April 30, 2012, 4:44 a.m.
April 30, 2012, 4:44 a.m.
Parker scratched his head, “Uh, all I know is what I saw on TV. Let me ask my roommate, he might know,” Leaning back, Parker looked out onto the porch, Parker screamed to Kurt, and Blaine, “Hey guys, could you come here a sec?”
Kurt and Blaine looked over at each other quickly, worried. As they stood up, they tried desperately to compose themselves, hoping they wouldn’t give anything away. Reaching the door, both boys smiled over at the cop, Kurt speaking, “Hi Officer, is there anything I can help you with?”
“Yes, do you know anything about the news about a Reed Lewis?”
Tilting his head to the side, Kurt thought for a moment, “You mean that guy on TV? Oh, all I know is what I saw.”
Blaine looked up at him, nodding, “Same here.”
The cop nodded, “Thank you.”
With that he left, walking down the hall to ask the rest of the floor. Parker closed the door, leaning up against it, looking over at Blaine and Kurt. No one said anything, all of them just taking in what had just happened. Kurt grabbed hold of Blaine’s hand, squeezing tightly, taking deep breaths, trying to keep his cool as the two of them stood there with Parker.
Blaine ran his hand through his hair, “Uh, Kurt, when’s your uh, first class?”
“Oh, I don’t have class until about two hours from now.”
A small smile fell across Blaine’s face, “Good, do you want to go get some coffee or something?”
Kurt nodded, letting go of Blaine’s hand. He walked into his bedroom, grabbing his phone and wallet, a jacket and a pair of gloves slipping them onto his hands. They headed to Blaine’s apartment to pick up a pair of gloves as well, since the weather had dropped so considerably. Interlocking their gloved hands, the two boys walked down to the coffee shop, to just talk about all of this.
As they arrived at the coffee shop, the boys ordered their coffees, never letting go of each other’s hands. The feeling of just being together, the ability to have that kind of connection with someone was something both boys valued. The fact that they’d only known each other for a few weeks didn’t matter anymore.
Sitting down in one of the booths in the back, Kurt rested his head on Blaine’s chest. Blaine’s arm was around Kurt, their hands intertwining, just ever so slightly, only the slightest touch actually needed. Blaine found himself gently rubbing his thumb over Kurt’s fingers as they just sat there enjoying each other’s company.
“It’s nice to just sit here with you.”
Kurt chuckled, “You ruined the moment babe, but yes, it is. I like having someone I’m not afraid to be myself with.”
Blaine kissed the top of Kurt’s head affectionately, “I feel the same way. You get me Kurt, and I really appreciate that. Not many people do.”
Kurt snuggled up closer into Blaine’s chest, “I guess we both just got lucky then huh?”
Running his hands through Kurt’s hair, Blaine hummed softly, pulling him closer. The two boys sat there, just drinking their coffee, watching all the people that came in. As their coffee’s disappeared, the boys stood up, throwing them in the trash, their hands still holding on tightly to each other’s.
Both boys had class in the science building, thus Blaine walked Kurt to class. As they walked up the stairs and down the hall, they were whispering to each other, giggling and talking about possible plans for the weekend. As they stopped outside Room 124 Blaine pushed Kurt up against the wall, staring into his eyes.
He ran his hand along Kurt’s jawline, smiling at him before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on his lips. Chuckling softly, Kurt deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into Blaine’s mouth. He slid his hands around Blaine’s neck, grabbing hold of his dark curls. Pulling away from the kiss Blaine grinned, resting his forehead against Kurt’s, “I’ll see you after class yeah?”
“Definitely.” Kurt smiled, ruffling Blaine’s hair and disappearing inside the classroom.
As Blaine turned in the opposite direction to head back to class he felt someone bump into him. He snapped his head up, to come face to face with a boy he knew was in his Biology class, staring down at him, “The whole world doesn’t need to see you suck the face off your faggy boyfriend.”
“Just fuck off.” Blaine spat, pushing away from him.
“Oh the fag’s got quite a mouth does he?” The boy chuckled.
Blaine just groaned, walking into the classroom, taking his usual seat on the opposite side of the classroom. The boy sat down behind him, poking him in the shoulder, whispering and chuckling, “The fag has a little faggy boyfriend.”
Whipping his head around Blaine glared at the boy, “Will you quit saying that word?”
“What word? Fag? It’s what you are. Or would you like me to use fairy instead? I think they both work quite well.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Blaine whispered.
The boy just laughed, letting his head fall back in laughter, “You’re so pathetic, all fags are.”
Blaine just groaned, letting his head fall into his hands. He was fed up with this guy. Ever since he’d seen Blaine checking out some of the boys in the class and around campus, he’d teased him. It was getting to the point where he really just wanted to kill him, just so it would stop. His mind flashed back to the other night, when him and Kurt had killed those three in the alleyway.
Could he do that? Could he and Kurt find a way to kill him without anyone knowing it was them? A sinister smile fell across Blaine’s face at the thought of watching him die. Shifting in his seat, he pulled out his notebook and pencil to take notes for class. He slipped his phone out of his pocket and placed it flat on his desk, behind his notebook, hiding it from the teacher’s eyes.
He sent a quick text to Kurt.
From: Blaine
There’s this guy who won’t stop bullying me. I’ve gotten fed up. He’ll without a doubt follow me after class. Meet me at the west side stairs after.
A few moments later, his phone blinked, with a message back.
From: Kurt
See you there. Does this mean I get stair sex?
From: Blaine
As long as you blow me.
From: Kurt
You’ll have to earn that.
A soft chuckle left Blaine’s lips as he slipped his phone back into his pocket. Just as he had flipped open his notebook to start writing down notes he saw a piece of paper fall in his lap. Picking it up, he unfolded it, reading it
Is ur faggy bf textin u?
Blaine rolled his eyes, crumpling up the note and throwing it back over his head. He picked up his pen, scribbling down notes from the lecture, trying to listen to the teacher and not the idiot whispering behind him. As much as he personally disliked the topic of evolution, it was far more appealing than those boys. Running his hand through his hair, he tried to focus on the teacher, trying to understand what his take on evolution was, knowing it’d be on the exam.
Every few minutes or so, the idiot would lean forward and whisper in Blaine’s ear. Halfway through the class, Blaine had enough. He turned around and snapped loudly, “Shut the fuck up before I kick you hard enough in the balls so that you won’t ever be able to use your dick again!”
The guy looked at Blaine with a shocked look on his face, blinking slowly. His eyes wandered up to the teacher. Their biology teacher, Mr. Harder blinked, dropping his jaw slightly, “Excuse me? What did you just say?”
Blaine snapped around to face him, “I... I just... he was just... annoying me.”
Mr. Harder raised his eyebrows, “I will not have language like that tossed around in my classroom. Please leave.”
Staring up at the teacher, he sighed, packing up his notebook and throwing his pen into his bag, he stood up, looking back over at the guy, “Fuck you.”
“And again with language. I said leave.”
Blaine groaned, leaving the classroom. He sat down on one of the benches, pulled his knees up to his chest and just sat there. His phone was pulled out of his pocket, a text sent to Kurt.
From: Blaine
I just got fucking kicked out of class for shouting at that bully.
From: Kurt
WHAT? Blaine, why? That’ll just make him tease you more, you know that.
From: Blaine
No. It makes me want to kill him more.
From: Kurt
Hold it in, hold it in for another 25 minutes. You can do it.
From: Blaine
Can I do you?
From: Kurt
Like I said before, you’ve got to earn it babe.
Just chuckling softly, he sat on the bench for the next twenty minutes or so, fiddling around with his phone, looking at pictures he had on there, going through old text messages and browsing through his contact list. He pursed his lips and let his head fall back against the wall as he heard doors opening. Upon seeing Kurt walk out of class and head to the west side staircase, he jumped up, rushing over to him, hugging him from behind.
Kurt smiled at the touch, turning around, hugging Blaine back tightly. Kurt could see a tall guy with blonde hair, gelled up, pointing, and laughing with his friend. As he pulled away from Blaine he turned him around, “Is that him?”
“Yeah, that’s him. That’s the asshole that got me fucking kicked out of class.”
“Do you think he’ll come over here?”
A small smirk played at Blaine’s lips as he glanced over at the boy. He took Kurt’s face in his hands, “I do.” He pressed his lips against Kurt’s, hard, sliding his tongue into his mouth sloppily, caressing Kurt’s face with his hands. He felt Kurt flinch before he sank into the kiss, taking hold of Blaine’s waist tightly, gripping onto his jacket.
“And he goes at it again in the middle of the hallway. Really, you need to fucking learn some manners faggot.”
Blaine pulled away from Kurt, looking over at the guy, “Go at what again? You mean making out with a guy? Haven’t you done that with your friends? I saw you last weekend.”
The guy’s face stiffened, “You saw what? I didn’t do anything.”
“I beg to differ. You sucked his cock didn’t you? And you liked it.”
His friends all looked over at Blaine questioningly and back over at their friend, their eyebrows raised in sheer confusion. He ran his hand through his hair, “Guys, come on. If I did, I was drunk and someone forced me. Really, do you believe the fairy?”
“If I remember correctly, you really enjoyed it.”
“You’re gonna get it faggot. You and your little faggy boyfriend better be ready to be bruised to no end.”
Blaine turned to face Kurt, smiling softly as he walked over to the west side staircase with the guy following behind him. He took hold of Kurt’s hand, yanking him along, pushing the door open and letting it shut. Resting his back up against the wall, he stood in the middle of the stairs, with Kurt leaning up against the railing, waiting patiently for the bully.
As the door was pushed open again, the two boys looked up into the bully’s face, his scowl, burning into their souls, “Fuck you faggot. You can’t fucking say shit like that!”
He stormed down the stairs pushing Blaine up against the wall harder, taking hold of his shirt. Blaine couldn’t help but chuckle, “I bet this turns you on, being pressed up against a guy like this.”
The bully tightened his grip on Blaine’s shirt before he threw him down the stairs. Blaine stumbled, catching himself, looking up at him, “Is that all you’ve got?”
As Blaine stood up and the bully walked towards Blaine, Kurt, grabbed hold of his arm, yanking him back towards him. He placed his hands on his shoulders, kneeing him in the balls, “Leave my boyfriend the fuck alone!”
The bully groaned in pain, his hands clutching his crotch as he sunk down to the floor, sitting on the stairs, whimpering, “Is that all you’ve got faggots? Come on, that can’t be it. That’s pathetic.”
Kurt slipped his hand into his bag pulling out a pocketknife, flicking the knife out, “Oh, so you think I’m pathetic?” He questioned as he gently traced the edge of the knife.
The bully immediately stepped back, his back pressed up against the wall, “You... you won’t hurt me right?”
A soft chuckle left Blaine’s lips as he climbed back up the stairs, “That remains to be seen.”
“What? I... I won’t call you faggot again okay? It’s just... well you are.”
Kurt shook his head slowly, “That, was the wrong thing to say.”
Blaine pushed the bully, hard. He stumbled, trying to catch himself. Being unsuccessful he tripped, falling onto his back, a loud thunk on the stairs as his head hit. He slipped down the stairs, his head hitting each time. The blood seeped out of his head, making a pool beneath him. The blood dripped down the stairs, pooling at the bottom. Kurt stepped down the stairs, holding his pocketknife in his hand. He stabbed the bully in the chest, just to be sure.
Taking hold of Kurt’s shoulder’s Blaine pulled him off, “He’s dead.”
Pushing Kurt up against the wall, standing on the same stair, Blaine pressed his lips against Kurt’s fiercely. Kurt moaned, taking hold of Blaine’s jacket, pulling him closer. Blaine fumbled with his belt buckle, unlocking it and unzipping his pants. Kurt whimpered at the sight, fumbling with his own. Before he knew it, Blaine had pressed his cock up against Kurt’s, growling in his ear.
Kurt let his head fall back against the wall as he felt Blaine rock his hips into him. He moaned sliding his hands around to Blaine’s ass, squeezing it tightly. Blaine growled into Kurt’s ear, “Sit, down on the stairs.”
Sitting down on the stairs, Kurt let his toes curl as he watched Blaine bend down. Kurt ran his hand through Blaine’s hair, smiling softly, “Bag. Condom. Lube.”
Blaine couldn’t help but chuckle as he dug through Kurt’s bag, “You carry them around with you?”
“You never know when I might have the urge to fuck.”
Shaking his head teasingly, Blaine held the condom in his hand, ripping the packet open with his teeth. He spit the top out, taking the condom out of the packet, shoving it back into Kurt’s bag, to not leave any evidence. He pulled down his boxers, letting them sit around his knees. Sliding the condom on to his dick, he moaned. Kurt had his hand tangled in Blaine’s hair, pulling on the curls, whimpering.
“For fuck’s sake Blaine, just fuck me.”
Blaine popped open the bottle of lube, squirting some on his hand, covering his cock. He closed the bottle and threw it back in Kurt’s bag. Taking hold of his cock in one hand and Kurt’s waist in the other, he pushed his dick into Kurt, “Fuck! How are you mmmm always so tight?”
Kurt didn’t say anything, but just pulled Blaine’s face towards him for a kiss as he let out a loud moan. Blaine groaned, pushing deep into Kurt’s ass. Kurt moaned, letting his head fall back as he gripped tighter onto Blaine’s hair. He could feel Blaine filling him up, his hands gripping tightly on Kurt’s waist. Clutching tighter onto Blaine’s hair, Kurt moaned into the kiss, his tongue fighting for dominance.
Blaine pulled slowly back before pushing back into Kurt, hard. Kurt let out a loud whimper, his eyes closing, “Faster Blaine, faster.”
Growling softly in Kurt’s ear, Blaine thrust in and out of Kurt’s ass, hard and fast, the sound of his balls smacking against Kurt’s ass echoing throughout the stairwell. Surely if anyone was inside they’d hear. Loudly Kurt screamed, his jaw dropping and his breathing suddenly very quick. Blaine watched Kurt’s chest heave as he nibbled on his neck.
Sweat dripped down his body as he moaned, pushing deep into Kurt’s ass. He watched him moan loudly as he hit Kurt’s prostate. Loudly, Kurt let out a whimper as Blaine continued to just hit the spot, “Fuck Blaine, you’re... Oh God.”
Nibbling on Kurt’s neck, he gripped his waist tightly, pounding his cock into Kurt, a final time, hard, moaning as he did, his head falling back. Kurt’s eyes locked onto Blaine’s, pulling him close for a quick passionate kiss, before he came, hard. His cum covered his coat and Blaine, some on his face. Blaine groaned, watching him, letting out a breathless scream, coming just as hard as Kurt.
Down in the stairwell were the echoes of voices, laughing and the sound of shoes on the stairs. Blaine quickly pulled his cock out of Kurt’s ass, yanking the condom off and helping Kurt up. Kurt pulled up his boxers and pants, buttoning them before he helped Blaine with his. The condom holding Blaine’s cum was tied off and stuffed into Blaine’s coat pocket.
Blaine turned to face Kurt, chuckling softly, “Come here. You’ve got cum all over your face.”
Leaning towards Kurt, he kissed his lips softly, before he kissed areas of his face, licking the cum off. When he pulled away, he smiled, just looking into Kurt’s eyes, “You came really hard. I’m going to have to fuck you like that more often.”
“You don’t and we’ll have some serious problems Anderson.”
“Sounds like a plan Hummel.”
The two turned around to hear the voices they heard earlier, now louder. They were voices of two girls. Kurt and Blaine looked down at the bully, their jaws dropping slightly. Blaine squeezed Kurt’s hand, “Shit.”
“Pretend like you just saw it.” Kurt whispered in Blaine’s ear, biting it gently.
Blaine let out a soft whimper as he saw the two girls walk up the stairs to the landing separating the set of stairs, “HOLY SHIT. What happened?”
The two girls looked up, their faces confused. They quickly climbed up the last few stairs and walked over towards Kurt and Blaine. The blonde of the two was about to walk up the stairs when she felt her foot bump into something. A loud scream left her mouth as she jumped back behind her friend. The brunette looked up at Kurt and Blaine, her words soft, “D-D-Did you see it?”
Kurt shook his head, “No, we were just coming down the stairs and we saw him lying here. I-I don’t know what happened.”
Blaine walked down a few steps and bent down, “I... I think someone pushed him down the stairs and then stabbed him to make sure he was dead, at least that’s what it looks like.”
The blonde peered around her friend’s shoulder, “Are you sure?”
“That’s the only explanation, judging by the way he fell and that, right there,” He pointed to the stab wound on the bully’s chest, “Can only be a stab wound.”
Kurt fiddled with the sleeves of his coat, “To think someone would actually stab someone or even push them down the stairs with an intention of hurting them is just... it’s really heartbreaking.”
The two girls looked up at Kurt, soft frowns on their faces. The blonde stepped to the side of the stairs that the bully wasn’t, running up towards Kurt. She hugged him tightly, burying her head in his chest, “I can’t believe someone would do that.”
Kurt wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back gently, “I know. There are some sick people in this world.”
Blaine looked up at Kurt, hearing his words. They exchanged a quick glance, next time realizing they had to be a whole lot safer as to where they killed their victims. Standing up, he walked over to Kurt, picking up his bag that had been discarded on the floor, “We should tell someone.”
“Do you think we should call the police?” Kurt asked.
The blonde in his arms just squeezed onto him tighter. Blaine stood up, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he stepped down the stairs, wrapping an arm around the brunette who was just standing there in complete shock. He dialed 911 and patiently waited for someone to answer.
“Hi, yes, my name’s Blaine Anderson and I’d like to report a murder...No, I didn’t see it happen but there’s someone dead on the stairs. He’s bleeding a lot... I just didn’t know who else to call... Oh, okay, that’s good. Address? Uh, yeah, it’s 24 Hart Avenue, Johnson Myers building, the west side and the top floor staircase... 10 minutes? Okay, thank you, so much.”
Hanging up the phone he looked up at the three other standing with him, “They said that they’ll come take the body and they have people who will come clean it up and if we’re okay, they’d like to question us.”
The blonde nodded, clutching tightly onto Kurt’s jacket, “Do you think we can get in trouble? Can they figure out who did it?”
Blaine looked up at Kurt, taking deep breaths, “I don’t know. From the looks of it, whoever did kill him knew what they were doing.”
The brunette turned to face Blaine, burying her head in his chest, just holding on tightly as if she was fearing for her life. Kurt took this as a chance to mouth to Blaine, “The cum. It’s everywhere.”
Just shaking his head he reassured Kurt, “Don’t worry about that, they won’t check up that far.”
Kurt scrunched up his face, pulling out his phone, sending Blaine a text.
From: Kurt
Are you sure? You never know? I mean, could we maybe sit where we fucked and wait for them that way? They won’t check then until they leave and when the girls leave we could try and clean it up?
Blaine read the text before looking up at Kurt, nodding. He wrapped his arm gently around the girl guiding her up the stairs. They all sat down, waiting for the police to arrive. The brunette turned to face Blaine, a smile on her face, “So your name’s Blaine then?”
Smiling, Blaine nodded, “Yes.”
“I’m Sophie and uh... thanks for making us feel better.”
“Don’t worry about it, really, it’s the least we could do.”
The blonde pulled herself away from Kurt’s embrace, “I uh... I’m sorry; I get freaked out easily. I’m Felicia.”
“It’s nice to meet you Felicia, I’m Kurt.”
Felicia and Sophie smiled as they sat next to the boys, occasionally glancing over at each other. A blush formed on Sophie’s face as she felt Blaine rub her back gently in an attempt to calm her down. She had to admit he was really quite attractive. Sitting next to him, this close, smelling his cologne was making her smile. Felicia couldn’t help but bite her lip at how close Kurt was sitting next to her.
As the four heard footsteps, they all jumped up, peering over the staircase to find a few cops ascending the staircase. The tallest cop walked up the stairs, stopping, whispering and pointing to his colleagues. Two men bent down to pick up the body as another one began cleaning up the blood. The tallest cop walked up to the four, “I’m Officer Schwartz, can someone tell me what happened?”
Blaine looked up at him, “My friend and I were just walking down the stairs after class and we saw him just lying here, bloody.”
“We were coming up the stairs, when we heard Blaine talking about it.” Sophie answered.
Officer Schwartz nodded, “Alright, for the record can I get all of your names?” The cop asked, taking a pad of paper out of his pocket.
Kurt looked up at the him, “Kurt Hummel, sir.”
“Blaine Anderson.”
“Sophie Peters.”
“Felicia Lindgren.”
Officer Schwartz nodded, writing down each name, “Thank you, so tell me, did any of you hear anything before you stepped into the stairwell?”
Kurt shook his head, “No officer. We heard nothing.”
He pursed his lips, “Well, if you don’t mind, I’d still like to take you to the police office to question you if it’s alright. All of you don’t have to come.”
Blaine looked over at Kurt, gesturing to him, “We’ll come. I don’t know that the girls are prepared for it.”
Officer Schwartz nodded and descended down the stairs. Kurt and Blaine smiled at the girls as they started to follow the cop. Sophie and Felicia stopped them, taking hold of their arms. Smiling over at Blaine, Sophie whispered, “Wait, lemme give you my phone number so you can call me sometime.”
Chuckling softly Blaine shook his head, “Sorry sweetheart, I don’t play for your team.”
Felicia looked over at Kurt with a hopeful look on her face, “Kurt?”
“I’ve got a boyfriend, sorry honey.”
Her face fell as she watched them leave, “We’ll see you two around then sometime?”
Kurt and Blaine nodded, waving to them as they exited the building, following the cop to his car. As they exited the building there were two other cops whispering to each other. The two other cops gestured towards Officer Schwartz, asking him to come over. For a moment, the three conversed, occasionally turning around to face Kurt and Blaine.
Taking a set of handcuffs Officer Schwartz walked over to Kurt, “Kurt Hummel, you’re under arrest.”
He handcuffed Kurt, guiding him over to the car. Blaine looked over at Kurt, a worried look on his face, “Kurt.”
This is just awesome! Its like i dont wanna continue reading but i have to because its just so dang good! I was worried about what kinda story this was gonna be. And i think if someone videoed my face while reading this theyd get a good laugh. This is really really interesting. Looking forward to more :)