The Set Up
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The Set Up: Chapter 2

M - Words: 1,628 - Last Updated: May 16, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: May 16, 2012 - Updated: May 16, 2012
204 0 0 0 0

The early morning sun shone down on Kurt's face and woke him peacefully. For a while Kurt remained in a slightly unconscious state until it all came flooding back. The memories of the day before started to play out in his mind and as they did a smile emerged at the crooks of his mouth. Somehow he still couldn't quite believe what had happened; perhaps it had all been a dream? But no, as Kurt's phone buzzed on his bed side table he saw Blaine's name flash up on the screen.             

Nervously, Blaine sat upright on his bed. He found he couldn't sit still, but why? Yesterday had quite possibly been the most magical day of his life and every time he thought about those precious moments his heart couldn't help but beat just that bit faster. He fondly remembered every aspect of the enigma that was Kurt Hummel. The crinkle of his nose when he laughed, the glistening sparkle in his eye that told him more than words ever could and the intense warmth that he radiated when they held each other in the park. Yet he couldn't help but worry it was all too good to be true. Please reply, please reply! Blaine thought waiting for Kurt's response to his early morning text. Suddenly the familiar jingle of his phone alerted him he had a new message. Quickly, he grabbed the phone, his hands shaking a little.


            Good morning to you too! I know, it is quite unfathomable.

With a smile of relief, Blaine relaxed a little – it did actually all happen!


            Can I come over? I want to see you.


            I have school till three. :(


            Education is overrated.


            Ok then.


            Ok what?




            Ok, you can come over. Now.

            Kurt told Blaine his address and immediately started running wildly around his and Rachel's place cleaning an already spotless home. He had no idea where Blaine lived so he had no idea how long it would take him to arrive.                                    

“Kurt, why are you running around like a crazy person?” Rachel asked suspiciously, she was so used to seeing Kurt calm and under control.  

            “Must... Get... Ready” he panted, holding up a collection of different outfits and discarding them dismissively. “Blaine. Here. WHAT THE HELL DO I WEAR?” With genuine terror in his eyes he pleaded with Rachel to help him out.           “Ooooh.. Blaine's coming over” Rachel grinned raising her eyebrows as she did so. “Well, well, well... it's not like you to ask me  for fashion advice, Kurt!”    

“I know, what was I thinking?” Playfully, Rachel poked him in his stomach and tried to reassure him it was going to be fine.                                                                        
             “Look, you can't see him like this – go take a shower, I'll sort it out!” She held his hand to calm him down until slowly her face turned to confusion. “But.. what about school? Kurt Hummel? You are not considering skipping class, are you?”                                                           “Oh, relax Rachel, I know everything there is to know about that class, it'll just be this once...” He reasoned with her until she unfolded her arms and ushered him into the bathroom. “Thank you Rachel.. for everything!” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and went to jump in the shower, would he have time for his whole moisturising routine?

            Blaine grabbed his satchel and looked in the mirror, brushing his hands roughly through his hair. It would have to do, he needed to get to Kurt's now. He was wearing the same black skinny jeans he wore most days and sported with them a tight purple polo accompanied with his favourite bow tie. Apprehensive was not the word to describe his feelings right now, he had a notion that meeting Kurt Hummel would never be a boring occurrence. With a deep breath he left the house and started what he hoped would soon be a very familiar journey.

            With a towel around his waist, Kurt stepped into his bedroom and saw the outfit Rachel had left waiting for him on his bed, laid out neatly with even his white Doc Martins at the foot of the bed. Kurt was actually impressed with her choices and realised it was perfect. After a lot of staring at his reflection, he walked into the kitchen and waited.

            Knock Knock. Kurt opened the door and saw Blaine stood anxiously in front of him.

            “Hi”                                                                                                                                         “Hi, come in!” Kurt walked Blaine into his home and they stood awkwardly for a few seconds until Blaine blurted out:
            “I still just can't believe it, I can't believe you. You're amazing Kurt.” Blushing furiously, Kurt cleared his throat and took the other boy's hand.             
             “It's you that is amazing Blaine, yesterday, with the picnic and just everything, Blaine it was perfe-” Before Kurt had even finished his sentence Blaine was kissing Kurt, it was different to how they had kissed before – not gentle but just as passionate. Kurt was running out of oxygen but he refused to let go of Blaine as they stumbled backwards until Kurt's back was pressed against the kitchen wall. They broke off the kiss and shared a smile and Kurt  breathily whispered in the silence. “perfect.” Suddenly Kurt's eyes lit up.                  
             “What is it?” Blaine asked as Kurt pulled him into the small spare room that he and Rachel shared. Blaine looked at the room and saw the piles upon piles of music sheets and lyrics. Kurt pushed him down on the small chair that Kurt often was forced to sit in and listen to Rachel practice.

“Okay, my turn.” Kurt said nervously, he had performed to hundreds when he was younger but never had his audience been so important to him. Blaine sat with a mixture of excitement and confusion. Kurt found the correct backing track and selected the play button.

Slowly, the music began and Blaine's jaw slowly began to drop as he heard Kurt's voice began to fill the room.




Made a wrong turn once or twice.

Dug my way out, blood and fire.

Bad decisions, that's alright.

Welcome to my silly life.


Blaine was entranced in Kurt's voice and watched as he closed his eyes and moved him hands to the rhythm of the song.


Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood!

Miss "No way,It's all good", it didn't slow me down

Mistaken, always second guessing, underestimated!

Look, I'm still around...


He couldn't help himself, he stood up and wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist, looping his thumb through the belt hooks of Kurt's jeans. Blaine looked at nothing but Kurt's eyes and Kurt did the same and they sang together, their voices harmonising perfectly.


Pretty pretty please!

Don't you ever ever feel

Like you're less than, less than perfect

Pretty pretty please

If you ever ever feel like you're nothing you are perfect to me.


They finished the song and collapsed into each other's arms, Kurt's head rested against Blaine's shoulder and he closed his eyes until he heard Blaine whisper:

            “Kurt, I love you”
Kurt stepped back saying nothing. ‘Crap’ Blaine thought.  Kurt walked towards the door pulling Blaine along behind him and they went through into the kitchen.

            “I love you too gorgeous” Kurt said finally giving Blaine a kiss on the cheek.

            “Jesus Kurt you almost scared me to death. I thought I’d done something wrong.”

            “I’m starting to think you, Blaine, could never do anything wrong.” Kurt smiled leaning back against the door that lead them into the kitchen.

            “Where’s Rachel?”  Blaine asked suddenly

            “I’m not sure” Kurt said “I think she said something about work

            “Oh right…” Blaine said. “So she’s not in then”


            “That’s a shame I was hoping to catch her after what Wes said about her last night.”

            “I guess it’s our turn to play the match makers?” Kurt questioned

            “Oh yeah” Blaine said moving closer to Kurt who was still against the door. “But we don’t have to think about that now right?” Blaine said raising an eye brow.

            “Depends what else you have in mind” Kurt laughed

            “Well…” Blaine said smiling and leaning in to kiss Kurt. The kiss started out so gentle and Kurt’s insides were fluttering. Both the boy’s breathing got heavier and Kurt couldn’t focus on anything else but Blaine. The way Blaine’s cologne made him smell so god damn appealing, the way his curls felt underneath Kurt’s fingers, and the way he could make Kurt feel like he was the only person in the whole world that mattered. Kurt moved his hands up to cup Blaine’s face stroking the stubble there. Blaine’s hands found Kurt’s back and went under his shirt all the way up to the middle of Kurt’s back and Blaine clung to Kurt. Kurt moved his head back to look at Blaine’s face and Blaine mimicked him but apart from that they remained frozen.

            “Did I ever tell you I loved you?” Kurt whispered

            “Might have done” Blaine said as the corners of his mouth turned up.

            “Well I do”

            “As do I Kurt.”

They stayed like that for a few more minutes until Kurt heard Blaine’s stomach rumble. The boys laughed and moved to the little island in the middle of the kitchen.  Blaine sat down on a stool as Kurt moved round to the other side both pairs of eyes still trained on the other.

            “Breakfast sir?” Kurt asked mimicking a waiter

            Blaine laughed “Yes please!” he almost begged.


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