March 7, 2012, 3:08 a.m.
March 7, 2012, 3:08 a.m.
Kurt's phone vibrated in his pocket, interrupting his concentration from the lecture his history teacher was giving on who even knows what, he honestly didn't know. He couldn't stop thinking about Blaine lying on the floor in that parking structure, screaming and writhing in pain. His heart physically hurt every time he remembered the sight. He was shot back into reality by the second vibration of his phone, reminding him of the text. He studied the teacher carefully, making sure he wouldn't get caught as he slid his phone out of his pocket, looking down at the text.
R u in class still?
He typed back expertly, only looking down at the screen to make sure his text made sense.
Blaine's screen lit up and he grabbed it off his stomach with trembling hands.
I get out in 20 minutes or so. Are you okay?
Fingers shaking, he tapped out his response.
Yeah. Just missing you.
Kurt shook his head, reading Blaine's reply. He knew he wasn't okay, but it was unlike Blaine to ever admit he was anything less than fantastic.
Don't lie to me. I know you're not okay. I'll be over soon. Love you <3
Blaine smiled slightly, knowing it was crooked. The right side of his face stung like, well, like someone had flung rock salt in his face. At least he was back home now and he knew his wonderful boyfriend would be by his side soon. He closed his eyes, trying to make this brain stop thinking. Nothing was working. He shook a little more now, flashing back to previous years and the bullying he'd endured. Tears were now steadily streaming down his cheeks. He shakily tapped out his reply.
Hurry? <3
And then Kurt made a decision he never thought he'd make. He stood up, walked to the teacher and politely asked to go to the bathroom. The teacher allowed, and the second Kurt stepped outside the door he broke into a dead sprint, leaving all his belongs behind except his keys and his phone, and not caring about what the consequences of leaving school would be. He needed to see Blaine.
Now generally, Kurt Hummel was a fantastic driver. But right now, that didn't matter. He was driving 25 miles per hour over the speed limit, but he got to Blaine's house in 10 minutes. The front door was unlocked and Kurt found himself flying up the stairs. He stopped dead in his tracks at Blaine's door, composing himself before slowly opening the door, quietly walking in to find Blaine curled up into a ball on his bed, right eye patched, tears running down his cheeks, hands and the rest of him noticeably shaking.
"...Blaine...” Kurt's voice broke the silence of the room. Blaine lifted his head, his hands flying to his cheeks, trying to hide the tears. "Hey... What's wrong?" he sat down next to Blaine on the bed taking his hands in his own. "You know you can tell me anything." Then it occurred to him what was wrong. He threw his arms around Blaine, pulling him as tightly to himself as he could, trying to stop the shaking. Blaine buried his face into Kurt's neck, sobbing quietly into his shirt, the shaking growing more violent.
"Kurt... I'm scared." his voice replies, muffled from the material on his boyfriend's shoulder, and shaking with a fear Blaine could no longer hide.
Blaine was now squeezing Kurt's hand so tight, Kurt was sure he would crush every bone in it. But it would be worth it. He's never seen Blaine so scared before. So, terrified and vulnerable. He has folded himself up as tight as he could against Kurt's body and Kurt could feel his heart beat against him at an alarming rate. Kurt wrapped an arm around his boyfriend, trying to be reassuring.
Blaine pulled away, as though suddenly shocked by Kurt's presence. He was now sitting straight up with a look in his eyes unlike Kurt had ever seen before. His pupils were huge and his irises were a frightening golden amber.
"I think you should leave...." Blaine suggests quietly, not looking Kurt in the eyes.
"Blaine... What's wrong..? I know you're scared. I know you're not okay. But please, listen. Lay back down. I'll grab a chair and sit by your bed, and you can talk to me if you want. Otherwise I'll just sit over here quietly. But I'm not going to leave. Not when you're like this." he spoke softly, watching tears rise into Blaine's eyes as he slid Blaine's desk chair towards the bed and sat down.
Blaine sat on the edge of his bed, staring down at his dangling feet, socks pushed down at the top. He nervously leaned over, placing his elbows on his knees and curling his upper body downward, burying his face in his hands. The world spun around him and his stomach was tied up in knots. He guessed he was probably seriously pale. His breathing was shallow and he could feel Kurt's eyes watching him.
Kurt wasn't sure what to do. Seeing Blaine like this was not something he was used to. Usually Blaine was so strong, so unphased by everything. But right now, he looked so small, so broken. Kurt couldn't decide whether or not he should touch him. He reached an arm out, gently running his arm down Blaine's forearm. He saw Blaine's body relax slightly as he took a deep breath in.
"Thank you, Kurt." This was the first time either of them had spoken in a while and his voice startled Kurt.
"You're welcome, Blaine. You know I'm always here for you."
Blaine was half laying down now, finally beginning to calm down but he was squeezing Kurt's hand tightly and they were both staring into each others eyes, well, trying to at least, Blaine's eye patch made it a bit difficult. And then Finn and Rachel walked in.