Eyes Down
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Eyes Down: Chapter 8

E - Words: 2,453 - Last Updated: Aug 15, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jul 01, 2012 - Updated: Aug 15, 2013
124 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:




Kurt was standing at their table, putting his things away. Blaine walked up to stand next to him and slowly started to run his fingers up and down Kurt’s arm. Everybody else had already left the detention room since it had ended a few minutes earlier. When Kurt looked up from his task to meet his eyes, Blaine leaned in to capture Kurt’s lips in a sweet kiss.

Kurt let out a small sound of surprise, but he moved his hand to cup the back of Blaine’s neck to pull him closer. Blaine traced Kurt’s bottom lip with his tongue, and Kurt gladly opened his mouth to grant Blaine access.

They kissed for a little while before Kurt pulled back with a soft smack and a delicate laugh, “We should probably go before they close the school.”

Blaine sighed, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

Blaine took Kurt’s hand as they walked out of the detention room and laced their fingers together. Kurt looked over at Blaine and blushed a little when he said, “You know, my dad is supposed to be out of town all week… Would you, maybe, like to come over?”

Blaine tugged Kurt to a stop in the hallway, “Kurt Hummel, are you inviting me over to your house just so you can get into my pants?” he asked in mock offense.

Kurt backed Blaine up against the nearest row of lockers and bracketed his hands on either side of Blaine’s head.

“And what if I am?” He asked as he leaned in close to Blaine to whisper in his ear. He started to plant light kisses down Blaine’s neck.

“Then I guess that would—unnghh—that would be okay,”

Kurt pulled back with a cocky grin on his face. “Good,” he said before planting an innocent kiss on Blaine’s lips. He left Blaine’s personal space and started sauntering down the hallway toward the exit of the school. 

Blaine stayed frozen in his spot momentarily staring after Kurt in awe. But, after Kurt threw a playful smirk over his shoulder, Blaine raced down the hall after him and caught him around the waist. They both laughed together before continuing down the hallway.



However, their playful happiness didn’t last for long.

Once they exited the school, they were met with the sight of Karofsky standing outside with a group of three other guys. They were all standing there blocking Kurt and Blaine’s way to the parking lot. As soon as Kurt saw them he tugged on Blaine’s hand to move him to stand behind him.

“Evening, gentlemen,” Kurt said to the group.

“’Sup fairy,” Karofsky retorted back.

“What do you want?” There was a pseudo-kindness to Kurt’s voice, but Blaine could tell that he was just taunting the others. Blaine had seen the change take place almost instantly in Kurt’s demeanor. His posture was more rigid and stiff, but he held himself tall and unmoving. He had a serious expression on his face, eyes roaming from one jock to another. It was easy to tell that Kurt had shifted into his arrogant attitude in order to try and ward off the group in front of them.

Kurt’s hold on Blaine’s hand had tightened to a vice-like grip, and Blaine could tell that this confrontation wasn’t going to end well.

“Aww, don’t be like that Kurt, we only want to talk,” Karofsky said with a mocking tone in his voice.

“For some reason, I seriously doubt that,” Kurt’s tone was quickly becoming more defensive and harsh as the conversation continued.

“We just wanted to give a long overdue welcome to your new friend there,” Karofsky motioned to Blaine where he stood behind Kurt.

“No.” it came out as practically a growl.

“And that’s not all, Kurt. It seems that you have forgotten that we don’t really like you fucking faggots skipping all around our hallways and spreading your gay everywhere.”

“What’s the matter? Afraid you are catching it?”

“AND SO,” Karofsky said taking a threatening step forward, “It seems that we have to teach you a lesson too. And small fry over there gets two lessons.” Karofsky began beating his fist into his hand, and the other jocks slowly began to advance too.

“Blaine, run,” Kurt whispered to Blaine.

Blaine looked at him in a mixture of surprise and terror, “What?! No!”


“No! I’m not going to leave you!”

Kurt was backing up with Blaine with him, “Blaine. Get. Out. Of here. Now.”


Just then, one of the jocks lunged at Kurt, and Kurt punched him square in the jaw, and he stumbled back a few steps. That seemed to be the cue for the rest of them to join in. Karofsky went at Kurt next, and he was harder to fight off. While they were struggling, another jock was headed for Kurt, and Blaine quickly intervened and tried to keep him away.

He landed a good blow on the jock’s jaw that caused him to stumble a little bit, but another guy had come up from behind Blaine and seized one of his arms. The jock he had been fighting earlier quickly got up and captured his other arm as well. Just as Kurt had caused Karofsky to stumble back, he turned to see Blaine being out numbered.

“Get the fuck off of him,” Kurt gritted out at the other jocks. Just as he began to advance on the others, Karofsky recovered and pulled Kurt forcefully back and hit him with a solid punch, causing Kurt to fall to the ground.

“KURT!” Blaine yelled, lunging toward him, but he was still being held back by the other jocks.

“Get him out of here. Take him out to the side of the school,” Karofsky directed to the others.

Hearing that, Kurt quickly regained his footing and tried to run to Blaine to help him, but Karofsky held him back.

“No, NO! Blaine!”


As the other jocks dragged Blaine off to somewhere on the other side of the school, Karofsky flung Kurt back hard against the wall of the school and blocked his way.

The breath had been knocked out of Kurt’s lungs when Karofsky had thrown him against the wall. As he tried to regain his breath Karofsky crowded up against him, leaning in close.

“Come on Kurt, I thought you knew better than that.”

Kurt’s breathing was still coming out short, but now it was more from the slowly increasing panic. Flashes of the previous year began to come back to him as Karofsky slowly ran his hand down Kurt’s chest.

“You know you can’t just parade around with your little boy-toy and not expect some repercussions.”

“Get off,” there was a slight tremor in Kurt’s voice.

“Nuh-uh,” Karofsky pushed him back against the wall as Kurt tried to move away, “I’m not done with you yet. I still have to teach you a lesson. And when I’m through with you, I’ll go take care of that little fuck toy of yours,”

Kurt felt the rage welling up inside of him at Karofsky’s words. His anger greatly outweighed his fear, and he quickly grabbed Karofsky’s shoulders and brought his knee up hard in between Karofsky’s legs.

Karofsky doubled over on the ground. Kurt stood over him, glaring at him in disgust.

Eventually, he slowly started to get up, and Kurt waited until he was at least half standing up.

“Fuck you, Karofsky,” Kurt spat at him, and he punched him hard across the face, causing him to fall to the ground again. “Stay away from my boyfriend.”

Blaine was struggling as hard as he could to break free from the jocks that were pulling him away so that he could get back to Kurt.

Kurt still had not given him any details about what had happened at the beginning of his junior year, but Blaine knew that the bullying had gotten really bad, and that Karofsky had been his biggest tormentor.

Blaine knew that it was an extremely bad idea for Karofsky to be alone with Kurt, and Blaine had to get back to him.

He was out numbered though, and even though he was trying as hard as he could, he could not get free.

The jocks rounded to the other side of the building, and the two jocks held him up so that he was facing the other one.

“Let me go, you assholes,” Blaine spat at them.

The jock moved forward punched Blaine in the stomach, causing him to double over, but he was still being held up by the other two jocks. The other jock landed two more blows, each time knocking the breath out of Blaine before he got a chance to fully recover.

Just when Blaine expected another hit to come, he was met with a shout instead, and he looked up to see the jock being wheeled around by Kurt who punched him and knocked him to the ground.

One of the jocks holding Blaine’s arms let go to go after Kurt, and as soon as he let go, Blaine started to try to fight off the other guy holding onto his arm. The guy quickly realized what Blaine was doing, and unfortunately was one step ahead of him. He grabbed Blaine by his shirt and slammed him up against the nearest wall.

 Blaine let out a small cry of pain as his back hit the hard wall and the bricks scrapped up his arms.

“Shit, Blaine!” Kurt yelled. Blaine looked up to see Kurt turned to him with a look of concern on his face. Noticing that Kurt was distracted, the jock he had been fighting took the opportunity to knee him in the stomach, bringing him to the ground.

“Kurt!” Blaine tried to break away from the guy holding him, but he was roughly shoved back against the wall.  “Leave us alone, you bastards!” Blaine yelled back at his tormentors.

“Why, you little shit,” The guy holding him wound his fist back getting ready to punch him, when all of the sudden he was pulled away from Blaine and slammed up against the wall next to him with a great deal of force.

“Now, that’s not very nice,”

“Puck,” Blaine breathed out in a relived voice.

“I’d get out of here if I were you,” Puck said as he took down the guy he had been holding against the wall and threw him toward the other two jocks.

“Fuck off, Puckerman,” one of the jocks said, “We aren’t scared of you.”

Puck strolled over to them, “No, but Johnson is still lurking around the school, and I don’t think he would be very happy with all of this.”

One of the jocks hit the other on the shoulder, “Come on, let’s just get out of here,” they all reluctantly turned and started to leave. One of them threw back, “Yeah, wouldn’t want to end up in juvie like some of the other trash here,” and Puck just flipped them off.

While the exchange had been going on between Puck and the jocks, Blaine had turned his attention to Kurt who was still doubled over on the ground clutching his stomach.

“Kurt? Kurt, are you okay? What’s wrong? What can I do?” Blaine was starting to panic a little bit that something was actually really wrong and was about to call Puck over before Kurt put his hand on Blaine’s arm.

“Blaine, calm down. I just have to catch my breath…” He sat back on the ground, facing Blaine now, “He hit me pretty hard,”

Blaine was still slightly panicking, “Kurt, are you sure you are okay? Are you sure you are not hurt anywhere? Do we need to go to the hospital or something?” Blaine was running his hands all over Kurt, trying to check for any major injuries or anything that looked serious. As far as Blaine could tell, nothing seemed to be broken. He could recognize that Kurt was going to have some nasty bruises for a while where he had been punched, but ice could help the swelling go down quickly. He looked up at Kurt’s face and saw another injury. There was a cut running along his cheek that looked deeper than just a common scrape. 

“Oh god, Kurt,” Blaine was instinctively reaching forward to stroke his cheek, but thought better of it because of the cut. “Maybe the nurse is still here or we can go to the hospital or—“

“Blaine. Blaine, Blaine!” Kurt cut him off as he began to ramble and panic again. “Blaine, it’s no big deal, it’s just a cut. I think I’m gonna live,” Kurt reached out to stroke Blaine’s arm to try and calm him.

Blaine was just looking at him for a few minutes before his face fell and he threw his arms around Kurt’s neck hugging him tightly, almost knocking the breath out of him again. Kurt just wrapped his arms around him securely, glad that he was safe and near again.

“Oh god, Kurt. I was so scared. Mainly for you. You were alone with Karofsky, and I didn’t know how I was going to get back to you. He could have hurt you really bad, and I just—“ He pulled back to look at Kurt for a moment before he surged forward and kissed him earnestly.

Kurt accepted the kiss at first, but then he flinched when the pressing made his cheek give a painful twinge. Blaine quickly pulled back, “Oh, Kurt, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you! Are you sure you’re okay? Are you—“

“Blaine!” Kurt had to cut him off again. “You have got to calm down. I'm fine I promise.”

“Just fine?”

Kurt sighed, “We should leave. I think I have some things I need to explain.”

Blaine nodded and said, “Okay” before helping Kurt up.

Puck had been watching the two, to make sure that they were going to be okay.

“Thanks, Puck,” Kurt said when he noticed him still standing there.

“No problem dude,” He walked over and gave Kurt a fist bump, “those douche bags need to be taught a lesson every now and then. Too bad Quinn wasn’t here, she would have really kicked some ass,”

Kurt laughed a little, “Yeah, probably,”

Puck turned to Blaine, “You gonna be alright, little man?”

Blaine gave a small nod and then said, “I’m not that short.” Puck laughed.

“Thanks for helping,” Blaine said.

“Anytime,” Puck replied. Kurt and Blaine began making their way toward Blaine’s car. There was no way that Blaine was going to let Kurt ride his motorcycle in the condition he was in, no matter how fine Kurt claimed to be.








Kurt was standing at their table, putting his things away. Blaine walked up to stand next to him and slowly started to run his fingers up and down Kurt’s arm. Everybody else had already left the detention room since it had ended a few minutes earlier. When Kurt looked up from his task to meet his eyes, Blaine leaned in to capture Kurt’s lips in a sweet kiss.

Kurt let out a small sound of surprise, but he moved his hand to cup the back of Blaine’s neck to pull him closer. Blaine traced Kurt’s bottom lip with his tongue, and Kurt gladly opened his mouth to grant Blaine access.

They kissed for a little while before Kurt pulled back with a soft smack and a delicate laugh, “We should probably go before they close the school.”

Blaine sighed, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

Blaine took Kurt’s hand as they walked out of the detention room and laced their fingers together. Kurt looked over at Blaine and blushed a little when he said, “You know, my dad is supposed to be out of town all week… Would you, maybe, like to come over?”

Blaine tugged Kurt to a stop in the hallway, “Kurt Hummel, are you inviting me over to your house just so you can get into my pants?” he asked in mock offense.

Kurt backed Blaine up against the nearest row of lockers and bracketed his hands on either side of Blaine’s head.

“And what if I am?” He asked as he leaned in close to Blaine to whisper in his ear. He started to plant light kisses down Blaine’s neck.

“Then I guess that would—unnghh—that would be okay,”

Kurt pulled back with a cocky grin on his face. “Good,” he said before planting an innocent kiss on Blaine’s lips. He left Blaine’s personal space and started sauntering down the hallway toward the exit of the school. 

Blaine stayed frozen in his spot momentarily staring after Kurt in awe. But, after Kurt threw a playful smirk over his shoulder, Blaine raced down the hall after him and caught him around the waist. They both laughed together before continuing down the hallway.



However, their playful happiness didn’t last for long.

Once they exited the school, they were met with the sight of Karofsky standing outside with a group of three other guys. They were all standing there blocking Kurt and Blaine’s way to the parking lot. As soon as Kurt saw them he tugged on Blaine’s hand to move him to stand behind him.

“Evening, gentlemen,” Kurt said to the group.

“’Sup fairy,” Karofsky retorted back.

“What do you want?” There was a pseudo-kindness to Kurt’s voice, but Blaine could tell that he was just taunting the others. Blaine had seen the change take place almost instantly in Kurt’s demeanor. His posture was more rigid and stiff, but he held himself tall and unmoving. He had a serious expression on his face, eyes roaming from one jock to another. It was easy to tell that Kurt had shifted into his arrogant attitude in order to try and ward off the group in front of them.

Kurt’s hold on Blaine’s hand had tightened to a vice-like grip, and Blaine could tell that this confrontation wasn’t going to end well.

“Aww, don’t be like that Kurt, we only want to talk,” Karofsky said with a mocking tone in his voice.

“For some reason, I seriously doubt that,” Kurt’s tone was quickly becoming more defensive and harsh as the conversation continued.

“We just wanted to give a long overdue welcome to your new friend there,” Karofsky motioned to Blaine where he stood behind Kurt.

“No.” it came out as practically a growl.

“And that’s not all, Kurt. It seems that you have forgotten that we don’t really like you fucking faggots skipping all around our hallways and spreading your gay everywhere.”

“What’s the matter? Afraid you are catching it?”

“AND SO,” Karofsky said taking a threatening step forward, “It seems that we have to teach you a lesson too. And small fry over there gets two lessons.” Karofsky began beating his fist into his hand, and the other jocks slowly began to advance too.

“Blaine, run,” Kurt whispered to Blaine.

Blaine looked at him in a mixture of surprise and terror, “What?! No!”


“No! I’m not going to leave you!”

Kurt was backing up with Blaine with him, “Blaine. Get. Out. Of here. Now.”


Just then, one of the jocks lunged at Kurt, and Kurt punched him square in the jaw, and he stumbled back a few steps. That seemed to be the cue for the rest of them to join in. Karofsky went at Kurt next, and he was harder to fight off. While they were struggling, another jock was headed for Kurt, and Blaine quickly intervened and tried to keep him away.

He landed a good blow on the jock’s jaw that caused him to stumble a little bit, but another guy had come up from behind Blaine and seized one of his arms. The jock he had been fighting earlier quickly got up and captured his other arm as well. Just as Kurt had caused Karofsky to stumble back, he turned to see Blaine being out numbered.

“Get the fuck off of him,” Kurt gritted out at the other jocks. Just as he began to advance on the others, Karofsky recovered and pulled Kurt forcefully back and hit him with a solid punch, causing Kurt to fall to the ground.

“KURT!” Blaine yelled, lunging toward him, but he was still being held back by the other jocks.

“Get him out of here. Take him out to the side of the school,” Karofsky directed to the others.

Hearing that, Kurt quickly regained his footing and tried to run to Blaine to help him, but Karofsky held him back.

“No, NO! Blaine!”


As the other jocks dragged Blaine off to somewhere on the other side of the school, Karofsky flung Kurt back hard against the wall of the school and blocked his way.

The breath had been knocked out of Kurt’s lungs when Karofsky had thrown him against the wall. As he tried to regain his breath Karofsky crowded up against him, leaning in close.

“Come on Kurt, I thought you knew better than that.”

Kurt’s breathing was still coming out short, but now it was more from the slowly increasing panic. Flashes of the previous year began to come back to him as Karofsky slowly ran his hand down Kurt’s chest.

“You know you can’t just parade around with your little boy-toy and not expect some repercussions.”

“Get off,” there was a slight tremor in Kurt’s voice.

“Nuh-uh,” Karofsky pushed him back against the wall as Kurt tried to move away, “I’m not done with you yet. I still have to teach you a lesson. And when I’m through with you, I’ll go take care of that little fuck toy of yours,”

Kurt felt the rage welling up inside of him at Karofsky’s words. His anger greatly outweighed his fear, and he quickly grabbed Karofsky’s shoulders and brought his knee up hard in between Karofsky’s legs.

Karofsky doubled over on the ground. Kurt stood over him, glaring at him in disgust.

Eventually, he slowly started to get up, and Kurt waited until he was at least half standing up.

“Fuck you, Karofsky,” Kurt spat at him, and he punched him hard across the face, causing him to fall to the ground again. “Stay away from my boyfriend.”

Blaine was struggling as hard as he could to break free from the jocks that were pulling him away so that he could get back to Kurt.

Kurt still had not given him any details about what had happened at the beginning of his junior year, but Blaine knew that the bullying had gotten really bad, and that Karofsky had been his biggest tormentor.

Blaine knew that it was an extremely bad idea for Karofsky to be alone with Kurt, and Blaine had to get back to him.

He was out numbered though, and even though he was trying as hard as he could, he could not get free.

The jocks rounded to the other side of the building, and the two jocks held him up so that he was facing the other one.

“Let me go, you assholes,” Blaine spat at them.

The jock moved forward punched Blaine in the stomach, causing him to double over, but he was still being held up by the other two jocks. The other jock landed two more blows, each time knocking the breath out of Blaine before he got a chance to fully recover.

Just when Blaine expected another hit to come, he was met with a shout instead, and he looked up to see the jock being wheeled around by Kurt who punched him and knocked him to the ground.

One of the jocks holding Blaine’s arms let go to go after Kurt, and as soon as he let go, Blaine started to try to fight off the other guy holding onto his arm. The guy quickly realized what Blaine was doing, and unfortunately was one step ahead of him. He grabbed Blaine by his shirt and slammed him up against the nearest wall.

 Blaine let out a small cry of pain as his back hit the hard wall and the bricks scrapped up his arms.

“Shit, Blaine!” Kurt yelled. Blaine looked up to see Kurt turned to him with a look of concern on his face. Noticing that Kurt was distracted, the jock he had been fighting took the opportunity to knee him in the stomach, bringing him to the ground.

“Kurt!” Blaine tried to break away from the guy holding him, but he was roughly shoved back against the wall.  “Leave us alone, you bastards!” Blaine yelled back at his tormentors.

“Why, you little shit,” The guy holding him wound his fist back getting ready to punch him, when all of the sudden he was pulled away from Blaine and slammed up against the wall next to him with a great deal of force.

“Now, that’s not very nice,”

“Puck,” Blaine breathed out in a relived voice.

“I’d get out of here if I were you,” Puck said as he took down the guy he had been holding against the wall and threw him toward the other two jocks.

“Fuck off, Puckerman,” one of the jocks said, “We aren’t scared of you.”

Puck strolled over to them, “No, but Johnson is still lurking around the school, and I don’t think he would be very happy with all of this.”

One of the jocks hit the other on the shoulder, “Come on, let’s just get out of here,” they all reluctantly turned and started to leave. One of them threw back, “Yeah, wouldn’t want to end up in juvie like some of the other trash here,” and Puck just flipped them off.

While the exchange had been going on between Puck and the jocks, Blaine had turned his attention to Kurt who was still doubled over on the ground clutching his stomach.

“Kurt? Kurt, are you okay? What’s wrong? What can I do?” Blaine was starting to panic a little bit that something was actually really wrong and was about to call Puck over before Kurt put his hand on Blaine’s arm.

“Blaine, calm down. I just have to catch my breath…” He sat back on the ground, facing Blaine now, “He hit me pretty hard,”

Blaine was still slightly panicking, “Kurt, are you sure you are okay? Are you sure you are not hurt anywhere? Do we need to go to the hospital or something?” Blaine was running his hands all over Kurt, trying to check for any major injuries or anything that looked serious. As far as Blaine could tell, nothing seemed to be broken. He could recognize that Kurt was going to have some nasty bruises for a while where he had been punched, but ice could help the swelling go down quickly. He looked up at Kurt’s face and saw another injury. There was a cut running along his cheek that looked deeper than just a common scrape. 

“Oh god, Kurt,” Blaine was instinctively reaching forward to stroke his cheek, but thought better of it because of the cut. “Maybe the nurse is still here or we can go to the hospital or—“

“Blaine. Blaine, Blaine!” Kurt cut him off as he began to ramble and panic again. “Blaine, it’s no big deal, it’s just a cut. I think I’m gonna live,” Kurt reached out to stroke Blaine’s arm to try and calm him.

Blaine was just looking at him for a few minutes before his face fell and he threw his arms around Kurt’s neck hugging him tightly, almost knocking the breath out of him again. Kurt just wrapped his arms around him securely, glad that he was safe and near again.

“Oh god, Kurt. I was so scared. Mainly for you. You were alone with Karofsky, and I didn’t know how I was going to get back to you. He could have hurt you really bad, and I just—“ He pulled back to look at Kurt for a moment before he surged forward and kissed him earnestly.

Kurt accepted the kiss at first, but then he flinched when the pressing made his cheek give a painful twinge. Blaine quickly pulled back, “Oh, Kurt, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you! Are you sure you’re okay? Are you—“

“Blaine!” Kurt had to cut him off again. “You have got to calm down. I'm fine I promise.”

“Just fine?”

Kurt sighed, “We should leave. I think I have some things I need to explain.”

Blaine nodded and said, “Okay” before helping Kurt up.

Puck had been watching the two, to make sure that they were going to be okay.

“Thanks, Puck,” Kurt said when he noticed him still standing there.

“No problem dude,” He walked over and gave Kurt a fist bump, “those douche bags need to be taught a lesson every now and then. Too bad Quinn wasn’t here, she would have really kicked some ass,”

Kurt laughed a little, “Yeah, probably,”

Puck turned to Blaine, “You gonna be alright, little man?”

Blaine gave a small nod and then said, “I’m not that short.” Puck laughed.

“Thanks for helping,” Blaine said.

“Anytime,” Puck replied. Kurt and Blaine began making their way toward Blaine’s car. There was no way that Blaine was going to let Kurt ride his motorcycle in the condition he was in, no matter how fine Kurt claimed to be.






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