May 16, 2012, 2:39 p.m.
May 16, 2012, 2:39 p.m.
Kurt wandered over to the refrigerator and looked inside and Blaine got up and followed closely behind. Both the boys peered in to find nothing but milk and a few various pieces of food but nothing you could really cook.
“I’m afraid here at Kurt’s Diner” Kurt said “We only have bread or bread”
“Oh no!” Blaine fake gasped. “Well I guess I will take… the bread please!”
Kurt giggled like a child and went to put some bread in the toaster. “Our toaster takes a while…” Kurt explained “ Sorry” He added.
“Somehow I’m sure I’ll cope” Blaine replied. “Perhaps a tour of the rest of your diner?”
“Okay… but we don’t just let any old riffraff back here” Kurt joked leading Blaine back out of the kitchen and down a corridor. “This is the lounge” Kurt opened a door a gestured into a room where a cat lay in the middle of a small rug that lay in front of a television. “And this is…”
“Jeremy the third?” Blaine finished laughing pointing at Kurt’s cat.
“Yes” Kurt said trying to scowl, “but he’s all cranky today because Rachel wouldn’t let him in her room last night so it’s best he’s left alone”
“Mm, of course!” Blaine agreed
Kurt closed the door and gestured to a few more rooms as they continued down the hall. “The bathroom is there… that’s Rachel’s room… and this is my room” Kurt said as he opened the last door.
“Opposite the kitchen! Nice!” Blaine laughed.
“Yeah, me and Rachel had to fight for this one haha!”
“But naturally you won”
“Of course I did” Kurt winked leading Blaine inside.
“Wow” Blaine exclaimed as he walked through the door. His room was large and square, the walls were barely visible behind the photo’s posters and tickets stuck all over them neatly. The double bed had a purple and white bed sheet with matching pillows and various cushions and there was literally about thirty pairs of shoes all lined up underneath the window.
“Do you like it?” Kurt asked
“It’s lovely!” Blaine answered taking a closer look at the photos.
“Come on” Kurt said walking towards the door. “Breakfast awaits”
The boys sat down to eat at the breakfast bar exchanging college stories about teachers and roommates until they had been sat chatting for hours. Kurt looked at the clock on the counter behind Blaine and was shocked at how easy time passed. It was almost 2 o’clock and both the boys felt like they could never get bored with each other when they heard the front door open.
“Hello!?” Rachel shouted. “I’m home from work!”
“Hey Rachel” Kurt said as she wandered into the kitchen.
“Hey boys how’s it going? Listen, I’m not staying long I only came back to drop off some stuff” She said standing in the door way. “I’m just going to dump these in my room” She smiled and left. In fact, when Kurt thought about it, she hadn’t stopped smiling since she’d walked in.
When she returned to grab a drink of water before she left again Kurt asked “So where are you off to?” and Blaine laughed. “What!?” Kurt demanded from Blaine.
“Rachel’s going to meet Wes, aren’t you Rachel?” Blaine teased
“I swear you could not keep a secret if you tried boy” Rachel said to Blaine
“Wait, hold up! You’re going to see Wes and you weren’t going to tell me? Wait, why weren’t you going to tell me? And hold up again! Do you like him!?” Kurt exclaimed.
“Kurt Kurt Kurt!” Rachel said butting in “Calm down, we are just going to meet for coffee again, I didn’t tell you because well let’s be honest, we didn’t have much time for talking this morning,” she said glancing at Blaine “And yes… I like him a lot” She said giggling
“Oh my god!” Kurt god up and gave Rachel a hug “What are you going to wear?”
“I don’t know!” Rachel said stepping back and covering her face
“Well then let’s go find something!” Kurt said happily. He loved to choose Rachel’s outfits.
“How long have we got?” Asked Blaine who was sat next to Rachel on her bed as Kurt rooted through her wardrobe occasionally throwing clothes out and to the side.
“About an hour” Rachel said “Come on Kurt! How long does it take!?”
“Yeah, Kurt!” Blaine joined in making fun of Kurt causing him and Rachel to fall into hysterics on the bed.
Kurt laughed and turned round just as the doorbell went. “He’s not coming here is he?” asked Kurt. Rachel shook her head still laughing. “I guess I’ll get it” Kurt said to Blaine giving him a kiss on the lips and leaving the room. Kurt walked towards the door and pushed the handle down opening it. There stood in the doorway was a very familiar face.
“Hi Kurt” Bradley said.
“Wes is a lucky guy!” Blaine admired Rachel's outfit as she performed a little twirl to show off her dress. “Thank you Blaine! Now, where has Kurt got to? I still need some ideas for shoes!” She gave him one last twirl and returned to the mirror. “I'll fetch him” smiled Blaine as he stood up to leave, “Kuuurt! We still need some major shoe adv-” Blaine stopped sharply on the spot as he found Kurt and a tall, fair haired boy stood at the door, with his hand touching Kurt's arm. Kurt was in shock, his hands were shaking as he rapidly yanked his arm away from Bradley, his ex boyfriend. “B..Blaine, this is Bradley.. Bradley what are you doing here?” Kurt tried not to sound too rude but he felt himself becoming panicked. “I just came to drop off one of your jumpers, I found it in my room last week, you must have left it once when you stayed over.” Bradley blatantly ignored Blaine's presence until his eyes flickered over to meet his when he emphasized the last two words of his sentence. His dark irises pierced Blaine's like daggers until he snapped them back to Kurt's. “Oh, God, sorry.. umm.. Thanks Bradley” He reached out to take the jumper but Bradley kept a tight grip around it. “No problem, I thought you'd want it back, you always looked really sexy in it.” Kurt felt a sudden flush of heat erupt throughout his face and he felt the eyes of Blaine on him. Bradley noticed Kurt tense and laughed emptily. “Relax Kurt, I'm messing with you, come on we've moved on yeah? Some quicker than others but...” Bradley strolled through the door as Kurt stood helplessly by the door. “Wh.. Bradley! What are you- Bradley you can't just...” but Bradley had already walked through to the kitchen. Kurt shook his head at the floor and then looked up at Blaine nervously. “Look Blaine, it is over between me and Bradley, like I've not seen him is weeks.. I don't know what he is -” but Blaine cut him off and walked over grasping his hand between the two of his. “Kurt, it's fine, I get it – ex’s are difficult. Come on, let's get rid of him.” Kurt smiled weakly at Blaine and nodded as he walked into the kitchen, Blaine followed but remained in the doorway; his arm resting against the pane of the door. “Bradley, what exactly is it that you want?” Kurt asked his hands behind his back, trying to remain calm.
“Seriously, Kurt, I know we broke up but we can still be friends right? How are you?” Kurt didn't like the way Bradley was acting but he felt bad for him, it must be tough returning to your ex's house to find him with another guy, especially when that guy was Blaine. “I.. I'm find Bradley, you know, how are you?” “Great, I'm doing great, I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you at college but you know – been busy!” Bradley still made no effort to recognize Blaine's presence. “I understand” An silence filled the air which Kurt hastily tried to prevent. “How is work?” But before Bradley could answer loud footsteps approached the three of them in the kitchen. “Are these heels too much? Seriously, you two, I'm hopeless..” Rachel's words drifted off as she noticed Bradley sat at the kitchen's breakfast bar. “Bradley... How are you?” Rachel's eyes flashed to Blaine who remained stationery by the door. “Good to see you Rach” A nickname she had always hated. “I'm great thanks, you?” As Rachel did what she did best, talk, Kurt managed to mouth a sorry to Blaine. “Yeah, so I was just telling Rachel, Kurt, about the new guy I've been seeing” Before Kurt could reply, Bradley was already telling him all about him. “Yeah, he's a great guy, really handsome and I can tell he's so honest and trustworthy.” “That's great, Bradley, I'm really happy for you!” Kurt said. “Yeah, like he's strong you know, and manly, something you never really managed to grasp, so yeah, he'll really know how to, satisfy me – know what I mean?” Bradley spoke lightly with a smug grin stretched across his face. Blaine found his hand clutching the door frame tightly as the anger in him started to rise. Bradley noticed the clench of Blaine's jaw and saw the protruding veins across his biceps. “He's sophisticated too” continued Bradley, “we share the same intellectual level, we can talk about everything and anything, not just menial subjects like shoes and coats!” Bradley still spoke in a friendly manner but he knew it was working. Blaine was feeling angrier by the second. “Like I said Bradley, I'm really happy for you, it's great to see you.. with someone else” “Yeah, it's good to see you Bradley.. Right, Kurt, if you don't mind I've got a date!” After the awkward good byes Rachel left and the three men heard the front door shut. “So, maybe you should, umm...” Kurt was desperate to get rid of Bradley so he could be alone with Blaine again. Ding Dong. The doorbell. “Umm.. maybe Rachel's forgot her keys, I'll just go get them...” Kurt reluctantly left and as quickly as possible went to open the front door. Left alone in the polished kitchen, Blaine tried to look anywhere else but Bradley. However, Bradley had other ideas. “I hope you know what you're letting yourself in for” Bradley rose from his chair and sauntered over to where Blaine stood. “That cheating, slutty liar is not -” Before he could finish Blaine had pushed him aggressively against the counter, his arms pulsing violently as he held it against Bradley neck strongly watching the colour in Bradley face start to fade. “Get... off.. me you.. pshyco” Blaine's anger was so overwhelming he started to believe he might not ever be able to unlock his tight grasp cutting off the air supply to Bradley lungs. Loosening his grip, Blaine allowed him to recapture some much needed oxygen. “Don't you ever fucking talk about Kurt like that again, else I might not be able to restrain myself next time.” Blaine spoke quietly but firmly, his voice so deep it was hard to hear, but Bradley understood. As Bradley was released he spluttered a little until he straightened his back and smiled at Blaine. “You're welcome to him” with one last look at Blaine he left the room, passing Kurt as he left. Blaine heard him say something to Kurt, but he wasn't too sure what. Kurt appeared in the kitchen, looking close to tears. “I'm so sorry Blaine, are.. are you okay?” Kurt's eyes were starting to water. “Hey, hey, hey!” Blaine ran over to hold Kurt. “Don't, please don't cry Kurt, it's fine, he's gone. I'm here, I'm here.” And Blaine repeated these last few words into Kurt's ears until his tears seized and Kurt knew that Blaine would always be here for him. “I’m so sorry” Kurt apologised for the millionth time. “Shhh Kurt it’s fine, it’s fine really. Stop worrying!” “But he shouldn’t have treated you like that. He shouldn’t have just ignored you! Anyway, I don’t even like that sweater! He bought it for me last Christmas; a hideous thing from some market stall” Blaine gasped in fake horror “Baby not a market stall!?” Kurt gave a nod. “I’m afraid so” “Well then I think you might be better off without him” Blaine laughed “Yeah you might be right there” Kurt joked “Come on lets go to my room”