The Set Up
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Story
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The Set Up: Chapter 7

M - Words: 2,486 - Last Updated: May 16, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: May 16, 2012 - Updated: May 16, 2012
158 0 0 0 0

Blaine awoke which Kurt sprawled across his chest breathing lightly. He stroked his hair and admired how truly beautiful Kurt was. He loved the way the light shining through the window lit up Kurt’s porcelain skin and the way Kurt had completely given himself to Blaine both physically and emotionally. Blaine had been laying there for well over half an hour when he heard a noise in the kitchen he presumed was the boilers turning on, He went back to gazing at Kurt’s face and Kurt stirred and looked up. “Have you been watching me sleeping? I’ve heard that’s creepy.” Kurt mumbled sarcastically before laying back down onto Blaine’s chest. Blaine put his hands underneath his head.                                                                      “Maybe I have” Blaine laughed. Just at that moment Blaine heard a voice from outside his room immediately followed by his bedroom door swinging open.                           “Blaine? What’re you- Who is-“Blaine’s Dad stood in the doorway standing next to his mother. The proud parents of a son they had known to be straight.

            “Oh.. Da-” Blaine jumped up confused and panicked. His parent's backed out of the room and he heard this muffled voices of his parents. “Oh my God, oh my God” Blaine spluttered searching for some pants. He hastily pulled up his boxers as Kurt sat upright on the bed, the thin white sheet draped around his waist.                                                                                      “Blaine, were.. were they your parents?” Kurt asked, pink as ever.                          “Yes, yes that's them” Blaine stood shirtless, staring at Kurt. Kurt had never seen him look so worried and although he understood how awkward the situation was, he couldn't help feel a little upset about how embarrassed Blaine was acting.                                                       “Hey, Blaine, babe, listen, it's okay, I know how awkward this is but...” Kurt tried to think of a positive aspect of this predicament but failed to think of one.                                          “It is entirely notokay, they are my parents Kurt! My parents!” Blaine pulled on a t-shirt and ran outside to find his parents. Kurt heard his footsteps leave him behind. This was embarrassing, but what was the huge deal? Unless maybe his parents are super religious or something and don't believe is sex before marriage? But then it hit Kurt like a tonne of bricks.                                                                                                                                                      “Dad, mum! Wha.. what are you guys doing here?” Blaine attempted to hide the embarrassment and the fact just two minutes ago his parents had walked in on him and a boy, in the same bed, naked.                                                                                                                          “Blaine, who was that you were just with?” His mother asked, treading delicately with her words. Her eyes were baring into his whereas his father's searched for anywhere else to lay.                                                                                                                                                        “That.. that's is my friend, K..Kurt.” Blaine's voice was shaky however once he had said it he thought about how much he loved Kurt and that he shouldn't be ashamed, there was nothing to be ashamed of! Being gay was accepted now, in most places, and soon it would be everywhere once people started seeing sense. In fact, Blaine straightened his back a little, he was proud of his boyfriend and, although they were unfortunate circumstances and possibly a little premature, he was proud to be able to introduce his parents to his boyfriend. He wasn't ashamed of being gay, but he just had not yet come out to his parents. Why? He was not sure. “So, yeah, sorry you had to see that, but he is really special to me and -” Blaine was cut off by a deep, interrupting cough from his father.                                                                                    “Blaine, why was there a boy in your room?” He asked.                                                      “Wha- Dad, we.. I though that was pretty obvious.. and I am sorry for you to have to see us like.. that.” Blaine was confused at his father's words.                                                           “No, no Blaine, why was there a boy in your room?” Blaine choked on his breath, water pricked at his eyes.                                                                                                                    “Dad, I'm.. I'm gay.” Blaine looked at the floor, his mother turned away, her hand covering a fleeing gasp. “But.. I'm still, I'm still me, Dad, I'm Blaine, I'm your son.” Blaine reached out to hold his father's hand but his father backed away.                                                    “I don't know who this boy is, Blaine, but he is not right for you, you.. you are not.. not.. that, do you hear me?!” Specks of spit hit Blaine on his cheek as he father spat the words that slowly began to crush Blaine.                                                                                                  Hurrying his clothes together, Kurt changed and grabbed his phone. He was torn, he thought he had better leave, from the shouts outside he could tell he was not wanted, however leaving Blaine – he didn't think he could do that either. Without really any agenda, he left the room and found the three Anderson's located in the large sitting area. Blaine's mother in a three piece, yellow suit sat with her legs folded, upright on the couch. His father, a man of medium height, but who seemed to tower over Blaine, was stood in a dark, expensive suit in front of Blaine. Blaine himself stood nervously, with his hands tightly folded in front of him. Kurt's entrance caused all three of them to look up at him.                                                                 “Umm.. Hello, I'm Kurt, it's lovely to meet you” Kurt tried his best to sound calm and genuine. Blaine's head remained low and his father tilted his head at Kurt but remained silent. The quietness was disturbingly empty and Kurt decided it was best for him to leave. “I think, I'm going to leave.” Blaine looked up but tried not to catch his eye. “Bye Blaine.” Kurt walked towards to door his footsteps sounded deafening in the eerie silence. Blaine couldn't bring himself to look at Kurt, how ashamed he was – he hadn't even come out to his parents, he was letting him leave, he couldn't live with himself.                                                                   “No, Kurt stay.” Before Blaine's father could interrupt, he walked over to Kurt and touched his arm. “Please.” Kurt nodded at Blaine and the two of them turned to face the Anderson parents. “Dad.. Mom, I'm gay and this is my boyfriend and I know this must be a lot to take in but, I'm your son! And you've always said how proud of me you would be whatever path I took in life.” Blaine pleaded with his parents.                                                  “So, you'll admit you took this path, you chose this. Well, it's simple then! Just choose someone else Blaine, it isn't natural for you to.. to be doing this.”                                        “How can you say that?” Blaine couldn't stop the tears this time. “I didn't choose this Dad, I.. I have always been this way, always. And I'm not ashamed or embarrassed or feel any guilt because there is nothing wrong with love, and I have fallen in love with this man, I can no longer hide that, and I can no longer live a lie!” Blaine felt the tears trickling down his face and the squeeze of his hand from Kurt.                                                                                              “Well then Blaine, you no longer have a father.”                                                           

            Blaine whole world began to spin. He couldn’t think anything. He couldn’t see anything. He couldn’t feel anything. He felt like his whole life was falling apart. The dad he had looked up to. The father who took him to football games. The friend he had learnt how to ride a bike with.                                                                                                                             Once Blaine finally came back into the present, Blaine’s father had his coat in his hands and he was striding towards the door. Blaine’s mother was trying to pull his back, tears streaming down her face.                                                                                                                “Jeremy come back!” She screamed.                                                                         “Let go of me Nicole!” he spat back into her face. “Are you coming? I can’t stand hear one minute longer with this… fag.” Then he tore out of the apartment and Nicole hurriedly gathered her things together. “I’m sorry.” She whispered to Blaine kissing him on the cheek hovering there for a moment looking into Blaine’s eyes. And then she was gone.

            Kurt stood there like a lemon. He didn’t move towards Blaine who had collapsed into tears on the floor leaning against the arm of the sofa. He didn’t move towards the door that was hung open.                                                                                                                                    “Kurt” He heard Blaine whisper. Kurt ran over to Blaine, taking him in his arms. Kurt sat crossed legs on the floor and Blaine sat on his lap quietly sobbing. “Shhh” Kurt cooed. “We’ll fix it. We’ll make it all better.”   


*          *       *

Incoming Call from Kurt (11:12am)

            “Hey Kurt!”

                “Rachel!” Kurt almost cried down the phone.

            “Kurt?! What’s going on?”

            “Is Wes with you?!

            “Erm, yes. Kurt is everything okay?”

            “I just need to talk to Wes.”              

            “Oh, okay. Here he is… Hello?” Wes asked concerned.

            “Wes. Blaine’s parents just came by. Whilst we were erm…together.”

            “Shit.” Wes breathed. “What happened.”      

            “His dad flipped Wes. He went crazy and stormed out, bringing Nicole with him.”

            “I’m on my way.” Wes said hanging up.       


            “What’s going on?” Rachel asked putting her hand on Wes’s leg.                                         “It’s Blaine” Wes began to explain. “Blaine’s parents saw them together. Like together, together and they flipped. They err, they didn’t know he was gay.”                             

            “No!” Rachel exclaimed. As bad as she felt for Blaine Rachel loved a bit of gossip. Not that she was a bad person, it’s just her personality.                                                                       “Yes!” Wes said. He was just as bad. “And Blaine's parents stormed out leaving Kurt to look after Blaine. So I said I’d be right over.” He added getting up from the table at Rachel’s kitchen and putting his coat on.                                                                                               “Oh” Rachel said disappointed. He had only just arrived half an hour ago.              “Come on then!” He said handing Rachel her coat.                                                        “What?” Rachel looked confused.                                                                                         “You don’t think I’m going into that war zone without you do you?” Wes asked grabbing his keys. Rachel gave a giggle as Wes put his hand on the small of Rachel’s back pulling her towards him kissing her lightly on the lips. “Come on” He said opening the flat door gesturing Rachel to go first. 


*          *          *

                                                                                                                                                             “Wes!” Blaine jumped up and ran to his best friend who now stood at the front door. The two boys had know each other since Dalton and they were very close but never, could Blaine remember, had they ever properly hugged. Despite this, Blaine fell into Wes's arms and Wes held him tight.                                                                                                               “Hey pal! It's okay Blaine, it's okay!” Wes pulled him over to the couch and sat him down cradling him in his arms. Kurt walked over to Rachel to explain what had happened. They had remained sat on the floor since Blaine had fallen after his father's exit until Wes arrived, Blaine not stopping crying once. Kurt hated seeing him like this, he was usually so strong and fairly awkward about his emotions. It was usually Kurt crying!                                  “Blaine, it's fine you've got us, we're all you need, your dad will come round, I'm sure but for now you've got me and Rachel and Kurt” At Kurt's name, Blaine's head shot up as though remembering the boy's presence despite having been sat with him for the past half hour crying.                                                                                                                                 “Kurt” Blaine stood up suddenly, wiping away the last few tears streaming down his face. “I.. I am so sorry, I am so sorry you had to see me like that and my dad say those things and I am so sorry I almost let you leave.” Kurt walked over to him and took his hand. He smiled at him, tears emerging on his face also.                                                                                   “Blaine! You do not have to be sorry for anything, I am sorry about your dad, I guess I didn't really think about how difficult it could be, my dad was always so understanding when it came to me, I can't even begin to understand what you must be feeling, come here” And Kurt pulled Blaine into his arms but this time the tears stopped and instead a burning anger began to grow in Blaine.                                                                                                              “You know what, if he doesn't want to be my dad any more, fine!”  Blaine clenched his fists and started pacing the floor. Wes looked over at Kurt and Rachel.                                               “He get's like this when he's upset, he quickly turns to anger to hide what he's feeling” Wes spoke quietly to the them, inaudible to Blaine's angry pacing.                         “If he can't even accept his own son for who he is, then wha.. wh-” Blaine was angry but he still couldn't stop the feeling of how incredible distraught he was about his father's abandonment, he fell down exhausted onto the couch. Blaine reached his hand up to Kurt's and pulled him down to sit next to him. Kurt held their hands together in Blaine's lap and massaged his fingers softly to calm him down. Wes joined Blaine on the other side of the couch and Rachel announced she'd go make everyone drinks. When she returned she sat next to Wes and the three of them comforted Blaine and told him how much they loved him until finally he drifted off into a light sleep. Kurt was still sat at his side holding his hand and Wes and Rachel were sat next to eachother watching television.                                                         “I’m going to go put Blaine in his bed.” Kurrt announced not bothering to check if anyone had heard. He cradled Blaine up into his arms and carried him down the hall into his room. Kurt lay Blaine down and tucked him under the covers. “Sweet dreams Blaine” Kurt whispered. It was only two o’clock but Kurt could tell that Blaine was exhausted and emotionally drained.                                                                                                                                     “I’m sorry.” Blaine whispered drowsy.                                                                                   “Don’t Blaine. It’s not your fault I know you- “                                                                    “Don’t make excuses for me Kurt. I should have told you. I should have told them. The way I acted was despicable and I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine how humiliated I made you feel.” Blaine looked up at Kurt.                                                                                                       “Blaine” Kurt started. “I’m not going to lie to you. I was a bit annoyed you hadn’t mentioned me. But it’s not your fault. I didn’t know the whole story and now I do. So get some rest. I might not be here when you wake up. So ifi am not here, drop me a text.” Kurt planted a kiss on Blaine’s forhead and left Blaines room closing the door behind him.                       “So what’s happening?” Rachel asked with Wes.                                                             “I don’t know.” Kurt sighed falling back onto the sofa. “I just don’t know.”



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