Top Shelf Sundae
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Top Shelf Sundae: Chapter 5

E - Words: 3,892 - Last Updated: Apr 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/10 - Created: Jan 13, 2013 - Updated: Apr 28, 2013
1,118 0 1 0 0

5. The Slapshot

The first couple weeks were all about strategy. Blaine's schedule had him traveling along the West Coast, and then he only had two home games before heading out again. He sometimes wished it could be easier and that he had the ability to talk to or see Kurt whenever he wanted, but he wasn't going to change his career over it. Regardless of the distance, he was confident that things would work out. It was a challenge to keep up with his own obligations, let alone someone else's, but he was determined to do what he could.

So, they planned ahead of time. Phone calls and Skype dates were arranged around both of their schedules. Kurt had an exciting, albeit hectic, job at, quickly working his way up, and there were some days when they had to accept that they couldn't talk. Those were the days that Blaine hated the most. There was no real definition to what they were or were not becoming. The only thing spelled out in bold letters was that they were crazy about each other. When they agreed to try things out, it wasn't a promise of anything but commitment to what they had and what they could have. Blaine couldn't deny that his feelings for Kurt were growing, which would seem ridiculous if it was anyone else, but with Kurt, it all seemed so natural, so right, that it made him fall asleep smiling with his toes wiggling happily beneath the sheets.

After weeks of rushed phone calls during the day and sleepy conversations through pixilated screens, Blaine finally has a four-game stretch at home, and when Kurt mentions a free weekend, Blaine jumps at the opportunity. He is aware that Kurt can't afford to come to Ohio on a whim, so he quickly offers to pay for his flight. Kurt declines at first, not quite comfortable with the idea of Blaine spending money on him, but Blaine insists and persuades with careful words and his notorious pout, and then books the tickets while they are still on the phone. Blaine would walk to New York to see Kurt, and considering how well things were going, he was pretty sure that Kurt would meet him halfway.

Kurt is due to arrive in Ohio on a Friday afternoon and will go to his father's house in Lima first. Blaine has a game that night against St. Louis and asks Kurt to come cheer him on. Kurt is reluctant, his interest in the sport hadn't changed much despite Blaine's best efforts, and eventually they come up with a compromise, Kurt agreeing to meet Blaine at his house afterward.

Blaine is nervous and excited, wondering if it will be weird to see Kurt again in person, without any form of technology acting as a buffer between them. He isn't entirely sure how he is supposed to act, if it's okay to hold Kurt or to kiss him like he desperately wants to, or if there is a chance for more now that they know each other better. It's definitely a strange situation, navigating a relationship without a roadmap, driven only by mutual need and want to get to the same destination. There are times when Blaine is afraid that Kurt may not return his feelings completely, but then Kurt whispers ‘I miss you' or ‘I wish I could see you' in the middle of the night with his mouth pressed close to the phone, and Blaine's heart swells because it means Kurt is still there, still his.

Blaine's thoughts drift to Kurt as he sits on the bench between shifts. He thinks about whether Kurt is watching the game or listening to it during his drive to Westerville. Blaine told him the security code to get into his house, in case Kurt gets there before he does. Surprisingly, it isn't as strange to him as he thinks it should be for Kurt to be at his house without him, waiting for him to come home. He likes the idea of it, actually, like it's a glimpse into a future that's just him and Kurt, living together and growing into an adorable old couple. Blaine knows he is getting ahead of himself, but the thought makes his chest tighten and his palms sweat inside his gloves. It's definitely too soon to think of such things, and if he says them out loud, Kurt will probably think he's insane and never speak to him again.

A sharp jab against his shoulder snaps Blaine back to the present, followed by the Head Coach yelling at him to get his ass in gear. Blaine stands quickly, adjusts his helmet, and hops over the wall, kicking himself for not paying as much attention to the game as he should have. He prays that nobody notices him trying to figure out which way to go, and when he's knocked against the boards hard, not seeing it coming, he realizes that Kurt Hummel is going to be the death of him.


...Wisniewski passes it up ahead to Boll, Boll skates over the blue line, long pass to Gillies, back to Boll, over to Anderson, one-timer goes just wide -

Kurt turns off the radio and laughs lightly to himself. As much as he has tried to at least learn the basics of hockey, he still doesn't have a clue about what was going on and, really, he isn't all that interested. He's able to catch that the Blue Jackets are winning, there are only a few minutes left in the game, and that Blaine is alive and well based on the narrator saying his name quite a few times. Kurt doesn't need the details. Blaine tried to explain the game to him, as promised, but Kurt found himself losing focus somewhere between a blue line and icing. Well, the icing part had caught his attention, but only because he thought the conversation had shifted to cake.

Kurt glances at his GPS, trying to tame the fluttering feeling in his stomach as the number of miles to his destination decreases. At the rate he's going, he will arrive around the same time as Blaine. He has no idea what they are going to do, but he hopes that it will involve a good amount of making out like teenagers, and possibly even more than that. He likes Blaine a lot, he is definitely attracted to him, and he enjoys being with him. Kurt may not have much experience, but he's pretty sure he's ready to change that. Then again, even if they don't do anything particularly intimate, Kurt still wants Blaine near him. He wants to hold him again and reconnect physically after growing so close emotionally.

An hour later, with shaking hands and a pounding heart, Kurt pulls into Blaine's empty driveway, not quite sure where to go from there. On one hand, Blaine had given him permission to go inside without him, but at the same time, he doesn't want to seem too eager. He ultimately decides to stay in the car for a bit longer and sing along to the radio to calm his nerves. It has been so long since he last saw Blaine in the flesh that he isn't sure how he should act. A part of him wants to stand in front of Blaine and just stare for a bit, memorizing every inch of him all over again until it gets to be too much and he has to look away or risk looking like a creeper. Another part of him wants to forget about his own inhibitions, attack Blaine's mouth, and try to rid him of all articles of clothing in as little time as possible. It's a hard to be stuck between two pretty fantastic options.

Blaine's house looks somewhat colder in the dark, Kurt notices. It is large with professionally maintained bushes around the front. It looks like something out of a real estate catalog and Kurt wonders if Blaine would want to live in the same place if he wasn't searching alone. As he ponders it a bit more, a vivid image flashes behind Kurt's eyes. He pictures himself walking through the front door after a long day at the Vogue offices and waiting for Blaine to return from a game or practice, maybe starting dinner, surrounded by his own decorating - a few of Blaine's touches mixed in, of course - in a house that they could call home together. Something that was a representation of the both of them and the life they had.

The flash of headlights startles Kurt away from his fantasy and just like that, he feels the thrill of having Blaine so close take over. He shuts off his car and climbs out, debating whether or not he should grab his overnight bag. He doesn't want to make assumptions, but secretly hopes that his purchase of a new toothbrush was not made in vain. He grabs the bag quickly and drops it next to him, turning around to greet Blaine.

"Kurt!" Blaine shouts over the top of his own car, smiling brightly and his eyes are shining even in the darkness of the late hour. Blaine runs around to where Kurt is standing and immediately throws his arms around Kurt's shoulders with enough force that they both almost end up inside Kurt's car. Kurt is suddenly hit with Blaine's scent, the fresh smell of soap and raspberry hair gel, and he breathes Blaine in before he can be bothered to speak.

"It's good to see you, too," Kurt says, trying to make it sound like a joke but failing. "I missed you."

Blaine pulls back but keeps one hand on Kurt's shoulder while running the thumb of the other over the side of Kurt's neck, making Kurt's knees turn to jelly. Kurt nearly melts into the ground when Blaine flashes him a wide smile that fades into something much more.

"I missed you, too," Blaine whispers. They stand there for a few seconds before Blaine grabs Kurt's hand and pulls him up the walkway and through the door. Kurt snatches up his bag at the last second and laughs as Blaine tugs him through the front foyer, feeling like he is right where he is supposed to be.

Kurt watches intently as Blaine puts away his things, dropping his keys in a bowl that is not actually designed to hold anything and toeing off his shoes. Kurt can't help but notice the way Blaine's pants stretch over the back of his thighs when he bends down, and, yeah, he's in trouble. His eye graze over Blaine's back, the fabric of his shirt snug around his broad shoulders and tight around his waist.

"Are you hungry? I can make you something, if you want," Blaine offers, turning around, and Kurt doesn't know when he had taken a few steps forward, but Blaine is suddenly right in front of him. "Oh, hey, there you are."

"Here I am," Kurt breathes, and he would have been embarrassed at his lack of game, but Blaine is looking at him with wide eyes that grow darker when Kurt slides his fingers over his hips, grips them and tugs him closer.

Kurt can't remember who moved first, and quite frankly, it doesn't matter. All he cares about is the way Blaine's lips glide across his own, their breath mixing in the thin space between them, charged with weeks of distance and want. The awkwardness that Kurt feared would stunt them is wonderfully nonexistent, Blaine's body molding to his own perfectly like they had been holding onto each other for years. Their kisses are messy and desperate, tongues sliding together firmly, taking and giving equally. Blaine's fingers struggle to untuck Kurt's shirt, running up Kurt's back once he succeeds. Kurt can feel each press of Blaine's fingertips into his skin and it makes him dizzy with how much he loves Blaine's hands on him, exploring him.

Kurt pulls back just enough to gasp against Blaine's lips, "Bedroom?"

Blaine nods and presses his lips against the corner of Kurt's mouth, and then he's intertwining their fingers and practically dragging him up the nearby staircase. Kurt laughs at how eager Blaine is and it reminds him of how happy and excited Blaine had been a few minutes prior.

Maybe they are moving a little quickly, but Kurt can't bring himself to stop. It may only been the third time that he and Blaine are sharing the same space, but he feels like he knows Blaine. Well, at least enough to be intimate without feeling guilty. It certainly doesn't feel wrong, especially when Blaine stops at the top of the stairs, turns around and pushes Kurt against the wall like he can't stand the idea of being away from him any longer. They stay there for a minute or ten before moving into the bedroom, their hips so close together that Kurt can feel Blaine hard against him.

They stumble around Blaine's room, grabbing at each other's shirts until they are unceremoniously tossed in different directions, Kurt happy with his decision to cut down on the layers for the night. Blaine walks backwards, taking Kurt with him, and they are no longer kissing, but the way Blaine is looking at him, hungry and full of adoration at the same time - Kurt didn't know that was even possible - makes him breathless and dizzy with want.

Blaine scrambles up the bed and pats the spot next to him with a wink, and Kurt rolls his eyes before crawling up over him and letting out a loud squeak when Blaine grabs him and rolls them over so Blaine is straddling his hips. Their lips meet again, Kurt leaning up to sitting, boldly sliding his hands down Blaine's back until they are resting against his ass, squeezing hard and making Blaine's hips stutter forward. They break apart, panting against each other's lips, and Kurt takes the opportunity to graze his mouth over Blaine's cheek and down across his jaw.

"I feel like we're doing this backwards," Blaine breathes, laughing lightly and resting his forehead on Kurt's shoulder as Kurt works his way up Blaine's neck, licking and lightly sucking at the soft, sensitive skin below his ear. "I should have at least made you a drink first."

"I don't drink." Kurt nips at Blaine's ear lobe and flicks it with his tongue, smiling to himself at Blaine's soft groan against his shoulder.

"Neither do I." Blaine picks his head up and surges forward quickly, knocking Kurt back against the pillows. Kurt wraps his arms around Blaine's waist, clutching at his sides and pulling him down further, and he needs Blaine's weight on top of him like he can't live without it. He can feel hard muscles flexing underneath his hands, firm and warm, and it makes him want to sing his praises for professional sports everywhere.

Kurt shifts them again so Blaine is on his back and latches his mouth onto the dip of Blaine's throat, trailing down his chest and over his well-defined stomach. His lips map out every inch of skin and line of muscle until Blaine is writhing underneath him, his hands clenching against Kurt's shoulders and his nails leaving small imprints against his pale skin. Kurt kneels up between Blaine's legs to work the button and zipper of Blaine's jeans open, holding Blaine's gaze the entire time. He feels powerful and sexy and incredibly turned on as he tugs Blaine's pants down a couple inches and allowed himself to just look.

Blaine's body is gorgeous. His stomach is perfectly chiseled underneath a light layer of dark hair and flawless, tanned skin. Kurt's eyes rake over Blaine's torso, and he has to bite his lip to stop himself from groaning embarrassingly loud at the sight of Blaine's hips and the deep cut lines traveling south until they were hidden beneath too much clothing. Kurt has been with other men before, some of them quite attractive, but Blaine is on a whole other level, and Kurt is starting to ache where his hard dick is pressed against the front of his jeans. Without thinking, he palms himself, moaning at the pressure and looks back up at Blaine's face, watching as Blaine's jaw drops and his breath hitches.

Kurt leans back down, overwhelmed with the need to see if Blaine's skin tastes as good as it looks. The tip of his tongue leaves a wet trail above the low waist of Blaine's briefs as he moves over to Blaine's hip. He follows the line of muscle up and back down, sucking gently at the skin and then biting down, loving the clean saltiness of Blaine's skin. Kurt licks soothingly at the deep red mark he makes and starts on another one just an inch away, worshiping the taut flesh with his lips and teeth and making Blaine gasp for air and groan at increasing volumes, begging for Kurt to never stop. Kurt slides his mouth to the other side, giving Blaine's other hip the same treatment, marking up his skin with wet, red bites until Blaine grabs at his shoulder painfully, expressing without words that he can't wait any longer.

"Kurt, please," Blaine begs as Kurt lifts himself back up and ghosts his hand over the prominent bulge in Blaine's pants. He slips his fingers underneath the top of Blaine's briefs and yanks down, pulling them and Blaine's pants off quickly and throwing them to the side. Blaine raises himself onto his elbows, his eyes dark and his lips swollen from the press of teeth. "Now, that's just unfair. You're still wearing clothes."

"Mmm... I commend you on your observation skills," Kurt replies, feeling his stomach twist as Blaine looks him up and down. "How do you suppose we fix that problem?"

Blaine sits up fully and his fingers clumsily grab at the front of Kurt's pants while he clasps his lips around Kurt's nipple. Kurt arches his back, bringing a hand up to grip the back of Blaine's neck, encouraging him to keep doing that thing with his tongue because it is heavenly. He whimpers when he feels Blaine's knuckles press along the underside of his cock, still covered by his briefs and straining against the thin material. Blaine works Kurt's pants down, his mouth traveling across Kurt's chest, pulling away only to allow Kurt to remove his pants completely.

The reality of the situation hits Kurt all at once.

He is naked.

Blaine is naked.

He is naked with Blaine.

Kurt groans and pushes forward until he is settled comfortably between Blaine's legs. He ducks his head down to kiss Blaine deeply, immediately slipping his tongue into his mouth, impassioned and trembling with the intensity of having Blaine's bare skin against him. The sudden friction against his cock is exquisite, burning through him and back out again. Kurt thrusts his hips down, earning a deep groan from Blaine and he nearly comes right then and there because of how absurdly hot Blaine look with his head thrown back and his mouth lax and open. He rocks against Blaine slowly at first, but then Blaine wraps his legs around Kurt's waist tightly, pressing them together, and Kurt picks up the pace. The sensation of Blaine's cock against his makes his toes curl and his fingers clench and twist into the sheets on either side of Blaine's head, like they are somehow keeping him from falling apart completely.

They keep going without caring about rate and rhythm, grinding into each other until their stomachs are covered with a thin layer of sweat that makes each movement more fluid than the last. Kurt can feel himself start to unravel, his thrusts growing more erratic as Blaine's cock slides against his, the slickness from the head mixing with the fluid leaking from Kurt's own arousal. He was stuck in limbo, needing just a bit more before he could fall over the edge.

"Blaine - ah - m'close," Kurt whimpers into Blaine's neck. "I just... I need..."

Blaine seems to catch on, worming a hand between them and grasping both of them in his hand as best as he can, lining them up so that every drive of their hips shoots sparks of pleasure through Kurt's body. He can feel the head of Blaine's cock catch against the ridge of his own, the sensation completely different than anything he had felt before. It's intoxicating and strangely intimate, and when he looks down between them, the sight of it has him keening loudly. Blaine slides his other hand over Kurt's side and up his chest and brushes his thumb over his nipple, still sensitive and buzzing from Blaine's mouth, and that was it.

Kurt thinks he might be swearing loudly, or maybe he's just moaning a lot. He can't quite figure out the noises tumbling out of his mouth and seconds later he can't even remember his name because. The last thing he registers is the heat inside him exploding, bursts of flames curling around his spine and seeping through his limbs. Through the white noise in his ear he can hear Blaine cry out, shouting Kurt's name up at the ceiling as he falls, clinging to Kurt like he is the only thing keeping him together.

Neither one of them move until Blaine grunts and Kurt slumps off of him and wraps an arm around his waist, settling his head against Blaine's shoulder and trying to figure out how to make his lungs work properly. After a few moments, their hearts slow down enough to function properly and Kurt leans up to kiss Blaine softly, smiling against his lips, and then Blaine is pulling him back in for more.

"We are - " kiss "absolutely" kiss, kiss "disgusting," Kurt quips. Blaine giggles against his mouth and pulls back, stroking over Kurt's cheekbone with his fingers. Kurt hums contentedly and his eyes flutter shut, heavy from the late hour and what was one of the best orgasms he's ever had. "We should shower."

"Probably," Blaine agrees, arching his back in a long stretch and settling back down into the sheets. "The bathroom is so far away, though."

Kurt huffs out a laugh, deciding to take the lead before they both pass out. He pushes himself off the bed, grimacing at the drying come on his stomach and silently judging Blaine for not having at least a box of tissues within reach. He walks around to the other side of the bed and grabs both of Blaine's hands, chuckling when Blaine makes a big show of resisting Kurt as he hoists him to his feet.

Half an hour later, they are clean and warm in their pajama pants and old t-shirts, sharing ice cream from the carton, and huddled under a blanket on Blaine's living room couch watching late night TV and snarking at the cheesy commercials. Kurt feeds Blaine a spoonful with a large chocolate chunk on top when it dawns on him that he hasn't stopped smiling all evening, and he has Blaine to thank for it. Blaine, with his stupidly charming smile and endearing sense of style, has a firm hold on him, and Kurt doesn't mind one bit.



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Love how this story is developing and how sexy both men are. Picturing Blaine as an ice hockey player.. Very hot. Can't wait for next chapter