Sept. 3, 2011, 1:01 p.m.
Sept. 3, 2011, 1:01 p.m.
Finn has been shifting on his feet impatiently for the last five minutes.
After a total of a quarter of an hour of waiting for them to come out of the dressing section of the store.
Kurt and clothes. Finn growls. He should have known.
He lays his palm on his tummy at the low rumbling sensation in his stomach and finally admits defeat. He really just wants to know if he should get another doughnut on his own, or wait for them to join him.
So he peeks into the narrow hallway along the row of changing cubicles. And when he doesn't see them there, outside in front of the mirrors, he begins to walk past milky white doors one by one, following the sound of Kurt's voice, that even when hushed is still quite distinctive and carrying through the room:
"There... yes... maybe you could... pull a little... come... let's...get off... oh, that... careful, Blaine!..."
Finn reaches the door, from behind which he's quite positive his brother's strained huffs should be coming. With a shrug, Finn pushes it open: "Hey guys, are you done yet?"
"Finn! Knocking?" The force of Kurt's screech has Finn stumbling backwards out of the cubicle again immediately.
But even if it hadn't, the scene he laid eyes on would have had that effect on its own as well for sure.
Finn blinks at the echo of the vision imprinted in his mind.
Kurt's been standing with his back to the door, and Blaine, with him in the cubicle, was down one knee in front of him, fingers hooked into the belt loops of Kurt's jeans...
Finn groans in shock.
His hands that have come up defensively at Kurt's shout now rise to his blushing cheeks, then ears, trying to block out what he has just witnessed.
"Oh, come on..." He starts mumbling soothingly to himself, shaking his head in disbelief, eyes wide, taking further steps back:
"What is with them all... first Santana keeps making all those allusions..."
The back of his knees hit the low costumers' waiting bench and Finn's mind simply short circuits: "I...I really just want another doughnut..."
"Finn?" He faintly registers his brother's voice calling his name after him again, but somehow Finn can't seem to get out of the store fast enough.
Inside the cubicle, Kurt and Blaine listen to Finn's retreating footsteps and indistinct murmurs. "Finn?" Kurt tries once again, but his stepbrother never answers.
Blaine turns big eyes up at Kurt: "Do... you think I should go after him and explain?"
Kurt looks down at his boyfriend with an exasperated gasp at that suggestion:
"No!" He shakes his head decidedly: "No, god! That would be embarrassing!"
Blaine just blinks at him, blankly and Kurt crosses his arms over his chest, annoyed:
"I mean I have always fitted into that size..."
He narrows his eyes delicately at Blaine: "This is only because you're taking me out for dinner so much lately!"
Blaine's brow furrows and he slowly shakes his head at Kurt, struggling to stifle a sudden grin:
"Kurt Hummel, you are making progress."
At that, Kurt's arms fall down to his sides and he cocks his own eyebrow at Blaine in impatient question.
Blaine elaborates:
"Well, you think it's more embarrassing that Finn might know you've gained a tiny bit of weight – which might I add looks totally awesome on you - than have him think that we..."
Blaine lets it trail off with a signivitative tilt of his head, but Kurt just stares at him, not getting the hint, waiting for him to make his point:
"That we what?"
"You know that I was..."
Another meaningful pursing of lips...
Blaine's shoulders slump and he indicates the direction with his eyes quite unmistakably this time.
And finally Kurt's face falls and all colour drains out of it, only to be replaced by the most thorough blush the next instant:
"You think he was thinking... He was thinking that...? B-but I would never, I mean in such a place.. I... Oh my god."
Kurt falters and Blaine gets up on his feet, chuckling. He places soothing palms onto Kurt's shoulders and presses a peck to his flustered boyfriend's cheek:
"God, Kurt, I love your innocent mind, I really do."
"Blaine!" Kurt's tone is a dragged on whine, even if Blaine thinks he can make out the frailest tinge of amusement showing through below as well.
He snickers some more, but Kurt is having none of it, bouncing on the balls of his feet, patting away Blaine's hands on his arms:
"Blaine, really, come on now, be helpful, get me out of those darn skinny pants, so that I can catch up with Finn and explain!"
Blaine affectionately takes in the flailing mess that is his boyfriend for another short moment as long as he dares under Kurt's glare.
Then he gets down on his knees again with a grin:
"Of course, love, always at your service."
He receives another soft smack to the head for that.
i liked this. a lot. and i liked that kurt's conversation with the girls was an opportunity to teach and educate and to not just tell them the mechanics of oral sex. i think this "justification" allowed kurt the comfort he needed to have so that he could talk to the girls. but i'm curious as to how blaine would have handled this situation. he doesn't get as flustered or self-conscious and kurt does. i'd like to see how matter-of-factly his conversation would have been. and poor finn. sex really does fluster him even though nothing happened. i love his obvious cluelessness.
Thank you for your kind words! Hm, I'll think about how this could be done, because I think, knowing the story now and what Kurt has told the girls, I would assume Blaine wouldn't say much else to Rachel, his code of honour wouldn't really allow it... Still another encounter of him and nerdy Rachel would be fun to write... Another option would be a completely different story, pretending this never happened, but i'm not sure it wouldn't end up quite the same, since there were really some things in this that were dear to my heart... But you really have my mind working and going different directions with this right now, continued with Blaine and someone else... I'm kind of a bit stuck right now with my other stories, writer's block, so I'll gladly think about this for a while, so thank you very much for your review and hint;) Maybe this will spark something:)