You're Still My Soul
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You're Still My Soul: Chapter 1

E - Words: 1,883 - Last Updated: Jul 05, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/3 - Created: Jul 05, 2012 - Updated: Jul 05, 2012
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Author's Notes: This is broken up into three chapters because it got a bit long :)

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Kurt said irritably, eyes focusing on every passing tree. "I know we discussed it, and I understand that flavored lube is something we both want to try, but there is no good reason why we couldn't just order it online. Blaine, are you even listening to me?"

"Hmmm? Did you say something?" Blaine responded, continuing to drum his thumbs on the steering wheel.

Kurt huffed and crossed his arms. A sex store. That's where Kurt Hummel was headed. He was going to a dirty, sleazy, sex store with his ridiculously adorable boyfriend, who apparently had some sort of strange vendetta against him. He glared at the side of Blaine's head for a few seconds before letting out a long-suffering sigh and looked back out the window.

Blaine glanced at Kurt out the corner of his eye and tried not to smile. He knew Kurt was just being difficult because the idea of being seen at The Luv Shaque made him nervous. However, Blaine had pointed out that it was two towns over, and the chances of anyone they knew being there were nonexistent. He would have dropped the whole idea altogether, but Blaine didn't miss the glimmer of curiosity and excitement in Kurt's eyes when he finally agreed.

They pulled into the parking lot a few minutes later. Blaine had to agree that it looked a bit seedy. The flamingo pink paint on the outside walls was peeling and grimy. Even the door looked like it had seen better days.

"Oh my god, Blaine. The windows are blacked out. If I get attacked in there, there will be no way for a kind stranger to see it. I will be savagely murdered and it will be all on your head."

Blaine, ignoring Kurt's mini-rant, turned the car off and got out. He jogged around the front to open the door for Kurt, feeling Kurt's scowl following his every step. After a moment of serious deliberation, Kurt got out of the car. Blaine started to walk toward the entrance, but paused when he noticed Kurt hadn't moved. He walked back and grabbed Kurt's hands, kissing him lightly on his knuckles.

"Look, Kurt. I'm not going to force you to do this. If you want, we can leave right now, grab my laptop and order every flavor of lube imaginable. I love you, and I really don't want you to do something that makes you uncomfortable for my sake."

"No, it's fine. I'm just mentally preparing myself for all the counseling I will surely need after this." Kurt refused to admit to Blaine that he was more than a little excited about their shopping adventure. In all honesty, he was a bit scared to admit it to himself. He took a deep breath and took a small step forward, looking directly into Blaine's eyes.

"Alright, Mr. Anderson. Lead the way," Kurt gestured toward the door and gave Blaine a small smile. "But you're paying for my therapist."


Of course the lube was along the very back wall of the store, right below a neon green sign indicating its location. Kurt nearly started running toward it, trying really hard not to look around. Not to say that he didn't want to look, but there was no way he was going to do so in any type of obvious manner. When he reached the correct section, he started to quickly scan the shelves.

"So, they have watermelon, strawberry, pina colada, rum cake - "

Kurt stopped reading through the plethora of flavors when he realized that Blaine was no longer at his side. He panicked for a moment, mind racing with the thought of his boyfriend being abducted by some creepy homeless man that spent his days preying on young, innocent boys in sex shops.

Kurt backtracked toward the front of the store, stopping halfway and breathing a sigh of relief when he spotted Blaine. When Kurt walked toward him and placed his hand on his shoulder, Blaine nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Holy crap, Kurt! You scared me!" Blaine took a few deep breaths, and then immediately turned a deep shade of red when he realized that he had been caught looking at sex toys. He looked up at Kurt and was relieved to find that he wasn't looking at him, but was staring, wide-eyed, at the shelves in front of them. The shelves full of vibrators and dildos.

Kurt looked back and forth between the toys and Blaine, realizing that Blaine appeared VERY interested.

"Blaine, is this something you're into? Like, something you want to try?"

Blaine thought about Kurt's question for a few seconds. A part of him wanted to jump up and down and yell "YES! YES! YES!" He had thought about buying a vibrator for a while, but had never had the courage to actually do it.

"Well, I mean, I've never been opposed to the idea," Blaine answered slowly, eyes focused on Kurt so that he could gauge his reaction.

Kurt was still looking at the vibrators, scrutinizing them, lifting his hand as if to pick one up to get a closer look before dropping it back down.

"I wouldn't be opposed to it, either," Kurt said quietly, taking a deep breath. He decided to go for it and picked up the box he had been focusing on, not noticing Blaine readjusting the front of his pants.

"This one says it's specifically for maximum prostate stimulation," Kurt said, without meeting Blaine's eyes. The picture on the box showed a purple, curved toy, with a slightly larger and rounded end. Kurt was trying very hard not to drop it, gripping it tightly with shaky hands. He could do this. It's a normal, healthy urge to want to use a vibrator on your hot boyfriend, he thought to himself.

"Yeah, that, um, that sounds good," Blaine agreed, while at the same time trying very hard to ward of his growing erection at the thought of Kurt working him over with the toy.

Kurt squared his shoulders and nodded once. He grabbed Blaine's hand and walked quickly to the cashier.

They never went back to get the lube.

After they had made their purchase, which made them both red in the face at the cashier's knowing smirk, they practically ran back to the car.

The drive back to Kurt's house was tense.

Blaine remembered about half-way back to Kurt's house that Burt, Carole, and Finn would be out for another few hours, and the anticipation was killing him. The drive took almost forty minutes, and by the time they reached Kurt's street, Blaine was actually bouncing in the seat.

Kurt led the way up the sidewalk, clutching the small plastic bag as if it would disappear at any moment. They were going to do this. It had been months since they started to be intimate with one another, but never anything remotely risqué, and certainly never anything involving sex toys.

They were silent as they took their shoes off and head up to Kurt's bedroom. As soon as they crossed the threshold, however, Blaine was on Kurt like he hadn't seen him in months.

"Blaine! What are you - "

Blaine cut Kurt off in a desperate kiss, his hands immediately working themselves under Kurt's shirt to feel the smooth skin underneath. Kurt allowed himself a moment to just take it, to feel Blaine pressed up against him and so, so, wanting.

Blaine had Kurt's shirt completely askew and was going for his belt when Kurt stopped him.

"Wait, Blaine. Wait. We need to talk about this."

"What do we possibly have to talk about?" Blaine asked as he ran his tongue up the side of Kurt's neck, sucking lightly below his jaw.

"Blaine, " Kurt gently pushed on Blaine's chest so he could create some space between them. He lifted his arm and shook the bag he was still holding with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, right. That."

Blaine took a few steps back and sat down on the edge of Kurt's bed. He wanted to tell Kurt to just do what he wanted with him, but he knew that Kurt wouldn't go for it. They had always been open and honest about their relationship, even when it took some prodding.

Kurt was often the more level-headed one regarding intimacy. Once it became a reality, something they actually did, Kurt's embarrassment about sex decreased significantly. He trusted Blaine, and they were so in love that it made him want to bear his soul. Blaine didn't want to do anything to jeopardize something so precious.

Kurt sat down at his vanity and placed the bag containing their new purchase down next to him. He was afraid of getting too close to Blaine, worried that he would just throw the conversation out the window in favor of pinning him to the bed. It took all of Kurt's self-control to stop Blaine a minute ago.

"So, how should - "

"How do you want - "

They smiled at each other timidly, both looking away for a moment. Blaine cleared his throat and started again.

"Where do you want me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I hardly think this is going to happen with me sitting here fully clothed, Kurt," Blaine smiled at Kurt, who was looking at him with a strange look on his face. "Unless you've changed your mind about this. Which is completely fine, too."

"No! Not at all. It's just," Kurt took a breath to steady himself, "I just assumed that you wanted to use it - the vibrator - on me."

"Oh, well, I was thinking you could, um, do me first?" Blaine spoke hesitantly, and, yeah, maybe it was a good idea to talk about this first.

"Ohgodpleaseyes," Kurt slapped his hand to his mouth, wincing when his lip hit his teeth. He had definitely not meant to say that out loud.

Blaine's eyebrows shot up at Kurt's outburst, and he tried really hard not to coo at how adorable Kurt was being. Now was not the time. He moved around on the bed so that he was facing Kurt, their knees almost touching. He grabbed the bag and pulled the box out.

"When I was looking at these, I was thinking about how sexy you are, Kurt, and how much I want to feel you taking over my body. I trust you completely, and I love you so much. I want to give this to you now, and then, maybe, we can try it the other way around another time."

Kurt visibly relaxed at Blaine's words. He wanted that, too, so much, and he knew it was silly to assume things, because they were always equal in the give and take department. They did what felt right, and often didn't bother with discussing who would go first with what. This was a little different. This was actually using an inanimate object to give each other pleasure. It was a new and scary concept, and he wasn't sure how to go about it, but Kurt was nothing if not a hands-on learner.

"I love you, too, Blaine. I want everything with you."

They sat there for a moment, smiling their dopey ‘I love you so much I could cry' smiles, before Blaine broke the silence.

"I think," Blaine started, licking his lips and smirking a bit, "that we should both get naked, and you should take this little guy," he held up the box, "and see how loud you can make me scream."



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