathe, you know, in-out, in-out.' He took the kitchen towel Kurt was holding and placed it on the countertop so he could take Kurt's hands into his own. 'It's going to be fine. Everybody loves your cooking and the loft looks like it belongs in a movie. We're all going to be together, it's going to be fabulous. Perfect.'
Kurt smirked. 'You helped with the decorations.'
'No, no, no.' Blaine corrected. 'I did the decorating, you bossed me around.'
'Hey.' Kurt gently bumped Blaine's chest. 'You would have made it look like a tacky Christmas shop in here. And somebody had to hold Ava.'
'Honey, she's two and a half, she can sit all by herself.'
'She can also walk all by herself. She would probably have ran off with all the Christmas balls.'
'Why are you always right?' Blaine pouted before quickly pecking Kurt on the cheek.
'It's a hard job you know, always being right. Now why don't you check up on Ava while I carry on in here?'
'I would, but Ava's not here.' Blaine held out his hands, gesturing that he was sorry.
'What? How?'
'Kuuuuuuurt.' Blaine sang. 'Rachel and Finn took Ava with them. They'll be back around 3, together with your parents. Remember? So we could have time to get everything ready?'
'Oh my god. I need to screw my head back on the right way if I ever want to pull this off.'
'No problem, I'll get a screwdriver.' Blaine said as he started walking away from Kurt.
'If you're talking about the alcoholic one, I highly approve.' Kurt called after him.
Blaine didn't return with a screwdriver of any kind, instead he had put on an apron. It was not as pretty as Kurt's elf one, but it would do. He washed his hands and turned to his husband when he was done. 'So, what do we do now, chef?'
'Can you butter those baking sheets, please? Well, put baking paper in one first, and then butter them both.' Kurt asked, pointing to two baking sheets he had put aside. 'We're starting with the little treats for after dinner, they need to cool. We can leave them in the fridge and we don't have to worry about them anymore.'
'What are we making exactly?'
'Marshmallow fudge, cinnamon walnut brittle and hint-of-berry bonbons, for Rachel.'
'She'll like that. ' Blaine smiled. 'Whoa, whoa, Kurt Hummel, are you microwaving?' He acted shocked as Kurt removed a bowl from the microwave, to replace it with another and quickly started stirring the one he had just taken out of it.
'Yes, yes, you caught me. But that ham needs two hours in the oven, I've got to save time somewhere.'
'You're making a ham? But there's only the six of us. I don't think the kids will eat that much, especially not if they know there are sweets coming.'
'Of course we're having ham, it's Christmas. And don't pretend you won't be eating ham sandwiches until you explode tomorrow.' Kurt laughed. 'We're starting out with a couple appetizers: red pepper hummus, Greek pinwheels, crab wonton cups and brie-cherry pastry cups. Then it's onto the ham, with a potato and parsnip gratin and artichokes and asparagus. And two cakes for dessert, eggnog-cranberry and a chocolate truffle one.'
'Did you plan to go down to the police station and feed the entire NYPD corps?'
'It's my first time hosting the Christmas celebrations, I've got to make an impression B.'
'Baby, this is your family, there's no need to impress anyone. Really.' Kurt put his hand over Kurt's for a second , but Kurt soon pulled away, needing it to beat some cream cheese. 'But if you say that it can be done, then I'm sure we'll pull it off.'
'Oh, it can be done. Is this the Hummel-Anderson household, or is it not? Besides, I've got tons of tricks up my sleeve. The appetizers are already in the fridge, ready for the oven. Except for the hummus. Still need to make that. I made the truffle cake yesterday and the other one is basically pouring a lot of stuff in a pastry shell. How much time until they get back?'
Blaine looked down to his watch. 'Two hours and thirty three minutes, to be exact.'
'Good. I printed out the recipe for the artichoke casserole. It's on the fridge. Can you get that ready for the oven while I set the table?'
'Sure thing. Go make magic.' Blaine waved his hand to urge Kurt on as he scampered out of the kitchen, untying his apron.
Blaine smiled to himself as he took the recipe from the fridge door and skimmed over it. He opened the door and took out some mushrooms. He loved the effect he could have on Kurt. He'd have those occasional moments when he'd think that he wasn't worthy of being with Kurt. When he saw him on stage or playing with Ava. Kurt was his husband now, so he had high hopes he would not just disappear in the middle of the night, because Kurt would never do that to Ava. But then when things like this happened, Blaine thought, that maybe just maybe, Kurt needed him too. That maybe the weight that was Blaine, kept Kurt down when things got a bit crazy.
'Do you need any help?' Rachel stopped in the kitchen doorframe. 'Blaine wanted to come and help you but Ava won't let go of his leg. And he really didn't want to take her along in the kitchen.'
'That's probably best. She'd want to help. Pass me that bottle of champagne, will you?' Kurt held out his hand from where he was standing behind the stove.
'That bad?' Rachel raised her eyebrow and put the bottle on the counter next to Kurt.
'Oh, no no no.' Kurt started laughing. 'Everything's running smoothly, for now. The champagne is for the glaze.'
' That sounds delicious! Oh and, Barbra really liked her gift. Thank you Kurt.'
'Actually, Blaine picked that one. But you're welcome, I taught him well.' Kurt corrected as he turned off the gas. 'Can you take the ham out of the oven, please?'
'Sure thing.' Rachel said. 'Where do you keep your oven mittens?'
'Bottom drawer, but I'm pretty sure there's a pair next to the oven still.'
'Ah, yes, I've got them, thanks. Shall I put it on the stove?' Rachel asked, pan in hands.
'Yes please. The glaze is almost thick enough.' Kurt drew another eight in the saucepan.
'Everything okay in here?' Blaine walked into the kitchen. 'Finn took Ava from me.'
'I'm just getting your husband drunk.' Rachel giggled as she showed Blaine the champagne bottle.
'She's lying.' Kurt said, not once taking his eyes of the ham he was glazing. 'B? Can you open the oven again please? This needs another twenty minutes, and then we're really ready for dinner.'
'I'll always open doors for you baby!' Blaine said and did as he was asked.
When Kurt closed the oven door again, Rachel said: 'Come on, let's go rescue Finn from the kids. We can have a musical intermezzo now.'
'Now, it's Eli's turn to pick the song.' Kurt said after they had wrapped Rachel's favorite. 'What do you want to sing, young man?' Eli was only three, so the adults would end up singing most of the song, but he sure knew what he wanted.
'Jingle bell rock!' He emphasized the rock and played a bit of air drums while saying it.
'Takes after his father, that one.' Burt joked from the sofa.
'Be very happy he doesn't have a toy drum kit at you house.' Rachel managed to conjure a small smile, but the thing gave Rachel as many headaches as it gave Finn home videos.
'Very good choice Eli!' Blaine smiled down at the little fellow. 'Let's begin!'
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air.
Kurt and Finn sang the lyrics together, while Rachel and Blaine harmonized. Blaine was dancing around with Ava on his hip, until in the middle of the song, the kitchen timer went off. 'I'll get it! Carry on!' He chirped as he handed Ava over to Kurt.
Blaine pulled the ham, the gratin and the artichokes out of the oven and at the exact moment he put down the last pan on the countertop, the steamer's alarm went off.
'Don't worry about it, I'll handle that.' Kurt said as he strutted into the kitchen. 'I put Ava in her high chair and everybody else is sitting down now too. Just put those on the table. I'll be right with the asparagus.'
'How did you get it all to be done at exactly the same time?'
'Magic.' Kurt smiled at Blaine as he started dripping the butter mixture over the vegetables. 'It is Christmas after all.'
'These are perfection.' Carole nibbled on another asparagus and smiled at Kurt. 'Really, you've got to mail me the recipe.'
'I will.' Blaine said, from the other end of the table.
Carole snapped her head to look at him, a confused look on her face. 'Yeah, ' Kurt explained. 'It's Blaine's recipe.' Blaine nodded, his mouth too busy enjoying the food to reply. When he had gulped down, he added 'But Kurt actually made them this time. He worked out the entire menu. He figured it all out, went grocery shopping. I'm pretty sure if I hadn't yelled at him this afternoon he wouldn't have let me help.'
'You yelled at my son?' Burt raised his eyebrow.
This time Blaine gulped, but there was no food in his mouth. Kurt looked between his father and his husband, his eyebrow slightly arched too. His facial expression signaled curiosity at what was about to happen, while his father's was a lot more frightening.
'Uhm, yes… Sir?'
'Well. Uhm. He was in, uhm, he wouldn't lis-'
'Dad, please. It's fine.' Finn looked a bit displeased at Kurt's words, he loved seeing Burt take on anybody who threatened his family. Kurt continued: 'I thought I was never going to pull all of this off.' He gestured at all of the food on the table in front of him. 'And B wanted to get my attention, because I wouldn't let him help, or even in the kitchen, so he shouted.'
'Oh, relax you two.' And Blaine did exactly that, he let his shoulders slump back down. 'I was just kidding.' Burt said. 'This is not my household, it's none of my business. But Blaine,' Blaine looked up and straightened his shoulders again, unsure of what was to come. 'I can make it seem like an accident.'
'What, exactly?' Blaine carefully asked.
'Nobody knows, nobody ever knows what happened.'
'Oh god, Dad!' Kurt exclaimed at the sight of Blaine's worried eyes. 'I won't let you have a piece of cake if you don't stop scaring the crap out of my husband!'
Finn laughed out loud at Kurt's outburst. Five pairs of judging eyes were immediately on him, his wife's the most flaming.
'Well, Merry Christmas everybody!' Burt exclaimed, cracking himself up, earning him a stomp in the shoulder from Carole.
'Ow. Be happy you don't have a wife Kurt.' Burt said, rubbing his arm.
'No thank you! I'm perfectly happy with what I have right now.' Kurt smiled down the table to his husband and baby girl.
'Cake anyone?' Kurt asked, downing the last sip of champagne in his flute.
'I'll help you.' Blaine pushed his chair back and stood up, placing his napkin on the table.
'Oh god, you really don't like sitting down do you Blaine? Kurt can handle a cake.' Finn said, rolling his eyes at Blaine. Kurt and Rachel both laughed, remembering a time where Blaine sitting down had been a sensitive issue. Well, it was still an issue some times, especially after nights Ava had spent sleeping over at friends.
'Actually, there are two cakes.' Blaine countered.
'Two cakes? Really?' Finn's eyes were as big as saucers.
'Oh my god, haven't you had enough?' Blaine heard Rachel ask when he walked into the kitchen.
'I do think he's had enough to drink.' Kurt joked, taking the chocolate cake out of the fridge and placing it on a cake stand.
Blaine hummed in agreement.
'Blaine, goddamnit!' Kurt's screech could be heard at the dinner table.
'So,' Carole whispered in Burt's ear mischievously 'are you not going to say anything about that?'
'Nope, not my household.' Burt leaned back in his chair. This time they heard the sound of a kitchen towel smacking against what must be Blaine. 'Not my business. Besides, nobody messes with a Hummel and I think that's exactly the point Kurt is trying to make right now. Can't disagree with him on that.'
'You're horrible Burt Hummel, horrible!' Carole smiled, taking his hand into her own.
Kurt and Blaine both walked into with heads red as beets. Kurt's from anger, Blaine's from embarrassment.
Kurt carried both cakes, a stand in each hand. His husband followed him with a stack of plates, a rather big piece of cake already on the top one and a handful of little forks.
'Why is there a chunk out of the chocolate one?' Finn asked, oblivious of the piece Blaine was still holding.
'Oh, that is Blaine's one.' Kurt huffed, glaring at his husband.
And when Blaine sat back down, Rachel immediately noticed why. There was an obvious streak in the cake's topping, clearly made by an impatient finger.
'I already knew I had my sweet tooth from Baba!' Ava exclaimed.
'Uhm, Ava, you do know two men can't really have children right? You don't have our genes. So there's no blaming that on us missy!' Blaine joked, secretively wishing it were biologically possible for two men to have a child together.
'Us? Us? You! I know you used to put her pacifier in syrup to keep her quiet.' Kurt pointed his finger at his husband.
'And look what a sweet girl she turned out to be!' Blaine joked in his defense.
I realize now why I love this story so much, besides the fact that it is set at Christmas. It's because it shows how they were able to follow their dreams and build a life together. As the mother of two teenage girls, I've never believed it when a teen thinks they have found their 'soulmate' at such an early age, but through this story I can see how that is possible. And I loved how in this chapter Kurt and Blaine are having their family over for Christmas dinner in 2024 and both characters are described so well, I can actually see this dinner happening! Can't wait to see what happens in 2025!
Thank you so much :) Their lovestory isn't a fairytale, but it's something that could happen! :)