The Set Up
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The Set Up: Chapter 4

M - Words: 1,694 - Last Updated: May 16, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: May 16, 2012 - Updated: May 16, 2012
170 0 0 0 0

Blaine followed Kurt across the hall and into Kurt’s room and they both sat down cross legged on the bed facing each other.                                                                                                       “Rachel should be back soon” Blaine said glancing at the clock                                       “Oh my god yes! With all that drama I’d completely forgotten! She’s been gone almost three hours!” Kurt exclaimed                                                                                                         “Do you think it’s true?” Blaine asked suddenly                                                               “What’s true?”                                                                                                                        “Bradley’s new man…” Blaine trailed off.                                                                            Kurt wasn’t sure why this would bother Blaine though it had certainly been playing on his mind. “No. I don’t think so. At least I doubt it” Kurt said finally.                                         “What makes you think that?” Blaine asked curiously.                                                         “He was never really very outgoing. He was always the quiet, practical, and keep-your-head-down type” Kurt paused “It’s a wonder how we ever started talking really.”                 “I see” Blaine said deep in thought.                                                                                       “Why?”                                                                                                                                   “Why what?” Blaine asked.                                                                                                  “Why are you so interested in if he has a boyfriend?” Kurt asked confused.                “I don’t know Kurt.” Blaine paused to think. “I just feel like Bradley is so utterly different to me.” Blaine looked up into Kurt’s eyes and took both Kurt’s hands in his holding them in his lap. “I just feel like I’m not the person you’d usually go for. I’m not your type.” Blaine admitted looking down.                                                                                                  “Blaine, Blaine, Blaine, Blaine” Kurt started. “Don’t you for a minute think that Bradley means or meant anything more to me than you do. You understand me? Bradley is-“ Kurt’s phone buzzed interrupting him. “Babe I’m sorry I’m just going to answer this” Kurt said kissing Blaine on the cheek. Kurt lent over Blaine to the other side of the bed to his bed side table and picked up the phone.                                                                                                            “Hello?!” Kurt answered.                                                                                                       “Kurt it’s me. Listen I’m sorry. Okay? Please. I didn’t mean to be rude. I just saw you with that other guy and I just thought the worst.”                                                                             “Bradley?” Kurt asked. Blaine’s eyes sparked up to look at Kurt.                                        “Yeah it’s me. Look, I’m sorry I thought you had moved on so quickly. I know you wouldn’t do that to me Kurt. I’m sorry I doubted you. Please, meet me for coffee. We can sort this out okay?” Kurt could here Bradley begging down the phone and he was so tempted to sort things out. So tempted to make things go back to the way they used to be. But no. Kurt had Blaine now and things were abundantly better.                                                                        “No Bradley. You were right. I am with Blaine. I like him a lot okay? I’m sorry things with us turned out so crappy but I don’t want to go to you. I don’t like you anymore and I don’t like the things you said about me earlier. So please do us both a favour and leave me and Blaine alone.” Kurt said not knowing where all this courage had come from.                         “You’ll regret this.” Bradley said. “You and your midget boyfriend” Kurt scoffed at his words. “Just be careful.” Bradley said. “Your boyfriend better be careful to.” And then he hung up. Just like that.
Kurt slowly put the phone back in its cradle and moved across the bed to lay his head on his pillow. Blaine lay down next to him and took his hands to his chest. They both lay there for a while, with tears streaming down Kurt’s face and Blaine hugging him. Telling him everything will be alright.                                                                                                                                            “It’s okay love. Shh” Blaine was rocking Kurt. He didn’t know what was wrong but he was afraid to ask. So he did what any good friend would do. He comforted him until he no longer needed comforting.                                                                                                                 “I’m so sorry!” Kurt said after ten minutes or so. “I only met you in person for the first time yesterday and already you’ve seen me looking like an emotional wreck!” Kurt said covering his face and sitting up. Blaine remained where he was.                                                        “Kurt. I do not care what you look like, although you do look extremely gorgeous. Please, just tell me what’s wrong.”                                                                                                            “I don’t know!” Kurt said wiping the last tears away from his face. He got off the bed and went over to check his face in the mirror. Not even red. All that moisturising was paying off. “It’s just” Kurt began as he came back to lie next to Blaine who now had his hand behind his head leaning against the pillow. “I didn’t want it to end like that you know? I’ve shared so much with him and he has with me. I didn’t think that we would ever really be friends. But well I just didn’t want to end on terms like this you know?” Kurt said looking at Blaine.               “Of course I know! But that’s just guys, and jealousy, and rivalry. I’m so sorry Kurt I feel like this is my fault” Blaine turned onto his side so they were both looking at each other. “Oh don’t be silly” Kurt said. “If anything, I should thank you for looking after me and saving me from a, let’s be honest, failing relationship. It was already cracking and it was only a matter of time until it broke anyway.” Kurt sighed. “But enough about that! Let’s talk about something else.”                                                                                                                 The boys spent the next twenty minutes talking about show choirs and school and Mckinely and Dalton. Blaine loved how they had both visited the same places. It made him feel like they really belonged together. Like something other than coincidence bought them together.                                                                                                                                         “No way!!” Kurt exclaimed giggling.“The Lima Bean seriously!?”                             Blaine nodded “Yeah! It was totally my coffee shop! I went there every wedne-“              “-sday!” Kurt finished off.                                                                                                     “Me too!” Blaine said. “I can’t believe I didn’t see you there!”                                     “Me neither! Argh this is so weird!”                                                                                       “Right!?” Blaine agreed. 
Just as Blaine finished they heard the front door slam. ‘It couldn’t be Bradley could it?’ Kurt thought. ‘he has a key but he wouldn’t dare’. But much to Kurt’s relief he heard Rachel shouting a huge “Hello!!” as the sound of heels approached the bedroom door. She knocked.            “You boys decent!?” Rachel asked coming in regardless.                                                      “Yes Rachel” Both the boys laughed and sat up clearing a space on the bed for her. Rachel crawled on. “So!?” Kurt almost begged. “What happened?”                                                “We kissed!” Rachel cried smiling stretching from ear to ear.                                              “No freakin way!” The boys said together then turned at each other and laughed.                     


            “Yes way!” Rachel said throwing her arms in the air.                                                 “Aw! Oh my god Rachel I’m so happy for you!” Kurt said giving her a hug.                “Me too!” Blaine said doing the same.                                                                                   “When are you next seeing him? Kurt asked.                                                             Rachel smiled. “Well he’s cooking me dinner tonight, so in an hour or so!” It was already five o’clock.                                                                                                                             “That’s awesome!” Blaine said smiling.                                                                                    “I know! But trouble is,” Rachel said looking at Blaine, “I don’t know what to wear.” The boys both laughed whilst Rachel protested. “No you don’t understand!” Rachel said. “Do I change? Do I wear the same clothes? I’m going to his house! His house Kurt” She said turning to Kurt.                                                                                                                                     “Okay, okay, okay.” Kurt said. “That is a valid point” Blaine nodded in agreement. “I’m going to say stick with the same outfit. Maybe grab a shower, re-do your make-up but definately keep the same clothes” Blaine smiled too showing his agreement once again.                        “Okay, thanks boys.” Rachel jumped off the bed and left the room to get ready. As the night went on, Rachel left to go to Wes’s house and the boys spent the rest of the night cooking and sat chatting on Kurt’s bed. 
            They hadn’t realised what time it was until Blaine looked at the clock and it said half eleven. “Shit!” Blaine said interrupting Kurt who was talking about some designer jeans he found in the sale.                                                                                                                 “What?” Kurt asked concerned.                                                                                             “Look at the time! If I want to get home before one I better leave now” Blaine said sadly.                                                                                                                                                             Kurt looked around the room as if a solution would come to him until after a few seconds he said “Just stay..”                                                                                                             “What?”                                                                                                                                  “I said just stay. You know, it doesn’t mean anything serious but if it means you don’t have to travel at night then staying would be best.” Kurt finished.                                                   “But I… I… I don’t have anything to wear.” Blaine said blushing furiously.                       Kurt giggled. “Don’t worry about it I have some spare pyjama pants somewhere?” Kurt said getting up off the bed to go and root around in his wardrobe. He threw some pale pink striped bottoms at Blaine followed by a plain white tank top and he got some matching blue bottoms for himself along with a matching white top.                                                               “Thanks Kurt” Blaine said still red in the cheeks.                                                                   “Don’t mention it Blaine” Kurt smiled walking over to Blaine giving him a peck on the cheek. “I’ll go get ready in the bathroom and you can change in here” Kurt said. Although he was fine with Blaine seeing his body, he wasn’t quite sure what Blaine thought so he thought best to keep it safe and he left the room.                                                                              When he returned Blaine had changed and his regular clothes were laid in a small pile on Kurt’s dresser. Blaine was sat on his bed so Kurt threw his clothes in the hamper and came to join him.                                                                                                                                      Not long after, the boys began to get tired so they pulled back the sheets and climbed under them settling down. “Goodnight Blaine” Kurt said after turning off the light.                      “Goodnight Kurt, sweet dreams my love.” Blaine leaned into the darkness to find Kurt’s lips and they met in the middle. The boys shared a long tender kiss before Kurt rolled onto his other side allowing Blaine to spoon him and cuddle him all night long. Slowly, both the boys slipped into unconsciousness.


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