Aug. 19, 2013, 3:17 p.m.
Aug. 19, 2013, 3:17 p.m.
The Starring Role
Chapter 16
Kurt readied himself for the date. He was feeling a bit anxious and fluttery, almost like it was the very first date again. He was exceptionally happy and it had apparently shown on his face. There was a bounce to his step, his posture improved, even his eyes glinted a little like it had several months ago when he and Blaine first met. When he showered, he sang whatever tune popped into his head. He danced like a child while picking out his outfit. He even jumped on the bed in excitement.
There didn't seem to be a care in the world for him, and he was perfectly fine with that. Things were falling into place, though never in a way that he had ever imagined. His heart had been shattered and mended by the same man, and whether he wanted to believe that being with Blaine was a bad idea was not an option he considered. Deep down, Kurt knew that he'd do anything for Blaine.
After he had slipped his shoes on, he glanced at his vibrating phone on the nightstand. He quickly picked up after seeing his dad's name flashing at him.
"Hey buddy."
"Hey, Dad! How are you feeling?"
"Not too shabby, just rolling along as I always do."
"Good, I'm glad! Have any special plans for the evening?"
"Well, not really. Just dinner at home as usual," he said casually.
"You should make that gumbo stuff that you love so much. Personally, I don't think it's quite appetizing, but whatever suits you."
"Don't diss on my gumbo! It's heaven in a bowl."
"I'm sure God made it himself," laughed Kurt.
"You alright? You seem...happy," Burt said after a moment's silence.
Kurt snorted. "I didn't know it was a bad thing to be happy, Dad."
"It's not! I'm just...you know, surprised because of all that's been going on with you and...Blaine."
The sound of his name made him feel giddy inside.
"Yeah...well, things are going great between us."
"I'm sorry, what?" He sounded very defensive.
"We're doing great," Kurt repeated. He had not yet told his father that he and Blaine were back together unofficially.
"Please define 'great' for me."
"Well...I was in town for a few days after you guys left and I saw him performing at Bailey's. I talked to him afterwards and he told me that he and Lindsey were done."
"Uh-huh..." Kurt could tell the Burt was not at all pleased. "There's something else you aren't telling me."
Kurt rolled his eyes. It was bad enough that his dad knew everything there was about Kurt, but it got very annoying at times when he didn't want to spill any more news.
"Um...he's having a baby." His voice went up at the end, almost like it was a question.
Kurt heard Burt spit out whatever he was drinking.
"Whoa, buddy, I thought I heard you say he's having a baby."
"I did," Kurt reiterated. Silence roared in Kurt's ear for a few seconds.
"Kurt, are you nuts?" asked Burt with a touch of anger. "You're just going to let him back in your life after what he did to you? While his wife's having a baby? Did you forget that he has a wife? Do you remember how you felt that night you came home after surprising him?"
"Dad, he's leaving her, we've talked about what he wants to do."
"What he wants to do or what you want him to do?"
"Both! He clearly wants to be done with her and I want it to!" Kurt was beginning to get irritated. Wasn't his dad supposed to be happy?
"Kurt. Listen. Blaine is going to have a baby. He will have to raise that child with or without his wife."
"Yeah, I know."
"How is this okay with you? If I remember correctly, you said you didn't want any kids."
"Dad, whomever this child may be, I will still love him or her like my own. What's the big deal? Why are you cutting my head off for this?"
"Kurt, I don't want you to make the same mistake twice."
Kurt gaped, unable to speak for a moment. He knew Burt was only trying to look after him, and Kurt was very cautious about Blaine as well, but his father not trusting him and his instincts was a blow to his self-esteem.
"And you don't think I've been careful about Blaine?"
"Well it seems like you aren't since you three days ago you were moping about him and now you're back together!"
"Dad, I love him. You saw exactly how I was without him."
"You don't need a person in your life to be happy, Kurt."
Kurt's mouth fell. "You are such a hypocrite."
"What did you just say?" asked Burt, clearly angry.
"So you aren't upset that Mom's gone?"
"Of course I'm upset that she's gone. She will always be in my heart, Kurt, but I can't sit back and wish for something that's never going to happen."
"Well, Dad," Kurt was beyond frustrated at this point, "Blaine isn't dead. So you can either be happy for me or suck it up. I know the difference between wishing and making it possible."
"Kurt, please. I just want what's best for you."
"Okay," spat Kurt, "and what if it was Mom cheating on you. Would you run back to her if you had the chance and she made everything right?"
"That is not the same thing, Kurt! Why can't you understand that?"
Kurt's heart raced. He knew without a doubt that his dad would have done anything for Elizabeth, no matter how they fell in love. He could feel his face reddening and his stomach churning.
"Dad, I appreciate your concern, but I'm an adult and I can make my own decisions. I don't need you to treat me like I'm fifteen."
"Don't you-"
Kurt hung up.
Out of all the people in the world, Kurt thought that his dad would have been the most understanding because of his mother.
His good mood now dampened, he threw the phone on the bed and huffed as he went to the bathroom to finish getting ready.
"Lovely evening we're having," said Blaine, as he met Kurt outside of the hotel. Kurt smiled at him.
"Well it just got better," said Kurt. Blaine's stomach danced at the comment. He could barely sleep last night, so giddy with excitement that Kurt was giving him the chance to walk back into his life and do things the right way. He'd been completely and utterly stupid the previous times, and he damn well knew that now. This time, he wasn't letting Kurt slip away.
"Shall we?" Kurt asked and directed Blaine towards the the busy street. Blaine nodded playfully and walked, Kurt following closely at his sides. They walked in silence for a minute, the air around them comfortable. Blaine looked down as their arms swung. He chanced a thought...before, it was strictly forbidden for them to show their relationship in public. Blaine obviously had his reasons, and Kurt didn't want to broach the subject. Now, though, things were very much different. He took a breath and reached out, their hands molding together and fingers intertwining. Kurt looked down, then up at Blaine in surprise, a smile creeping on his lips. Neither of them said anything, the mutual agreement for PDA unspoken. They both seemed to relax at that, for which Blaine was grateful. As far as his life situation, he was much happier now than he had been in a very long time. He hoped Kurt could sense it on him.
Kurt looked at him from the side and smiled at him, squeezing his hand, though Blaine could tell that something was off.
"You okay?" he asked.
Kurt looked at him, his eyes becoming distant for a second.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just something that will blow over." He gave him a reassuring smile and Blaine nodded. He didn't believe Kurt was okay, but he didn't want to pry either.
Kurt's eyes fell to Blaine's neck and he stopped, releasing Blaine's hand.
"Hey, you're wearing the chain!" exclaimed Kurt. Blaine looked down at the gold chain around his neck that must have slipped out from beneath his shirt. It was the the present that Kurt gave him for their would-be six month anniversary when Kurt found out about Lindsey. Blaine had a flashback to Kurt throwing the present at him before he took off in his Navigator.
"Yeah," said Blaine, fingering it absentmindedly. "I kept it. I've been wearing it ever since..." Blaine's eyes glazed at the memory again. He shoved the feeling aside and mentally shook himself from the past that was being put behind them. Neither of them needed to hinder on such bad memories.
Blaine jumped as he remembered. "Oh! Almost forgot," he reached into his pocket and pulled out the silver chain that Blaine had gotten him when he moved to California. "I kept this too. And it's still yours if you want it." Kurt's eyes widened as he saw the familiar chain. Enthusiastically, he nodded and took it gently from Blaine's hand. Blaine smiled wider as Kurt placed it around his neck.
"I didn't think you'd keep it," said Kurt, mostly to himself.
"Yeah...I was trying to hold on to something that would give me hope." Blaine saw Kurt's eyes shift all over his face. God, he wished he could know what Kurt was thinking.
"So, you don't think it's kinda cheesy I got you the same chain in a different color?" Kurt asked bashfully.
"It's the worst gift I've ever received." Blaine smiled and winked at him before taking Kurt's hand again and began walking down the busy sidewalk.
Kurt led them down the street into a corner where a small restaurant was hidden from view. It was off to the side in a wall that someone would have surly missed if they weren't really looking for it. The sign read "Roux" and Blaine could smell fresh bread baking. His mouth instantly watered and he figured he was quite hungry.
"Wow, that smells amazing," Blaine commented. Kurt nodded with a grin.
"I've been dying to try this place. French food is my favorite."
They walked inside and were promptly seated. The interior of the building was painted a soft brown color, the lights dim with candles set at every table which helped set the romantic feel of the place and the waiters were extremely friendly.
They ordered their drinks and were looking at the menu (Blaine appalled at how expensive it was) when the waiter brought some french bread out for them.
"This is really fancy, Kurt. I feel underdressed," said Blaine, even though he really didn't look it.
"You look fine! Quite handsome, actually," Kurt smiled.
"I could say the same about you," Blaine replied with a wink.
They ordered dinner and took to talking about Kurt's mini-vacation with his family while completely avoiding the subject of Blaine's recent days. He was grateful that Kurt wasn't trying to get him to talk about it. Nothing today could bring him down, though. Not even the subject of Lindsey because he was on a date with the love of his life and he couldn't ask for anything else. Blaine smiled stupidly as Kurt explained how much Burt and Finn complained after their fifth hour of shopping down Michigan Avenue while he and Carole zipped from store to store to find the best deals.
"It's really hard shopping with them on your tail. It's like a kid who won't stop nagging to leave." Kurt snapped his mouth shut, his eyes wide. Blaine looked at him curiously.
Kurt shook his head. "I didn't mean to compare that to...you know, a kid. I'm sorry."
"Oh. I didn't even think you were insinuating something."
"I wasn't!" Kurt replied quickly. "I'm...sorry."
"Kurt, it's not a big deal," said Blaine with a chuckle. In all honesty, it wasn't. If Kurt hadn't apologized, Blaine probably would not have noticed the reference.
They kept talking, though Kurt seemed to choose his words carefully now, something that Blaine wished he wouldn't do. Things seemed to relax after a bit and they went back to their normal talking and laughing and nudging each other's feet under the table. Their checks came and Kurt paid for it, but not without Blaine insisting that he leave the tip. They walked out, bellies full to bursting out into the Chicago streets.
"Thanks so much, Kurt. That was incredibly delicious," said Blaine, reaching out for Kurt's hand.
"My pleasure," Kurt said as he took it.
"Where to now?" asked Blaine, nudging his shoulder into Kurt.
"Um...well, what movies are out now?"
Blaine checked his watch. It was almost 10 and he pulled out his phone to check the nearby movie theaters.
"What are you feeling like watching?" he asked.
Kurt bit his lip and tried to hide his smirk. He knew exactly what he wanted to watch, and that involved Blaine naked on the bed, but that was definitely not going to happen so soon.
"What?" asked Blaine, a smile growing on his face when he saw Kurt.
"Uh...n-nothing. I don't really care what we watch."
"Hmm...alright then," smirked Blaine as he walked out into the street to hail a cab. They climbed in and Kurt immediately started pestering Blaine about the film they were going to watch.
"Wait, wait, I'm supposed to be treating you to this, Blaine. Is it really that much of a secret?"
"Not really," said Blaine. "I just like to see you get bent out of shape about it," he teased.
They bickered again for a few minutes, then laughed about nothing in particular. A silence settled over them and Kurt looked out the window, admiring the city at night. When he turned his head, he caught Blaine staring at him with a grin on his face and his eyes glinting in the passing streetlights.
"What?" Kurt asked, poking him in the gut.
"Nothing," he said, swatting Kurt's hand.
"Can't a guy appreciate the view?" played Blaine. He saw Kurt's cheeks beginning to blush. It made his heart race that he could still do that to Kurt, after all they've been through. The man sitting right next to him managed to make him feel like so wanted and appreciated that it made Blaine feel like he was on top of the world.
It also made him feel sick.
"You're just so...amazing. And I love you."
Kurt's expression softened, eyes searching Blaine.
"I lov-"
Kurt never got to finish the sentence. The driver pulled out into an intersection where a black car slammed right into side where the driver and Kurt sat. He slammed his head against the side of the door as the cab spun around in a circle. The world flashed white and then he lost consciousness.