The Starring Role
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Starring Role: Chapter 8

E - Words: 6,773 - Last Updated: Aug 19, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Feb 23, 2013 - Updated: Aug 19, 2013
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Author's Notes: Hey guys, this chapter is quite long, so hope you enjoy! The song I used is Mad Love by Neon Trees, and I assume you guys know how to use youtube to look up the song :) Let me know what you think!

The Starring Role

Chapter 8

Blaine walked into the building with such anxiety and nerves, he thought he might puke. His body tingled and he looked around every corner hoping that he wouldn't run into Wes anytime soon. He just needed a minute to collect himself and run through what he was going to say again, and was the temperature rising dramatically?

Blaine tugged at his collar. This shouldn't be so hard, it was his best friend for God's sake. He should be the first one to know. Still, it didn't make the situation any easier.

"Hey, Blaine!"

Blaine nodded at one of the crew members and forced a smile on his face.

"Hey, Craig."

"Wes wants you in his office," he said as they passed each other. Blaine's stomach flipped. What in the hell was he doing? How was he going to explain anything to Wes? Maybe he would just lie again...

No! Enough with the lying! See, this was the problem with it, you keep making things up and then you have to continue making things up for the things you previously made up and it becomes an entire mess until someone figures it out. And if he was going to be honest with himself and everyone else, they lying stopped now. He was tired of living this way, but he didn't know if he had the courage to face the truth.

Blaine found himself right at Wes's door. Here it goes.

He opened the door and walked inside, silently shutting the door behind him.


He looked up from typing on his laptop.

"Blaine! Sit down, bro."

Blaine did so, and he felt his stomach churn. Maybe he should use the bathroom first.

"Everything went alright on the trip?"

Blaine nodded, not saying anything just yet.

"Where'd you go? Why'd you go? What was the emergency?" Here were the questions. Blaine just needed to spit it out.

"Well..." Blaine's voice cracked. He cleared his throat several times, just to buy himself some more time. Coming out was so much harder than it seemed.

"Uh...Wes...there's some th-things that I haven't really shared with anyone."

"Things? What kind of things?"

"Things about me."

"...are we still talking about the trip?"

Blaine nodded.

"Yes. Well, kind of."

"Alright," said Wes throwing his hands up. "Let's start small. First of all, where did you even go?"


"Oh! Did you go see your parents?"

Blaine shook his head. He looked down at the foot of the desk, making sure not to keep eye contact with him.


Blaine shook his head again.


Blaine didn't answer. He desperately wanted to look up at Wes, but he didn't want to either.

"Blaine, what the hell's going on?" Wes asked concerned.

He lifted his head and met Wes's eyes.

Just pull the answer from eyes! Make it easier on us both!

"Who did you see?"

Blaine just stared at him, lip quivering slightly.

"...are you...cheating on Lindsey?"

Blaine nodded, his guilt washing over him intensely. Wes stood up and walked around to the front of the desk, exhaling loudly. He leaned his butt against it and crossed his arms.

"And you had to go to Ohio to do that?"

Blaine laughed and hung his head, shaking it a little.

"Of all the things you could've said...that comes out of your mouth. You're ridiculous," Blaine chuckled.

"Alright, I was just trying to make it easier for you," said Wes, a smile breaking on his face.

"But back to serious matters...who is she?"

Blaine's breath hitched, and he looked up at Wes. The silence was deafening, and Blaine gathered what courage he had left. Here it goes.

"'s not a...a woman."


Blaine felt heat rise to his cheeks as he realized he'd have to delve farther into an explanation rather than just give simple facts.

"I'm cheating...with a man."

Wes looked a little shock, though not as much as Blaine was anticipating.

"Wow. That's really something. Although I can't say I'm surprised."

It was Blaine's turn to look surprised. He snapped his head up, brow furrowed.

"Wait, what?"

"I said that I'm not surprised."

"I heard what you said, I meant what as in 'what the hell do you mean?'"

"Blaine, I'm your best friend, you don't think that I had at least some suspicion that you were into guys? I thought it was just a phase at one point, but then I figured you were just bi. I mean, Emilee swore up and down that you were into guys but I never really paid much attention. You are bi, right?"

"Well, maybe, I guess, but why didn't you ask me about it?"

"Because you were dating Lindsey! I was afraid to ask. I thought you'd get offended and start acting weird around me."

"Well, I thought by telling you, you'd start acting weird around me and that would be the end of the relationship because you'd think I was crushing on you."

They both laughed in relief and understanding. So that's why no one said a word.

"So, never mind about your sexuality. Do you mind sharing what brought all of this sudden change?"

" might want to sit down, because this might be a long story."

Wes hopped onto the desk and held his hands together.

"Okay, shoot."

"Right...well, after Lindsey and I got married, things started changing for us both. I mean, nothing really was the same as it was in college with us. Now that we were together all the time, it was kind of annoying. We both were tired of being around each other. After dating for 8 years, it was kind of mandatory that we get married...but Lindsey was all I ever knew. I knew I had some attraction towards guys but it never really dawned on me just how much...I started going away from home for work and had some affairs with guys, just one night stands...I know, I'm a terrible and worthless person for even doing that, but I was lonely and I started experimenting and I actually found out that I really like men."

Wes listened intently, a scrunch on his face starting to form with understanding.

"So you don't love Lindsey anymore?"

" be completely honest, I don't even think we were ever in love. In high school, we were the golden couple. I was on the football team and she was a cheerleader. What else was I supposed to do? I was a teenager and didn't think any better, and even into college, we only knew each other. We spent our nights together when school wasn't in the way, but it almost felt like too much of a friendship to be anything else...friends with benefits."

"Do you think she loves you?" he asked.

Blaine just sat there, too stunned to answer. He had no clue, absolutely no clue at all.

"Well...I mean, she wants it from me, but never really shows affection unless she needs to get laid again...maybe?"

"Okay...well, here's the important question. Who are you seeing on the side?"

Blaine sighed heavily, knowing he'd have to get to the meat of the story.

"His name's Kurt. And I met him at the hotel I'm at, and we just hit it off one night...and God, Wes, he is literally one of the most amazing people that I know. He's so kind and gentle and he isn't afraid of sharing what he thinks or feels, not to mention he's extremely easy on the eyes. He's made me feel whole and alive again instead of just walking through life like it doesn't matter. I want to make him happy and I love holding him when he needs someone. I can't-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there," Wes cut him off. He stood back up and walked behind his desk and sat down.

"Blaine, I have never heard you talk about anyone like that, especially Lindsey."

He sat there, mouth slightly ajar.

"Kurt seems like a really genuine guy, and I don't blame you for anything you did because we all have needs and wants, but this is completely stupid. What you're doing to Lindsey is wrong. Cheating is never okay, dude, and you need to figure out who you want this to work for. Would you rather be with Kurt or Lindsey?"

"Kurt," said Blaine without hesitation. "I don't know..." he stammered soon after, second guessing himself. "I'm just afraid that maybe this will all blow over and what's happening with Lindsey is gonna happen with Kurt. I don't want to hurt him, but how am I supposed to know if it's right?"

They sat there in silence at the question. Wes seemed to glaze over as he thought about it.

"You," he said after a moment. "It's one thing to feel that it's right, and it's another thing to make it work because it's right. Look, man...I know I'm your best friend, but I've got to be real honest with you. Lindsey is not right for you. I knew it since the beginning, but I was so afraid you'd want to stop being friends, so I just kept my mouth shut."

"Why?!" exclaimed Blaine. "You would have saved me so much hassle, especially now!"

"I know, I know, but better late than never. Dude, I'm not telling what you should do, and ultimately the decision will fall on you. But I suggest you tell Lindsey and Kurt the truth. You can't keep lying to them both."

Blaine looked down at his hands that laid on his lap. "I know..."

"You can't keep lying to yourself either," he added.

Blaine looked up at Wes with worried eyes.

"I can't bring myself to say it, though. Saying it to you is nerve wracking enough, imagine the mess it'll be to confront them both."

"You've got to." Wes stood up again and walked to the front of the desk. "And I'll be right here with you through it all. Emilee and I will be more than happy to help you through this all. That's what we're here for."

"Thanks, Wes. That means a lot to me," said Blaine tightly as his throat clenched. He really did have the most amazing friends in the world.

Blaine stood up and Wes held his arms out to give him a reassuring hug.

"No problem, bro. Don't be afraid to tell me anything."

Blaine stood back, eyes filled with tears.

"Hey, would you maybe want to come to Bailey's tonight with Kurt and I? You could bring Emilee and make it a double date kinda thing," suggested Blaine.

"We can't."

"Oh...well maybe tomorrow night you can come with."

"No, I mean we can't, as in you and I cannot go tonight."

"Wait, why not?"

"We've got way too much to wrap up before production starts, dude, and we need everyone here."

"Shit." Blaine pulled his phone out, hating to have to cancel on Kurt today of all days.

"Tell ya what. Why don't we go out tomorrow night as soon as we finish the rest of the paperwork."

That was Kurt's last night in Chicago.

"Alright. Let me see if it works for Kurt. Oh, and...can you make sure to tell Em not to, you know, blurt anything out about Lindsey?"

"No worries. She's always hated her anyway, so I doubt she'll speak of her. I'll give her a heads-up regardless."


Blaine turned to walk out of the room and put his hand on the door handle.

"Oh, Wes? Thanks again. You have no idea how much it helps to actually talk about this with someone."

"That's what I'm here for. Now get back to work, asshole."

Blaine smiled and walked out of the office, pulling Kurt's number up.

To Kurt:1:29

You're gonna hate me...but I have to cancel tonight, I'll be at the studio til late. Reschedule for tomorrow evening with my buddy Wes and his gf?

From: Kurt 1:33

THANK GOD, I have way too much work tonight to go out anyway. See you tomorrow, Blaine.

To: Kurt 1:34


It felt like a whole load was taken off of Blaine's chest. Now he had someone to confide in. He knew it wouldn't have been such a big deal to Wes, but that still didn't make it any easier to admit. At least this was a portion of his life that seemed to all that was left was Kurt's.

"Hey, hottie," called Blaine as he met Kurt in the lobby of the hotel the following evening. He pecked him on the lips quickly and grabbed his hand.

"Hey," said Kurt with little enthusiasm.

"You alright?" asked Blaine, noticing the lack of excitement.

Kurt nodded, not looking at him.

"Okay...well you're obviously lying." Blaine took him by the hand and sat him down in the corner of the lobby.

"What's wrong, babe?"

Kurt looked at him with sad eyes.

"Blaine, this is our last night together. I want to be happy that I'm with you, but I can't help being reminded that tomorrow, I'll be on my way to the other side of the country."


"How can I enjoy my night with that at the back of my head?"

Blaine took both of Kurt's hands in his.

"Look at me, Kurt. Not just with your eyes, but really look at me. This is never going to stop. We will be with each other. We will make it work. Remember what you said in Lima? It takes two to make it work, and if you're willing then I'm willing."

Kurt nodded.

"I know...I shouldn't be such a downer about it, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Let tonight be our night. We're going to be with each other and have one hell of a time, so don't worry about tomorrow just yet. Take it one step at a time."

There was a pause, and then Kurt nodded, a small smile breaking onto his face.

"Okay. Thank you, Blaine." Kurt hugged him tight, and Blaine returned the gesture. If only he didn't have to let go...

"Ready?" Kurt asked.


They stood up walked out into the chilly Chicago air and hailed a taxi cab.

"Where'd you hear about this place?" asked Kurt.

"People at work were talking about it, so I checked it out one night and it's so much fun. The atmosphere is so chill and the drinks are basically all coffee based."

"Hence the name. Clever!" joked Kurt.

"My man is so intelligent."

"So I take you to a coffee shop and you take me to a coffee bar. Alcoholic," he nudged Blaine as he opened the door of the taxi and climbed in.

"Alcoholics go to meetings," said Blaine.

They traveled about fifteen minutes down some back roads, and Kurt visibly got nervous that they weren't on a main road. Finally they arrived at the bar which was was a brick building with blacked out windows sitting on the corner of the streets. The word "Bailey's" flashed in neon orange lights, the "y" blinking in and out, and the apostrophe was a bottle of Bailey's. The street was deserted and Kurt saw several people walking towards them in the distance.

"You sure this place is safe? It looks sketchy."

Blaine tugged at Kurt's hand as he walked to the door.

"It's safe, I promise," he reassured him.

They walked inside and Kurt gaped. This was not what he expected. The entire building was exposed brick, and a stage sat in the center of the room where a man was currently reciting a poem. There were large tiers leading down to it with several round tables on each tier covered with black table clothes and a candle in the middle of each one. All around the room hanging from the ceilings were Chinese lanterns of all shapes, sizes and colors. The room glowed with a homey vibe and the smell of the place was orgasmic. There were several beanbag chairs placed in the corners of the place, and a main bar stood at the left of the building.

"Wow," Kurt said. "This is amazing."

"Told ya. Come on, let's get some drinks." Blaine led Kurt to the bar where a woman with short blonde hair stood.

"Hey, sweeties, what can I get ya?"

"I'll have a black Russian, and he'll have..." Blaine looked at Kurt, who was busy marveling the place to focus on what to order.

"Babe!" He shook his arm.

"Oh, what? Sorry! I'll have a...café Caribbean."

She nodded and walked off.

"So you seem like you're just going to watch the decorations all night," said Blaine with a wink.

"Sorry, I just love this place! It's so hip and chill at the same time."

"Hey, guys, what's up!" Wes called as he walked up to them.

"Wes! What's up, bro!" They hugged quickly, and greeted each other as if they hadn't just seen each other a couple of hours ago.

"Not much at all. You remember Emilee?" he asked, gesturing to the woman next to him with short, blonde hair and cute white flower perched on the side of her head. She smiled brightly at him.

"Blaine, always a pleasure," she said as she hugged him.

"Em, how've you been? It's been years!" he asked. "I love your outfit, by the way."

"Blaine, it's been like two months, but I've been great! Just working in the big city as always."

Blaine turned around to Kurt and pulled him up to the group, because he just couldn't contain showcasing him to his friends.

"Guys, this is Kurt, my boyfriend." Emphasis on the boyfriend.

Wes shook his hand and Emilee did the same.

"Nice to meet you, Kurt," said Wes. "Blaine won't stop talking about y-ow!," Blaine elbowed him roughly. It was true, all day Blaine just couldn't shut up about him. Now that he had someone to talk to, he seemed to word vomit everything he could.

"Wes is the director, as you know, and Emilee is his girlfriend. She's a therapist!"

"Oh, how nice!" said Kurt. "Maybe you can get this one in next," he said, gesturing to Blaine. He opened his mouth to make a comeback, but the bartender called their drinks out. They took them and began walking over to a table, Wes and Em following behind them.

"Em loves the gays, so she's gonna be a hoot tonight," said Blaine. Kurt laughed as they sat down at a table close to the stage. "If she could date a gay man, she probably would."

"That makes sense," he said with a smile.

A woman was up on the stage, strumming her guitar and singing a song that sounded like she wrote it. It was a melodious, slow song, and Kurt sipped his drink as he watched her.

"So you're gonna sing tonight?" asked Blaine. Kurt set his glass down.

"Not a chance."

Wes and Emilee rejoined them, sitting down and the chattering commenced. They talked about nothing in particular and laughed at whatever they felt like. To Blaine, this was such a nice thing to do, spend a night with good friends and just let loose after such a hectic time with pre-production. Even though it was Kurt's last night, it was still nice to make the evening a fun one instead of spending it in the hotel.

Two more performers went by, one did a monologue and the other was a group that seemed to enjoy soft rock.

"Alright, you guys have got to perform," said Emilee.

"What? Oh, no, no," said Kurt. "Those days are over for me."

"Come on," said Wes, pleading to them both.

"No, dude, Kurt's right, let's just enjoy the night."

Wes seemed to have other plans, because he shot up and jumped onto the stage. He picked up the mic from it's stand.

"Oh, God," remarked Blaine.

"Quick," he said, getting up and grabbing Kurt's arm, "if we hurry we can-"

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have the honor of having my two good friends in the house who are superiorly talented, but they need a little encouragement from you! Let's get them on stage!" he pointed to them as the crowd started hooting and clapping at them. Blaine could feel his cheeks heating up as he turned around to look at Wes on the stage. Kurt did the same and walked closely behind him as they stepped onto the stage. The crowd erupted into applause as they grabbed their microphones and stands.

"I'm gonna kill you," Blaine whispered to Wes, mustering the best you're-dead smile.

"No, you'll thank me," he winked and jumped off the stage.

Behind him, the previous group began packing up, but Blaine stopped them and whispered something into their ear. Kurt looked at him and mouthed "what song?"

Blaine winked as the drummer counted them off and the music started playing. Kurt smiled as he recognized the song immediately. He wasn't much into Top 40 bands, but he still knew what it was. Blaine took a breath and sang the song, looking at Kurt the whole time.

"Nothing you could do could ever stop my baby

Nothing you could say could tear us two apart

We've got all the spark to set this place on fire

We got making love right down to a fine art

Nothing you could do could ever stop this feeling

Nothing in the world could ever shake us up

We've got all the stuff to break all of the rules, yeah

We've got all the stuff to mess all of you up

We got a mad, mad love

We got a mad, mad love

We got a really, really, really,

really, really, really, really,

mad love"

Kurt swayed to the song the entire time, smiling at the audience, but glancing at Blaine every few seconds. Kurt took in a breath and sang the next verse:

"Nothing you could do could ever stop this burning

Nothing you could say could ever stop this fire

Tell me I'm a fool for everything that we do

Tell me we're a mess and I'll tell you you're a liar"

Blaine smiled at him, reveling in the fact that they were both singing to each other, their voices blending together quite well. What mattered most was that Blaine was enjoying his last night with Kurt and things couldn't seem to get any better. They sang the rest of the song together:

"Nothing you could do could ever stop this feeling

Nothing in the world could ever shake us up

We've got all the stuff to break all of the rules, yeah

We've got all the stuff to mess all of you up

When you're sad you can

put your head on my shoulder, oh yeah

And maybe together we can

grow a little bit older

We got a mad, mad love

We got a mad, mad love

We got a really, really, really,

really, really, really, really,

really, really, really,

really, really, really, really,

really, really, really,

really, really, really, really,

mad love

Nothing you could do could ever stop my baby

Nothing you could say could tear us two apart"

The audience erupted in applause once more as Blaine's face broke out into a wide smile. Kurt turned around and thanked the band members for playing for them. They climbed off the stage and ran back to their seats.

"Oh my god, that was a thrill!" exclaimed Kurt.

"Yeah, I almost forgot what that felt like," said Blaine, laughing. Emilee and Wes nodded and laughed with them.

"Guys, that was awesome!" he said. "Your voices are just great together!"

Blaine and Kurt looked at each other, smiles bright and eyes glowing. Blaine put his arm around Kurt's waist and held him close as they pulled their chairs out to sit back down.

"I can't believe I just did that! I mean, it was normal in high school, but impromptu performances are so much fun!" said Kurt with enthusiasm.

They talked for a long time, the thrill still evident in their voices as they animatedly spoke. Wes brought up the suggestion that they go dancing, and the three obliged. They left Bailey's and headed down the street to another club where the music was pounding loudly. They entered and showed their ID's to the security guard and Emilee went to find them a table.

"Let's go get more drinks," said Kurt, dragging Blaine to the bar and ordering two manhattans. They took them and began drinking quite quickly. They met the other two back at their table.

"We're just getting warmed up!" yelled Wes over the music.

"What!" screamed Blaine.

"I think he said shut the fuck up!" screamed Kurt.

"Who looks like a shrub?!" yelled Emilee.

"No, thanks, I'm not hungry!" screamed Blaine.

Wes rolled his eyes and dragged Em by the arm out onto the dance floor. Kurt chugged the rest of his drink down and Blaine did the same, taking him out to the floor where the music blasted into their ears. They could feel the vibrations of the bass against their skin and Kurt began dancing. Blaine followed his lead, shaking his hips and staring at Kurt with intense and hungry eyes. Kurt smirked when he found Blaine looking him up and down. He approached Blaine and closed the little space that was between them and pressed their foreheads together. Kurt moved steadily and with ease, rocking his hips side to side as Blaine rubbed his hands agains Kurt's sides. They twirled and danced and had eyes for only each other as they continued to sweat and be close to each other for what would be the final night in a very long time. Blaine knew it would be over soon, but that wouldn't keep him from enjoying every minute with Kurt.

Blaine licked his lips hungrily as they swayed. Kurt spun around and threw his hands in the air, swinging his head side to side as he loosened up. Blaine grabbed his waist and pulled him close as Kurt let his head fall back onto Blaine. Kurt reached behind his head and took hold of the back of Blaine's head, running his fingers through the curls. Blaine smiled and bit down a little on Kurt's ear.

Hours later they walked out onto the streets again, laughing and holding each other. Wes and Emilee followed them out, both very drunk and quite giggly. Kurt and Blaine bid them goodbye, kissing Emilee and hugging Wes, as they hailed a cab.

"See you guys later," said Blaine as he shut the door for them and the cab drove off.

The cab window rolled down and Emilee smiled at them. "You gays need to hang out with me more often!" The cab pulled away as she sang "Shopping!" in her best opera voice. They laughed as they saw Wes pulling her back in.

"They were so much fun," said Kurt as he held Blaine's hand and continued to walk down the street.

"You were so much fun.This night has been so amazing, Kurt. This week has been so amazing."

Kurt looked at him with glowing eyes.

"I could say the same about you," he said quietly. "You're amazing, Blaine. And I wish this night wouldn't end."

"It hasn't yet."

Blaine and Kurt entered the hotel room, kissing and ripping at each other's clothes. Blaine kicked the door shut and hobbled to the bed while Kurt unbuttoned his shirt. They kicked off their shoes and fell back onto the bed, Kurt on the bottom and Blaine undoing Kurt's pants. They were hungry for each other, needing to be close but their clothes were in the way. Blaine held tight to Kurt's lips, never parting for a while because he just needed Kurt there.

"Kurt..." moaned Blaine as he ran his hands up and down his sides.

"Mmm," he moaned back, clinging to Blaine desperately. He stood up quickly and shed the rest of his clothes as Kurt did the same. Finally, completely exposed and undone in front of each other, they laid back down, hands exploring every inch of skin they could touch. They locked lips one more time and kissed for what seemed like hours. They were in absolutely no rush, and just being this close, skin to skin, being closer to each other than anyone before, being completely open to each other was incredibly breath taking for them both. Blaine ran his hands down Kurt's arm and laced their fingers together, holding them above their heads.

Blaine's mouth traveled down Kurt's jawline and onto his neck, sucking different spots and licking them clean. Kurt squirmed underneath him at the intimacy of it all. The passion and fire that sparked between them was unmatched.


They unlinked their hands and Kurt reached for the condoms and lube on the nightstand. He handed the condom to Blaine as he popped the cap open.

"No." He took Kurt's hand and pushed it towards him. "I want you."

Kurt looked at him with surprised eyes.

"Y-you sure?"

Blaine nodded.

"I've never felt this close to anybody before, Kurt, and if it's possible to feel closer, then I want to. I want you," he repeated.

Kurt nodded. Blaine climbed off of him as Kurt sat up and placed the condom on himself, taking lube and rubbing it over his length. He took some more on his fingertips and scooted closer to Blaine who was now lying on his back with his knees up. He coated Blaine with it and teased him a little before settling in between his open legs.

"Ready?" asked Kurt.

Blaine nodded. He was more than ready.

Kurt pressed into Blaine ever so slightly, his head making it in completely. Blaine hissed in pain and Kurt stopped to let him adjust. Blaine had bottomed before, but it had been a while. After adjusting to it for a little, Kurt pushed in a little more, and Blaine held his hand on Kurt's stomach, stopping him from continuing until he was adjusted once more. Kurt eased in very slowly once Blaine gave him the okay, and once he was completely in, he held it there for ages, letting Blaine get completely used to the feeling. Kurt collapsed on Blaine, kissing him passionately. Blaine's hand grasped the back of Kurt's neck, holding him close, their foreheads pressed together.

"Okay," whispered Blaine. "Go."

Kurt eased out slowly, eliciting a moan from Blaine as his muscles clenched over Kurt, then he pushed back in. Blaine closed his eyes, holding Kurt's neck still as he slowly began pumping into him.

"Kurt," gasped Blaine. Kurt let his head fall down on Blaine's shoulder as Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt possessively. He clung to him as if he was his last hope, and he was never letting go. Kurt brought his hands up to Blaine's curls as he kept a steady, slow pace for Blaine. Kurt attached his lips to Blaine's neck and left little bruises making a trail up to his jaw.

Blaine tightened his grip on Kurt.

"Please don't leave me," whispered Blaine. Kurt stopped, lifting his head up and pressing their foreheads together.


Blaine closed his eyes and kissed him, knowing that he will physically have to leave, but wanted to hear the promise that they'd be forever be together at heart.

Kurt thrusted into Blaine again, the motion becoming hungrier as Blaine reveled in the feeling of having Kurt inside of him, so close and so personal. It was a connection matched to none.

"Fuck," moaned Kurt as he let his head fall onto Blaine's shoulder. Blaine trailed his hand up to the back of Kurt's head, fisting his hair. The room filled with sounds of panting and moaning, their names echoed in the small room several times. Their sweaty bodies pressed together, their lips smacking as they ferociously tried to melt into each other, was all too much for Blaine. It was all so surreal and amazing to share this with someone.

Kurt held himself up, both arms on either side of Blaine's head.

"I-I'm close," he moaned. Blaine grabbed at Kurt's ass, willing to push him farther inside as Kurt's thrusts began getting shorter and harsher. Kurt reached behind him and grabbed Blaine's hands, guiding them back around and over his head. Kurt fucked harder and faster, making Blaine moan with ecstasy as his entire body shivered in pleasure. He felt the familiar sensation in the pit of his stomach, building quickly as he watched Kurt become undone right in front of him like he hadn't seen him before.

"Oh, fuck," moaned Blaine, closing his eyes and just feeling Kurt move inside of him. He bit his lip as another moan erupted. Kurt's panting became harsher and shallow, and Blaine knew he was just about over the edge.

"Oh, god," Kurt said, and Blaine opened his eyes, watching as Kurt tipped over the edge. "Blaine," he called.

Just the sight of Kurt and his moans was enough for Blaine, and he yelled out Kurt's name as he spilled over onto their stomachs. Kurt captured Blaine's mouth and they kissed as they both rode out their orgasms. Blaine's body tingled as he came down from his high. He wriggled his hands free from underneath Kurt's and embraced him, wrapping his arms tight around his chest. They were silent for a minute, Blaine's legs still curled around Kurt's waist, just listening to each other's breathing as Kurt slowed his thrusts down to a full stop. Kurt's body shivered on top of him, and he knew he probably couldn't stand the sensitivity of still being inside of Blaine.

Kurt pulled out of him with a hiss, and threw the condom across the room. Blaine knew they should clean up, but he didn't have the energy, nor did he want spend anymore time away from Kurt than he already needed. So instead, he grabbed Kurt's arms and pulled him down to the bed, Blaine wrapping his arm around Kurt's chest from behind and curling into him. He left small kisses on Kurt's neck as their breathing slowed down. Kurt brought his hand up and laced their fingers together, squeezing tightly and rubbing small circles with his thumb. Blaine nuzzled Kurt, their steady beating of their hearts easily felt when they were this close.

"I'll miss you. So much," mumbled Kurt after a moment.

"Me too," was all Blaine could choke out. Fuck, why did life have to get in the way?

"We'll be strong. We'll make this work, just like I promised."

Would it, though? Blaine thought he would want nothing more than to be with Kurt, but would it be easier to just run back to Lindsey and pretend nothing happened? It would be near impossible. Blaine never in his life thought someone like Kurt could walk into his life, and he wasn't letting him leave without a fight.

"We'll make this work," Blaine echoed quietly. Kurt exhaled in relief, still holding Blaine's hand tightly. Tomorrow would mean goodbye, and they both understood. So tonight, they would spend as much time pressed together as possible.

"I almost have everything...oh! almost forgot my shampoo!" Kurt ran into the bathroom quickly. His suitcases lay on the bed wide open. Blaine took the opportunity to stuff his gift to Kurt into one of them. He draped a shirt over it to conceal it. He hoped that he wouldn't find it until he was all settled in to his new hotel in California.

Kurt came out of the bathroom with an armful of hair products and dropped them into one of the suitcases. He tucked them into the lid and zipped it shut, making a dramatic sigh as Blaine closed his other one.

"Well...I think that's it." Kurt sighed as he looked around his tidy hotel room. Blaine began to experience the sinking feeling he knew all too well.

"I...guess this is goodbye," Blaine said, not able to look Kurt in the eyes for fear of crying.

"No, it's not," said Kurt walking over to him, grabbing his chin and tilting his head up. "This is 'see you later.'" Blaine smiled sadly.

"I want to thank you for the best week of my entire life," said Kurt softly.

"Of your entire life?" asked Blaine.

"Well, maybe next to my first week of my Vogue internship, but this comes as a very close second."

Blaine kissed Kurt softly, their lips sticking a little as they pulled apart.

"I guess I can thank you, too...I'm gonna miss you so much."

Kurt rubbed Blaine's arm soothingly.

"I know, babe. I'll miss you, too. But, I've already booked my flight for next month. We're skyping when I can, and we'll call every day."

Blaine nodded. He embraced Kurt in his arms, squeezing him oh so tight. He hoped that the hug conveyed to Kurt that he believed him, believed him that everything between them would work out. No matter what, they'd make it out in the end.

" better get going," said Blaine, his voice cracking a little at the end. He didn't want Kurt to see him in this state. He needed to be strong, yet somehow, Kurt managed to be strong for the both of them.

"Yeah, I don't want to miss this flight." Kurt looked Blaine in his hazel eyes, a message of serenity passing through to him. Blaine felt calmer just looking at how good Kurt was with the situation. The confidence he had in them swelled through to him and Blaine felt like this was going to work. For the first time in days, he felt at peace with this.

"Call me as soon as you land."

"I will. We'll be together again before you know it," said Kurt. They kissed one last time, their arms wrapping around each other once more. With a final rub of Blaine's back, Kurt released him and moved over to the door. He grabbed his bags and Blaine opened the door for him.

"Thanks...I'll call," said Kurt with a smile. He hesitated for a minute, then placed a final kiss on Blaine's cheek. And with that, he walked down the hallway towards the elevator.

Blaine let the door shut. Like the room he was standing in, he suddenly felt so empty. He had to remind himself that this wasn't how it was going to end. He still felt the heat of Kurt's lips on his cheek, and he absentmindedly touched the spot.

This is temporary, Blaine. You'll be together again.

Still, Blaine couldn't help but feel alone.


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