Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
�But your wedding rings do match", Ava stated and furrowed her brow. �In fact, I think they look rather old-fashioned. I mean, in comparison to your engagement rings, those were quite fancy."
Kurt snorted amusedly.
�Well, thanks sweetie. You sure know how to compliment someone."
Ava rolled her eyes and shoveled some roast turkey into her mouth. She started to speak again with her mouth full and at Kurt�s disapproving glance she rolled her eyes once more and swallowed audibly.
�I don�t think you need any more compliments, as Baba usually takes great care of that. So, what made you choose these rings? Oh, I can see you�re longing to tell us about your wedding – as if we haven�t heard this story more than once."
Burt chuckled and winked at his grand-daughter, then smiled at Kurt and Blaine, who returned the smile warmly.
Blaine took Kurt�s hand in his once more and turned around to face Ava.
"Sweetie, I guess there�s at least one thing you don�t already know about our wedding, so listen."
"Tomorrow at this time, we�ll be married."
Blaine smiled softly and caressed Kurt�s cheek, snuggling together and preparing to sleep. But the fact that they would be getting married the very next day seemed to have quite the same effect as caffeine, it kept them from sleeping. Not caring about their lack of sleep, they spent the time with the occasional exchange of thoughts or sighs, surrounded by darkness and warmth.
"I know, honey. I still can�t believe it, you know."
Kurt lifted his head a little bit and let his lips brush over Blaine�s for a moment.
"You better believe it. I just hope everything will work out. It stopped snowing some hours ago, so driving should be safe and besides, this will be the most beautiful decoration possible. But there are so many things that could go wrong..."
Blaine�s chuckle vibrated in his chest and Kurt pressed his cheek against it.
"You�ve spent the entire year planning our wedding to the very last detail, how could anything go wrong? I�m sure it will be perfect, just as you."
Blaine gasped playfully and started to tickle Kurt at his side, which made him squeak.
"You call me a dork? How dare you! I�m the most earnest person I know."
Kurt batted away Blaine�s hands and tried to scoot away, but Blaine pulled him back immediately and continued tickling him until Kurt panted for air and screamed with laughter while trying to answer.
"That�s just... stop it, B!... that only proves my point ... aaaargh, not there you dork, you�re such a mean do-... it only shows how much of a dork all your frieeeeeeends are... unfair! Unf."
Finally Blaine stopped, giggling along as he held Kurt close.
"Unf? That�s really eloquent, honey. Honestly, I�m impressed. Sure you�ll manage `I do� tomorrow? Those are two words, you know."
Kurt hit Blaine and sighed.
"Shut up, B or I might rethink our plans for tomorrow. Also, I feel like I�m almost tired enough to sleep now."
Blaine grinned down on Kurt and raised an eyebrow.
"Only almost? I sure know how to make you completely tired!"
Kurt let himself fall on his back and spread his arms.
"I have no idea what you�re talking about, darling. Surely you couldn�t be thinking of anything only married couples should do - like a pre-wedding wedding night?"
Blaine lowered himself on top of Kurt and smirked.
"Well, I wouldn�t dare to suggest such a thing, would I?"
Kurt�s eyes sparkled as he let one of his hands slide down Blaine�s chest.
"Even if you wouldn�t, I do. I do, I do, I do, I-"
Blaine�s lips silenced him.
"You convinced me, I guess you�ll be able to say it right tomorrow."
Kurt pulled him closer. "Shut up, you promised making me tired, remember? But – no hickeys. Do you hear me? No. Hickeys."
"B, I really need to leave now, come on!"
Blaine nuzzled into Kurt�s neck and sighed.
"I don�t want you to leave, stay."
Kurt rolled his eyes and patted Blaine�s shoulder.
"We�ll see each other in four hours, you know? And we�re getting married then, so I won�t leave you at all. Besides, Brad is arriving in ten minutes, so I really need to go. I�m sure Mercedes is already waiting, and my family is there too."
Blaine groaned and held onto Kurt even tighter.
"My brother won�t make it better, he�ll tell me about his wedding and remember how boring that was? He�ll try to convince me to wear a bow-tie and you know how tempted I am to agree. You really should stay and make sure I won�t." He lifted his head and looked at Kurt with his puppy-eyes, but his fianc� only laughed and pecked him on the forehead.
"B, not even that will convince me to stay. We agreed on our outfits months ago and I�m sure you wouldn�t dare to change a single thing about it. So, say hi to Brad and get ready."
Another peck on Blaine�s cheek followed, then a proper kiss that left them slightly breathless. Finally, Blaine hustled Kurt out of their apartment and smiled, his eyes already drowning in emotion.
"See you at our wedding."
Kurt took a deep breath when he stepped outside and hurried to the cab, that was already waiting for him.
As Kurt entered the Ritz Carlton, he suddenly felt like the prince – because no way would he call himself a princess, not even today – in one of those fairy tales, only mere hours before the big Happily Ever After. The hotel was dreamy. It was classy and elegant and although he had been here before to discuss the arrangements, it was a completely different experience today. The receptionist smiled at him and handed him one of the keys.
"Good Morning, Mr Hummel, I�m Tracy. Welcome to the Ritz Carlton! Your family and friends have already arrived and are waiting in your suite. Please call us when you need anything, there�s one of our staff members ready on call for you. Have a great day – and all the best wishes from the Ritz Carlton too!"
Kurt smiled broadly at her and thanked her, nearly bouncing towards the elevator. When the door of the elevator opened, Mercedes and Rachel were already waiting for him in front of it and almost crushed him in their embrace. Their joined "Weeeeee!" made him laugh and he hugged them back.
"Baby, you�re getting married! How are you? I can�t believe you�re faster than me. But maybe this will be the final trigger Jay will need."
Kurt hugged Mercedes once more and nodded, then turned to Rachel.
"Where�s Barbra? I hope she�ll recognize me, it�s been too long since we�ve seen her!"
Rachel nudged him and took his arm, leading him into the suite.
"It�s been three days since Christmas, it hasn�t been that long. But she�s asleep now, I hope she will wake up in time to notice your wedding."
Kurt stopped in the doorframe and stared.
"It�s amazing, isn�t it?", Finn exclaimed. "Also, there is food in the dining room and hey, the service guy is awesome. Did you know they get you anything you want, like – anything? And you have two bathrooms. Awesome, dude!"
Finn roamed through the hallway – this suite had a hallway! - and waved at Kurt with something that looked like a chicken wing. How did he manage to get chicken wings at the Ritz Carlton? Kurt decided not to think about it and half-hugged Finn. He didn�t want chicken wing stains on his shirt, not even on a shirt he would get out off soon to change into his suit.
Then he noticed two people coming out of the dining room. He dropped his bag – well, gave it to Mercedes – and hurried to greet them.
"Dad! Carole! I�m so glad you�re here! Do you like your room? Do you have everything you need?"
Carole kissed him on the cheek and Burt ruffled his hair, leading his son into the dining room.
"Kiddo, the room�s great but looks really expensive. But don�t you worry about us, it�s your wedding day. Are you okay?"
Kurt grinned and shook his head.
"I�m far more than just okay, dad. It�s partly like a fairy-tale, but on the other side it feels more real and right than anything else."
His dad gave him a bit of a wobbly smile.
"Do you know that this is almost exactly what your mother said on our wedding day?"
Now Kurt teared up as well, but he still managed to smile at his dad, his face lit up.
"Really? No, I didn�t know. That�s... that�s perfect, Dad."
Burt cleared his throat and petted Kurt�s shoulder gently.
"That reminds me... do you have the rings?"
Kurt rolled his eyes and laughed once more.
"Dad, the rings were adjusted in September and they�re here in my bag. And before you ask me once more, I love them. In fact, we love them and I can�t tell you how much this gesture meant to both of us. I can�t remember all about mom, but I do know that your relationship was the best example you could have given me. I know that even though Carole is perfect for you, mom was your first love and what you two had is what I want with Blaine. And having your rings is just another sign that true happiness is nothing fictional – and that fairy-tales sometimes do come true, you know. Thank you, dad."
Both men hugged once more and knew without needing words that this – their families, their loved ones and their happiness they found after all – was one of the greatest gifts ever.
"So, I guess before we�re getting puffy eyes and stuff, we should join the others and get you ready. Thanks again for the room, kiddo, wouldn�t have been necessary, you know?"
Kurt pulled his dad out of the chair and winked at him.
"I already told you that we had booked it for us and then my director surprised me with the suite, remember? So it�s really my pleasure and you should enjoy it."
Kurt smiled as he thought back of the conversation he had had with his theatre director just a week ago.
"Kurt, you wouldn't happen to have use for a suite at the Ritz Carlton for your wedding? I mean, I know you�ve already booked a room, but I found this reservation for the Ritz Carlton Suite and it�s exactly for the night after your wedding. I really don�t need it and it would be a pity to waste it, don�t you think."
Kurt had stared at his boss suspiciously.
"That�s quite a coincidence."
His director hadn�t even blushed – well, he was a famous actor after all – and shrugged.
"I guess it is, yes. Here you are. Enjoy it."
He had handed Kurt an envelope and turned around to hurry somewhere else, seemingly busy as always. Kurt had opened the gift certificate and stared at it for a few moments. Then he had called Blaine.
And right now, he was standing there, in the middle of a 1,900 square feet big suite with the perfect Central Park view and every luxury he was able to think of... ready to get married.
Finn interrupted his thoughts.
"This apartment-thing is like in one of those movies, you know. It�s almost ridiculous."
Kurt cocked his head and raised an eyebrow – Finn still had this effect on him.
"Ridiculous, really Finn? In fact, I can think of many things that were way more ridiculous than this suite. Remember the time you showed up at Regionals some years ago, together with the boys of the football squad you were training? And you got them to jump up and down like cheerleaders and scream M-A-R-R-Y-M-E while you knelt down on the stage right after Rachel�s choir performed and you sang "Cut The Bullshit, Girl Let�s Get Married" in front of the audience and the judges? Do you remember that, Finn?"
Finn blushed and murmured something that sounded like �Didn�t need to remind me of it".
Kurt laughed and poked his brother.
�You know what, the most ridiculous thing about it was the fact that she said yes to that. You should be thankful for it every single day."
Finn�s face broke into a serious half-smile.
�I know, and trust me – I am."
Mercedes prodded Finn and gripped Kurt.
�It�s really time for you to try this Jacuzzi, white boy. Come on, let�s go."
Blaine tried to stop kneading his hands and took a deep breath. He looked around – everything looked absolutely fabulous. Kurt had been right, as usual – the heaters, hidden behind white - of course fireproof - cloths, were not too obvious but produced enough heat to avoid freezing. And their choice to go with white and silver, callas and organza, classic and elegance had been right. It was them – simplicity, but also a touch of beauty.
Blaine smiled weakly at his friends, some of the Warblers, Brad and his family, some of the closer college friends and colleagues. Central Park weddings were limited to 200 visitors and they hadn�t needed all of the allowed places – the location had been more of a problem, at least during winter and with all the heaters and chairs and amounts of white and silver organza. But Kurt had some connections now and the promise of an additional free concert in summer on one of the many concert stages in Central Park had solved that.
And so here he was – standing in front of Cab Cot, wearing a dark grey suit with a calla in the buttonhole of his jacket and waiting for the love of his life, who was obviously appearing this very moment. The group surrounding Kurt was laughing and still Blaine was able to recognize Kurt�s voice above all the others. His laugh sounded as happy as Blaine felt and his heart began to beat faster.
Then Kurt noticed him and his smile was so wide and excited that Blaine couldn�t help but wave in return, just a little silly move of his hand. Kurt looked stunning in his slightly lighter grey suit, matching Blaine�s perfectly while being unique nevertheless.
Rachel and Mercedes hugged him before he could touch Kurt, then he had to greet Finn and Burt and Carole but finally he reached Kurt. Kurt, who stared at him in wonder, as if he couldn�t believe this was really happening.
"Hey", Blaine whispered, taking Kurt�s hand in his.
"Hey", Kurt answered, tightening the hold. "Best day of my life so far."
Blaine smiled. "Yeah? Why? Tell me more."
Kurt shrugged and smiled coyly.
"Oh, I don�t know. There�s snow and the sun is shining and all the people who are important to me are here."
Blaine�s smile grew warmer.
"That�s all?"
Kurt�s chuckle was deeper now as he leaned in.
"And I�m marrying the man of my dreams, the love of my life. I couldn�t be happier."
"Me too, I just can�t tell you how much I love you."
They met for one short, but loving kiss before they broke apart and noticed the wolf-whistles.
Kurt rested his forehead against Blaine�s and sighed.
"Those were our brothers, why did we choose them as our best men again?"
"Because we love them and... okay, that was rhetorical, I see. So, I guess it�s time to... well, marry?"
Kurt pulled away reluctantly, but nodded. "Oh yes, it is."
Standing next to their brothers and Rachel and Mercedes, their maids of honor, Kurt and Blaine looked at each other. Their hearts were racing, their hands were linked and their eyes locked.
They had exchanged the traditional vows, but now was the time for their own heartfelt ones – before putting on the rings. Rachel sniffed into her tissue and Blaine cleared his throat.
"Kurt, we�ve had many special moments that led us to this one, the most special one. I don�t know how I got so lucky to have you. Sometimes I see you and I fall in love with you all over again. You�re incredibly talented, you�re the most beautiful man I know, you�re witty and smart, but the most important thing of all – you love me just the way I love you. Our lives haven�t always been easy, but with you my life is so much better and richer and I can�t wait to start our marriage and live my life with you."
Kurt�s smile became meek, but his eyes told Blaine that he had found the perfect words. So he smiled at his husband-to-be and continued.
"I love you, Kurt – and I can't imagine ever not loving you. So, wear this ring and let�s live together in happiness. Always."
He slid the ring onto Kurt�s finger. Kurt sighed happily and lifted his head to look at Blaine again.
"Blaine. When we first met, you told me to have courage and face things, and with that you started to change my life. With you I�m stronger and happier than I�ve ever thought I could be. You�re my inspiration and motivation, you told me to never give up and only because of you I was able to manage that. We�re different in all the right ways, we complete each other and are better together than either of us could be on our own. The moment I saw you, I felt and soon knew I wanted to be yours. And from now on, nothing can come between us."
Kurt smiled at Blaine, who blinked to get rid of the tears, then laughed and just wiped them off with his free hand. Kurt chuckled and took the ring from Finn.
"So, wear this ring and we�ll share our name, we�ll share our lives and our love. Forever."
The registrar smiled at the two men.
"I now declare you husbands, you may kiss."
Kurt and Blaine obliged happily. They held on to each other, tenderly kissing and forgetting everything else for some moments. Loud clapping made them pull apart slightly, smiling at each other.
"Hello there, Mr Hummel-Anderson", Kurt smirked.
"Well, hello to you too, Mr Hummel-Anderson"; Blaine laughed in return. Then they turned around to face their families and friends, smiling at all the loving and happy faces. At that moment, Barbra started to babble and clapped her hands, smiling at her uncles. The newlyweds and their families started to laugh and this was just the first of very many joyful and happy moments this day.
As the sun set, the wedding party watched it color the sky, and then they wandered to the Ritz Carlton, where the reception took place. Blaine didn�t let go of Kurt�s hand for a single moment, sliding his thumb over the ring on Kurt�s finger now and then.
They hardly tasted the food, too busy with being congratulated and smiling at each other. Still, when they cut the cake, they managed to get a piece. It was decorated with sugar-callas, matching the wedding decoration, just like the tall vases with the callas on the tables. Blaine tried to feed Kurt a piece of cake, but that was harder than it seemed. Kurt tried to stop laughing and eyed the fork suspiciously, a little bit worried to stain his suit. Then he moved a bit and opened his mouth, watching Blaine who�s eyes became darker at the sight.
"Stop it, Blaine", Kurt whispered, blushing slightly. "We�re just eating cake. Nothing else. Keep that thought for the wedding night."
Blaine smirked at him and nodded lightly. "Promised."
They didn�t manage to eat the whole piece of cake though, because suddenly there was a back coupling.
"Hi, my name is Nick and this is Jeff. We once were members of the Warblers, a high-school show choir we joined together with Blaine and also Kurt for a short time. We have something prepared for the two of you, as a reminder of the old times and the beginnings of your relationship. It�s Christmas time, so we thought this would be fitting. We hope you enjoy it – and congrats to you!"
Nick handed the microphone back to a service member and hummed a harmony, then the other men joined him. As Blaine and Kurt recognized the song, they looked at each other and started to laugh. "Oh my, that�s so cheesy!" – but then again, weren�t they too?
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
Jeff took over for the next verse, winking at Nick and doing one of those twirls so typical for him.
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas Day
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
Suddenly Blaine pulled Kurt up and led him to the small dance floor, next to the Warblers. Kurt simply laughed and rolled his eyes.
"What was that about not being clich�? You really want to dance to one of these corny songs?"
Blaine shrugged and pulled his husband – his husband! - even closer.
"It feels right. It isn�t important what�s clich� or corny, as long as it�s you and me and we�re together and want to do it."
Kurt could do nothing but smile, because – it was true. It had always been the two of them and it was their decision what to do and how to live their lives. And if they wanted to dance to a cheesy Christmas song, they would.
So they did.
Oh I won't ask for much this Christmas
I won't even wish for snow
And I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
I won't make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake to
Hear those magic reindeer click
Blaine moved closer and began to sing into Kurt�s ear, who smiled and hummed too.
'Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do?
Baby all I want for Christmas is you
Oh all the lights are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of children's
Laughter fills the air
And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won't you bring me the one I really need?
Won't you please bring my baby to me?
Oh I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just want to see my baby
Standing right outside my door
Oh I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is
You baby
All I want for Christmas is you baby
"Oh, now I know why you smiled at each other so weirdly when I practised this song earlier this advent", Ava smirked. "That�s really cheesy. But the story about your rings is cute. You�re really cool, grandpa!"
Burt smiled at Ava affectionately.
"They deserved it", he simply stated, returning to his food. Carole smiled at him and pecked him on the cheek. "It�s a good thing that sometimes life gives us second chances at happiness."
Nobody noticed that Barbra was staring at her father in horror. But then she leaned closer to Ava and stage-whispered.
"Remember me to never ever ask my dad for advice in love matters. I�d rather come visit you and your dads and ask them. Obviously they have a lot more expertise in the romance department..:"
Ava rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, sure. They�re so cheesy you�ll get thirsty after watching them for only ten minutes. Especially when they look at one of the many wedding photos all over our place and get that look."
Kurt smirked at Ava.
"Sweetie, there are much more photos of you than of our wedding. And sure, our wedding day was one of the most special days in our lives, but just wait for the other stories..."
With that he winked at her, followed by one of her typical teenager-y groans as she turned to chat with Barbra.
Kurt turned to Blaine, who smiled at him softly.
"Hey, Mr Hummel-Anderson. Looking at something you like?"
Blaine chuckled and pulled Kurt in for a short kiss.
"Just you, Mr Hummel-Anderson. Just you, always."
this chapter was adorable =] but i was wondering if you knew the whole chapter was in italics???
What, still?? I thought I fixed that! Thanks for pointing it out! :))