June 4, 2012, 6:52 p.m.
June 4, 2012, 6:52 p.m.
Blaine's eyes slid closed in Geometry and his chin rested in his palm. He knew it would be best to pay attention, but he was being lulled to sleep by the Charlie Brown impersonation from the front of the room. Kurt didn't help at all. One particularly dirty text from the night before led to phone calls which led to three rounds of phone sex until around three in the morning and he was tired.
"Anderson!" He hopped about a foot out of his chair as the shrill voice of his teacher screached his name. "Are you sleeping?"
"Just resting my eyes, Mrs. Hedburg," he rubbed his face, trying to wake himself up a little.
"Well, you can rest your eyes today after school in detention," she pointed a bony finger at him.
"Don't give me lip, Anderson," she said, "or it will be tomorrow, too!"
Blaine let his mouth close and he heard Tina giggle next to him. He shot her a death glare.
"Sorry," she whispered, "but you look like a kicked puppy when you're flustered."
Blaine shook his head and fought exhaustion the rest of the period. When the bell rang, he stepped out into the hall with his detention slip. Kurt rounded the corner,
looking equally as frustrated and carrying a similar slip of paper in his hand.
"I swear to god Mr. Harris hates me," Kurt grumbled as he approached Blaine. Blaine showed Kurt his detention slip and Kurt looked surprised.
"You too?"
"Teachers are starting to not give a fuck...it is almost April," Blaine shrugged. "I fell asleep."
Kurt hid a sly grin. "Me too."
"I do have to say...it was worth it to hear that new little noise you made...what was it?" Blaine smirked and feigned deep thought. "Oh yeah..." he made a slighly high pornographic noise and Kurt threw his hand over Blaine's mouth.
"Oh my god, shut up," Kurt giggled. He took Blaine's hand and they walked toward the choir room. "Who's detention with today anyway?"
"Um..." Blaine checked his slip. "Mr. Martinez? Isn't he the sexy Spanish teacher?"
Kurt groaned and his eyes rolled back in his head. "Yes."
Blaine raised an eyebrow at him. "What was that?"
"Nothing...he's just really hot...and my gaydar went off as soon as he stepped into the choir room that day in those tight pants and leather jacket."
Blaine's coniving facial expression caused Kurt to stop and face him.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Me? Nothing. Head's totally empty," Blaine smirked and tapped his temple. Kurt looked him over skeptically then continued on to the choir room. "I am gonna run to the restroom really quick, though. Go on without me," he let go of Kurt's hand at the corner and waved goodbye to him.
When he noticed Kurt had gone on into the choir room, he headed toward the senior hallway and peaked into each door until he found the spanish room. He leaned against the door frame as a very attractive teacher sat at the back of the room at his desk. Blaine cleared his throat to get his attention.
Mr. Martinez looked up and gave Blaine a beautiful smile. "Hola. Can I help you?"
Blaine stepped into the room and shut the door. "I just needed to talk to you about something."
"Um...ok. I don't recognize you. Are you a student of mine?"
"No, not yet. I'm still a junior," Blaine shrugged and walked slowly toward his desk, sitting on the corner facing the teacher. Mr. Martinez seemed to get that something was up and scooted his chair back a bit, swallowing hard.
"What can I help you with, Mr..."
"Anderson...but you can call me Blaine," Blaine smiled. "I just...I was wondering if you had anyone else in detention this afternoon...I know that it's me and Kurt Hummel...you know Kurt, right?"
Mr. Martinez nodded. "Yeah, I know Kurt...very talented kid...but um," he stammered, his eyes dancing a little trying to avoid Blaine's smouldering gaze, "to answer your question, I don't think there's anyone else...but there's still one more class to go."
"Mmm," Blaine made an affirmative noise and slid a little closer. This time, Mr. Martinez didn't move his chair- he was too busy noticing that Blaine's legs fell open slightly and he was impressively hard. "That's good...I was hoping, sir," he growled and leaned forward a little, "That we could make some good use of the time we have together."
"Good use?"
"Yes, sir," Blaine smiled and noticed Mr. Martinez's eyes were on his lap. Blaine let out a laugh. "You wanna see it?"
Mr. Martinez shook his head and stood up. "Blaine, I can't do this-"
"Because you're scared of people finding out? Just ask Mr. Shuester about the time I let him fuck me over his kitchen counter," Blaine stood as well, stepping forward to stand forehead to chin with the teacher. "No one knows about that...and I can guarentee that Kurt and I will carry the secret with us forever."
Mr. Martinez's breath was shallow and his mind was racing. "Kurt knows about this?"
"Kurt wants it just as bad...you should have heard him talking about you...I was out that week for some eye surgery so I missed your performance with the glee club, but let's just say..." Blaine ran fingertips over the teacher's broad, hard chest, making Mr. Martinez shudder, "After he talked about your strong arms and beautiful eyes and tight, round ass...he came so hard he forgot his own name..."
Blaine's fingertips slid down Mr. Martinez's stomach and over his tight jeans where his cock was straining against his jeans.
"Fuck, your huge," Blaine palmed the teacher, making the grown man whimper and roll his hips up. "I hope you'll let us see it later in detention... I've got class right now, but I'll see you at three-thirty," Blaine leaned up and kissed Mr. Martinez hard on the mouth, startling the man, but when Blaine pulled back and removed his hand from his crotch, turning to leaving like nothing had happened, he craved more.
"Took you long enough," Puck said as Blaine walked in, a satisfied smirk on his face. "Did you birth a baby in there or something?"
"Or something," Blaine shrugged. Kurt sat, waiting for an explaination for the smug smile. Blaine leaned over and whispered in his ear.
"Detention might be a little more interesting than we thought."
Kurt leaned back, looking alarmed. "You didn't."
Blaine shrugged and leaned back into Kurt's ear.
"He's massive."
Kurt made a small desperate noise in his throat and sat back in his seat. "I hate you."
"You love me and you know it," Blaine kissed his cheek. Kurt bit his lip and rolled his eyes, but couldn't deny the prospect set before him was exciting.
Depend on Blaine to seduce the fuck out of a teacher of all people.
Halfway through the class as both boys had tried to think of other things to distract them, a knock interupted Mr. Shue's speech about Andrea Bocelli.
"Hi, Mr. Martinez, what can we do for you?" Blaine and Kurt both looked up to see the man standing in the door holding a box of things, his arm muscles bulging against the long sleeves of his button down.
"I brought the rest of the things from your classroom," he smiled, "I'll just put them by the band over here, don't mind me."
Mr. Shue nodded and clapped his shoulder as he continued his speech and Mr. Martinez took the box over by the drum set- right next to where Kurt and Blaine were sitting. He bent down to place the box, giving them the perfect view of his ass in his tight jeans. When he stood, he smirked and leaned over to Blaine.
"Check the box."
With a lingering look at the two of them and and a wink, he left the room, waving goodbye to the glee club, who were none the wiser of their exchange.
Blaine leaned over and looked in the box and saw a folded note sticking out of the top of a sombrero. When he opened it, he let out a stifled groan and chuckle.
"What?" Kurt whispered. Blaine handed him the note.
'Detention will be held in Miss. Kensington's old classroom today. Hasta luego, boys'
"That class room is in the back part of the school. No one even thinks of going there. Oh, he's good," Kurt smirked and placed the note in his vest pocket.
"Guess that's a yes for Mr. David Martinez," Blaine said in a very good Spanish accent.
The boys hadn't arrived yet when Mr. Martinez unlocked the door to the old class room and walked in, setting his test papers on the desk. He was at least gonna get some work done while he waited. This was the most insane thing he had ever done in his life, but he believed Blaine. If what Blaine said was true about Will Shuester, then they kept their word because he was sure he would have heard about it if it had gotten out. Sure, he had heard stories about the boys before from students- even Sue Sylvester had said she walked in on the boys with two of her Cheerios in the locker room and had to chase them naked down the hall with a bullhorn after practice had let out. Mr. Martinez shook his head. 'No one will know. Don't write sexo at the top of this paper'. He cursed under his breath and scribbled out the word before putting a B- at the bottom.
A knock at the door made him turn the - into a halfpipe. "Entre."
Blaine and Kurt walked in casually, shutting and locking the door behind them. They sat at the two desks close to the front and placed their bags down beside them.
"So what's our punishment, sir?" Blaine tilted his head. Mr. Martinez furrowed his brow.
"Well, this is detention, right? What are you gonna make us do?" Blaine's voice got deep and Mr. Martinez could tell this was some sort of game to the dark haired boy. Kurt looked equally as curious, his legs crossed under the desk and his fingertips absently grazing his neck.
Picking up on the part he was to play, Mr. Martinez stood up from his desk and walked around to lean back against it with his arms crossed.
"Well, you boys have obviously done something bad to get into detention, right?"
"Very bad," Kurt said breathlessly.
"Then I suppose you should be first, si?" Mr. Martinez walked over and leaned forward on the desk Kurt sat in. "Your boyfriend said you really liked my performance in glee club."
"You're very talented, sir," Kurt stammered a little. Blaine bit his lip in anticipation.
"So I've been told...I'd like you to go up to the front of the class for me, Kurt."
Kurt licked his lips and did as he was told as best as he could with the blood rushing to his cock. Mr. Martinez walked over to his satchel and pulled out a wooden ruler. Both boys held in their whimpers.
"Come here, Kurt...hands on the desk."
Kurt complied and with shaking hands, he held the side of the desk while Mr. Martinez moved in behind him, pressing his body against Kurt's.
"Stop me if I hurt you," he said low enough for Kurt to hear.
"Don't worry, sir," he smirked, his breath warm against the teacher's lips. "I can take it."
Mr. Martinez shivered and reached around to unbutton Kurt's jeans and pull them down just enough to expose his pale, muscular ass. Unable to resist the temptation,
Mr. Martinez knelt down and placed kisses over Kurt's lower back and each ass cheek. Kurt whined and gripped harder on the table, his knuckles whitening.
Blaine was leaned forward in his desk, studying Kurt's face and Mr. Martinez's dark hands against the pale skin of his boyfriend. He wanted to touch himself, but decided against it- this was punishment after all.
Mr. Martinez sucked hard at the skin between Kurt's thigh and ass, his tongue darting out to taste the skin and when Kurt let out a strangled moan, he knew he could do what he really wanted to do. With little hesitation, he spread Kurt open and lapped at his entrance.
"Fuck," Kurt sighed. Mr. Martinez let out a throaty chuckle that made him shiver and Blaine couldn't fight himself anymore and unzipped his own jeans. Mr. Martinez entered him and squeezed his cheeks, never having felt so turned on in his life.
After a moment, he stood up and took the ruler from the desk. "Are you ready, Kurt?"
"God, yes," he groaned, breathless and flushed from the teacher's tongue. With little warning, he brought the ruler down on Kurt's left cheek. Mr. Martinez had never seen anything quite like the boy- the way he arched up into the hit and cursed and moaned. He loved it. After three more, Kurt was a babbling mess and Blaine was fisting his cock with dark eyes. Mr. Martinez looked over at Blaine.
"You, too... come here."
Blaine replaced himself and walked over next to Kurt, mirroring him with his hands on the desk. After getting Blaine's pants down he alternated between the two boys,
their hisses and curses going straight south. Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt filthily with tongue and teeth as Mr. Martinez laid the ruler a few more times over each boy's ass until both were red. When they heard the clatter of the ruler hitting the floor, Kurt turned around and sat up on the desk.
"I hear you're pretty well endowed, sir," he said as he started unbuttoning his vest. "I like that, you know."
"May I?" Blaine hooked his finger in Mr. Martinez's belt loop. He nodded quickly and Blaine gripped the side of his neck to pull himself up for a kiss. Blaine groaned when he tasted Kurt on his tongue and with his free hand he unbuttoned the teacher's jeans. Once they were finally open Blaine dropped to his knees and pulled them down, revealing the thickness he felt earlier that day.
"Sweet Jesus," Blaine groaned. "That is impressive."
"You just gonna stare at it?" Kurt asked snarkily, though his eyes were glued. Blaine took Mr. Martinez into his hand and lapped at the head, collecting precum on his tongue.
"Mmm, mierda," Mr. Martinez's head fell back. Through thick lashes, Blaine looked up at the teacher and smiled before sliding his mouth over him, fisting what he couldn't reach, and bobbing back and forth in a teasing motion. Kurt stood and moved in behind Blaine, kneeling down to speak into his ear.
"That's a lot to take, baby...but I know you can...show him how amazing you are with that mouth of yours," Kurt hand slid into Blaine's curls at the back of his head and he gently pushed Blaine further down onto Mr. Martinez's cock, inhaling deeply and fighting he urge to gag. Usually his gag reflex, or lack there of, was perfect, but he had never had anything of this size hitting the back of his throat. Kurt continued to guide Blaine's head back and forth while he stood up and kissed the panting teacher, his lips barely able to close long enough before he was moaning again at the sensation of his dick at the back of the very talented boy's throat. Blaine's shaking hands slid up Mr. Martinez's thighs over his tight stomach and he dragged his nails down his skin.
"Kurt, ungh necesito-"
"I know and I want you to," Kurt growled against his lips and took the teacher's bottom lip between his teeth and bit as Blaine twisted his tongue beneath the ridge of the head of his cock. With great anguish, he removed his cock from Blaine's lips and hoisted Kurt into his arms, brushing his arm over his desk and laying the pale boy across it. Blaine quickly shed his clothes and kept his eyes glued to the beautiful scene before him- his desperate, whimpering boyfriend underneath a tanned, muscular man who was making declarations in Spanish. Blaine rounded the desk, leaning forward to kiss Kurt Spiderman style before he fumbled with the buttons on Kurt's collared shirt, splaying it open with his fingers and kneeding the soft, hot flesh beneath his hands.
"How are we doing so far, sir? Are we making up for our wrong doing?" Blaine looked up at Mr. Martinez through his thick lashes.
"You're getting there," he smirked, his voice pure gravel that made Blaine's cock twitch. He walked around and started to loosen the buttons on Mr. Martinez's shirt and left the tie around his neck, knowing Kurt always loved it when Blaine would leave his on. Blaine's cock brushed the teacher's entrance as the man had bent over to pull a bottle of lube from his bag. He groaned and rolled back against Blaine and Blaine ached to be buried inside him.
"Is it ok if I fuck you, sir? While you fuck Kurt?"
"Ungh, si," he grinned at Blaine. After gathering lube on his fingers he handed the bottle to Blaine. Mr. Martinez leaned down and took Kurt's cock in his mouth while he slicked his entrance and pushed a finger in. Kurt dug his nails into the wood of the desk and did his best to stifle his moans.
"No one's here, baby," Blaine assured him as he massaged the teacher's perinium, "Let him hear you moan like a whore."
With the granted permission, Kurt released his bottom lip from his teeth and groaned as Mr. Martinez added another finger and hooked them up. Mr. Martinez felt Blaine push a finger into him and pushed back against him, trying to sink him further inside. Blaine momentarily wished he had a video of this- no one would believe he was about to fuck the Spanish teacher- but his thoughts were pierced by Kurt babbling moans.
"Please, just...please-"
"Si, si, relajarse para mi ," Mr. Martinez got out as Blaine added two more fingers to him. "I'm ready, Blaine..."
Blaine pulled out and leaned down to his jeans pocket to pull out a condom. Mr. Martinez pulled his own from his satchel.
"You came awfully prepared, sir," Blaine smirked dazidly.
"I went home on my break. I didn't think I would be able to resist," he chuckled while he rolled on the condom. They exchanged the lube again and Mr. Martinez lined up with Kurt. Blaine pushed Mr. Martinez forward over the desk and pushed into him. The teacher let out a Spanish curse and reached down to line back up while Blaine sat, filling him, waiting.
"You ok?" Mr. Martinez mumbled against Kurt's lips.
"Yeah, I'm goo- Jesus FUCK!" Mr. Martinez covered his lips quickly to distract him as he slowly pushed into Kurt, stretching him further than he had ever been before.
Kurt's hand flew to his back and gripped while the other gripped the side of the desk and his body fought to relax and allow the large intrusion to slide further in.
Once he was fully sheathed, he released Kurt's lips, breathless. Kurt let out a choked moan and nodded, giving the go ahead to moved. Blaine, being the one in pulled back and thrusted deep and slow, pushing the teacher in and out of his boyfriend. Kurt's mind was a haze of pleasure and pain- Mr. Martinez's cock was pressing hard against his prostate, sending jolts of pleasure that made his fingers and toes numb and making him let out noises he didn't know he could even make.
Blaine's speed picked up slightly, still keeping in mind that he shouldn't hurt his boyfriend, but the heat around his cock was pulsing and wonderful. Mr. Martinez was standing on shaking knees at the dual pleasures he was feeling. He reached between him and Kurt, wrapping his large hand around Kurt's cock and pumping in time with Blaine's now quick, powerful thrusts.
"Se siente increible, Kurt," Mr. Martinez breathed heavily against his lips. Kurt barely got out a strangled moan in response. His brain was mush.
"Fuck, I'm close," Blaine groaned and gripped the teacher's hips, driving into him with frantic need. Mr. Martinez removed his hand from Kurt's cock and reached back to grip Blaine's thigh, nails blunt but digging into the sweaty flesh. That paired with Kurt's needy acclaimations send him falling, coming and stuttering curses. He pulled out quickly once it became too much, stumbling back and watching as Mr. Martinez stood, lifting Kurt with him, and lay back on the desk without pulling out of Kurt. Blaine moved between the teacher's spread legs as Kurt rode him hard and fast. Pressing his chest flush with Kurt's back he reached around and started jerking Kurt in time with each bounce of his hips.
"Talk to me, Kurt, tell me how it feels to be riding that huge cock," he growled in Kurt's ear.
"Ungh, so good," Kurt wrapped his arm around Blaine neck and buried his fingers in Blaine's sweaty hair. Mr. Martinez began thrusting up as Kurt came down, making the boy shake with pleasure.
"Voy- voy a-" Mr. Martinez's finger's on Kurt's hips dug in with bruising force then he was pulling Kurt hard down onto him, a delicious moan escaping his lips and his eyes squeezed tight. Blaine lapped and bit at Kurt's neck, stroking him hard and fast. With a tug of Blaine's hair and a full body tremble, Kurt came hard over his chest and stomach and Blaine's hand. Blaine pulled Kurt's body close against his chest, stroking him through his orgasm and easing him down from it with soft kisses and sweet words. After Kurt came around a little, he lifted off Mr. Martinez and got down off the desk. Blaine continued to press open mouthed kisses over his shoulders and neck.
"You ok?" he asked against Kurt's heated skin.
"Y-yeah," Kurt let out a breathless laugh. "Your partner is a lucky man, sir."
Mr. Martinez barked out a laugh. "How did you know I was gay?"
"Well, the fact that you let us fuck you and get fucked into oblivion by you certainly set off some alarms," Blaine smiled. Mr. Martinez shrugged and nodded.
"I have to say...I didn't think detention would turn out this way," he stepped up to the boys, rubbing both their arms.
"We tend to make most occasions uncoventional," Kurt nodded. They laughed and got redressed. With a limp, but a still-dazed expression, Kurt took Blaine's hand and they bid the teacher goodbye.
"Hey," he called after them and they turned. "No one with know?"
"We would never do that, sir," Kurt smiled genuinly. "I'll see you in class tomorrow."
Mr. Martinez smiled back and the boys walked out. He leaned back against his desk, letting out a breath and a chuckle. Welcome to McKinley, he thought.
"Ok, clase, repite- Sus dientes eran muy brillantes," Mr. Martinez instructed in class the next day. Kurt let out a giggle in the back row, the only one in the class who could actually understand what they were repeating, but did it all the same. Mr. Martinez shared a smile with him before Brett raised his hand.
"Si, Brett?"
"Um...you handed back our tests like...a few minutes ago and there's something on mine," he held up the test. Mr. Martinez furrowed his brow and walked over to inspect the paper. His eyes widened when he realized what it was- dried cum.
"Oh, um...I spilled...White-Out..."
Kurt bit his lip, trying his hardest to stifle the laugh rising in his chest.
I've been reading this on ff since I found it yesterday and just...wow. HOTNESS. ALL THE KINKS, ALL THE PEOPLE, ALL THE SEX, ALL THE TIME. Me gusta ;) No, but really, this is great and I look forward to more!
finally got off my lazy ass to see if there's been any updates after forgetting you switched to S&C. I love this fic, but i miss seeing you update:( Is there going to be any NEW updates any time soon?
Hey, I really enjoy this story and I was wondering if you are ever going to continue this. :)
These are good. You should really write more.