Glee Love
Sex Addiction Guidance Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Glee Love: Sex Addiction Guidance

E - Words: 2,683 - Last Updated: Jun 04, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 30/? - Created: Jun 04, 2012 - Updated: Jun 04, 2012
761 0 1 1 0

Author's Notes: The boys are finally called out on their addiction to sex.They have to go to counciling with Miss Pilsbury.How could she resist?


"Would you two like to tell Mr. Shuester what I caught you two doing?" Principal Figgins sat with his arms crossed in his leather desk chair across from Kurt and Blaine. Kurt's hair was pure sex hair, his shirt half unbuttoned and his neck red with hickeys. Blaine's lips were swollen and his t-shirt had obvious signs of where Kurt had gripped it at the collar.


" you want the PG-13 version, or the blunt one?" Kurt said nervously.


Principal Figgins narrowed his gaze. "Tell him."


Kurt sighed. "Blaine was giving me a blow job in the choir room."


Mr. Shuester's eyes grew big. "Um..."


"William, I have heard rumors about these boys for the past two months now. I even saw Brittney Pierce on 'Fondue for Two' saying they were 'sex dolphins'!"


Kurt and Blaine stifled giggles. Mr. Shuester gave them a look and they quickly looked down at their shoes.


"Mr. Figgins, they've never been in any trouble before. Just give them a warning and let them be. I think they've suffered enough."


Mr. Figgins looked between the two boys and sighed. "Fine, but they'll be speaking to Miss Pillsbury about addiction."


The rumors around McKinley, while some of them weren't true- such as the one that Kurt and Blaine double-teamed The Bieste- were circulating like wildfire. They got seductive smirks from most of the girls while the guys looked at them like they were diseased, but they didn't really care. It was all fun to them.


Mr. Figgins called Miss Pillsbury into his office and a moment later, she walked in, looking less uptight than usual.


"Emma, these boys are going to meet you after school today. It seems they have an addiction."


"Is it LSD? Because I don't have a pamphlet for that," she shook her head.


"No, they were caught performing sexual acts in the choir room. I'm sure you have heard about their...escapades," he glared between them, "like the rest of the school."


"Um...yes," she said meekly, looking over at the boys. Blaine was trying not to visibly check out her ass in the pencil skirt she was wearing and Kurt was looking into her doe eyes in a hungry manner.


"Well, they will report to you at 3:30 for counciling for controlling their urges." Kurt and Blaine shifted.


"You two may go," he dismissed Kurt and Blaine. "No more sex on school grounds!" he called after them, making them blush. Before they turned the corner, they stopped and spoke softly to each other, Emma still eying them. Blaine surveyed her body then gave her a wink. She couldn't help the weak feeling she got in her knees as she watched them walk away. Emma knew it was wrong- a teacher falling for students- but she wasn't really falling for either of them. They were flirting and she liked it.


By 3:25, the school was almost completely cleared out. Emma adjusted a picture frame in her new office. She had moved because she hated being right inside the entrance of the school with a wall of windows. She got the old office down from the choir room. A knock came at the door.


"Come in," she called. The door opened and Kurt and Blaine stepped in, looking much more put together than they did the last time she saw them before lunch.


"Ah, boys," she said, her voice betraying her with a quiver. "Have a seat."


Blaine let go of Kurt's hand and they sat down in the two chairs facing her desk. She turned to get the pamphlet she laid out on the cabinet behind her desk, feeling the boys' eyes on her back. She coughed and turned around, sitting gracefully in her chair and handing the pamphlet to the boys: I Like Sex Too Much.


"Ok, so tell me what's going on. I promise not to let any secrets leave this room."


Blaine smiled. "Well...we like sex too much."


Kurt giggled.


"I understand that," Emma blushed. "I mean, what started this...the rumors."


"I got Blaine a present for his birthday."


"Rachel Berry," Emma filled in. She had heard that one.


"Yeah, and since then, we both figured out we really like it- bringing others in, you know?" Kurt's eyes traveled from hers down her pale neck to her chest.


"Um, yeah...I understand that," she felt heat coiling in her stomach. "So, Blaine, why did you decide that it would be a good idea to do...those things... in the choir room."


"We haven't done it there yet...still haven't," he grumbled, not pleased that he never got Kurt off.


"Boys, you know that sex is a wonderful thing to share with two people-"


"Ms. Pillsbury...may I call you Emma?" Kurt's ice blue eyes met hers. She couldn't help but nod. Her name sounded amazing on his lips.


"Emma, Blaine and I still make love. Just us. We know about the emotional side of things and we still enjoy each other very much," Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand, a genuine smile creeping across Blaine's face. Kurt lets go of Blaine's hand and stands up, moving slowly over to Emma.


"But sometimes, you just have to let loose," he brushes her red hair off her shoulder, his fingertips tracing along her collar bone. Emma shivers, "get wild,"

he leans down to her ear. "just...fuck."


Emma lets out an unexpected moan. So does Blaine.


"Can I kiss you, Emma? I promise not to let any secrets leave this room," he breathes against her ear. She didn't know what compelled her to, but she turned her head, cupped his cheek and kissed him deeply, causing him to gasp against her lips. Blaine stands up and locks the door, watching his boyfriend thread his fingers through the soft hair of their guidance councilor.


"Oh, my," she gasped as Kurt's lips left hers and began unbuttoning her blouse, gently caressing each expanse of exposed skin with his lips and tongue. Kurt pulled her up out of the chair and pulled her in close, his hand resting on her lower back and pressing her against him. Blaine was fisting his hair against the door, trying to fight the urge to touch himself. Kurt turned Emma toward Blaine and wrapped his arms around her.


"If you don't want this, Emma, just say so and we'll walk away. No one will know. Just stop me."


Emma nodded. "Doesn't leave this room?"


Kurt smirked, looking up at Blaine, "Never leaves, right Blaine?"


Blaine nodded. "Promise."


Emma bit her lip, making Blaine think for a moment just how adorable the woman was, and finally said, "Ok."


Kurt slipped his fingers up to finish unbuttoning her shirt, nipping at her neck gently as he did so with expert fingers. Emma leaned back against his shoulder. She had never let a man get this close and she was about to do this with two students- two sweet, sexy students. Kurt got the final button undone and slipped the light blue blouse off her shoulders. Blaine had been with Rachel, Santana, and Brittney, but none of them could compare to what Emma was hiding under those conservative clothes she was wearing. Her breasts weren't too big or too small and her stomach was surprisingly toned. Her soft hip bones jutted out slightly with each gasp Kurt drew from her lips. Kurt unzipped the back of her skirt and slipped it down, revealing a thong. Kurt wasn't surprised, but it drove Blaine absolutely nuts. If they had seen it anywhere else, Kurt would have made the comment 'You don't wear full underwear with a pencil skirt, Blaine, they would show', but right now, all Kurt could muster was a guttural moan as he moved his hand slowly up the side of her hip over her stomach, slipping his hand down underneath the thong.


"Oh, Kurt," she moaned, arching into his touch as he rubbed her clitoris gently. Blaine slipped off his own shirt and unbuttoned his pants, which were becoming unbearable just from watching. He walked over to Emma and stood in front of her, kissing her quickly on the mouth before moving down her neck and chest.


"Feel good?" Kurt asked in her ear, his voice thick and deep.


"Oh yeah," she whined, running her fingers up Blaine's back and into his curly hair. Blaine moaned against her skin when she tugged ever so gently.


"Do it again, Emma, he loves it," Kurt slipped two fingers inside her.


She cried out, pulling at Blaine's curls again.


"Oh, fuck," he moaned again.


"Are you a virgin, Emma?" Kurt whispers into her ear again.


She nodded.


"Do you wanna be?"


She thought for a moment, then shook her head.


"We'll be gentle, if you want."




Kurt growled and removed his hand from her thong to unhook her bra. It slipped off and Blaine threw it across the room, taking one of Emma's breasts into his hand and squeezing. Kurt moved from behind her to remove his shirt and jeans, his erection straining against his navy boxer briefs. Blaine pulled Emma to him and placed her hands on his muscular chest, inviting her to touch him. She took in the boy's tight chest and stomach, running her fingernails over his nipples and abs.


"Mmm," his head fell back as she grazed the sensitive skin at his hips, exposing his neck. Kurt moved over to him and licked and bit at the tender spot under his jaw.


"K-kurt, please," Blaine whined.


"Talk to me, baby," Kurt said against his neck.


"Need something...anything," he bucked up against the air. Emma watched as Kurt pulled Blaine in for a kiss before sliding his hand up Blaine's thigh and slipped his hand into Blaine's unbuttoned jeans, pulling out his cock and pumping it. Emma didn't have much experience in this area, but it was definitely the hottest thing she had ever seen. By looking at Blaine, one wouldn't know he was well endowed -though she never really thought about it before- but Emma couldn't imagine how Blaine would actually fit inside of anyone.


"Oh my god," Blaine moaned as Kurt twisted his wrist just right. "So close."


Kurt stopped what he was doing and lifted Blaine down off the desk, slipping his jeans and boxers off. Kurt did away with his underwear as well, momentarily eying his cock hungrily. Emma moaned when Kurt stood and pulled her flush against him and kissed her with fire, his cock pressing up against her flat stomach. Kurt cleared her desk with a swipe of his arm and lay back on it, pulling her with him.


"I wanna make sure before we do this. Most people would be uncomfortable with it. Are you opposed to anal sex?"


"I wouldn't know. Does it hurt?"


Kurt smiled and kissed her gently. "Blaine will make sure it won't hurt."


Emma nodded and Blaine went over to his jeans pocket to pull out a condom then moved to find Kurt's. They each carried one just in case. Blaine slipped his on then handed one to Kurt.


"At least we're being safe, right?" Kurt joked with Emma, who giggled. How fucking adorable, Kurt thought. He rolled the condom on and lay back down.


"No lube," Blaine rummaged around in Kurt's pants looking, but to no avail.


"Come here," Kurt says. Blaine walks over behind Emma and Kurt pulls Blaine's fingers into his mouth, sucking and licking. Emma whimpers at the sight.


Blaine removes his fingers from Kurt's mouth and caresses Emma's spine before positioning his fingers.


"It's going to be a little uncomfortable, but it'll start to feel good. Even for girls they say it rocks," Kurt laughs. Emma relaxes against him and he presses soft kisses to her forehead as Blaine pushes in slowly.


Emma gasps and digs her nails into Kurt's shoulders, causing his cock to twitch between them. Kurt slips a hand up her naked back to soothe her as Blaine begins to stretch her, slipping in another finger and scissoring.


"OK?" Kurt asks into her ear.


"It feels...really good," she gasps against his chest. Blaine added another finger and Emma arched her back, inadvertently grinding down on Kurt.


"Mm, Emma," Kurt threw his head back. Emma got bold and leaned down to kiss the boy's neck. Blaine removed his fingers and licked his palm, wetting himself as much as he could.


"I'll go first," Blaine said to Kurt, who nodded as Emma lapped at his nipple, causing him to hiss with pleasure. Blaine leaned down and whispered to Emma.


"It's gonna hurt a little, ok?"


She nodded and relaxed herself again. Blaine placed one hand on her shoulder and one on her hip and pushed in slowly, allowing her to adjust. She was surprised that it didn't hurt all that bad. Blaine was being very gently, running his thumb across the patch of skin beside her hip and moving slowly. When he was in all the way, he looked to Kurt, his eyes blown with lust and fighting the urge to thrust. Kurt kissed Emma and reached down to line himself up with her.




"Mmhm," was all she could manage. She had never felt anything like this before in her life. When Kurt slid into her, however, she changed her mind- she had never felt like THIS before.


Kurt moved slowly, thrusting in and out in a gentle rhythm, which set the rhythm for Blaine, who let out a sweet whimper at the sensation of movement. Emma rested a hand on each side of Kurt's head, arching her back in pleasure as Kurt began to speed up a little, hitting the sweet spot inside her.


"Oh, god, again," she cried out. Kurt placed his hands on her hips, one hand over Blaine's and continued with the same angle, hitting it in a constant pattern of every other thrust. He could feel Blaine through the thin layer inside her.


"Mmm, fuck, Emma," Blaine groaned, running a hand up her spine into her hair, "You feel so good!"


"Harder, Kurt, please," she begged. Kurt complied- she was the teacher after all. He thrusted deeper and harder into Emma as she cried out both of their names with mixtures of what seemed to be curses and whimpers.


"Fuck, so close!" Kurt arched against the desk. Blaine reached between Kurt's cheeks and slipped two fingers in, angling them just right to brush against his prostate.


"Oh, god, FUCK!" Kurt thrusted hard into Emma and she orgasmed, muscles clenching around Kurt, who was already coming. After only three shallow thrusts, Blaine let out a deep moan and came hard, his muscles giving out slightly as he braced himself against the desk with his palms. He slipped out of Emma and threw away the condom, as Kurt did with his. Kurt held his shaking guidance councilor close, both coming down from their highs.


"Oh my," Emma said, breathing heavily against Kurt's chest.


"Yeah, wow," Blaine laughs, out of breath. "Intense."


"Well...I don't think you boys really learned your lesson about sex at school," Emma laughed.


Kurt shrugged. "We're stubborn. Thanks for trying, though," he smirked. "Best lesson ever."


They all stood, dressing in their respective clothing. Kurt stood after slipping his shoes on and turned to Emma.


"Our little secret," he winked at her, placing a peck on her cheek. Blaine did the same to the other cheek and gave her his famous charming smile before taking Kurt's hand and leading him out of the office. Emma sat down very carefully. Emma's views had changed in a matter of twenty minutes. Sex was ok, those boys love each other, and just had fingers and another man's cock in her was safe to say that Emma's OCD had diminished quite a bit.


A knock at the door pulled her from her thoughts. She straightened her blouse. "Come in."


Will walked in looking cheerful. "Hey, Ems. How did it go? I saw Kurt and Blaine heading out to the parking lot."


"It went well," Emma smiled, no longer sounding nervous. "They're good boys."


"Yeah, just horny teenagers, I guess," Will laughed. Emma shrugged. "Well, just checking up. I'll see you tomorrow."


"Bye, Will," she smiled. Will stopped right before closing the door.


" smells in here."


Emma furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't know why it would. Then again...I wouldn't know," she said innocently.


"Yeah, guess you're right. Bye, Emma."


He closes the door and Emma can't stifle a giggle. She looks out the window and sees Kurt and Blaine leaning against Kurt's car, talking and holding hands. The look of pure love and adoration on their faces makes Emma smile. They'll be just fine, she thinks to herself.


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I think this is my favorite chapter. At the moment, anyway. HOT.