Everything is perfect, or so it seems.
3AM shower. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Everything is perfect, or so it seems.: 3AM shower.

T - Words: 1,119 - Last Updated: Mar 07, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Mar 07, 2012 - Updated: Mar 07, 2012
615 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: mindless fluff both written at 3AM and taking place at 3AM. i like to think that i'm not the only one who wakes up that early. so i made blaine get up super early. puppy!blaine & sleepy!kurt.

    Blaine’s awake, bouncing around the room dancing to the music playing from his iPod that only he can hear. Kurt heard the distinct click of the closet where Blaine had left his clothes. Kurt figures its morning already and Blaine’s probably getting ready to take a shower. He rolls over to look at the clock and can make out 3 letters written in red light across the screen.


    “Blaine! For the love o--” Kurt began to yell, only to be cut off by his boyfriend stepping out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist and his earphones still in. He listened to his music so loud; Kurt was surprised he had heard him at all.

    “Yes?” He cocked an eyebrow, turning his head to the side like a puppy, a look impossible for Kurt to ever stay mad at for longer than a few seconds.

    “What the hell are you doing at this godforsaken hour?”

    “Taking a shower?”

    “At THREE AM?

    “Yeah, pretty much.”

    “Why?” The whole situation puzzled Kurt beyond his wildest dreams. Who could wake up at this hour, let alone act like a hyperactive puppy at this hour? Leave it to Blaine. He never did anything like everyone else, but for the most part, Kurt loved that about him. But 3 A.M., Blaine? This isn’t going to fly. Kurt’s internal monologue was quickly cut off by the boy in the towel’s answer.

    “...because that’s what I always do...?” Blaine looked confused, apparently unaware that waking up at such an hour was not something most people do.

    “You shower at three A.M. everyday?” Blaine nodded, obviously failing to see the point Kurt was trying to make. But in his defense, Kurt was just repeating the same question different ways. It was 3:45 in the morning, after all.

    “Yes, Kurt. I shower at 3 every morning.”

    “You seemed to have failed to tell me that when I invited you to sleep over, you turd.” Blaine gave Kurt a look that could only be described as his kicked puppy face. He pouted his bottom lip and widened his hazel eyes now, obviously playing up the dramatics a bit.

    “Oh... well... uh, do you want me to leave then... I’m sorry...” He wouldn’t look up at Kurt, who couldn’t tell if Blaine was mad at him or at himself. Either way, Blaine looked terribly sad and Kurt didn’t like it.

    “No, you stay. You woke me up, so now you’re stuck with grumpy, three in the morning Kurt.” He made his best ‘scary face’ at Blaine, who started giggling then broke out a face of mock-fear. “Take your shower, but make it quick. It’s cold and you’re loud. You’ll wake everyone else up. Then you’ll really be in trouble. I doubt that kicked puppy face, as adorable as it may be, will work on my dad or Finn.” He laughed and Blaine smiled, turning towards the shower with that enthusiastic spin he manages to work into all of his dance numbers.

    “Don’t. Move.” He had turned his head around, commanding Kurt to stay where he was.

    “Yeah, like I’m going anywhere."

In what seemed like only a matter of minutes later, Kurt heard the shower door click open. Now, he wasn’t trying to creep on his boyfriend showering or anything, it just happened that the bathroom door was obnoxiously thin. Not much later than when he had heard the door open, he heard the sound of wet hair being shaken and the next thing he knew, Blaine was practically flying onto the bed and crawling up next to him. Blaine had neglected to put on a shirt after he had crawled out of the shower and was now only wearing gray Dalton Baseball sweatpants and a pair of mismatched socks. Kurt absentmindedly giggled at the sight of the boy he loved finally letting loose. This was the first time Kurt had really seen him without gel in his hair. And wow, his hair was gorgeous without it. Once he clued into reality, he realized his boyfriend's tongue growing closer to the side of his face.


"Blaine, what ar–"


Blaine cut him off with a slow lick, starting at his jaw and continuing all the way up to his hairline, which, by the way, his hair managed to still be flawless even after sleep had attacked it. After his tongue had finished its invasion of Kurt's cheek, Blaine turned a bright shade of pink, which he imagined was probably somewhere near the color of his favorite sunglasses as he ran his fingers through his ungelled hair, which he knew was wet and looked like a mess. But then he felt Kurt's fingers wind their way into his thick curls, no longer phased by the fact that Blaine had just licked his face.


“Agh,” a small groan escaped Kurt's perfect lips, “why do you gel your hair? This is fantastic... I don't understand. Why would you ever hide this? It's so soft and just– ah, there are no words.” Kurt wound his fingers deeper into Blaine's hair, stroking it gently.


“Wait, wait, wait. This isn't right.” He looked down at himself and over at Kurt, curled up in his sheets, still touching Blaine's hair. “Oh no, not at all.” Kurt pulled his hand back, shooting Blaine a worried expression. Next thing Blaine knew, he felt himself pulling Kurt up into a position of half-sitting, half-laying down, and Blaine crawled onto his lap, curling himself up as small as he could, and laid there, waiting for Kurt to throw him off the bed, or yell at him, or throw him out if the house, or something of that nature. After all, he was lying in Kurt's lap, and he wasn't wearing a shirt because he was too lazy to put one on. Instead, he felt Kurt's hand reach out and take his hand, squeezing it gently.


“Is... Is this okay...?” He asked nervously, his voice barely above a whisper.


“Of course it is...” Kurt smiled as he slid Blaine higher up onto his stomach and rolled him over onto his side next to Kurt. Then, he felt Kurt grab his wrists. He went completely limp, allowing Kurt to arrange him however he pleased. Once Kurt was done, the pair hand their hands clasped together, one of Blaine's arms was across Kurt's chest with his hand placed over his heart, and Blaine had found himself intertwining his legs with Kurt's.

“But this is so much better.”


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