Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
Dec. 30, 2011, 10:31 p.m.
Kurt shook his head as he watched his daughter type a quick message to her friend. She was no doubt giving her the thumbs up about the impending ski trip. He was such a pushover when it came to his daughter…
He felt a hand stroking the back of his neck and turned his head to the side, meeting Blaine's loving gaze.
"I know…" Kurt mouthed, rolling his eyes and grinning.
"Just look at you guys." Burt chuckled fondly. "Together for almost 25 years, married for 15, and still you can't take your eyes off of each other."
Blaine leaned in and pressed a kiss against Kurt's cheek. "It's your son's fault, Burt. He just keeps getting more gorgeous as he gets older."
He stroked the grey hairs that had started to pepper Kurt's temples over the years. Every time Kurt complained about it, and mentioned dying his hair, Blaine just silenced him by telling – and showing – Kurt just how incredibly sexy he found men with greying hair.
Kurt blushed furiously. "Right back at you, Mr. Hummel-Anderson…" He smiled shyly. Blaine still made him feel like a giddy sixteen-year-old every so often.
Ava looked at her fathers in silent admiration. Even a sulky, sarcastic teenager couldn't resist such a display of true love.
"Dad?" She said softly.
"Yes, sweetie?" Kurt answered, still lost in a pair of bright, hazel eyes.
"Did you ask Baba to marry him? Or was it the other way around?"
Kurt and Blaine smirked at each other and then turned their gaze towards their daughter.
"Now that's an interesting story actually…" Blaine began.
"You know, I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm so excited we get to spend the holidays alone this year." Kurt said, as he went through the stack of Christmas cards that had just arrived in the mail. "It's going to be so romantic…" He said absentmindedly.
Blaine smiled, then frowned as he spotted another mistake in the tests he was grading. "Yeah, baby… Oh my God, it's Y-O-U-R! Some of these kids…" He grunted, as his red pen scratched over the paper.
Kurt smirked. Apparently he was going to be in charge of the romance department. That was actually okay, because he had the perfect plan for Christmas Eve.
Fortunately, he didn't have to work on Christmas Eve. The show he was starring in took a two day hiatus for Christmas, and then again for New Year's Eve and Day.
Blaine'd had a busy few months as well. With his new job as a teacher, and taking over the resident glee club, it had been hectic. That's why they were both glad this year's holidays weren't going to be the usual family gathering, but just the two of them instead.
Kurt plugged in his iPod and selected the Christmas playlist. He immediately started crooning along to the opening lines of the first song as he arranged the cards on the living room dresser.
It was Christmas Eve babe
In the drunk tank
An old man said to me, won't see another one
And then he sang a song…
"Oh my God… that's the most depressing and bitter Christmas song in existence!" Blaine turned in his chair to watch Kurt swaying to the song.
"It's not! It's the funniest song ever! Plus, I really love the music." He continued singing.
" OH! This is my favorite part!" Kurt squealed excitedly, as he bounced over to Blaine and pulled him to his feet.
"Kurt, what are you doing?" Blaine chuckled.
Kurt just grinned and danced around Blaine as he sang the up-tempo part of the song.
They've got cars big as bars
They've got rivers of gold
But the wind goes right through you
It's no place for the old
When you first took my hand
On that cold Christmas Eve
You promised me
Broadway was waiting for me
Blaine laughed as he took Kurt's hands and both of them danced around like children. Blaine joined in to sing the next lines.
You were handsome
You were pretty
Queen of New York City
When the band finished playing
They howled out for more
Sinatra was swinging,
All the drunks they were singing
We kissed on a corner Then danced through the night
The boys of the NYPD choir
Were singing "Galway Bay"
And the bells were ringing out
For Christmas day
They smirked at each other mischievously as they spouted the next lines at each other, acting it out as if they were fighting.
You're a bum
You're a punk
You're an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed
You scumbag, you maggot
You cheap lousy haggard
Happy Christmas your arse
I pray God it's our last
The boys of the NYPD choir
Still singing "Galway Bay"
And the bells were ringing out
For Christmas day
Blaine enveloped Kurt in his arms as the music slowed down, and so did they. Pressing their foreheads together, they kept singing.
I could have been someone
Well so could anyone
You took my dreams from me
When I first found you
I kept them with me babe
I put them with my own
Can't make it all alone
I've built my dreams around you
Again they started dancing around, as the music sped up again.
The boys of the NYPD choir
Still singing "Galway Bay"
And the bells are ringing out
For Christmas Day.
When the song ended, both of them fell onto the couch, panting and laughing at the same time.
"You were right… that was so much fun." Blaine's eyes sparkled in delight.
Kurt reached out and caressed his boyfriend's curly hair. This was going to be the best Christmas ever.
Blaine hummed in approval as he inspected the living room. The various Christmas lights and candles were lit, music was playing softly in the background, and the dinner table was set. He smiled as he heard pots and pans clatter in the kitchen.
Kurt and Blaine had been busy in the kitchen all afternoon, preparing all kinds of delicious foods. It had been a relaxed affair. No stress, because it was only for the two of them. They'd spent hours working, chatting and laughing… Sure enough, at one point they had briefly interrupted their culinary activities for a quick but heated intermezzo in the bedroom.
It had been a great afternoon. Blaine had enjoyed the simplicity of it all. Just them, just at home, just perfect. And now it was going to be the perfect Christmas Eve, if everything went according to plan.
"B?" Kurt came out of the kitchen. "Everything is ready. I'm just going to change into something else." His eyes roamed over Blaine. "I see you're already dressed up." He moved towards Blaine and ran a finger along the black silk shirt that he was wearing along with a pair of slim fitted black dress pants.
Kurt raised his eyebrows. "You look… hot. I guess I'll just have to see if I have anything in my closet to match your outfit." He teased.
"Oh please." Blaine smirked. "I'm sure you'll outshine me once again. You always do." He added fondly.
Blaine did a double take as Kurt entered the living room. He'd been right of course. Kurt looked absolutely fabulous and sexy as hell.
"Kurt…" He whispered hoarsely.
Kurt twirled around playfully. "You like it?" He was wearing shiny grey pants, a matching grey vest and a white shirt underneath. He'd rolled up the sleeves of his shirt just below the elbow; giving him a casual chic look.
"Are you kidding me? I love it." He breathed. "God, Kurt, you look stunning. What did I ever do to deserve such a beautiful creature in my life?"
Kurt didn't scoff at that last question, because he knew his boyfriend was dead serious. Underneath it all, Blaine was still insecure about their love sometimes, thinking he wasn't worthy of it.
Kurt meant to change that very soon. He'd make sure that any remaining doubt in Blaine's mind would disappear forever.
But for now, Kurt just smiled.
"Champagne?" He offered, tilting his head towards the table, where a bottle was sitting in the cooler.
"Yes. Absolutely."
"We cook a good Christmas dinner." Kurt said, after they'd both finished eating.
"You mean you cook a good Christmas dinner. You're the chef." Blaine said, sitting back in his chair and crossing his legs.
Kurt nodded. "Maybe, but behind every great chef, there's a good sous-chef."
"Here's to making an excellent team." Blaine raised his glass.
Kurt smiled and returned the gesture. Blaine was staring at him intently, almost as if he was searching Kurt's eyes for something.
"I haven't given you your Christmas present yet." Blaine broke the silence.
"Neither have I." Kurt answered.
Blaine smiled nervously. "Can… can I go first?"
"Let's go sit on the couch, okay?" Blaine said, as got up and offered his hand to Kurt.
Kurt took Blaine's hand and followed him to sit down on the couch.
Blaine went over to the Christmas tree and retrieved a golden envelope from beneath it. He kneeled in front of Kurt and handed him the envelope.
Kurt beamed at Blaine. "What's this?"
"Open up and read it. Out loud." Blaine said.
Kurt could've sworn he heard a tremble in Blaine's voice. Shrugging it off, he opened the envelope and pulled out a letter. Kurt started scanning Blaine's curvy handwriting.
"Out loud, honey…" Blaine repeated.
"Oh, of course, I'm sorry." Kurt said. He started to read.
My love,
My everything,
There are no words I can speak, no song I can sing, no gesture I can show to you that will ever express how much I love you. Because my love for you knows no end.
Nor does it have a beginning.
You once asked me when I started loving you. Remember how I didn't have an answer to that question? I still can't tell you when it started, because to me, it didn't start at all.
I've loved you all my life, Kurt. You were the one I was waiting for. It was always you. Remember the moment when I finally realized it?
And now here we are, almost 8 years later.
And it's still you.
You bring to me a happiness that no one else ever could. You bring to me a love I have never known before. You have touched my heart in ways I can't even begin to explain. You make me feel safe when I'm lost and troubled. You know me better than I even know myself.
You are my best friend.
You are my soul mate.
You are my rock.
No matter what the future brings us, I know that I will always love you. My heart and soul belong to you. Forever.
It will always be you.
But still there aren't words, songs or gestures enough to prove to you how much I love you. So please, allow me to spend a whole lifetime trying to make you feel my love.
My love,
My everything,
Please take my hand and look at me.
Kurt wiped away the tears that had started to roll down his cheeks. He raised his head to look at Blaine's liquid golden eyes, while gently putting his hand into Blaine's outstretched palm.
Blaine drew a deep breath.
"Kurt… will you marry me?"
A myriad of emotions coursed through Kurt's body, but his mind screamed only one word.
"Yes." He breathed. "Yes. I'll marry you. Of course I'll marry you, Blaine… of course." He broke out in a wide smile and threw his arms around Blaine, who was laughing and crying at the same time.
"It's so beautiful, Blaine." Kurt had been holding his hand at eye level ever since Blaine had slipped the white gold band with a small single sapphire on his ring finger.
They were walking outside, arm in arm. Kurt had wanted to go out 'to breathe in the Christmas atmosphere'.
Blaine smiled and tightened his hold on Kurt's arm. "I'm glad you like it."
"I love it." Kurt answered. It was true. He really did. Blaine had picked this out for him, and the combination of the blue gem with the white gold ring was just perfect.
"So where are we going, my dearest fianc�?" Blaine asked teasingly.
Kurt looked at Blaine and winked. "Somewhere only we know?" He smiled at the sound of Blaine's laughter.
A little while later, Blaine's eyes grew wide in excitement as he realized they had arrived at the Rockefeller Plaza. The giant Christmas tree was lit and the ice skating rink was crowded, even on Christmas Eve.
He pulled Kurt over to a bench and sat down, patting his lap in invitation. Kurt giggled and sat down on his lap, as Blaine snaked his hands around his waist.
"What a lovely way to end a perfect Christmas Eve…" He murmured against Kurt's neck, pressing tiny kisses against the soft, sensitive skin.
Kurt smiled. "It is a perfect Christmas Eve." He hesitated for a moment. "Though I have to say… you really surprised me with your proposal. It wasn't how I planned for this evening to go."
Blaine froze for a second, then pulled back to gaze at Kurt. "What do you mean?" A small hint of worry had made its way into his voice. "Aren't you… weren't you happy with the proposal?" The worry turned into panic. "Don't you want to marry me? Oh my God, Kurt, I didn't want to pressure you into-"
Kurt cut him off with a passionate kiss. Blaine's hands flew to Kurt's face, and he moaned desperately.
It almost broke Kurt's heart.
"No baby… you don't understand." He cooed. "I want to marry you more than anything in this world. But I never expected you to ask. You weren't supposed to…"
"You're right; I don't understand." Blaine frowned.
Kurt gave Blaine a tender smile. He took Blaine's face into his hands and brushed his jaw with his thumb. "I was supposed to take you here tonight… I was going to have you sit down on a bench… maybe even this very one…"
Kurt let out a breathless laugh as he took Blaine's hands and slid off of his lap, gracefully lowering himself to kneel in front of Blaine. His pants would be ruined, but to hell with it.
"I was going to kneel in front of you, like this… and I was going to tell you how much I love you… and then I was going to thank you."
Blaine gulped visibly as tears started to gather in his eyes. Kurt continued.
"I was going to thank you for saving me. I was going to thank you for making all my dreams come true. I was going to thank you for loving me… But most importantly, I was going to thank you for just being you… because you are perfect to me. You are all that is good and right in this world. Everything you wrote in that letter… I feel the exact same way…"
Kurt shook his head and chuckled. "I was going to tell you so much more… I was going to promise you so many things… but tonight you left me breathless and speechless…" A single tear escaped Kurt's eyes, as he reached into the pocket of his coat.
"I was going to give you this, as a token of my love." He showed Blaine the small, velvet box. He opened the lid to reveal a pink gold band with two puzzles pieces engraved on it.
Blaine gasped in awe.
"And then… I was going to ask if you, Blaine Anderson, wanted to do me the honor of becoming my husband…"
"Kurt… I can't believe this…" Blaine breathed. Then he realized that Kurt was waiting for an answer.
"Yes… YES!" He said giddily.
Kurt grinned teasingly. "I must say I was pretty hopeful about your answer after your proposal, but it's still nice to hear you say it."
Suddenly Blaine burst out in laughter. "So this means we both planned to propose to each other tonight? How amazing is that, huh?"
"Yes we did, and you beat me to it." Kurt poked him playfully in the chest. "But I'm actually glad you did, because it was so romantic."
"So was this." Blaine said earnestly. "I love you so much, Mr. Anderson-Hummel…" He leaned in to kiss Kurt, but was stopped by the amused look on Kurt's face.
"I'm pretty sure you meant to say Mr. Hummel-Anderson, right?" Kurt said with a mischievous smile.
Blaine shrugged. "Whatever. You know I don't really have a preference as to who is on top." He wiggled his eyebrows and silenced Kurt's indignant shriek with a kiss.
"So wait… you both proposed to each other?" Ava asked.
"Yep." Blaine nodded.
"Oh wow…" Barbra gushed. "That's just soooo romantic. Much better than the way dad proposed to mom after-"
"Yeah okay let's not get into that story, please!" Finn squeaked nervously.
"But your engagement rings didn't even match…" Ava frowned.
"Says who?" Kurt replied. "It's not because they look completely different that they don't match…"
He smiled at Blaine. "In fact… they were perfect for each other…"
Blaine smiled back fondly, fully aware that Kurt wasn't even talking about jewelry.
So this one just stole first from the Drunk Christmas on my list of favorites lol. :)
Soooo romantic, yay!
OH GOSH THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL! And a pink gold band? That would look so good against his skin. With puzzle pieces. I think I may die.