July 23, 2012, 1:40 p.m.
July 23, 2012, 1:40 p.m.
Title: Summer Buzzkill (part 2/6)
Author: star55 and spinmybowtie
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Kurt/Blaine
Word Count: 2,000+/12,200+
Summary: The five times Burt catches Kurt and Blaine having sex and it’s awkward and the one time it isn’t...
Warnings: This part: embarrassment
A/N: For this prompt at the GKM. A massive thanks to our beta slayerkitty
Disclaimer: Not mine. We just have a vivid and healthy imaginations.
Kurt was ecstatic. The house was empty, his bedroom door was closed and Blaine was shirtless already, lying on his stomach on Kurt's bed. His day couldn't get any better than this.
Kurt felt lazy and happy right then. After the previous week's debacle, where his dad had caught Blaine and him on the couch, Blaine hadn't really wanted to get sexual with Kurt in case it happened again. Kurt understood, of course - there was nothing that killed the mood faster than a parent walking in on the middle of sex. They had hours to themselves this time, though. Glorious hours to explore each other and to get reacquainted with each other's bodies. Kurt couldn't wait.
He had Blaine underneath him, and he was sucking at Blaine's birthmark on the back of his neck, knowing it was a spot that made Blaine shiver in the best possible ways.
"Kurt," Blaine's voice rang out. "Stop teasing."
Kurt smiled and dragged his tongue down Blaine's spine, stopping to dip his tongue into the gorgeous dimples on Blaine's lower back.
"Roll over," Kurt requested softly.
Blaine did as he was told. Kurt shifted to straddle his thighs, taking a moment to admire the gorgeous man in front of him. He ran his fingers up and down Blaine's torso, tracing every line of hard muscle under smooth skin. He would never get over how perfect Blaine was.
"What do you want?" Kurt asked, trailing the tip of his finger along the waistband of Blaine's jeans.
"Just you," Blaine responded, his voice low and filled with want.
"Hmm... you'll have to be more specific than that," Kurt smirked, loving the fact that he had time to tease Blaine even more.
Blaine's hands came up to hold onto Kurt's hips, squeezing lightly. Kurt rutted down into Blaine's crotch, feeling Blaine harden underneath him.
"Well?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow at Blaine.
Blaine swallowed thickly and Kurt couldn't tear his gaze away from the way Blaine's Adam's apple bobbed in his throat. He leaned forward and ran his tongue over Blaine's throat, pausing to suck every now and then.
Blaine's grip tightened on his hips and Kurt smirked against the skin of Blaine's neck.
Kurt sat up again, continuing to smile devilishly down at Blaine.
"Well, if you're not going to tell me what you want..." Kurt brought his hands to his own thighs, running them up the inseam of his pants slowly. "Maybe I just need to take matters into my own hands."
Kurt watched Blaine gape at him as he smoothed his hands over his stomach, dragging them up to his chest. He felt Blaine's hips thrust up as he pinched at his own nipple, making him moan softly at the sensations.
"Kurt, come on," Blaine pleaded, bringing his hands to Kurt's belt. Kurt pushed Blaine's hands away and began working his pants open himself, drawing it out as much as possible.
"Patience, Blaine." Kurt winked at Blaine as he pulled his pants down a bit to release his hard cock.
Blaine licked his lips, watching and Kurt stroked himself once. He closed his eyes and let out a long moan, hips automatically bucking down into Blaine's. Kurt lazily stroked his cock, flicking his thumb over the head. He gathered the pre-come that had pooled there and brought his thumb to his lips, locking gazes with Blaine as he sucked the digit into his mouth.
Blaine's jaw dropped open and he gripped at Kurt's hips a little tighter.
"So..." Kurt said as he licked his lips, making sure he didn't have any drops of pre-come on them. "Are you ready to tell me what you want?"
"Just keep g-going," Blaine stuttered out, starting to undo his own pants. "Let me see."
Kurt was never one to turn down putting on a show. He continued to stroke himself slowly, arching his back to put himself fully on display. He brought one hand up to Blaine's mouth, making Blaine look at him with confusion.
"Lick," Kurt ordered, sounding more confident than he felt. Blaine's eyes widened at the command, but he turned his face to meet Kurt's open palm. Kurt's eyes locked with Blaine's as Blaine licked a long, wet stripe up his hand. Blaine licked twice more, Kurt watching his tongue move and shaking off thoughts of even better uses for it. Kurt swiped his thumb across Blaine's lips, gathering up spit that had dripped down, and returned his hand to his own cock.
Kurt started to stroke himself again, groaning at the slick feeling of his hand. He kept his eyes on Blaine, who was frantically trying to pull his own dick out. Kurt shifted further down Blaine's thighs, allowing Blaine to have a little more room. Kurt knew how much Blaine loved to watch him, and knowing that he turned him on so much sent a surge of need through him.
"Blaine, grab the lube," Kurt raised himself up so that Blaine could reach for the night stand drawer. Kurt kept stroking himself at a slow, lazy rhythm as Blaine fumbled around for the lube.
"Kurt, did you grab the lube that we got earlier?" Blaine asked, now almost completely turned to his side as he continued to dig through the drawer.
Kurt mentally scolded himself for forgetting about the lube completely. Although, he had been a bit distracted by Blaine being, well... Blaine.
"Do you mind going downstairs to grab it?" Blaine looked at Kurt with pleading eyes. Even though nobody was home, Kurt knew that Blaine was worried about getting caught again.
Kurt looked down at his cock and then back at Blaine. "Can you go get it?" he asked. He was too painfully hard to try and cover up enough to go downstairs and get the lube. "Please?"
He could see Blaine's resolve crumbling and the nod that came a moment later made Kurt smile.
"Fine," Blaine agreed.
Kurt shifted off Blaine so Blaine could leave the room and he lay back on the soft covers of his bed. Kurt shimmied the rest of the way out of his pants and underwear and dropped them to the floor. He licked at his palm again and started stroking himself once more. He let his eyes fall closed as he stroked himself, waiting for Blaine to rejoin him.
Kurt felt the bed dip next to him a moment later and he opened his eyes only to get a blurry vision of Blaine too close before Blaine's lips met his own. He stopped stroking his cock, moving his hand to fist in Blaine's hair. He moaned into the kiss, flicking his tongue into Blaine's mouth just the way he liked it.
"I got the lube," Blaine said as he broke the kiss.
"Good," Kurt whispered back, kissing Blaine again. "Lie back down."
Blaine immediately complied, lying down on his back and Kurt straddled Blaine's thighs once again. He shifted forwards slightly and reached for the lubricant. He popped the cap open and poured a gratuitous amount into his palm before taking both his and Blaine's cocks as best as he could into one hand, stroking them.
Blaine keened loudly as Kurt kept stroking them. He reached for Blaine's hand with his free one and nudged the bottle of lube into his palm. Blaine took the hint and poured lubricant into his own hand and joined Kurt's on their cocks a moment later.
Kurt groaned at the touch, thrusting into the slickness. He was already so close, just from his own hand, that every time his cock slid against Blaine's he couldn't help the loud groans that fell from his lips. They continued to thrust their hips, their cocks gliding together.
"You feel so good," Kurt mumbled, rocking his hips forwards again, taking in every movement of Blaine's cock against his own.
"You do too," Blaine echoed. He flexed his hips upwards and Kurt had to grip onto Blaine's hip to steady himself.
"I'm so close," Kurt panted out, rocking his hips a little faster.
"Come for me, Kurt," Blaine said, voice all husky.
Kurt felt his body react quickly to Blaine's words. He had been on the edge for so long, needing just a small nudge before falling. He cried out as he came hard, spilling out over their fists and onto Blaine's stomach. Kurt was breathing heavily, shaking from the aftershocks of his orgasm as Blaine worked him through it.
Kurt had to force himself not to fall over on top of Blaine in his boneless state. He propped himself up on one arm, using his other hand to continue stroking Blaine.
Blaine dropped both of his hands to his sides and fisted the blanket, allowing Kurt to continue bringing him closer and closer to orgasm.
"Kurt, oh god, so close, so cl-"
"Hey, Kurt, is Blaine staying for-"
Kurt wasn't sure if it was pure shock that made him do it, but his arm jerked one last time, and there was no way Blaine could have stopped it. Not even the sound of Burt's voice could stop him from coming all over Kurt's hand and his own stomach.
Kurt was afraid to turn his head. He saw that Blaine's eyes were shut tight and his body was still shaking as he came down from his orgasm. Reluctantly, Kurt looked over toward his doorway, where Burt was standing with his hand over his eyes.
"Umm... yes, Dad?" Kurt was surprised he was able to speak at all; the embarrassment at not only being naked, but being caught jerking off his boyfriend, was almost too much for him to handle.
"When you boys are done, I'd like to talk to you," Burt said. "Both of you."
"Yes, Dad," Kurt replied meekly.
"Has he gone?" Blaine whispered once the sound of a door closing echoed through the room.
"He's gone. You can move now," Kurt told Blaine, smiling down at him despite the situation.
Blaine wriggled underneath him and Kurt reached over onto his night stand for the tissues.
"I'll go get a cloth," Kurt said, getting up off the bed.
Once they were both cleaned up and fully clothed, they headed down the stairs. Kurt had reassured Blaine that he would not be murdered or buried alive in the backyard, but Blaine still looked terrified. They found Burt in the living room watching TV, which was promptly shut off once Burt noticed them standing awkwardly behind him.
Burt gestured over to the couch, and Kurt led Blaine over to sit down. Blaine made sure to sit as far away from Kurt as possible, not wanting to aggravate the situation even more.
"Look guys," Burt started, trying not to make the conversation last longer than need be. "I know you are going to... do... stuff. I'm glad you made it to the bedroom this time, but couldn't one of you thought to close the door?"
"Mr Hummel, that was all my fault," Blaine started rambling, Kurt staring at him with wide eyes. "I swear I closed the door, sir, but then I had to go get something and then when I got back, well, I was a bit distracted and-"
"Okay!" Kurt interjected, cutting off Blaine's word vomit. "Yes, Dad, I promise we will be more careful about leaving the door closed. Is that all?"
"Just don't let it happen again," Burt said in his most authoritative voice. Both Kurt and Blaine nodded quickly, Kurt being very relieved that the conversation would not be too scarring.
They got up quickly and had started to head back upstairs when Burt spoke again.
"Hey, Blaine?"
"Yes, sir," Blaine responded, standing ramrod straight. Even when he was shaking in his boat shoes, Kurt had to admit that Blaine was adorable.
"Your fly is down," Burt said as he turned the TV back on.
Blaine pulled his zipper up, his face as red as it could possibly get. Kurt patted him on the back and led him back up the stairs. He was going to have to give Blaine a lot of cuddles to make up for this disaster.
Cuddles indeed and Im pretty sure Burt's reflexes are gonna get a lot faster if he wants to avoid seeing anymore of Klaine together...
Haha, he will indeed! XD