Top Shelf Sundae
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Top Shelf Sundae: Chapter 7

E - Words: 5,336 - Last Updated: Apr 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/10 - Created: Jan 13, 2013 - Updated: Apr 28, 2013
1,190 0 2 0 0

7. Spin-O-Rama

Blaine: Last chance to change your mind.

Kurt: Hello to you too.
Kurt: Don't worry so much. It'll be fine.

Blaine: He is way too excited about tonight. Nothing is fine anymore.

Kurt: Stop being dramatic and get over here. Miss you.

Blaine: We'll be there in about an hour. There's still time.
Blaine: I can drop him off along the way. Tuck and roll and all that.
Blaine: Miss you too.

"Hey Kurt, can you give me a hand?"

Kurt turns away from the pile of potatoes he's peeling to find Finn looking quite panicked with a tie hanging from his hand, holding it out to Kurt like it had offended him somehow. Looking closer, Kurt realizes that Finn is also wearing khaki pants and a button-up shirt.

"Are you going out or something?" Kurt asks, taking the tie from Finn's nervous hands. "Because in case you forgot, it's Christmas."

"Dude, I know," Finn sighs, clearly exasperated. "I just figured since we're having guests and all, I should look nice."

"It's just Blaine and his brother, Finn, not the Queen," Kurt replies, smiling fondly at Finn, who looks much too serious for the occasion. "Go upstairs and put on your normal clothes. I'm not even dressed up."

It's mostly true. Kurt does have standards, after all. Comfortable jeans and a soft, long sleeved shirt are a far cry from his usual, more fashionable outfits. The jeans do make his ass look fantastic, though, so Kurt doesn't think it too much of a sacrifice.

"You're always dressed up," Finn mutters and snatches his tie back. "Blaine is a big deal, man. He's like, famous and stuff."

"He's just a regular guy, I promise." Kurt grabs Finn by the shoulders and spins him around in the direction of the stairs. "Now go."

Finn mumbles something that Kurt doesn't quite catch, but then proceeds to trudge up the stairs and Kurt considers it a victory. He shakes his head to himself and returns to the task at hand. He's nearly satisfied with the quantity of potatoes in the pot when his father enters the kitchen. Thankfully, he wasn't trying to dress up at all, wearing his usual t-shirt and jeans ensemble.

"When are they getting here?" Burt asks, leaning on the counter next to Kurt. Burt hasn't really said much about Blaine since Kurt got the okay to invite him and his brother over for Christmas dinner. Kurt still isn't sure if that's necessarily a good thing.

"They should be here within the hour." Kurt busies himself with making sure all the other dishes are either on the stove or in the oven. "And please, be nice. I really like him, Dad."

Burt raises his hands in surrender. "Hey, I didn't say anything."

Kurt looks at him and raises his eyebrows. He knows better than to think that his father doesn't have some preconceived notions about Blaine floating around in his head. Not to mention the fact that Kurt's relationship with Blaine is heavily based on hastily scheduled visits and phone calls. It isn't that his father openly disapproves. He just doesn't want Kurt to get hurt if things fizzle out.

"No, you haven't. Let's keep it that way, shall we?"

"My lips are sealed," Burt declares, topping it off with a zipping motion across his lips. Kurt narrows his eyes at him for a moment, but then Carole bustles in, ready to finish all necessary preparations, and Kurt is swept away in crafting the perfect cheesecake.


"Getting cold feet yet, Squirt?"

Blaine purses his lips and drums his fingers on the steering wheel. "We're not getting married, Coop. And please don't call me that."

Cooper ignores him and turns his body in the passenger seat to better face an extremely anxious Blaine. "Why do I get the feeling that you aren't thrilled about this? Trouble in paradise already?"

"What? No! Not at all, actually," Blaine protests. "Things are good. Great, even. I just want them to stay that way."

"Why wouldn't they?" Cooper asks, and when Blaine doesn't respond right away, he gasps loudly. "You don't think I would do something to sabotage your budding relationship, do you?"

"Ok, first of all, I am pretty sure Kurt and I are past the ‘budding stage' or whatever you want to call it." Blaine wishes he could drive with no hands. Air quotes could have made his point more impressive. "And secondly, I know how you feel about Kurt."

"Well, now I'm curious. Please, tell me what I think," Cooper says calmly and folds his hands on his knee, looking at Blaine expectantly.

"You don't like him." Blaine figures it best to just lay it all out. Cooper hasn't said it out loud - yet - but Blaine knows a tone of disapproval when he hears it, and in his family, he hears it a lot. After Cooper's initial protests to Blaine's first date with Kurt, Blaine had been expecting continuous disapproval. Cooper sounded just like their father, sighing deeply and telling Blaine to "think of his future" when Blaine told him he would continue to see Kurt as often as possible. "You don't think he's good enough for me."

"That's where you're wrong, little brother," Cooper argues. "It's not that I don't like him. I'm sure he's great. I'm just concerned for your well-being. People nowadays... they're shifty."

"Shifty? Really?" Blaine glances over at Cooper and tries to look as judgmental as possible while paying attention to the road. "If you think he's some kind of gold digger, you will be sorely disappointed."

Cooper hums in contemplation, although he appears more amused than anything else. It always infuriates Blaine that his brother has the ability to drive him insane so easily. He loves him, but Cooper's calm arrogance is one of the main reasons why their visits are often limited to holidays and vacations. They talk on the phone a few times a week, but Blaine realized a long time ago that if he can't see Cooper's smug face, he can tolerate him for longer increments of time.

"I do not doubt that you think that this guy is the bee's knees or whatever - don't give me that look," Cooper points his finger at Blaine, who was staring at him incredulously while waiting for a red light to change. "I'm just looking out for you."

"I appreciate it, but you're not Dad," Blaine says. He immediately wonders if he's gone too far bringing up their father, and also if Cooper knows that he was more of a father to Blaine than anyone ever tried to be, despite their rough patch early in Blaine's career. That, in itself, was a sore subject for both of them. Cooper had been the golden boy until he wasn't anymore, and then Blaine took over the spotlight. Their father spent a great deal of energy over the years reminding them of that shift in dynamics as often as possible. Miraculously, it made Blaine and Cooper closer rather than tear their relationship apart.

"No, I'm not. I actually want what's best for you."

"Yeah, I know you do," Blaine replies. "Just give him a chance. Please. I, um... he means a lot to me."

"Will do." Copper acquiesces and pats Blaine's shoulder. Neither of them says anything for several minutes, Blaine's nerves shaking him from head to toe as they approach Kurt's father's house. It certainly doesn't help that he's sure Cooper will feel the need to embarrass him as often as possible.

"You think Mom and Dad are having fun?" Blaine finally asks, breaking their silence. His voice is quiet to his own ears and tinged with an illogical amount of sadness considering the lack of surprise he and Cooper feel at being alone for the holidays. It has become a tradition over the past few years in the Anderson family, their parents going on some extravagant vacation rather than spending time with their sons. It had taken Blaine and Cooper a while, but eventually they accepted it and were almost happy to enjoy the holidays without the added stress of trying to please people that were never satisfied. Blaine doesn't question his parents' pride in what he has achieved, but he isn't naïve enough to think that pride can't easily turn into disdain if he gets injured or stops scoring consistently.

Cooper is a lost cause to them despite his own success with the Kings, something that Blaine knows bothers Cooper more than he lets on. Blaine is the only person in their family aware of Cooper's current dreams of making it in show business. The fact that Cooper trusts him with that kind of information serves as proof that they really have come a long way. Their parents would probably tell Cooper that it's a waste of his time or that he should focus on working up the ranks so that he could maybe be a head coach someday. Blaine tells him to go for any audition that he can and ‘no part is too small'.

Blaine suspects Cooper's aspirations to spend his life in the world of hockey died a long time ago.

"My guess is that mom hasn't left the beach and Dad has his laptop glued to his hands," Cooper says with only a small hint of irritation in his voice. "I'm pretty sure that I'll have more fun than they ever could once we get to your boyfriend's house."

The way Cooper smirks and wags his eyebrows does nothing to help Blaine's nerves.


Kurt can't stop moving. He feels the energy buzzing under his skin while he waits for Blaine and his brother to arrive, caused by his fear of making a poor first impression on Cooper and the excitement of seeing Blaine in person. Kurt has found that he always misses Blaine the most right before each of their visits, like all the desire and longing simmers for countless hours until it's ready to burst out of him just before Blaine is back in his arms.

Carole walks up behind Kurt as he looks out the window for the third or thirtieth time. He's lost count, really, and is starting to appreciate the efforts of the elderly woman across the street who can always be seen watching over the neighborhood.

"You're going to wear a hole in the floor, you know," Carole teases, smiling gently and patting his arm. Kurt laughs lightly and acknowledges that yes, he probably should relax a bit, especially since his nervousness has started to influence Finn, who is staring off into space on the couch with both legs bouncing uncontrollably.

"I know. This is kind of big though, isn't it? The big family meeting," Kurt says, unable to stop from peeking out through the curtains again. "I mean, it's not his parents or anything, but from what Blaine's told me, he's closer to his brother than anyone else. What if he hates me?"

The question comes out quietly and Kurt wonders if he sounds as young out loud as he does in his head. Carole doesn't comment on it, but gives him a reassuring smile instead.

"I don't think that will happen, sweetie. You're a wonderful young man," Carole tells him affectionately, in a way that always reminds Kurt of his own mother. "And I'm sure that Blaine wouldn't want to introduce you to his brother if he didn't think the same."

Kurt opens his mouth to respond, but a pair of headlights pulls into the driveway and his mind goes blank for a few seconds. The lights then shut off and Kurt springs into action.

"Okay, they're here. Dad, please be nice," Kurt orders before he turns to face Finn, who had jumped off the couch and moved to hover near the door. "Finn, don't make me want to maim you."

The doorbell rings and Kurt takes a deep breath before he strides over to the door. He is able to effectively cut Finn off and glares at him for good measure before he pulls it open.

The first thing Kurt sees is a giant bouquet of red roses, which are being held up so they are blocking the person he really wants to set his eyes on. He's reaching for them when Blaine pops his head out to the side, smiling brightly. Kurt thinks about all the parents that warn their kids to stop making weird faces because they would stay like that. He wishes it was true, but with Blaine's smile and the way his eyes squint and his eyebrows take on an entirely different shape. He wouldn't mind if Blaine's face got stuck like that forever.

"Blaine!" Kurt practically squeaks, bouncing on his feet. He returns Blaine's smile until he's sure his mouth will split his entire face open.

Cold air is sweeping into the house, but Kurt barely even notices as Blaine steps forward, holding out the roses. Kurt grabs them and reaches for Blaine's shoulder with his free hand to pull him in, not able to wait another second to touch him. He feels someone take the bouquet from him, but he doesn't know who - probably Carole - and, quite frankly, he can't be bothered to care. All that matters is Blaine's arms around his waist and the way his skin smells of the cold winter air and raspberries. Blaine buries his face into the juncture of Kurt's shoulder and neck, where he fits perfectly, and Kurt feels like his other half has finally came back to make him whole again.

Kurt breathes deeply and holds onto Blaine tightly. Blaine is practically melting against him and Kurt understands completely. The days of not seeing each other make these moments so much sweeter. It's never just a quick greeting; it's a reawakening of senses and hearts. Kurt leans back to look at Blaine properly and finds that Blaine is looking at him just as intently, affection radiating off of him. Kurt slowly starts to move closer, to kiss Blaine before he explodes, but he jumps back abruptly when a flash goes off in his periphery.

"Look at that. Adorable." A man is standing just behind Blaine, looking down at his phone with a mischievous smirk. He's taller than Blaine, Kurt notices, and rather handsome. He's also holding up his phone, the photo he just took of Kurt and Blaine glowing on the screen. The image shows their faces barely a couple inches apart. "The lovebirds' first Christmas."

"Cooper," Blaine grumbles and takes a step away from Kurt. Kurt bites his lip to keep from whining at the loss of contact.

Kurt can see that a large bag had been set down near the door, but he doesn't comment on it due to suddenly being very aware of his environment. Everyone is standing around awkwardly except for Cooper, who is beaming as he looks between Kurt and Blaine. Unsurprisingly, he's also the first to speak.

"You must be Kurt." Cooper holds out his hand and Kurt takes it with as much confidence as he can muster. "Blaine hasn't shut up about you, so it's nice to put a face with the name."

"And you're Cooper," Kurt says. He tries not to stare too much at Cooper's eyes or his jaw or any other part of him. He is starting to think that the Andersons have some kind of gene mutation that makes them all incredibly attractive. There's no other explanation for it. Kurt glances over at Blaine, who is watching the exchange carefully and looking like he's fighting the urge to attack Cooper if he gets too close.

"And who is this lovely young woman?" Cooper turns to Carole, who looks like she's having much of the same thoughts as Kurt. Of course Cooper is a charmer, Kurt thinks. Definitely genetic.

"Right, um, Dad, Finn, Carole," Kurt starts, gesturing toward their guests. He then reaches for Blaine and sighs in relief when he takes his hand and laces their fingers together. "This is Blaine Anderson and his brother, Cooper. Blaine, Cooper, this is my father, Burt, my stepbrother, Finn, and my stepmother, Carole."

Hands are shaken and greetings are exchanged. Cooper sweet talks Carole to the point of giggles. Burt is obviously taking some pleasure in how panicked Blaine looks when they make eye contact, and Kurt doesn't miss the glare Burt shoots Cooper as they move into the dining room. His father is apparently more than a little disgruntled at how flirty Cooper is being.

Kurt watches Blaine look around. Thanks to Carole's love of the holiday and Kurt's supervision during their first couple years as a family, the entire home is filled with Christmas lights and decorations, the smell of spices and pine, and a strong sense of family and love. Blaine's eyes are wide and bright, like he's entered some kind of spectacular alternate universe, and Kurt wonders what kind of holidays Blaine experienced with his own family growing up.

"Dinner will be out in a few minutes," Carole tells the group. "Finn, can you grab everyone something to drink?"

Finn quickly walks toward Blaine, and it's almost comical to watch as Finn gets into Blaine's personal space and Blaine's face shifts into looking both confused and terrified. "Hey, Blaine, I'm Finn." Finn shakes Blaine's hand enthusiastically for the second time since Blaine's arrival. "I don't know if you remember me, but we talked a little last time I saw you and I am such a big fan. It's so awesome that you're here and you and Kurt, man, wow, I would have never thought that would happen."

"I do remember you, Finn, and I'm happy to be here," Blaine laughs, making Finn smile with pride. Kurt struggles not to stuff a dinner roll in Finn's mouth immediately, but Blaine doesn't seem to mind Finn's rambling, and that makes Kurt feel a surge of affection toward him that warms him from head to toe.

There's another flash and everyone's attention is swiftly focused back on Cooper.

"Meeting the in-laws. Your kids will thank me for this, Squirt." Cooper smiles and waves his phone at a very red-faced Blaine. Kurt bites his lip to stifle a laugh at how scandalized Blaine looks and how precious the nickname is, filing it away to ask about later. Blaine then starts chatting with Finn again, while Cooper asks Carole if there is anything he could do to help, which causes Carole to blush and giggle some more.

"Finn, stop bugging Blaine and get drinks, please," Kurt calls from the doorway of the kitchen. He then turns and goes inside to start bringing out the dishes. The kitchen is quiet, and Kurt leans on the counter for a minute or two to catch his breath. So far, things are going well, he thinks. He looks over at the table and catches sight of the bouquet Blaine brought him. He smiles to himself and grabs a vase from the cupboard, quickly putting them in water and making a mental note to trim the stems before he goes to bed. Kurt stops to breathe in their scent before he places them back on the table. He'll take them up to his room later; his old vanity is next to a window and a perfect spot for them.

Half an hour later, everyone is finishing up their food and chatting amicably. Burt and Carole are listening to Cooper go on and on about how careless some players are with their equipment, and Kurt is sitting next to Blaine, listening in on his conversation with Finn about an upcoming game. Well, he's somewhat listening. He's mostly just looking at Blaine, watching him talk animatedly about his team and admiring how much passion he has for his job. Blaine looks absolutely stunning in his fitted jacket and dark green bow tie with white Christmas trees on it, his eyelashes mesmerizing in the way they flutter when he laughs, and his hands move constantly, making Kurt want to grab onto them and hold on forever. More than anything, Kurt focuses on Blaine's mouth and fights the urge to kiss him in front of everyone because he hasn't yet and he really, really wants to.

"So, who's ready for dessert?" Carole asks and everyone answers enthusiastically in the affirmative. Kurt offers to help clear plates and bring in the pies and cheesecake he and Carole had spent most of the day preparing while trying to get all the other food ready. Once every is served their desserts, Kurt sits down and moves his chair a little bit closer to Blaine. He squeezes Blaine's thigh under the table and the grin that Blaine flashes him is enough to make his breath hitch.

"I'm really happy that you came," Kurt says quietly enough for only Blaine to hear.

"Me too," Blaine responds, covering Kurt's hand on his thigh and gripping it tightly.

The snap of a photo being taken startles Kurt and he immediately looks to Cooper, who is looking at him with an "I didn't do it" expression.

"Sorry. Puck didn't believe me," Finn explains, holding his phone up and looking sheepish. "I figured he can't argue with a picture."

Once everyone is sufficiently full, the party is moved to the living room, with the exception of Kurt and Blaine, who volunteered to clean up. Kurt gathers the dessert plates as Blaine starts to rinse off the dinner plates and place them in the dishwasher. Once Kurt joins Blaine in the kitchen, he is struck with how much he wants this type of domesticity with Blaine. It's a feeling Kurt is familiar with. It sneaks up on him every time they do any type of household chore together, or even when they just curl up on Blaine's couch in their pajamas and watch movies until they fall asleep. The familiarity of his thoughts does nothing to bring down their intensity. Instead, they grow more vivid as Kurt realizes that Blaine may very well be it for him.


Blaine is finishing rinsing the serving plates when Kurt joins him at the sink.

"Need a hand?" Kurt asks. Blaine watches the corner of his mouth curl up and practically beg to be kissed.

"No, I'm just about done. Anything else I can do?"

Kurt turns to look toward the living room quickly before he faces Blaine with a mischievous smile. "You can kiss me. I think that will help me out quite a bit seeing as I think I'll die soon if you don't."

"Well then, I must comply with your request. I wouldn't want to cause such a tragedy."

Blaine smiles against Kurt's lips, even though the kiss is too short and too chaste for his liking, especially since it had been so long since the last one.

"I have something for you," Blaine says, once they are back to their clean up tasks. "I have something for your parents and Finn, too. I hope that's okay."

"You didn't have to do that," Kurt replies, still a bit flushed from their too-brief kiss. Blaine thinks Kurt looks amazing and can't wait to get him alone so he can watch his blush spread down his chest.

"I know I didn't have to," Blaine answers. "I wanted to."

"I have something, too. For you, I mean. I gave everyone else their gifts this morning," Kurt confesses, but then his eyes widen. "I didn't get anything for Cooper! Oh god, I didn't even think of it. He's going to hate me now, isn't he?"

"Hey, no, none of that." Blaine wipes his hands on a dish towel and places them on Kurt's hips. Kurt relaxes at the touch and brings his hands up to squeeze Blaine's biceps. "Cooper already likes you. I can tell."

"You think so?"

"Of course. What's there not to like?" Blaine leans in to kiss the corner of Kurt's mouth. "Besides, I like you, and that kinda trumps his feelings anyway."

Kurt snorts and kisses him again. Their lips move fluidly, slowly, and Blaine sighs against Kurt's mouth when Kurt wraps his arms around his shoulders. Kurt is solid and warm, and Blaine tries to focus on every point of contact, every slide of Kurt's lips against his, every hitch of breath and small sound, so that when he leaves that night he can take it all with him, tuck it away close to his heart, and keep it safe until he can have the real thing again.

The kiss is over much too soon, again, and Blaine chases Kurt's mouth when he pulls away.

"I missed you so much," Kurt breathes. The warm puff of air tickles Blaine's cheek and makes him shiver despite the warmth of the room and Kurt's body against his.

"I love you."

Kurt gasps and Blaine wants to rewind the last ten seconds and internally smack himself before blurting it out like that. They're standing in the kitchen, for goodness sake, and Blaine's fingers are wrinkled from rinsing dishes. Kurt's family is less than twenty feet away talking with his brother, and Blaine can't believe he didn't wait - couldn't wait - for a time when he could make it more romantic. He can't take them back, though, and now they're out in the open, those three little words that can make or break a relationship. It's not like he and Kurt have been together that long, but Blaine knows that he means it. He's pretty sure he's loved Kurt since their first date.

Blaine watches Kurt's throat bob as he swallows and is about to apologize when Kurt speaks.

"I love you, too."

Kurt says it quietly, but Blaine can hear it clearly and it makes his heart swell in his chest and his lungs are suddenly incapable of expanding properly. Blaine kisses him again because he has to and because he needs something to ground him before he floats away.

"We should get back out there," Kurt says when they break apart.

"Probably. I'm perfectly happy standing here for the rest of the night, though."

"I know the feeling." Kurt's smile is enough to make Blaine give him the moon and the stars and the sun all at once in a neatly wrapped package.

There's laughter coming from the living room, Cooper's voice louder than the rest, no doubt enjoying showing off for his audience. Blaine takes Kurt's hand and lets him lead them back into the living room, following closely while smiling like an idiot.

An idiot in love, he thinks, and smiles even harder.

The rest of the night goes smoothly and Blaine is extremely relieved that Cooper only manages to tell a handful of stories about their childhood, and Burt doesn't hold back on telling Blaine and Cooper about the elaborate tea parties Kurt used to throw.

Blaine sits on the couch comfortably, tucked into Kurt's side, and nobody looks at him with disgust or anger. He doesn't have to recite his stats from his last game or come up with a plan for how to improve them. When Blaine and Cooper hand out gifts, Burt and Carole thank them profusely for the weekend at a Columbus Bed and Breakfast, and Finn looks like he's going to pass out when he opens up an envelope with tickets to every Blues home game for the rest of the season. Nobody criticizes the gifts or scoffs at them for not being good enough.

Everything is easy, the conversation, the jokes, and even the ongoing banter between Kurt and Finn is lighthearted. They barely talk about hockey, except for the few times Finn and Burt ask Blaine questions. It's so much different from what Blaine is used to, and he is happy to be a part of it.

Blaine saves Kurt's gift for last and hands him a small, square box while nobody is looking. Kurt raises and eyebrow and opens the box carefully. His jaw drops when he sees what's inside.

"Oh god, Blaine, it's gorgeous," Kurt breathes. He pulls out a brooch of a blackbird, embellished with small gemstones that the jeweler had told Blaine were black sapphires and pretty rare.

"I'm happy you like it," Blaine says, all too aware of Burt's eyes on them. He hasn't had a chance to talk to Burt alone yet, but he suspects the time will come and he will be appropriately petrified. However, the thought is immediately forgotten when Kurt surges forward to kiss him in front of everyone, not at all concerned with who is or isn't watching.

"I love it," Kurt affirms, then kisses him again. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Blaine grins and presses his forehead to Kurt's. He doesn't even flinch when Cooper takes another picture and coos about how darling they are.

"Oh! Wait right here," Kurt says suddenly, getting up and heading for the stairs. He comes back shortly with a large gift bag. "It's nothing elaborate or anything, but I thought you might like them."

Blaine reaches into the bag and pulls out a small item wrapped in glittery tissue paper. He sees that there something else in the bag, but he opens up the small bundle first to find a reversible red, white, and blue striped bow tie, the colors matching his team's uniform. He then pulls out the larger item, an impossibly soft knitted cardigan in a deep red with large black buttons. He looks up at Kurt, who is worrying his bottom lip with his teeth.

"I noticed you wear a lot of red, so that's why I picked out that color yarn, and I figured the bow tie might be good for game days, to bring you luck," Kurt says quickly.

"Wait, you made this?" Blaine asks, holding up the sweater. Kurt nods and drops his gaze down to his lap. Blaine can feel the stinging behind his eyes and is completely stunned that Kurt would go to so much effort just for him.

"I made the bow tie, too. Sorry it's nothing extravagant."

"Kurt." Blaine carefully puts the sweater and bow tie back into the bag and sets it to the side. He slides closer to Kurt and uses his fingers to tilt Kurt's chin back up. "Thank you, so, so much. I love them."

Blaine pulls Kurt closer until his arms are woven tightly around his back. Kurt whispers "I'm glad" into his shoulder and Blaine is sure that this is exactly where he is meant to be.


Eventually, it's time for Blaine and Cooper to leave. They thank Burt and Carole for having them and promise to come back soon. Finn asks Blaine for an autograph for his friend Puck, who had apparently been sending him texts asking for one ever since Finn took that picture during dinner.

Cooper walks out first to start the car, and Blaine is about to give Kurt a final hug and a few more kisses, but Burt approaches him first.

"It was really nice meeting you, sir. Thanks again for inviting us," Blaine says nervously, holding his hand out.

"Listen, if you're gonna be coming around, you need to stop with that ‘sir' crap," Burt tells him and pulls him into a hug, which was the last thing Blaine expected to happen. "Call me Burt, alright?"

"Yes, sir. I m-mean Burt. Sorry," Blaine stammers once Burt releases him.

"No problem. It's was good to meet you, too," Burt says. "I look forward to getting to know the guy that has Kurt all flustered."

"Dad!" Kurt yells from next to Blaine and the blush that Blaine adores forms high on his cheeks.

Burt chuckles and says good-bye to Blaine. He walks back toward the living room, followed by Carole and Finn, leaving Blaine and Kurt alone in the hallway.

They hug and exchange several short, sweet kisses and a few not-so-short kisses that leave them both a little breathless. Cooper honks the horn and Blaine laughs against Kurt's lips, hating that they didn't have much time together.

"See you soon?" Kurt asks after they separate. Blaine straightens his coat and kisses Kurt's cheek softly.

"Definitely," Blaine says, smiling even though he is trying not to cry. "I love you."

Cooper honks again and Blaine promises himself that he will give his brother a nice, long lecture on the value of patience during the drive home.

"Love you," Kurt laughs. "Now go before he comes back and drags you out."

Blaine kisses him again - he really can't help it - and heads out the door. Cooper whines that he took so long, but as they pull down the street, all Blaine could think of was that it had been one of the best Christmases he'd ever had.



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His has to be one of my favourite stories on S&C. I love the storyline even though I know nothing about hockey. I do hope Kurt and Blaine get to spend some more time together soon

i love this... i'm about to cry!