Sept. 3, 2011, 1:01 p.m.
Sept. 3, 2011, 1:01 p.m.
And then there is this one incident, that Blaine's never thought to tell Kurt about:
It was about one month ago, on a late Saturday morning, at the Lima Bean.
Blaine inhaled deeply, savoring the scents he loved so much, and took the wrapped package from the counter, smiling at the cashier, and at the morning.
His spirits lifted just from standing here waiting for the rest of his order, in this place he'd come to appreciate for so many things and memories over time.
Simply breathing.
Because what could go wrong with a morning that smelled so heavenly of cinnamon, vanilla and roasted coffee beans...?
Oh, well. Blaine just hoped this sentiment would last through the afternoon.
Because, for a rather rare event, this weekend both his parents were in town. Enough an occasion for them, his mom mostly, to decide they'd have coffee together later.
The addition of cake had been Blaine's idea. Something sweet couldn't hurt, he'd thought, so he went out for some. Cake, that is.
For sure, Kurt would have offered and helped him bake if Blaine had asked, but Blaine didn't want to trouble Kurt with it. This here was alright as well, and quicker, so Blaine hadn't asked him when they spoke yesterday. Or specified the details of their scheduled meeting later, for that matter.
Blaine shifted on his feet. They'd already had plans for today, Kurt and he, when his dad's trip was cancelled. But it was no big deal, his parents surely wouldn't expect them to sit with them for longer than an hour. Some business call would probably distract them soon enough, anyway.
Blaine hummed in anticipation as he watched the girl behind the counter put the cap on the steaming paper cup.
Kurt wouldn't mind, surely. He had met both his parents, respectively, they'd just not been all in the same room at once before. His parents were civil, though, mostly. It should all go smoothly. Blaine let out a breath, that he wouldn't allow become a sigh.
Still, cake wouldn't hurt, and Blaine made sure he had bought Kurt's favourite.
He smiled when the girl behind the counter finally turned to him.
Of course being at the Lima Bean, Blaine couldn't resist a chance on his cherished medium drip. So when he took it out of the waitress's hands, he turned looking around in the coffee shop for a place to sit and enjoy his coffee with the relish, time and devotion it deserved.
That's when he saw a familiar face.
He grinned and stepped over to the blonde boy, who was busy with his cell phone, sitting alone at a table. "Hey, Jeff!"
Eyes shot up and his friend immediately mirrored the beaming smile Blaine gave him.
"Blaine! Hey. You, of all people, and here..." There was mockery in Jeff's tone and he winked good-naturedly at Blaine. "What a rare coincidence..." Blaine laughed and Jeff simply gestured for Blaine to sit, when his phone buzzed in his hands.
The strained frown Jeff had been wearing earlier returned when he read the new message.
Blaine sat and put the cake down, beginning to stir his hot coffee, when Jeff looked up at him again, explaining conversationally, even if a bit absent still:
"I'm here to meet Julie, but she just texted me, she will be a bit late..."
Blaine acknowledged the words with a tilt of his chin. Julie was Jeff's girlfriend of three month now, Blaine had met her twice at Wes'. She was nice.
Jeff glanced up shortly to meet Blaine's friendly nod, but then fell back to worrying his lip with his teeth, brow furrowed, looking overall thoroughly uneasy. Blaine took a sip from his coffee, then cocked his head at his friend:
"Jeff, what's wrong?" The blonde boy raised his brows, startled. "What? Why? Nothing's wrong..." Blaine suppressed a smile at that, indulgently shaking his head. "Jeff, come on, you are not exactly being subtle, so don't mind me asking. You looked like you were pondering some grave matter when I came over. Maybe I can help?"
A twitch around one of Jeff's eyes displayed his inner debate for a moment. Then he slumped in his chair and waved it off, a drama-laden grimace on his face like the world was weighing on his shoulders. Blaine couldn't help thinking it was adorable, in a very teenager-like, human kind of way. "No, I don't think you can... It's a sex thing." Jeff's sigh matched his expression in tragedy.
Blaine only raised his brows, unaffected, and shrugged with a smile. That had Jeff chuckling despite himself, and he quickly made sure his tone sounded still adequately broken below the amusement: "What, you're an authority on that now?"
Blaine laughed softly: "Why, I surely don't know everything, maybe not even much, but I know a little... Maybe, it's just the little something to help you..." He lifted his shoulders once more, then let them fall, turning another genuine smile at his friend: "I can tell you what I know."
Jeff pursed his lips into a delicate pout: "It's a very specific sex thing. Including... girl parts."
Blaine narrowed his eyes in amusement and a mock 'that-changes-everything' matter. But Jeff obviously missed the irony, because he only echoed the syllable dryly, and with another sigh leaned back in his chair to stare wide eyes at nothing.
Then he seemed to reconsider, though, a sudden spark lighting his eyes:
"Mm... Maybe you can help... " His tone became tentative: "Blaine, you and Kurt... you... do stuff, don't you..."
"I will not tell you what I do with Kurt." Blaine's words had been gentle but decisive, but Jeff dismissed them with a wave of his hand, caught up in his train of thought. "I mean, maybe... maybe this is similar… Kurt, he's kind of... you know, effemi..."
"Kurt's no girl." Blaine cut Jeff short in the same manner as before, because if that was what Jeff was implying, he'd definitely got it wrong. Very.
Jeff faltered shortly, but then continued eagerly: "No, I know he isn't, duh, or you wouldn't be interested... But, what I mean is, he comes across a bit shy sometimes... a bit... capricious ..." Blaine winced with a half-grin. Oh, if Kurt had heard that... But Jeff blabbered on unfazed: "Kurt seems a bit... you know, not overly touchy feely in public, but then I guess you guys do… stuff, though…" Blaine lowered his eyes squirming again unwillingly, ready to remind Jeff once more that this would not be the topic under discussion.
But then Jeff met his eyes, making his point: "I just mean, Julie's not that different."
His expression turned dreamy, even if in a paradoxically tortured way. "She is the sweetest and ...you just have to be crazy about her, and that makes you want to please her, you know, because she is just so... everything and beautiful, and when she smiles..." Jeff's head snapped forward and the frown was back. "But... but then you just don't know how to ask her things like that... "
Jeff struggled, and Blaine had to smile inwardly at his use of the common you when it was clear Jeff meant himself. Jeff's voice got a little small then. "Julie and I, we're not so far yet, but I would want to be prepared, you know... "
He leaned confidentially across the table, and Blaine found himself instinctively mirroring the movement. When Jeff spoke again his tone was even more hushed, although none of the other patrons around them were paying attention to their conversation, too absorbed in their own ones. Blaine's lips pressed together to keep in a chuckle over Jeff's terse whisper-shout:
"It's just, last time we did stuff, there was this point when it got a bit awkward and we got shy, and now I don't know... " Blaine opened his mouth to say something, but Jeff never stopped, huffed his exasperation, and propped his forehead up in his hand impulsively: "I mean, in this magazine I found, my sister's, they make it sound so tough, like, girls can and should expect the guy to go down on them first if he wants the same, and screw him if he doesn't do it..." Jeff's voice failed him a little.
Blaine took a breath. So this was what this was about. By then Jeff's hands were flailing slightly: "And yeah, of course girls can expect to be treated equally... and it's not that I would just want her to return the favour, but I think I'd really like to... you know, make her feel good."
Blaine tried to get an appreciative nod in between to reassure his friend, but Jeff seemed not yet through with his rant. "But... but it seems so difficult, from what I have read, girls seem so much more complicated than guys..." Jeff put all his defeat in a final huff, bringing his head down onto the crook of his elbow on the table: "Maybe you're lucky, Blaine."
Blaine grinned silently. Oh, he was. He wouldn't think for those reasons Jeff had implied, but he was definitely lucky.
He inhaled deeply and audibly, assuring Jeff wouldn't be interrupting him again, before he spoke: "Jeff. You don't have to rush this step."
His friend just uttered a strangled sound and Blaine leaned forward to nudge his forearm encouragingly, tone reasonable: "First, you'll have to find out if she wants to do this at all. Maybe you can just ask her, or try something and ask her to let you know what feels good?"
Jeff burst out weakly again: "But she's so shy, she probably wouldn't..."
"Oh, she might surprise you." There was something in Blaine's voice that had Jeff looking up, and Blaine hurried to cover it up. No, he did not blush. Well, almost not.
"Jeff, no one can expect you to know these things by some miraculous instinct or... to be a mind reader." Jeff rolled his eyes, but Blaine skated over it: "You know the basic anatomy, right...?" Jeff shifted in his seat, and the answer was hesitant: "Mm, I guess..."
"Good." Blaine shrugged and smiled at Jeff again, helpfully: "You could... ask her to tell you... navigate you... maybe show you..."
"Show me?" Jeff's brows shot up. Blaine took a breath and gestured a little aimlessly to make his meaning clearer:
"Yeah, for example by... demonstrating the pressure, or the kind of touch she'd like... on your hand... with her mouth, while you..." He stopped there, because Jeff's eyes got so wide, they looked like they were about to pop out of his head.
It had Blaine laughing a little nervously at last: "It was just an idea..."
What, he was just trying to help! Nothing to feel self-conscious about, it was all perfectly natural, after all...
But the way Jeff's eyes were big with a mix of shock, scandal and, yes, intrigue... it reminded him of countless times another person had looked at him much like that.
The flash back brought a fuzzy feeling to his stomach and made him shift a little on his seat.
And maybe he did blush a little right then. Just over the memory of how that look on Kurt had affected him all those times, still did, ever filling him with the warmest haze of endearment. And the indistinct notion of a mission, of a cause, that sometimes just seemed several sizes too big for himself as well.
Blaine cleared his throat, collected himself and searched Jeff's eyes once more:
"Jeff, I mean, you'll have to try and see what she is comfortable with... and you, Jeff, you as well. Treating each other as equals means no one of you has do to something that he or she isn't ready for, even if you want to please the other, and even if they deserve all the good in the world."
Jeff blinked at Blaine. Then a slow grin broke through on his features, a lopsided one. And then Jeff was grunting with laughter.
Yeah, that kind of reaction was not unfamiliar to Blaine as well.
"Blaine, you... you..."
Blaine rolled his eyes and brought up his hands in defence but couldn't help but joined in, snickering: "What?"
Jeff just shook his head: "You're unbelievable." His tone left it open if it was meant as a compliment or rather as a mocking, for all those big and grown-up words.
Blaine decided it was enough of both and pulled a smug face: "I've been told that, yes..."
Another sound between scoff and snort escaped Jeff and turned into a giggle, and they both chuckled, until some movement had Jeff's eyes flicker to the door.
The tall boy immediately sat up straighter: "Oh, Julie's here."
Blaine turned his head to see the pretty dark haired girl walking towards them with a shy wave of her hand.
He took the cue, smiled and stood up to leave.
Jeff looked up at him with a last grin, and reached for the package that he pushed towards Blaine's direction on the table: "Hey, here, man, take the cake..." His eyes glinted wickedly, and all Blaine could do at that is laugh, comply and take it.
Blaine doesn't even know why he never thought to tell that story to Kurt. He probably just forgot about it.
Maybe, because it just somehow didn't seem to come up as a suitable topic for discussion at the coffee table with his family that day.
Maybe, because a tiny part of him isn't too sure what Kurt would think of him handing out sex tips like that.
Maybe he just can't bring himself to tell Kurt that Jeff thinks he is capricious. Then again, no, the reaction to that is definitely something he'd want to see.
After all, maybe he forgot, because a business call actually did distract his parents from their coffee date, and after Kurt and he had vanished to Blaine's room, they got rather distracted themselves.
Yes, it is probably that. They get distracted a lot, lately.