The Starring Role
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The Starring Role: Chapter 7

E - Words: 3,966 - Last Updated: Aug 19, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Feb 23, 2013 - Updated: Aug 19, 2013
96 0 0 1 0

Author's Notes: Sorry for the delay. I can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter!Don't be afraid to stalk me on tumblr, I love hearing what you guys have to say!

The Starring Role

Chapter 7

"Alright, boys, come on in." Carole gestured Kurt and Blaine to enter Burt's room. Kurt shot up and all but ran into the room. Carole smiled affectionately at the gesture. Kurt seemed like a little kid whose dad just got home from work and was so happy to see him again.

"Dad!" he cried as he walked over to the bed and embraced his father into an awkward hug. Burt groaned as he wrapped one arm around Kurt's neck. Blaine stood by the doorway, watching the family interact.

"Hey, bud...could ya stop squeezing me so hard, my ribs are still broken."

Kurt leaned back and took his hands off of Burt, forgetting he was so fragile at the moment.

"Oh, sorry." He gently patted Burt's arm in apology. "Are you feeling better? What hurts? Do you need anything? Ice water? Food? Did you want a book to read? How about watching some TV? Do you need some clothes? I could run home and get some for you, ya know, and maybe bring over my laptop or-"

Carole chuckled and laid a hand on Kurt's shoulder.

"Stop trying to take my job, sweetheart. I've got everything under control, I promise."

Kurt nodded and smiled at Carole.

"I know, I'm just crazy." Kurt took hold of Burt's hand and gave a gentle squeeze.

"But you are feeling better, right?"

"Tons," said Burt. "Still extremely sore and achey but not in any excruciating pain. These damn pills they keep feeding me might have a lot to do with it," he said, taking a pill from Carole and a small cup with water in it. He took it, and settled down in the bed once more.

"Kurt you didn't have to come all the way to Lima for me," said Burt. Kurt sighed in annoyance, and, Blaine assumed, probably because he was tired of explaining himself to everyone.

"I know, Dad, but I wanted to make sure you were okay. I'm here, there's nothing you can do about it, so just enjoy my company." Burt laughed, and instantly winced in pain as he swallowed the laugh and grabbed the railing of the bed.

"I can't even laugh without hurting," he mumbled as Kurt held his hands out, waiting for instruction. "I'm fine, I'm fine," he said when Carole jumped to his side. "Just gotta get used to resting for a while."

They nodded as Burt relaxed again, slowly taking in breaths through his nose and out his mouth. He leaned his head against his pillow as the pain dissipated.

"How's Chicago treating you?" he asked after a moment.

Kurt smiled. "Surprisingly well, actually. I'm having the time of my life there. The stage is coming along great and I don't think it could've gone any better if I do say so myself," he gloated.

"Had any trouble with the crew?"

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Always. But I just give them my bitch glare and they shut up."

They all laughed, and Blaine muffled his own out with his hand. It seemed like Burt hadn't noticed him, which was perfectly fine with him. The longer he'd wait, the better. Standing there observing was giving him a temperature of what Burt seemed to be like

"Good, good. Staying out of trouble?"

"Dad, I'm a grown ass man, you don't have to worry about me."

"No, but you're still my kid, so don't say 'ass' around me, or I might have to kick yours."

Kurt and Carole laughed.

"I said 'bitch' just a second ago and you didn't say anything about that," said Kurt with a smile.

"Yes, but I am still your father and you should be careful with your mouth before I put soap in it."

"Says the one who can't stand up," Carole joked.

"Hey," he said pointing his finger playfully, "never underestimate a father's power."

They chuckled, and Kurt sat down in one of the chairs.

"What time are you due out of Chicago?" asked Burt.

Kurt sighed. "In about three days. I love it there, I really don't want to move."

"Any ideas where they'll put you next?" asked Carole.

Kurt shook his head. "My manager said maybe California, but he should call me today or tomorrow to let me know."

"You really don't want to leave," said Burt, noticing the deflation in his voice as he spoke.

"No, not at all."

"It could be an exciting opportunity," said Burt. "Who knows the people you'll meet or the places you'll see."

"Yeah, but I like the people in Chicago...mainly one person."

Kurt blushed slightly, turning towards the door where Blaine stood.

Burt looked over at him, eyes wide with surprise.

" met someone?"

"Yes." Kurt went over to Blaine and took his hand, pulling him all the way into the room.

"Hello, Mr. Hummel," said Blaine, feeling heat rise to his cheeks. "It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you."

Burt nodded, one eyebrow up in the air and his eyes still sizing up Blaine.

"Wish I could say the same about you." He extended an arm out to Blaine and he gently shook it, hoping that the force wouldn't harm him in any way.

"I'm Blaine Anderson. I, uh- I'm a producer for a movie."

"Nice, what movie?" asked Burt, eyes still probing Blaine.

"Can't really tell that information just yet, but once production is under way we'll be letting the public know."

"Alright, fair enough. How'd you meet my son?"

"Uh...well, I was in the restaurant having a drink and organizing my meetings for the next day and Kurt sat by me and we just started a conversation."

"He's being modest, I was nosing into his business. Then we started talking and now..." Kurt held his hand up with Blaine's.

"I see...alright, so you met at a restaurant and you're dating. How's come I wasn't informed?"

"'s been kind of recent, Dad. Nothing to worry about."

"I'll worry about what I need to, Kurt," he said. "Blaine, it's very nice to meet you. Have a seat, please," he gestured towards the cushioned seats. Carole rolled two of them over to them and she sat in her own on the other side of Burt's bed.

They talked about how Blaine grew up in Westerville and their competitions and the like. They made small talk, Blaine asking about Burt's shop and Burt asking questions about Blaine and his work. They talked for about an hour, exchanging stories and Burt embarrassing Kurt about his childhood.

"Dad, please stop," he mumbled. Blaine laughed, looking at Kurt's red face as he tried hiding it by rubbing his cheeks.

Blaine's pocket began vibrating and he jumped. He pulled his phone out, looking at the screen. Wes.

"Um...I have to take this call, it's the director. I'll be right back." They nodded and Blaine left the room. He closed the door behind him and walked several feet down the hallway.


"Blaine. Everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine."

"You sure?"


"Okay, well I'm just calling to let you know production starts in three days."

"What!" he asked surprised. "Shit."

A nurse walked by and gave him a disapproving glare. He glared right back at her.

"Can you make it?"

"Umm...yeah, yeah I'll be there."

"Blaine, if you need more time I'm sure I can cover for you."

"No, no, I'm not doing that to you. I'll be there, I promise."

"Alright. You're telling me everything when you get back."

Great, now Blaine had to deal with Wes. He was his best friend, but he didn't think he was ready for a conversation like this.

"Okay. See you soon."

They hung up and Blaine re-entered the room.

"What's up?" asked Kurt, looking at up at him.

"Oh, production starts in three days. So I'll have to be back there probably by tomorrow,"

he said, walking to stand next to Kurt.

"Really?" Kurt looked disappointed and his shoulders sunk. "Okay, well I'll come with you."

"No, Kurt, you don't have to do that," pleaded Blaine, taking his shoulder and giving it a squeeze. "Stay as long as you need."

Kurt stood up and grabbed the ends of Blaine's coat, pulling him a little closer.

"I have to. It'd be a bad message if I wasn't there to finish the stage design, so it's best if I go back, too."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded.

Blaine nodded as well and Kurt leaned in a little. He met him halfway and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Blaine slipped his hand behind Kurt's head and pressed him closer.

Burt cleared his throat in the background and Blaine jumped away, forgetting that there were others in the room. Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Dad, you're such a buzzkill." He turned back to him and Burt shrugged his shoulders.

"I didn't do anything," he said.

Kurt rolled his eyes again.

"Alright boys, your father has to rest. He's gonna need his sleep."

"Okay." Kurt walked over to the bed and planted a kiss on Burt's forehead. "Bye, Dad. I'm glad you're doing better."

"Me too, kiddo. Have fun in Chicago. I love you."

Kurt smiled, eyes scrunching at the ends. "Love you too, Dad. Be careful."

Carole began walking out and Kurt followed her, beginning a conversation on what times she will exactly check up on Burt and to text him right away about him. Blaine rolled his eyes playfully and turned to Burt, holding out his hand.

"It was nice to meet you, Mr. Hummel. I hope I see you again."

Burt smiled and took his hand.

"Take care, bud." They shook hands. Blaine released but Burt held tight. He looked down at their hands and Blaine's eyes widened, looking up to meet Burt's.

"Take care of my kid. He seems really happy being with you, so...please don't break his heart."

Blaine looked down, blood rushing to his face.

Too late.

"Don't worry. I'll be good to him."

Burt nodded and released his hand. Blaine turned and began walking out of the room.

"Let me know when the movie comes out so I can see it at midnight."

Blaine chuckled.

"Will do, Mr. Hummel. Take care."

He walked out in the hallway to Carole trying to relax Kurt and tell him that she had it all under control.

They said their goodbyes and Kurt walked down the hallway with Blaine hand in hand. Kurt began talking of the work pile he was going to have when he returned to Chicago, but Blaine wasn't paying attention. Burt's voice kept ringing in his head.

Please don't break his heart.

Blaine flopped on the bed with a sigh. That had to be one of the most intense and awkward situations ever. It all went so well, but the feeling of guilt washed over him. How could he stand there and lie? How could he lie to Kurt this whole time? How could he do this to Lindsey?

Nothing seemed right, yet it did. He felt right being with Kurt, whole and complete. But never had a one night stand ever escalated to this degree. It was just a fuck and then one of them left. It was all so intense and too much to take in at the time. What kind of vile human being would you have to be to lie to a person, let alone cheat on the one you'remarriedto? Who the hell was he to have so many good things in his life when he was living the biggest lie of all? He didn't deserve Kurt. He didn't deserve anything at all. He lied to Burt, Carole, and Kurt. He lied to Lindsey. He was lying to himself.

He was worthless. He hated himself. He couldn't stand being in his own skin. But every time Kurt was around, he felt whole and calm for once in his life. Nothing compared to the feeling that Kurt gave him: the butterflies, the longing kisses, the feeling of closeness, the want to know every part of Kurt's life, mind, and heart. He wanted to own it completely for himself. Would it ever be his, though? Would he ever be the person he wanted himself to be? More importantly, can he be the man Kurt wants in his life?

"You okay?" Kurt walked out of the bathroom to see Blaine's eyes shut, his face scrunched in a frown.

"Oh...yeah, I'm fine," he said, sitting up on one elbow. He rubbed his face and shook his head to clear his mind.

"You don't sound like it."

He walked over to the bed and sat down, rubbing his hand on Blaine's arm.

"Babe, what's wrong? Something's obviously upsetting you..."

He sighed. This is what happens when he has too much time on his hands to think.

"It's just...I think it's time we're realistic about this whole situation."

"Realistic? What do you mean?" Kurt dropped his hand.

"I much longer are we going to keep this up?"

"Well, we have tonight and then tomorrow."

" know what I mean..." He gave Kurt a look which elicited a sigh of annoyance.

"I know...I just don't want to think about that right now. I don't want to think beyond this week. I've just had such a great time so far that I don't want it to end. All of this is still so surreal to me and...I don't deal well with thinking so far ahead when things in life are starting to look up."

Blaine's heart clenched. Life for Kurt was getting much better and Blaine's was only getting more complicated.

"That's the thing...we have to be realistic about this or it's not going to work."

"Blaine, I really like you. And I don't want us to stop seeing each other. We're going to keep contact, no matter what it takes. Given our busy schedules..."

"Right, our schedules. I'm busy all day filming, and I'm positive I'll have to work way into the night."

"And I'm going to be designing a stage, which beginning it is the longest process..."

"That leaves about no time for us to be together. You even said that you're probably going to Cali for their Broadway design."

"But we'll visit each other. I'll fly out to Chicago, you'll fly out to wherever I'm placed next. We'll make it work...honestly I've never felt this intense about anything before."

"Do you think that it's just the honeymoon phase that's making you feel like this?"

Kurt leaned back, appalled, and crossed his arms.

"Blaine, I know what passion feels like, and this relationship has been nothing but. I've been in previous relationships, and I'm sure you have, too-"

I'm in two right now.

"-and you know just as well as I do that this is different.We'redifferent. Whatever it takes, I'm willing to commit to this so long as you are as well. Because if I'm the only one that's going to be willing, then you have to let me know right now so it can end. Relationships take two to work."

Blaine sighed, his throat clenched. He wantednothingmore than to start his life over with Kurt. To disappear from the world and everyone that knew him so that he and Kurt could be. He obviously didn't want this to end or he would've ended it after the first night.

"Kurt, I would be more than happy to commit, but I just don't see how I can function without you being with me in the same city."

"It'll just make the reunions all the more worth while. Don't you see? Iwantthis to work. For some reason I'm getting the feeling you'd rather not..."

Blaine sat up. "What? No, Kurt, that's not what I meant at all...fuck, I want you in my life. I want you with me, and maybe in the future we'll be able to settle down together. It's just the present that's making this so much worse."

Great, Blaine hated thinking about the past and the future, and now he's worried about the present. His life was justfabulous.

"So we'll get through this. We'll see each other. We have phones to call each other, we can Skype, we can text throughout the day."

"It's just not the same..."

"It'll make us stronger, Blaine..."

"I don't want to be strong, I want you withme."

Kurt grabbed Blaine and pulled him down, embracing him with his open arms. Blaine curled into him, resting his head on his chest and wrapping his arm around his waist. He inhaled, taking in Kurt's scent that seemed to drive him crazy but relax him at the same time.

"I don't want to lose you," said Blaine quietly.

"You won't," Kurt said, rubbing his back. "We'll get through it. I promise."

They lied there in a comfortable silence, Blaine drawing designs on Kurt's stomach. He closed his eyes and imagined a life without Kurt. It had barely been a week.One week.How had he fallen for someone so hard in that time.

"Do you believe in soul mates?" he asked randomly.

"I do," replied Kurt.

More silence.

Blaine sighed.

Kurt reached his hand to Blaine's chin and tilted his head towards his to embrace him in a soft kiss. Blaine melted into him, pulling him closer until he was sure they were fused together as one. He was his. He didn't know for how much longer, but one thing he knew, that in this moment, they belonged to each other.

They woke up the next morning after an afternoon and a night of lounging around the house. They ended up watching TV and eating their feelings, closely cuddled next to each other at all times. Blaine woke up slightly more refreshed. Luckily, the nightmare didn't invade his subconscious again.

"You sure you have everything?"

"Yep," said Blaine. "I didn't bring much since I knew it was going to be a short trip. For me, at least."


Blaine looked over at Kurt who was packing the rest of his belongings in his bag. He moved over to the dresser and began putting his numerous bottles of face-whatever into the plastic bag and zipped it up.

"Thanks for coming with me again," he said while he wiped the dresser clean. "I really don't know how I would have handled myself if you didn't come."

Blaine walked over to him and took the items from his hands, setting them gently onto the dresser again. He placed his hands on Kurt's head and leaned in for a kiss.

"I would do anything for you," he whispered. Kurt kept his eyes closed and pressed his forehead to Blaine's, his brow furrowed. Blaine thought, no doubt, that he was still thinking about the short amount of time they had left. As if in response, Kurt pulled Blaine in tighter, lacing his fingers together behind his back.

"Blaine...I-I honestly can't thank you enough. I...thanks."

Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt again. He could never get enough of him, even when they spent the majority of their week in each other's presence.

"Come on, we better go, or we'll miss the plane."

Blaine nodded, releasing Kurt and going back to his own bag to finish stuffing his hair products in them.

"We're going on a date tonight," said Blaine suddenly. He heard Kurt stop shuffling with his things.

"Oh, yeah? What for?"

Blaine turned to look at him, an innocent look on his face. "Because we kinda rushed through all of this and we never really went on a date...well except for that coffee run."

"Which didn't end well, might I add."

"True, given the circumstances, I guess I can forgive you," said Blaine, holding his hands up. "But now it's my turn to take you out like a true gentleman. We'll have some cocktails at this bar I found not too long ago. It's really cool and they have open mic night tonight for anyone who wants to sing, perform, recite poetry. It's so awesome, and I think you'll really like it."

Kurt cocked his head in surprise. "I've always wanted to go to places like that. How'd you hear of this place?"

"My buddy Wes took me one time. He...will probably come tonight if I can catch him once we land in Chicago."

"Well, I can't wait then," said Kurt with a smile.

Blaine smiled as well. Today was going to be a mix of emotions. One, because he was going to have to tell Wes about Kurt, and two, because he'd be spending the evening with Kurt on a real date.

His life, Blaine realized, was quickly becoming a roller coaster of emotions. And he wasn't quite sure what to think of it.

"I can't wait to hear you sing," said Kurt with a smirk.

"Who said I was singing?" said Blaine, trying to keep his lips from turning up into a grin.

"No one, I just assumed."

"Well, maybe I signed you up to sing."

"Then, we'll just have to leave it up to Wes, won't we?"

"You bastard," laughed Blaine.

"Troll bitch," replied Kurt.

Blaine turned and ran over to Kurt, picking him up from behind with ease and twirling him around the room. Kurt yelled to stop, all the while laughing and swatting at Blaine's hands.

"I'm too tall for this! I was made to stay on the ground!"

"This troll bitch is gonna make youwishyou weren't so tall," laughed Blaine, finally crashing on the bed in a fit of giggles. Kurt rolled over him and grabbed his arms, firmly holding them down onto the bed. He leaned down and kissed Blaine passionately, tongue swirling out instantly to swipe across Blaine's lips. A moan escaped his lips as Blaine leaned his head up to taste more of Kurt. He tried wriggling his arms free but with no avail. Kurt sucked Blaine's bottom lip between his teeth and bit down gently as Blaine writhed underneath him. He released with a "pop" and Blaine opened his eyes to look up into Kurt's magnificent blue ones.

"Try that one again, and you won't get to see what happens tonight," smirked Kurt.

Blaine rolled his eyes.

"Can I get a preview?" he asked with his puppy eyes.

"Thatwasthe preview."

"You sleaze."

Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt once more before shoving him off.

"Really, we'd better hurry or we're gonna be stuck in Ohio for a while." Kurt climbed off of him as he grabbed their bags.

"I'll get the stuff in the car," he said as Blaine took one last sweep of his room.

Back to Chicago.


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