The Starring Role
Chapter 18 Previous Chapter Story
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The Starring Role: Chapter 18

E - Words: 4,043 - Last Updated: Aug 19, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Feb 23, 2013 - Updated: Aug 19, 2013
101 0 0 1 0

Author's Notes: A/N: This is it! The end has come for my two beloved boys. A few things: a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has stuck with this story, whether you started since the first post in February or just now tagged along, I want to thank everyone who read this! All of your reviews kept me inspired and motivated to keep writing (also, I'm sorry for not replying to everyone recently, life has been hectic). I'm not entirely certain if I'll continue with fanfiction because I have been writing and creating my own stories and characters that hopefully will be published when completed, but who knows. I'll definitely be coming back to make one shots, and possibly write some snippets from Kurt and Blaine's future :)Okay, sorry for ranting: Enjoy the epilogue!

The Starring Role


*Two Years Later*

Kurt lay on the bed, legs crossed at the ankles and his nose buried in his book. The sweater he wore gave him some warmth from the blizzard outside, and the scent of cinnamon wafted across the room, giving it a Christmas ambience. He curled and uncurled his toes as he read in anticipation, completely lost in a world unlike his own. Blaine walked into the room, glasses perched on his nose as he looked at a piece of paper with a frown.

"Hey, babe, what's this charge on the credit card last month for $60?"

Kurt jumped, startled from being pulled back into reality. "Whoa, Blaine." He closed the book and set it down beside him while his mind raced to catch up with him, his hand on his chest to will his heart to calm down.

"Uhh...sorry, what did you say?"

Blaine looked up and a smile grew on his face. "Didn't mean to startle you," he said. Kurt shook himself and smiled back.

"Not your fault. Just too engrossed, I guess."

Blaine walked to the bed, kicking off his shoes and crawled on top of the fluffy comforter.

"Too engrossed in what?" he smirked at Kurt. Kurt gave him a mischievous grin and abruptly laid on his side, elbow on the bed and head propped on his hand.

"Well, this book I'm reading has a very, very handsome gentleman who is a terribly hopeless romantic, and even though he can't find that perfect someone, it still doesn't stop him from searching."

Blaine gave a crooked grin. "How lovely. You seem to be serious about him."

"I think I'm in love," Kurt smirked. Blaine crawled the rest of the way up the bed to sit right next to Kurt.

"Should I be jealous of this handsome gentleman?"

"I said I think I'm in love. I never said it was with him, though."

Blaine's grin grew and he bent down to snatch a kiss from Kurt. The butterflies in his stomach still fluttered every time he did that, and god did he love having Kurt with him at all times.

Since that night of the accident a little more than two years ago, they both seemed to be attached at the hip. They both fully healed from their injuries within a month and were both back to work in no time. Since Kurt was placed in California at the time, they still had to spend some months apart, but eventually he requested a transfer back to Chicago where he and Blaine rented an apartment together. Blaine's production company released their first movie in a three series project and was planned to be stationed in Chicago for several more years as they worked on the other two films.

Roy had in fact been correct about Lindsey and her fake pregnancy, and for that Blaine was quite relieved. Either way that it went, he and Kurt were ready for whatever came their way, but it was still a weight lifted off his shoulders when no baby came around nine months later.

Blaine filed for divorce soon after that night that Roy had called, and to his surprise, Lindsey didn't put up much of a fight. He was certainly confused as to why, and Blaine was a little suspicious at first, but no backlash ever came. Maybe Lindsey finally realized that she could no longer control or manipulate him into feeling sorry for her or to feel guilty about things that he shouldn't feel guilty about. It was extremely liberating for Blaine to finally be comfortable in his own skin. The mask he was hiding behind became nothing more than the past he struggled through to finally become the man he knew he should be. Blaine's parents were obviously upset about the whole thing, and coming out to them was no easy task. Luckily, they didn't disown him like he felt they would, but they were still upset nonetheless. He didn't care. Kurt was the only driving force in his life and as long as he had him around, nothing would ever stand in the way. How could it?

Loving Kurt was the single most thrilling, heartbreaking, and worthwhile ride he'd ever imagined, and if he had the chance to do it again in some other life, he would comply without a second thought. Never in a million years would Blaine have thought that waking up next to the love of his life every day would bring him immense joy. He was utterly grateful for his boyfriend and he would do whatever it took to keep him happy.

It was Christmas time, and Kurt's family was coming around later in the day to celebrate with them.

"Well, I'm glad you're in love with me, then," said Blaine, cupping Kurt's face. Kurt hummed in approval before wrapping his open arm around Blaine's waist.

"I also think you're excellent at deflection," Blaine tacked on. Kurt laughed and pulled away.

"Was it working?" Blaine shook his head and dangled the credit card statement with a furrow of his brow.

"I can't help it. Decorating is my joy, and I knew we were short on cash for Christmas presents. You know I can't resist a good bargain, especially during this time of year," Kurt pouted, jutting out his lower lip playfully.

"That look doesn't mean it's a deal," said Blaine, jabbing Kurt's side. He yelped in surprise and then tackled Blaine, sending the statement fluttering away, instantly forgotten and Blaine on his back. Kurt settled all of his weight on top of him, lacing their fingers together as they delved in another deep kiss. He hoped that the feeling that Kurt gave him when they did that would never go away.

Kurt pulled away and Blaine looked into those blue eyes that knew him so well.

"I love you," he said quietly.

"I love you, too," said Kurt just as quietly, his lips ghosting over Blaine's. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Blaine's breath caught.

"You want your Christmas present now?"

Kurt propped himself up on his elbow with a puzzled look. "Another one?"

Blaine bit his lip, trying to suppress his smile. Kurt squinted his eyes, but agreed anyway. Jittery with excitement, Blaine crawled out from underneath Kurt and tugged him off the bed. They made their way into the living room that was completely adorned in decorations. The Christmas tree stood by the window, lights glinting at whoever looked up into their apartment. Music was playing quietly in the background as the cat purred loudly on the couch.

Blaine pulled Kurt to the tree and reached under it, grabbing a present and putting it behind his back. They stood facing each other, one set of hands still linked.

"What is it?" Kurt asked, jumpy with excitement. "Is it that Louis Vuitton scarf I've been looking at for weeks?!" Blaine chuckled. "No, you bought that last week, remember?"

Kurt frowned in thought, then laughed at himself for forgetting.

"Right. Well, don't keep me waiting!"

Blaine smiled. "I love you. There's nothing more than that. You have taught me so much about myself in the last two years. You've changed me completely, and for that I am forever in your debt. Kurt, you are the single most important person in my life, and I don't want to imagine a life without you in it." Kurt cocked his head in confusion though his smile was still plastered on his face.

"You've given me more than I deserve, and I cannot believe that I still have you with me after everything that happened between us. I am so in love with you and I don't care who knows it."

Blaine lowered down on one knee and held out the present in front of him, lifting the lid of the small box to reveal a silver ring glinting at him. Kurt's shock was scribbled all over his face, his mouth hanging open and breath caught in his throat. The look somehow made him seem that much younger and vulnerable.

"Kurt Hummel, will you do me the honor of being my husband?"

"Yes!" Kurt exclaimed without a second thought, his eyes still wide. "Oh my god, yes!" Blaine's heart flipped and he knew he was probably grinning like an idiot, but he didn't care. The love of his life just agreed to marry him. He took the ring from box and slid it carefully onto Kurt's finger with just the perfect fit. As soon as it was in place, Kurt pulled him up and pressed a fierce kiss onto Blaine's lip, making him lose his breath once again.

"I love it when you do that," sighed Blaine when they finally parted.

"I love you so much, Blaine. I could never imagine my life without you either, nor do I want to." Their foreheads were pressed together and their hands linked again. "I will be beyond happy if I married you."

They kissed again, grins still present on both of their faces. Kurt wrapped his long arms around Blaine's neck as their kiss deepened. Blaine's arm wrapped around his waist while the other snaked up Kurt's back and into his hair.

Pure bliss coursed their bodies, and Blaine couldn't remember the last time he'd been this happy. Love was a funny thing and worked in very mysterious ways, but the odds were in his favor this time.

"How can I ever top this present," panted Kurt as they became more frantic with their touch.

"Don't need to. I just want you," said Blaine which elicited a soft moan from Kurt. Their heated kiss turned more fervent, the need to feel each other overpowering any sane thought that could pass through their heads.

"I need you," said Kurt, kissing Blaine one last time before shoving him towards the couch. "Now."

Blaine toppled on his back, making the cat hiss and jump to get away from them. Kurt unbuttoned his pants and his sweater, quickly stripping himself down to his boxer briefs. The sight alone made Blaine twitch in his pants and he knew he had to get rid of his clothes very soon. In a matter of moments, they were both nude with bodies pressed against each other, the mere contact making them sigh with relief. Kisses were planted everywhere and their hands roamed their familiar bodies, though it never seemed to get old.

Kurt curled his fingers into Blaine's hair as he nipped at his stubbly neck. Blaine moaned as he let his eyes flutter closed, raking his fingernails ever so gently down Kurt's side that sent a shiver through his aroused body. Kurt straddled Blaine, bucking his hips down so their groins rubbed together which caused moans to erupt from the both.

"God, you're so beautiful," Blaine murmured as Kurt rocked back and forth.

"I love you," replied Kurt before claiming Blaine's mouth with another kiss. Blaine lifted his hips for more contact with Kurt, the need to be inside of Kurt growing ever so steadily in his body. Kurt must have had the same thought because he was soon pressing down harder and harder on Blaine, their erections twitching for more friction.

Blaine hooked his arms around Kurt to press their bodies closer together, the mere weight of Kurt on top sending thrills down to his toes. He pressed his hand on the small of Kurt's back and reveled in the sounds that Kurt was making.

"Need you inside me," moaned Kurt as he grabbed Blaine's shoulders, the ring on his right hand feeling cold against his skin. It sent a whole new sensation down Blaine's spine.

Kurt reached underneath the couch where their tube of lube had fallen under from their last spontaneous living room adventure. Blaine reached between their bodies to take Kurt in his hand. He hissed at the contact and stuttered as the pleasure shot through his body. Blaine's hand expertly moved over Kurt, thumb rubbing over the head as he pumped agonizingly slow, making Kurt's face scrunch with need. He bucked his hips to thrust into Blaine's hand and he threw his head back, chest heaving harsh breaths.

"I won't last long like this," panted Kurt. He popped the cap open and spread a generous amount on Blaine. He didn't have the patience at the moment to warm himself up, and he knew it would sting at first but he needed Blaine inside of him.

Kurt propped himself up, lining Blaine's cock along himself and slowly sat down. Blaine looked as Kurt sank down on him, watching himself slowly bury inside of Kurt. Blaine threw his head back with gasp, eyes fluttering closed at the warmth that now engulfed him.

"Fuck," Kurt hissed. Once he settled down completely, he waited there for a few moments to completely adjust. He squeezed on Blaine which made him groan loudly.

"Kurt, move, please," begged Blaine, becoming completely unraveled with the teasing. It still stung Kurt a bit, but he rocked his hips back and forth, not yet ready for mind blowing fucking.

Kurt set his hands on Blaine's toned chest, using it for leverage as he adjusted completely to Blaine. Grinding on Blaine was probably the best teasing that Kurt could manage, not fully getting the pleasure of sliding in and out but just enough to tantalize him so he would eventually go crazy.

Blaine reached up to Kurt to pull him down for another kiss, their tongues meeting once again. Kurt pulled back and lifted himself off of Blaine slightly and sitting back down, making Blaine squirm underneath him. He tried again, and again until the steady rhythm was placed, Kurt moving up and down on Blaine with gasps and moans escaping his lips.

"Mmmm," groaned Blaine as he thrusted up with his hips to meet Kurt every time he sank down, their sweaty bodies slapping with each thrust. He lifted himself off Blaine more and more, almost completely letting Blaine slip out of him before sinking down hard. It was Blaine's favorite position when he wanted to be controlled.

Kurt slowed, clearly tired from using his legs to maneuver. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's midsection and flipped them with ease. This was the way he liked it when he couldn't handle Kurt's teasing any longer. Kurt begged for more underneath him as Blaine tried to make every movement as pleasurable as possible for him.

"Need you," moaned Kurt.

"You have me."

Blaine propped his knees up and began to thrust into Kurt more passionately. Kurt wrapped his legs around Blaine's waist as their lips met, their moans muffled by each other's mouths. Once they parted, Kurt leaned his head to the right, giving an open invitation to Blaine to do what he pleased with his mouth. Blaine attached his lips to the soft neck as he continued to move in and out of Kurt, his tongue lapping up the taste of him. He nibbled slightly, surprising Kurt and making him clench around Blaine.

A deep growl from Blaine signified Kurt that he was close. As in reply, Kurt moved his legs higher up Blaine's waist to give a new angle to each thrust, Blaine hitting his prostate.

"Fuck, right there!" screamed Kurt as Blaine sped up. Each pounding made Kurt's body tingle with pleasure as Blaine let out a releasing moan, coming inside of Kurt and yelling his name. Kurt reached down and pulled at Blaine's ass, somehow hoping that he could push Blaine deeper as Kurt yelled from his own release, spilling over in between their bodies. Blaine's hips stuttered and eventually stopped, collapsing on top of Kurt as their lips met once again.

Their breathing was harsh and Kurt noticed how sticky they both had become, but he didn't care. Blaine was with him, he was now engaged, and the mind-blowing sex was just a topper to the best Christmas of his life.

They parted and looked at each other.

"Wow" was the only thing that Kurt could manage. Even after almost three years, Blaine had still managed to please him beyond belief and take his breath away.

"Yeah, I agree," laughed Blaine as sweat beaded on his forehead. Their bodies were beginning to get cold from the the sweat cooling on their skins, but Kurt pulled Blaine as close as possible, not wanting their bodies to lose contact. He wondered just how long Blaine was willing to stay inside of him.

"I love you so much," Kurt muttered.

"Say it again," teased Blaine.

"I love you so much," repeated Kurt with a snicker.

"I love you, too," laughed Blaine as they kissed one more time. Reluctantly, Blaine pulled out of Kurt, both of them hissing at the loss of contact and sensitivity.

"We better get cleaned up. Your family will be here in an hour." Blaine stood and held his hand out to Kurt. He took it and pulled himself up.

"Our family will be here," winked Kurt as he pulled him into the bathroom. They showered together, helping each other clean off the smell of sex and sweat.

"I bet you can't wait to tell your dad," commented Blaine. Kurt chuckled as he lathered his hair with shampoo while Blaine sponged Kurt's back.

"I can't wait to tell everyone I know," countered Kurt, eyes closed as suds threatened to fall in his eyes. He quickly washed it off and turned to Blaine, wrapping his arms around him.

"I can't wait to show you off as my fiancé now instead of my boyfriend."

"I can't wait either," said Blaine with a laugh. The look in Kurt's eyes melted Blaine and did something to him that no one else could. "I'd better get out of here before I do something to make us late," he smirked as he reached around and squeezed Kurt's ass.

Kurt moaned with desire, but knew better than that. There was definitely not be enough time for that, although they were in the shower...

He shook his head and shoo'ed Blaine out.

"Yeah, you'd better go," he urged. Blaine chuckled lightheartedly as he climbed out and grabbed a towel for himself, drying his body off minimally and wrapping it around his waist. Water dripped down his shaggy hair, the rivulets streaming down his chest and stomach.

Blaine walked into the living room, chuckling as he caught the cat beginning to snuggle in their clothes that were still shed on the ground. She meowed as he lifted her off. Kurt would throw a fit if he found out the cat was sleeping on his sweater. After gathering the clothes in his arms, he walked into the bedroom and toweled off the rest of his body. The shower in the bathroom shut off and Blaine put on boxers and his jeans, picking out a new shirt from his closet while pulling out some clothes for Kurt to wear. It was a secret that they never shared with anyone. At times, Blaine would choose an outfit for Kurt and vice versa, neither one ever being disappointed in the choices.

Kurt walked into the room with his briefs on, rubbing at his damp hair with his towel.

"Better check on the ham," he said as he looked at the clothes on the bed with a nod of approval.

"On it," said Blaine, walking over and placing a kiss on his cheek.

No sooner than he took the ham out of the oven did the doorbell ring. He quickly shoved the oven mitts off of his hands carelessly as he went over to the door to buzz the guests in. A few minutes later, Blaine opened the door to Burt and Carole just as Kurt walked out of the bathroom, his hair perfectly done and a new outfit on in record time.

"Hey, guys," greeted Burt with a smile on his face. Blaine's heart warmed at the sight of the two, smiling just as bright and taking a plastic bag from Carole.

"Come in," said Blaine after shaking Burt's hand.

"Sweetie, I'm gonna need a baking sheet to place these rolls on to warm them in the oven."

Blaine gestured with his head for her to follow him into the kitchen. "Sure thing."

Burt and Kurt embraced, both silently grateful that they could spend another holiday together. Next to Blaine, his father was his best friend and he always cherished what time they could both spend together in their busy lives.

"Come on, come on, let's go to the kitchen," bounced Kurt as he went behind his father to push him after Carole and Blaine.

"We'll be here all night Kurt, no need to rush," snickered Burt. Kurt ignored him as he excitedly drummed on his back.

They both rushed into the kitchen where Blaine was pulling out a baking sheet for Carole. He looked up at Kurt with his goofy grin that always lit up his heart. Blaine was unconsciously smiling as he jittered. He set the sheet down and walked over to Kurt, taking his hand and using his other arm to wrap around his waist.

"What's all this about?" asked Burt, pulling Carole to his side to grab her attention.

Blaine and Kurt glanced at each other, smiling brightly at the anticipation they knew they were causing. With a squeeze of Kurt's hand and a wink from Blaine, they turned to the other two who were waiting wide-eyed.

"We're getting married," said Kurt holding up his right hand, the silver band shining brightly in the kitchen light.

Their mouths fell open as surprise splashed onto their faces. Carole's eyebrows rose as her mouth turned wide excitedly.

"Wait, really?!" exclaimed Burt.

"Yes!" said Kurt, jumping up and down like a child, making Blaine wobble on his feet.

"Honey, congratulations!" said Carole, her eyes filling with tears as she ran to embrace Kurt in a tight hug. Burt rushed over to Blaine and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him in for a tight hug. Blaine returned the gesture, willing his watering eyes to to stop with rapid blinks.

"I'm so proud of you, kiddo. I can't tell you how happy I am for you guys," Burt said, patting his back.

"It's an honor, really," managed Blaine with a tight throat. "Thank you," he added. "For everything."

Carole wrapped Blaine in a hug as well as soon as Burt released him. Burt turned to Kurt who was trying very hard to hold his tears back as well. He held his arms out and Kurt threw himself into his dad's arms like he'd always done when he was a kid.

"Congrats, Kurt. I am so very proud of you. You're gonna make an excellent husband." Kurt couldn't hold his tears back any longer, the happy occasion finally getting to him.

They let go of each other with a final pat and Kurt backed up to wrap his arm around Blaine's waist, wiping his eyes with his other hand as Carole and Burt stared at them with approval and joy.

Kurt and Blaine knew that the rest of their lives spent together was a journey far ahead full of laughter, joy, and pure bliss. Blaine trailed his finger up Kurt's arm, just like the first time they first touched in that hotel bar. The road to where they were now was rough, but the hardest part was over for them.

The two looked at each other with smiles.

Yeah, Blaine thought, this is perfect.



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